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除草剂在土壤-植物系统中的环境行为与毒性效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了除草剂在土壤-植物系统中的环境行为、生态毒性效应及与其他污染物的交互作用。认为除草剂的环境行为对其生态毒性具有重大的影响。大部分除草剂在土壤环境中被降解或流失。残余除草剂对植物的毒害表现在光合作用、生长发育和吸收上;对土壤生物的影响主要表现在抑制其生物活性上。  相似文献   
A total of 162 individuals, belonging to three Burkinabé and one Niger sheep populations, were analysed for prion protein (PrP) gene polymorphism at codons 136, 154 and 171. The ARQ allele was the most frequent in both the Burkinabé (86.7%) and the Niger (67.5%) sheep populations. The highly sensitive allele VRQ was not found in the sampled individuals. The highly resistant ARR allele was in very low frequency in the Burkina-Sahel (4.4%) and Mossi (3.2%) populations and was not present in the Djallonké and Touareg populations. Only 4 out of 15 possible PrP genotypes were identified in the sampled individuals. No favourable ARR/ARR genotypes were found in either of the breeds. Sequencing a subgroup of the samples allowed the identification of other five polymorphisms on the PrP gene sequence at codons 116, 138, 151, 237 and 240. The very low frequency of the ARR allele in the West African sheep should dissuade the implementation of a preventive selection programme aimed to increase resistance to scrapie, to avoid an extreme erosion of the genetic stock.  相似文献   
To determine whether glucocorticoids affect the function of the bovine corpus luteum (CL) during the estrous cycle and early pregnancy, we examined the effects of exogenous cortisol or reduced endogenous cortisol on the secretion of progesterone (P4) and on pregnancy rate. In preliminary experiments, doses of cortisol and metyrapone (an inhibitor of cortisol synthesis) were established (n=33). Cortisol in effective doses of 10 mg blocked tumor necrosis factor-induced prostaglandin F(2α) secretion as measured by its metabolite (PGFM) concentrations in the blood. Metyrapone in effective doses of 500 mg increased the P4 concentration. Thus, both reagents were then intravaginally applied in the chosen doses daily from Day 15 to 18 after estrus (Day 0) in noninseminated heifers (n=18) or after artificial insemination (n=36). Pregnancy was confirmed by transrectal ultrasonography between Days 28-30 after insemination. Plasma concentrations of P4 were lower in cortisol-treated heifers than in control heifers on Days 17 and 18 of the estrous cycle (P<0.05). However, the interestrus intervals were not different between control and cortisol-treated animals (P>0.05). Moreover, metyrapone increased P4 and prolonged the CL lifespan in comparison to control animals (P<0.05). Interestingly, in inseminated heifers, cortisol increased the pregnancy rate (75%) compared with control animals (58%), whereas metyrapone reduced the pregnancy rate to 16.7% (P<0.05). The overall results suggest that cortisol, depending on the physiological status of heifers (pregnant vs. nonpregnant), modulates CL function by influencing P4 secretion. Cortisol may have a positive influence on CL function during early pregnancy, leading to support of embryo implantation and resulting in higher rates of pregnancy in heifers.  相似文献   
The present study compared the changes in isoflavones (daidzein and genistein) and their metabolite (equol and para-ethyl-phenol) concentrations in the blood plasma of cyclic and pregnant heifers after feeding with soy bean. Twelve healthy heifers were divided into three groups: cyclic heifers (days 8-12 of the estrous cycle; control group; n=4), an early pregnancy group (2 months pregnant; n=4) and a late pregnancy group (8 months pregnant; n=4). All heifers were fed a single dose of 2.5 kg of soy bean and then blood samples were taken from the jugular vein for 8 h at predetermined intervals. The concentrations of soy bean-derived isoflavones and their active metabolites were measured in the blood plasma on an HPLC system. In the blood plasma of the early- and late-pregnant heifers, we found lower concentrations and time-dependent decreases in daidzein and genistein in comparison to cyclic heifers (P<0.05). Moreover, we noticed significant increases of equol and para-ethyl-phenol in the blood plasma of the early-pregnant heifers (P<0.05). In contrast, in the blood plasma of the late-pregnant heifers, we did not find an increase in the isoflavone metabolite concentrations compared with the early-pregnant heifers (P>0.05). In conclusion, physiological status (cyclicity or pregnancy) of the females influenced the concentrations of isoflavone metabolites in the blood plasma of the heifers. The stage of pregnancy affects isoflavone absorption, biotransformation and metabolism differently and results in higher concentrations of active metabolites of isoflavones during early pregnancy in comparison to their lower concentrations during late pregnancy. Therefore, we surmise that cows are more sensitive to active isoflavone metabolite actions during early pregnancy than cyclic heifers and heifers in late pregnancy.  相似文献   
