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The impact of flavonoids released by phosphorus-deficient white lupin roots on inorganic P and soil microorganisms is largely unknown. We report that flavonoids isolated from white lupin roots mobilized inorganic phosphorus and decreased soil microbial respiration, citrate mineralization, and soil phosphohydrolase activities, but did not reduce the soil ATP content. The results suggest that white lupin's release of flavonoids into the rhizosphere plays a significant role in its efficient P-acquisition strategy by solubilizing Fe-bound P and by limiting the microbial mineralization of citrate.  相似文献   
The effect of a soil humic fraction (HS) on proton extrusion into deionized water by intact oat seedling roots was studied. In the presence of HS, at concentration of 10 μg organic carbon (C) mL‐1, a clear stimulation of acidification of the outer medium by the roots was observed after three to four hours of incubation. The addition of 0.5 mM vanadate to the solution bathing the roots drastically reduced the net proton extrusion, either in the presence or absence of HS, suggesting the involvement of the plasma membrane H+‐ATPase in the stimulation of the acidification of the outer medium by oat roots. The release of potassium (K) from the roots into deionized water was also monitored concomitantly to the proton extrusion. The loss of endogenous K from the roots was similar in the presence or absence of HS, while the recovery of the cation was slower in the presence of the humic fraction. However, after reabsorption of the released K, no net acidification was observed in control roots, while HS‐treated roots significantly decreased the pH of the deionized water. The addition of 3 mM K to the external medium greatly enhanced the proton release from roots, while the presence of humic substances reduced the magnitude of the stimulation by K. When K was supplied at a concentration closer to that encountered in the soil (<0.1 mM), HS significantly stimulated proton release. The effect of HS on root extracellular acidification supports the idea of a role of soil humic substances on plant nutrition via interaction with cell membrane functions.  相似文献   
Genomic selection in tea plant (Camellia sinensis) breeding has the potential to accelerate efficiency of choosing parents with desirable traits at the seedling stage. The study evaluated different genome-enabled prediction models for black tea quality and drought tolerance traits in discovery and validation populations. The discovery population comprised of two segregating tea populations (TRFK St. 504 and TRFK St. 524) with 255 F1 progeny and 56 individual tea cultivars in validation population genotyped using 1,421 DArTseq markers. Twofold cross-validation was used for training the prediction models in the discovery population on eight different phenotypic traits. The best prediction models in the discovery population were consequently fitted to the validation population. Of all the four model-based prediction approaches, putative QTLs (Quantitative Trait Loci) + annotated proteins + KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopaedia of Genes and Genomes) pathway-based prediction approach showed more robustness. The findings have for the first time opened up a new avenue for future application of genomic selection in tea breeding.  相似文献   
The capability of water‐extractable humic substances (WEHS) to solubilize Fe from sparingly soluble Fe‐hydroxide was studied. Addition of WEHS (1.7 mmol organic C l—1) to a dialysis tube containing labeled insoluble Fe‐hydroxide caused an increase in the amount of 59Fe measured in the external solution. The humic fraction was also able to solubilize Fe from soil samples, with levels comparable to those obtained using a solution containing 100�μM DTPA. By measuring the amount of 59Fe eluted from soil columns pre‐loaded with 59Fe‐WEHS it was possible to evaluate the mobility of Fe complexed to the humic molecules. The recovery of 59Fe varied from 2% to 25% in respect to the soil type used. The ability of Fe‐WEHS to serve as an Fe source for the phytosiderophore hydroxy‐mugineic acid (HMA) was also analyzed. The removal of 59Fe from the Fe‐WEHS complex by HMA was demonstrated by adding the phytosiderophore to a dialysis tube containing the 59Fe‐WEHS complex. The observations suggested a ligand exchange between the phytosiderophore and the humic fraction. The results indicate that WEHS is able to increase the amount of Fe present in the soil solution, possibly by forming mobile complexes with the micronutrient. These complexes could act as easily available Fe sources in Fe acquisition processes by both monocot and dicot plants, playing an important role particularly in soils with low available Fe.  相似文献   
