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The standard FAO methodology for the determination of crop water requirements uses the product of reference evapotranspiration (ETo) and crop coefficient values. This methodology can be also applied to soil-grown plastic greenhouse crops, which occupy extended areas in the Mediterranean basin, but there are few data assessing methodologies for estimating ETo in plastic greenhouses. Free-drainage lysimeters were used between 1993 and 2004 to measure ETo inside a plastic greenhouse with a perennial grass in Almería, south-eastern Spain. Mean daily measured greenhouse ETo ranged from values slightly less than 1 mm day−1 during winter to values of approximately 4 mm day−1 during summer in July. When the greenhouse surface was whitened from March to September (a common practice to control temperature), measured ETo was reduced by an average of 21.4%. Different methodologies to calculate ETo were checked against the measurements in the greenhouse without and with whitening. The methods that performed best in terms of accuracy and statistics were: FAO56 Penman–Monteith with a fixed aerodynamic resistance of 150 s m−1, FAO24 Pan Evaporation with a constant Kp of 0.79, a locally-calibrated radiation method and Hargreaves. Given the data requirements of the different methods, the Hargreaves and the radiation methods are recommended for the calculation of greenhouse ETo because of their simplicity.  相似文献   
The rust fungus Austropuccinia psidii has spread globally and naturalized in areas with naïve species of Myrtaceae. Previous studies have revealed multiple strains of A. psidii within South America and two strains outside of its native range. The rust spreads by windborne mitotic urediniospores, which are the dominant spore stage. Teliospores and basidiospores of A. psidii are also formed; however, the biological role of these stages in the life cycle is unknown. Experiments presented here tested whether basidiospores of A. psidii could infect Syzygium jambos. The sori produced by infection with basidiospores were screened with five microsatellite markers to confirm whether they were a product of recombination. The findings showed that basidiospores of A. psidii could cause infection on species of Myrtaceae and the resulting sori were a product of recombination. This has important implications for programmes that breed for resistance to this aggressive pathogen in commercial eucalypt forestry.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of rapid cooling prior to freezing on frozen-thawed canine sperm quality. In experiment 1, centrifuged ejaculates from 6 dogs were pooled, split into 4 aliquots and cryopreserved by the Uppsala procedure using different cooling rates (control, cooling speed 18 C/90 min and average cooling rate 0.2 C/min; rapid, cooling speed 18 C/8 min and average cooling rate 2.25 C/min) in combination with 2 glycerol addition protocols (fractionated or unfractionated). In experiment 2, centrifuged ejaculates from 4 dogs were processed individually using the same cooling rates described in experiment 1 in combination with an unfractionated glycerol addition protocol. Each of the experiments was replicated 5 times. Sperm quality was evaluated after 30 and 150 min of post-thawing incubation at 38 C. Total motility (TM), progressive motility (PM) and quality of movement parameters were assessed using a computerized system, and sperm viability (spermatozoa with intact plasma and acrosome membranes) was assessed using flow cytometry (H-42/PI/FITC-PNA). Values for TM, PM, viable spermatozoa and the quality of movement parameters after thawing were not significantly affected by the cooling rate. The interaction between the cooling rate and the added glycerol protocol was not significant. There were significant differences among the males (P<0.01) in the sperm quality parameters evaluated after thawing. The interaction between the males and the cooling rate was not significant. In conclusion, canine spermatozoa can be cryopreserved using the Uppsala method at an average cooling rate of 2.25 C/min prior to freezing together with addition of fractionated or unfractionated glycerol.  相似文献   
Adelgids (Hemiptera) in the genus Pineus have been reported as introduced insect pests causing serious losses to Pinus plantations worldwide. In 2008, Pineus boerneri was recorded for the first time in Colombia, with infestations noted on Pinus kesiya, P. tecunumanii, P. maximinoi and P. oocarpa. The lack of information on this insect in Colombia prompted investigations of its life cycle and infestation levels as well as host susceptibility of the main Pinus species planted in Colombia. In addition, the possibility of using a Ceraeochrysa species, an already established predator of adelgids in Colombia, for biological control was considered. Results showed that Pineus boerneri in Colombia has an anholocyclic life cycle comprised of four instars with a complete duration of between 49 and 97 d. Infestations were higher in the middle and upper part of trees. Pinus kesiya and P. maximinoi had the highest levels of susceptibility in field as well as in greenhouse trials. A survey of naturally infested trees showed P. tecunumanii to be moderately susceptible, whereas P. patula and P. oocarpa had low levels of susceptibility in a greenhouse trial but were not susceptible in the field. Investigations considering the impact of predation of Ceraeochrysa species showed a high predation rate of up to 140 P. boerneri consumed per day by a single Ceraeochrysa individual. Other predators of P. boerneri were recorded but were not sufficiently common to warrant detailed study.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to evaluate dexmedetomidine as a premedicant in dogs prior to propofol-desflurane anaesthesia, and to compare it with medetomidine. Six healthy dogs were anaesthetized. Each dog received intravenously (i.v.) five preanaesthetic protocols: D1 (dexmedetomidine, 1 microg/kg, i.v.), D2 (dexmedetomidine, 2 microg/kg, i.v.), M1 (medetomidine, 1 microg/kg, i.v.), M2 (medetomidine, 2 microg/kg, i.v.), or M4 (medetomidine, 4 microg/kg, i.v.). Anaesthesia was induced with propofol (2.3-3.3 mg/kg) and maintained with desflurane. The following variables were studied: heart rate (HR), mean arterial pressure, systolic arterial pressure, diastolic arterial pressure, respiratory rate (RR), arterial oxygen saturation, end-tidal CO2, end-tidal concentration of desflurane (EtDES) required for maintenance of anaesthesia and tidal volume. Arterial blood pH (pHa) and arterial blood gas tensions (PaO2, PaCO2) were measured during anaesthesia. Time to extubation, time to sternal recumbency and time to standing were also recorded. HR and RR decreased significantly during sedation in all protocols. Cardiorespiratory variables during anaesthesia were statistically similar for all protocols. EtDES was significantly different between D1 (8.1%) and D2 (7.5%), and between all doses of medetomidine. Desflurane requirements were similar for D1 and M2, and for D2 and M4 protocols. No statistical differences were observed in recovery times. The combination of dexmedetomidine, propofol and desflurane appears to be effective for induction and maintenance of general anaesthesia in healthy dogs.  相似文献   
Fluorescein angiography without sedative or anesthetic agents was evaluated in 20 normal goats and 20 normal sheep. All of the angiographic phases were observed using 20 mg/kg fluorescein IV in both species. Fundus fluorescein angiography results revealed wide stars of Winslow in the tapetal fundus, central or marginal flow during the first part of the arterial phase, delayed filling of the focal areas in the choroid near the optic disc that often coincided with others in the disc, and lack of evidence of the 'striate area' in the tapetal fundi. In goats, the angiographic times were 6.54+/-1.25 s for the arterial phase (TA), 7.80+/-1.37 s for the arterio-venous phase (TAV), and 14.13+/-2.01 s for the venous phase (TV). I1: 1.30+/-0.30 s (time elapsing between TA and TAV), and I2: 6.20+/-1.60 s (time elapsing between TAV and TV). In sheep, times were 9.54+/-2.18 s TA, 11.73+/-2.10 s TAV, and 20.86+/-2.74 s TV. I1: 2.04+/-0.75 s and I2: 8.98+/-2.47 s, respectively. Due to the large size of the fundic vessels in sheep and goats, fluorescein angiography of the retinal vasculature can facilitate the study of the different vascular diseases in these species.  相似文献   
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