Ultrasound approach has been used to assess morphology of the gonadal structure in the sex-reversed rainbow trout females (neomales) provided in the course of 11β-hydroxyandrostenedione treatment applied within gonadal differentiation period. Eighteen matured individuals (in range 38.0–48.6 cm of body length and 802–1644 g of body weight) were scanned using digital ultrasound apparatus (DP-6900 model) Mindray Ltd., during the spawning season. After screening, fishes were killed to validate the morphological configuration and position of the gonads in the body cavity. The favorable place for cross-sectional imaging of gonadal lobes was half of the distance between the pectoral and pelvic fins below lateral line of neomales. Most of the examined specimens (61 %) had properly shaped, paired testis. Moreover, presence of individuals with asymmetrical gonads (33 %) and one bisexual fish was confirmed. There were no differences between total volume of sampled semen and sperm motility, but statistically significantly different in sperm concentration within selected (with symmetrical and asymmetrical testis) groups of neomales. It was confirmed that ultrasonic imaging is an efficient and accurate method to determine the state of gonads of mature sex-reversed rainbow trout females during spawning season and offers the opportunity for non-invasive detection of any morphological anomalies in their gonads.  相似文献   
In semi‐arid regions, particularly in the Sahel, water and high‐temperature stress are serious constraints for groundnut production. Understanding of combined effects of heat and drought on physiological traits, yield and its attributes is of special significance for improving groundnut productivity. Two hundred and sixty‐eight groundnut genotypes were evaluated in four trials under both intermittent drought and fully irrigated conditions, two of the trial being exposed to moderate temperature, while the two other trials were exposed to high temperature. The objectives were to analyse the component of the genetic variance and their interactions with water treatment, year and environment (temperature) for agronomic characteristics, to select genotypes with high pod yield under hot‐ and moderate‐temperature conditions, or both, and to identify traits conferring heat and/or drought tolerance. Strong effects of water treatment (Trt), genotype (G) and genotype‐by‐treatment (GxTrt) interaction were observed for pod yield (Py), haulm yield (Hy) and harvest index (HI). The pod yield decrease caused by drought stress was 72 % at high temperature and 55 % at moderate temperature. Pod yield under well‐watered (WW) conditions did not decrease under high‐temperature conditions. Haulm yield decrease caused by water stress (WS) was 34 % at high temperature and 42 % under moderate temperature. Haulm yield tended to increase under high temperature, especially in one season. A significant year effect and genotype‐by‐environment interaction (GxE) effect were also observed for the three traits under WW and WS treatments. The GGE biplots confirmed these large interactions and indicated that high yielding genotypes under moderate temperature were different to those at high temperature. However, several genotypes with relatively high yield across years and temperature environments could be identified under both WW and WS conditions. Correlation analysis between pod weight and traits measured during plant growth showed that the partition rate, that is, the proportion of dry matter partitioned into pods, was contributing in heat and drought tolerance and could be a reliable selection criterion for groundnut breeding programme. Groundnut sensitivity to high‐temperature stress was in part related to the sensitivity of reproduction.  相似文献   
Previous in vitro studies demonstrated that bovine endometrium has the capacity to convert inactive cortisone to biologically active cortisol (Cr) and that Cr inhibits cytokine‐stimulated prostaglandin F (PGF) production. This study was carried out to test the hypothesis that bovine reproductive tract has the capacity to convert cortisone to Cr in vivo and to evaluate the effects of intravaginal application of exogenous cortisone on uterine PGF secretion during the late luteal stage. The temporal relationships between PGF and Cr levels in uterine plasma were also determined. Catheters were inserted into jugular vein (JV), uterine vein (UV), vena cava caudalis (VCC) and aorta abdominalis (AA) of six cows on Day 15 of the oestrous cycle (ovulation = Day 0) for frequent blood