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Serum progesterone concentrations and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity of blood neutrophils were determined in 3 groups of cows (n = 5 each) on days 1 and 2 and then at 3-day intervals up to 32 days post-partum. Group I cows had a normal delivery, Group II cows had dexamethasone-induced parturition and Group III cows were subjected to a caesarian section. All cows in Group III and 2 cows in Group II retained their fetal membranes. Mean serum progesterone concentrations declined the second day after calving (to < 0.67 ng/ml) and remained at low levels (< 0.54 ng/ml) throughout the observation period, except for the values in Group III, which were elevated on day 16 (0.94 ng/ml), declined again on day 26 (0.46 ng/ml) and peaked (1.05 ng/ml) on day 32 portpartum. Significant (P < 0.01) differences were found between serum progesterone concentrations on day 1 and on each of the other sampling days in Groups I and III. Day X parturition group interaction was significant (P < 0.05) for the progesterone concentrations. No significant differences were found between the overall means of ALP activity of blood neutrophils in the 3 parturition groups nor between days of the experiment. No significant correlation was found between serum progesterone concentrations and ALP activity values of blood PMN during the first 32 days post-partum. Inhalt: Serum Progesteron Konzentrat und Aktivität der alkalischen Phosphatase in neutrophilen Blutzellen bei Küken mit normalem und abnormalen Geburtsverlauf Serum-Progesteronkonzentrationen und alkalische Phosphatase- (ALP) Aktivität von neutrophilen Granulozysten, nach der Abkalbung am Tag 1 und 2 und dann im Abstand von 3 Tagen bis zum 32. Tag p.p. bei Kühen untersucht, die in drei Untersuchungsgruppen (n = 5) eingeteilt waren. Gruppe I kalbte normal ab, in Gruppe II wurde die Geburt durch Dexamethason eingeleitet, und Kälber der Gruppe III wurden via Kaiserschnitt gewonnen. Alle Tiere der Gruppe III und 2 Kühe der Gruppe II wiesen Nachgeburtsverhaltungen auf Der mittlere Serum-Progesterongehalt sank am 2. Tag p.p. auf < 0,67 ng/ml ab und blieb auf niederigem Niveau (< 0,54 ng/ml) während der gesamten Untersuchungs-periode. Lediglich in Gruppe III, mit erhöhten Werten (0,94 ng/ml) an Tag 16 p.p., sanken die Werte wieder an Tag 26 p.p. (0,46 ng/ml) und erreichten einen Maximalwert an Tag 32 p.p. mit 1,05 ng/ml. Signifikante (P 0,01) Unterschiede in der Serum-Progesteronkonrentration wurden zwischen Tag 1 p.p. und allen anderen Untersuchungstagen in den Gruppen I und III gefunden. Interaktionen zwischen den Gruppen für Tag X waren signifikant (P 0,05). Keine signifikanten Unterschiede wurden für den Gesamtmittelwert der ALP-Aktivität in den neutrophilen Granulorysten zwischen den Gruppen und im Vergleich der Untersuchungstage gefunden. Es wurden auch keine signifikanten Korrelationen zwischen den Serum-Progesteronkonzentrationen und der ALP-Aktivität der PMN während der ersten 32 Tage p.p. nachgewiesen.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to evaluate the simultaneous use of plant growth promoting rhizobacterium (QS1) and different combinations of urea-nitrogen and biogas slurry-nitrogen for improving growth, yield, and nutritional quality of field grown okra. The isolate QS1 was identified as Bacillus sp. QS1 based on its ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) sequence analysis. Results revealed that among the combinations, the application of 50% urea-nitrogen + 50% biogas slurry-nitrogen was optimal for improving crop performance. This combination significantly (p ≤ 0.05) promoted okra growth viz. plant height (69.63–80.03 cm), no of branches per plant (14–18), shoot fresh weight (86.66–136.25 g/plant), root fresh weight (22.5–26.58 g/plant), and fruit yield (8.5–13.5 kg/plot) compared to the plants receiving 100% urea-nitrogen. The interactive effective of this nitrogen combination and QS1 inoculation produced the highest growth and yield response. Similarly, the same treatment improved nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and protein contents in shoot and fruit of okra compared to other treatments.  相似文献   
基于博弈论赋权的灌溉用水效率GRA—TOPSIS评价模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在构建区域灌溉用水效率综合评价指标体系的基础上,运用博弈论(Game theory,GT)思想将层次分析法(Analytic hierarchy process,AHP)所得主观权重与改进熵值法(Improved entropy value method,IEVM)所得客观权重进行综合集成以获取组合权值,并将灰色关联分析(Gray relation analysis,GRA)与逼近理想解排序(Technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution,TOPSIS)相结合,以三江平原10个大型灌区为例进行验证,对区域灌溉用水效率作综合评价。采用Spearman等级相关系数检验灌溉水有效利用系数排序与GRA-TOPSIS法排序,得到的相关系数高达0.863,且GRA-TOPSIS法、GRA法、TOPSIS法对同一灌区综合排序的位次相差均不超过2,表明评价结果具有合理性和一致性;GRA-TOPSIS法所得综合值的极差为0.343,变异系数为0.267,均高于单独使用GRA法或TOPSIS法的极差与变异系数,更有利于对灌区灌溉用水效率进行辨识分区。此外,根据目标层与准则层排序差异度将灌区分为3类,辨识各灌区灌溉用水效率主控因子,对区域灌溉用水效率发展策略的制定具有参考价值。  相似文献   
