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针对引黄灌区一种新型重力式沉沙池开展研究,这种沉沙池通过在沉沙池中布置斜管缩短泥沙沉降距离,进而提高沉沙池沉沙效率.基于数值模拟技术,利用Star-ccm+软件中的Realizable k-ε模型模拟了河套灌区斜管式重力沉沙池的水流运动过程.数值模拟计算结果与实测数据吻合良好,表明数值模拟计算的结果可以较好地反映斜管式重力沉沙池流场特性.模拟结果表明沉沙池斜管区域流态比较稳定,有利于泥沙稳定沉降;沉沙池首部与斜管区前部底端与后部顶端存在的旋涡区不利于泥沙的稳定沉降;池尾溢流堰的吸水作用影响了斜管区域的流态稳定,降低了泥沙沉降效率.研究表明,该型沉沙池下一步需要对调流板孔洞布置形式、斜管布置高度、溢流堰位置进行优化.  相似文献   
【Objective】 This paper aims to study the optimal layout of inclined pipes in sedimentation basins in attempts to improve sediment removal efficiency in the Yellow River. 【Method】Three different layouts of inclined pipes were compared: a single layer (Fs), and two double-layer layouts (Fv1, Fv2), in a gravity-operated sedimentation basin. Sediment distribution of three typical particle sizes in the upstream (Su), middle stream (Sm), and downstream (Sd) was measured. Sediment tests were conducted under a low (Qq) and a high (Qs) flow rate to compare the impact of pipe inclination on sedimentation in the three layouts. 【Result】The large granular sediment settled prior to entering the inclined pipes, while the fine particle sediment (<75 µm) was effectively captured by the inclined pipe. These resulted in an outlet sediment content of 0.342~1.354 kg/m3 and a sand content of 0~0.018 kg/m3. Among the different inclined pipe layouts, Fv2 exhibited the lowest sediment and related sand, silt, and clay content at the outlet, followed by Fv1 and Fs. The Fv2 effectively controlled the outlet sediment content at 0.342~0.991 kg/m3, showing a reduction of 10.01%~20.95% and 26.82%-38.83%, compared to Fv1 and Fs, respectively. Furthermore, different Yellow River sections showed variations in sediment content, with the Su section exhibiting the lowest sediment and related sand, silt, and clay content. 【Conclusion】The sediment treatment capacity varied significantly among the three inclined pipe layouts for different Yellow River sediments (P<0.05). The V-shaped inclined pipe layout was superior to the conventional layout, with the Fv2 (inclination angles of 60° and 45°) being most effective. © 2023 Office of Journal of Irrigation and Drainage, Farmland Irrigation Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
微纳米气泡加氧灌溉对水培蔬菜生长与品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为温室水培蔬菜提出适宜微纳米气泡加氧灌溉控制质量浓度提供相应的理论指导,研究了5种不同加氧质量浓度灌溉(30、25、20、15、10 mg/L)对油麦菜、小白菜、小油菜产量和品质的影响效应。结果表明,微纳米气泡加氧质量浓度对水培蔬菜的生长与品质指标影响差异显著,3种水培蔬菜的干质量随加氧质量浓度的升高呈先增加后减少的趋势,而根长随加氧质量浓度的升高呈递增趋势;加氧质量浓度为10 mg/L时,蔬菜VC量较高;加氧质量浓度为15 mg/L时,干质量和叶片长度均能达到较高水平;加氧质量浓度为20 mg/L时,蔬菜可溶性糖量较高;加氧质量浓度为30 mg/L时,蔬菜根系较发达。综合考虑作物生长与品质等因素,水培蔬菜适宜的加氧灌溉质量浓度为10~20 mg/L。  相似文献   
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