collection. On Day 16, the cows were divided randomly into two groups and infused intravaginally with vaseline gel (10 ml; control; n = 3) or cortisone dissolved in vaseline gel (100 mg; n = 3). Blood samples were collected at ?2, ?1, ?0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 h after treatments (0 h). Intravaginal application of cortisone increased plasma concentrations of Cr between 0.5 and 1.5 h in UV, at 0.5 h in VCC, at 1 h in JV and at 1.5 h in AA. The plasma concentrations of PGF in UV and of PGF metabolite in JV were greater at 0.5 and 1 h in the cortisone‐treated animals than in control animals. The levels of PGF in UV blood plasma decreased after Cr reached its highest levels. The overall findings suggest that the female reproductive tract has the capacity to convert cortisone to Cr in vivo. Based on the temporal changes of PGF and Cr levels in the uterine plasma, a biphasic response in PGF secretion was found to be associated to the Cr increase induced by the cortisone treatment at the late luteal stage in non‐pregnant cows.  相似文献   
沼气工程高效稳定运行技术现状及展望   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
总结分析了沼气工程相关技术现状和技术需求,并对其未来发展进行了展望。我国的原料收贮和预处理技术亟待升级,仍需大量的科研投入以研发关键的核心技术装备。实现沼气工程运行情况的有效监测和及时预警,以及开发合适的微量元素添加剂和功能微生物菌剂对推动我国沼气工程的高效稳定运行具有重要意义。试验并研发新型膜材料和对常规材料的共混与改性处理是提高沼气膜分离提纯能力的主要手段。沼液的资源化利用技术是摆脱沼气工程可持续发展瓶颈的关键。结合沼气工程产业发展需求,充分论证技术瓶颈,合理配置科技资源,加大科技攻关投入,实现自主化技术研发、标准化工程设计、工厂化装备制造、模块化安装建设以及专业化安装调试等标准化集成,同时创新沼气工程技术的应用模式能更好地推动沼气工程技术的发展。  相似文献   
Cereal production is chronically deficit in the Timbuktu region of Mali, sufficient for only 4.5 months of annual household consumption. Small-scale, village-based irrigation schemes, usually 30–35 ha in size, irrigated by a diesel motor pump, have become important to improve food security in this arid region. The NGO Africare has worked during the past 12 years with farmers in Goundam and Dire circles to establish irrigation schemes and provide them with technical assistance. In 2007, Africare undertook a first test of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Goundam circle. After farmers observed a yield of 9 t ha−1 of paddy compared to 6.7 t ha−1 in the control plot there was interest in larger scale testing of the SRI system. In 2008, Africare, in collaboration with the local Government Agriculture Service and with support from the Better U Foundation, implemented a community-based evaluation of SRI with 60 farmers in 12 villages. Farmers in each village selected five volunteers, who each installed both SRI and control plots, side by side, starting the nurseries on the same day and using the same seed. For SRI plots, seedlings were transplanted one plant hill−1 at the two-leaf stage (on average, 11.6 days old), with spacing of 25 cm × 25 cm between hills and aligned in both directions. This allowed farmers to cross-weed with a cono-weeder, on average 2.4 times during the season. In the control plots, farmers planted 3 plants hill−1 with seedlings 29.4 days old and spaced on average 23.7 cm, not planted in lines. Weeding was done by hand. 13 t ha−1 of organic matter was applied under SRI management, and 3 t ha−1 in the control plots. Fertilizer use was reduced by 30% with SRI compared to the control. Although alternate wetting and drying irrigation is recommended for SRI, this was not optimally implemented due to constraints on irrigation management within the scheme; thus water savings were only 10% compared to the control. Average SRI yield for all farmers reached 9.1 t ha−1, with the lowest being 5.4 t ha−1 and highest being 12.4 t ha−1. SRI yields were on average 66% higher than the control plots at 5.5 t ha−1, and 87% higher than the yields in surrounding rice fields at 4.9 t ha−1. Number of tillers and panicles hill−1, number of tillers and panicles m−2, and panicle length and number of grains panicle−1 were clearly superior with SRI compared to control plants. Farmers tested five varieties, all of which produced better under SRI. The SRI system allowed for a seed reduction of 85–90%: from 40–60 kg ha−1 for the control plots to 6.1 kg ha−1 under SRI. Although production costs per hectare were 15% higher for SRI, revenue was 2.1 times higher than under the control. Farmers were very satisfied with these results. In 2009/2010, Africare and the Government’s agriculture service worked with over 270 farmers in 28 villages to scale up SRI practices and to test innovations, including composting techniques, optimization of irrigation, and techniques to reduce labor requirements and production costs. The good crop performance along with other advantages was confirmed in this third year with SRI yields of 7.7 t ha−1 (n = 130 farmers) compared to 4.5 t ha−1 in farmers’ fields.  相似文献   
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