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Ectomycorrhizae (ECM) or the root‐fungal association in forest ecosystems provide a unique soil microenvironment where soil properties and processes differ from the bulk soil. In this study, we would like to better understand the role of ECM systems in mineral weathering and its implications to soil formation and nutrient cycling in forest ecosystems. Specifically, we would like to document the spatial variations in the composition of soil solution and mineralogy of the rhizosphere as influenced by the ECM of Norway spruce + Piloderma croceum. Two‐month‐old seedlings of Norway spruce (control and colonized by P. croceum) were cultivated in special rhizotrons designed to allow spatial collection of soil solution. We used A and C horizons of a Dystric Cambisol collected from Höglwald forest near Munich. Micro suction cups (5 mm x 1mm) were installed in colonized and control rhizotrons, and soil solution was collected from September to November 2000. Our results show that the concentrations of NH , Ca2+, and Mg2+ in the soil solution were lower in <1.0 cm than in >3.0 cm distance from the roots of Norway spruce, due to the possible range of influence of Piloderma mycelium reaching about 2–3 cm from the surface of the mycorrhizal root. In the rhizotron with soil from the A horizon, a higher phosphorus content in Piloderma‐colonized seedlings was observed. X‐ray diffraction data indicate that chlorite and possibly mica are being transformed to 2:1‐expanding clay minerals (probably smectite) within <1.0 cm distance from roots. The spatial variations in soil solution composition and mineral transformation are likely to be due to Piloderma colonization and concentrated mycelial growth within <1.0 cm distance from the roots. This is also evident in more intricate growth of mycelia on surfaces of micaceous minerals as compared to quartz. We assume that Piloderma modifies soil solution and mineralogy through acquisition of essential elements for its own survival and/or for the uptake by plant roots. However, the presence of spontaneous infection with wildtype ECM in the control plots may have altered the influence of Piloderma and must be taken into consideration when interpreting our results.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to determine the number, morphology and ultrastructure of preantral ovarian follicles of buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) foetuses at different ages. Quantification revealed number of primordial, primary and secondary follicles of 48 857 ± 17 506, 26 000 ± 20 452, 18 428 ± 10 875 and 18 375 ± 19 690, 225 ± 349, 326 ± 288 at 12–34 cm and 35–60 cm crown rump length (CRL), respectively. Follicular diameter values were 28.9 (±3.4), 34.7 (±5.9) and 59.4 (±12.6) μm; oocyte diameters were 21.7 (±2.8), 24.3 (±3.4) and 33.0 (±7.7) μm, and the numbers of follicular cells in the follicle equatorial section were 7.1 (±1.4), 12.0 (±2.4) and 13.8 (±2.4) for primordial, primary and secondary follicles, respectively. The primordial follicle consisted of an oocyte surrounded by a layer of flattened follicular cells with a normally eccentric oocyte nucleus. Dispersed Golgi complex, smooth endoplasmic reticulum, rounded mitochondria and several lipid vesicles were observed in the cytoplasm and cell junctions between the follicle cell membranes and the oocyte. This work describes the number, morphometry and ultrastructure of preantral follicles of buffalo foetuses, concluding that folliculogenesis is established between 8 and 34 cm CRL and that follicle number varies individually and according to age and that further studies are needed in this species.  相似文献   
The objective of this experiment was to assess the features and extent of follicular apoptosis in the water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) ovary using classical histology and nick end labelling technique. Ovaries (n = 40) procured from the slaughterhouse were used for the study. The sections (5 μm) were used for detection of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase‐mediated dUTP‐biotin nick end labelling (TUNEL) and classical histology (H&E). Those follicles showing ≥ 5% TUNEL positivity (TUNEL assay) and pyknotic nuclei (histology) in granulosa cells were classified as atretic. Based on histology, the atretic primary and secondary follicles (%) were 93.82 and 95.62 respectively. The histology study reveals that the rates (%) of atresia in <1, 1–3, 3–5 mm and >5 mm were 36.90, 40.50, 62.84 and 74.5 respectively. Further the atretic tertiary follicles (%) were significantly lower than the primary and secondary classes of follicles. TUNEL assay reveals that the atretic rate (%) of tertiary follicles in <1, 1–3, 3–5 and ≥ 5 mm class follicles were 50.88, 53.84, 81.81 and 36.36 respectively. The percentage of atresia in >5 mm diameter follicles were significantly lower in TUNEL than histology. Percentages of granulosa and thecal cells positive for atresia by TUNEL were 30.7 ± 0.53 and 13.82 ± 0.18 respectively per follicle. The initial structural changes in atretic follicles were seen primarily in the granulosa cells. In severely atretic follicles TUNEL positive granulosa cells along with theca cells have to be considered in assessing the rate and extent of atresia.  相似文献   