Controlled-release formulations of 14C-labelled thiobencarb herbicide were prepared in calcium alginate using kaolin as an inexpensive filler. The rates of release of the herbicide from these and from a commercial granular formulation were studied in static distilled water contained in open and closed vessels. The rate of release of the herbicide was much higher from the commercial formulation than from the controlled-release formulations. Increasing the proportion of kaolin to calcium alginate in controlled-release formulations reduced the rate of release of the herbicide. There was a significant loss of thiobencarb-related radioactivity from the water solution when the vessels containing the solutions were left uncovered and exposed to light. The loss of the herbicide seemed to be due to degradation and evaporation.  相似文献   
The zinc (Zn) requirement of a maize (Zea mays L.) hybrid (‘FHY-396’) and an indigenous variety (‘EV-7004’) was measured at low (22.4 ± 5°C) and high (28.8 ± 5°C) root-zone temperatures (RZT). Four Zn rates (0, 3, 9 and 27 mg kg?1 soil) were applied to a calcareous loam soil in pots for the glasshouse study. Shoot and root dry matter yields were significantly more at the higher RZT. Regardless the RZT, maximum relative shoot dry matter yield in hybrid and variety was produced, respectively, at 9 and 3 mg Zn kg?1 soil. Zinc concentration in roots and shoots of both the cultivars increased with Zn rates and it was significantly more at the higher RZT. Cultivars differed in critical Zn concentration (CZnC) required for maximum shoot dry matter yield. The CZnC ranged from 25 to 39 μg Zn g?1 plant tissue for optimum growth of both the cultivars at low and high RZT.  相似文献   
Summary Sixty dairy buffaloes (second to fourth lactation) from a large buffalo farm were used to compare the effects of single intramuscular injections of 100 µg gondadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH), 250 µg GnRH or saline given on day 14post partum. The buffaloes had calved at the end of the breeding season (December). Milk samples for progesterone determination were taken at the time of injection and then three times a week either until first insemination or until around day 90post partum. GnRH given at 14 dayspost partum resulted in quicker completion of uterine involution, earlier resumption of ovarian activity, shorter intervals between calving and conception and a better first service conception rate in non-suckled dairy buffaloes. Differences between the results obtained by a GnRH dose level of 100 µg and 250 µg were non-significant. In the post-treatment period cases of prolonged luteal activity were common in all groups of buffaloes. Therefore the sequential administration of GnRH and prostaglandin is suggested for the management of post-partum reproductive activity in problem herds.
Desempeno Reproductivo De Bufalos Nili-Ravi Despues De Una Sola Inyeccion De GnRH Temprano Despues Del Post-Parto
Resumen Sesenta búfalos lecheros (segunda a cuarta lactancia) pertenecientes a un hato grande fueron utilizados para comparar los efectos de inyecciones intramusculares de 100 µg de GnRH, 250 µg y de solución salina, aplicadas 14 días después del parto. Los búfalos habian parido al final de la estación de pariciones (diciembre). Se tomaron muestras de leche para medir progesterona, en el momento de la inyección y después tres veces por semana hasta la primera inseminación, o hasta cerca de los 90 días post-parto. La GnRH administrada 14 días post-parto, dio como resultado una rápida involución uterina, más rápido retorno a la actividad ovárica, más cortos intervalos entre partos y concepción, y un mejor índice servicio-concepción en búfalos lecheros que no estaban amamantando. Los resultados de dosis de 100 µg y 250 µg no fueron significativos. En el período post-tratamiento, los casos de actividad luteal prolongada fueron comunes en todos los grupos de búfalos. Se sugiere entonces, la administración secuencial de GnRH y prostaglandina, parar el manejo de la actividad reproductiva post-parto en hatos problema.

Performances De Reproduction Du Buffle Nili-Ravi Apres Une Injection Unique PrecocePost Partum De Gonadotrophine (GnRH)
Résumé Soixante bufflesses laitières (de la seconde à la quatrième lactation), appartenant à une grande ferme d'élevage de buffles, ont été utilisées pour comparer les effets d'une injection unique intramusculaire de 100 µg de gonadotrophine, ou de 250 µg du même produit ou d'une solution de sérum physiologique. Les bufflesses avaient mis bas à la fin de la saison de reproduction soit en décembre. Des prélèvements de lait ont été effectués pour déterminer le taux de progestérone au moment de l'injection d'une part, puis trois fois par semaine d'autre part jusqu'à la première insémination ou aux alentours d'une période de 90 jours après le part. La gonadotrophine, libérée sous forme d'hormone (GnRH), injectée 14 jours après la mise bas a eu pour effet un retour complet plus rapide de l'involution utérine et des intervalles plus courts entre la mise bas et la conception ainsi qu'un meilleur taux de conception à la première monte chez les femelles laitières non allaitantes. Les différences entre les résultats obtenus par une dose de 100/µg ou de 250/µg de gonadotrophine (GnRH) n'étaient pas significatives. Pendant la période post-thérapeutique, des cas d'activité lutéale prolongée ont été courants dans tous les groupes de bufflesses. En conséquence, l'administration séquentielle de GnRH et de prostaglandine est conseillée pour contrôler l'activité post-partum de reproduction dans les troupeaux qui présentent des problèmes de cet ordre.
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