Total globulins extracted with 0.4 M NaCl in buffer from coconut endosperm separated into two peaks on gel filtration: peak I corresponding to 11S globulin or cocosin and peak II to 7S globulin with native molecular weights of 326 000 and 156 000, respectively. The percent composition of total globulins was estimated to be 11S, 86% and 7S, 14%. On SDS-PAGE, cocosin resolved into two closely migrating bands at approximately 34 000 (acidic polypeptide) and another set of 2 bands at 24 000 (basic polypeptide). Each set consisted of one darkly stained band and one lightly stained band. The 7S globulin consisted of three bands of 16 000, 22 000, and 24 000. Three isoforms of cocosin were identified after anion exchange chromatography. Cocosin, but not the 7S, was found to have disulfide bonds. Using periodic acid-Schiff's reagent, all of the bands of cocosin on SDS-PAGE were positive for carbohydrate. However, when con A-peroxidase was used, only the basic polypeptide stained positively for carbohydrate. For the 7S globulin, no carbohydrate group was detected using the PAS and con A-peroxidase tests. The 7S globulin was easily extracted with 0.10-0.15 M NaCl, whereas cocosin was extracted with 0.35 M NaCl. The N-terminal amino acid sequences of the 34 k band and 24 k band of cocosin were SVRSVNEFRXE and GLEETQ, respectively, and that of the 7S was EQEDPELQK.  相似文献   
The role of lichens in the breakdown of rocks in various environments is well documented. We investigated the formation of secondary minerals under 13 different fungal species growing on a basaltic flow in Sanliurfa (Turkey) to understand the influence of lichen species on the transformation of minerals in a Mediterranean environment. We used molecular technique (rDNA sequence) to identify 13 different species of lichens (7 crustose, 5 foliose and 1 pathogenic). X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy were used to determine the composition of mineral accumulations. The formation of quartz and 2:1 phyllosilicates in various layers (top, brown and white) of the weathered basaltic flows under all the lichen colonies may be the result of precipitated silica alone (quartz) or in combination with aluminum (2:1 clays) released as a by-product during the breakdown/weathering of primary silicate minerals present in the basalt. However, aeolian deposition may also be a possible source of these mineral species. Whewellite, a calcium oxalate mineral, accumulates in the weathered basalt underneath all the species of lichens. We believe that the formation of whewellite was due to organic acids excreted by fungal hyphae to dissolve primary minerals (e.g., olivine and feldspars); this lichen-mediated process released enough calcium and generated oxalate necessary for the formation of whewellite.  相似文献   
We investigated the potential application of pyrolysis treatment to a mixture of woody biomass and a metal-contaminated soil as an alternative eco-friendly option to stabilize metals in soils. Our specific objective was to test the optimum combination of high heating temperature (HHT) and heating time to effectively encapsulate metals in a contaminated soil into a biochar. For this purpose, we used a laboratory bench batch reactor to react a mixture of multi-element metal contaminated soil with 0% (control) 5%, 10%, and 15% (w/w) sawdust. Each mixture was reacted at 200°C and 400°C HHT for 1 and 2 h heating times. Physicochemical and morphological characterization along with standard EPA Synthetic Precipitation Leaching Procedure (SPLP) test were conducted to assess the effectiveness of the heat treatment to immobilize the metals in the contaminated soil. Compared to controls, we recorded up to 93% reduction in Cd and Zn leachability after 1 h heat treatment at 400°C, with the addition of 5–10% biomass. Pb leaching was reduced by 43% by the same treatment but without the addition of biomass. At lower pyrolysis temperature (200°C), however, there was a substantial increase in both As and Zn leaching compared to the untreated controls. Our study suggests that several factors such as the type of metal, heating temperature, heating period, and the addition of biomass influence the efficiency of pyrolysis to immobilize metals in the contaminated soil.  相似文献   


Sir:— In the recent letter from N. Inglis,(1) Inglis, N. 1984. Leptospira icterohaemorrhagia infection in deer. N.Z. vet. J., 32: 179179. [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] an infection by Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae in deer is postulated on the basis of serological evidence. Results of antibody testing with other serovars of Leptospira would be most informative and would reveal cross-reactions, which are known to occur freyuently. Further, the strain of L. icterohaemorrhagiae antigen and the type of test used would be of great interest to readers. Seroconversion to L. icterohaemorrhagiae serovar copenhageni, has been well documented since 1951.(2) Kirschner, L. and Gray, W.G. 1951. Leptospirosis in New Zealand. Infection with Spirochaela in animals and man. N.Z. med. J. L. No. 278, : 342342.  [Google Scholar]  相似文献   
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