Traditionally, high amylose starch (HAS) from maize (Zea mays L.) has been mainly used as an ingredient in gum candies and as an adhesive for corrugated cardboard. Two recent advances have increased interest in the use of HAS. The first one has been the development of starch-based biodegradable thermo plastics. Second, high amylose maize is a source of resistant starch (RS), a type of starch that resists digestion. As a food additive, consumers can benefit from added RS since it will lower the glycemic index and the risk of colon cancer in accordance with recent research in food science. Normal maize has about 25% amylose starch. A maize inbred line, GEMS-0067 (Reg. no GP-550, PI 643420) possesses high amylose modifier gene(s) that, together with the recessive amylose extender (ae) gene, raises the starch amylose percentage to at least 70%. The objective of this study was to determine the gene effects, non-allelic interactions and heritability of high amylose content in maize using Bogyo’s triploid model. Nine populations were derived from a cross between H99ae, a maize inbred line with 55% amylose starch, and GEMS-0067. Data were collected from two locations in Missouri (MO) and South Dakota (SD) over 2 years (2005 and 2006). Incomplete dominance explained some of the inheritance of HAS. Maternal effects were also detected. The triploid models for MO and SD were separately established based on the corresponding data in 2005 and 2006. The additive and type 1 dominance effects in MO, and the additive, type 1 dominance, type 2 dominance, and additive × additive in SD were significantly different from zero meaning that those effects played an important role in amylose synthesis. Both broad-sense and narrow-sense heritabilities were high indicating that high amylose content could be effectively selected for in a segregating population.  相似文献   
The effect of a low molecular weight (<5kDa, LMW) and a high molecular weight (>5kDa, HMW) humic fractions on surface redox activities of oat roots was studied. Oxidation of the electron donor NADH and reduction of the artificial electron acceptor ferricyanide [K3Fe(CN)6] exogenously supplied to the roots both alone or in combination, was measured in the presence or absence of soil humic substances. HMW humic fraction inhibited NADH oxidation either in the presence or absence of ferricyanide, while LMW humic fraction inhibited NADH: ferricyanide oxidoreductase activity due to the contemporary addition of the two redox compounds to the solution bathing the roots. NADH: ferricyanide oxido‐reduction was partially due to the release of substances from the roots. However, the presence of soil humic fractions (LMW or HMW) did not significantly modify this behaviour. Rather, the inhibitory effect of soil humic substances was even more evident when the oxidoreduction solely due to the root activity was considered. The results confirm the presence of multiple types of oxidoreductase activities at the surface of oat roots and show that the two humic fractions HMW and LMW may differently affect these activities. Partial inhibition of NADH oxidase activity is interpreted as a possible way of interference of humic substances with metabolic processes involved in cell wall formation. The effects on surface redox activities are discussed in terms of the role of soil humic substances in promotion of plant growth.  相似文献   
Many dicotyledonous species respond to iron (Fe) deficiency by morphological and physiological changes at root level, which are usually defined as Strategy I. Particularly, these latter modifications include a higher acidification of the external medium and the induction of a high root Fe reductase activity. The aim of this work was to investigate the response of kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa cv. Hayward) plants, which often exhibit Fe chlorosis in the field, to Fe deficiency. Actinidia kept for two weeks in nutrient solution without Fe showed visual deficiency symptoms (leaf chlorosis). Moreover, upon prolonged micronutrient shortage shoot, and to a lesser extent, root dry weight accumulation was greatly impaired. Roots of Fe‐deficient Actinidia showed an increased capacity of net proton extrusion and higher ferric ethylenediaminetetraacetate [Fe(III)EDTA] reductase activity as compared to plants grown in the presence of 10 μM Fe(III)EDTA. Localization of the increased acidification and reductase capacity by means of agar‐technique revealed that these activities are both present in the sub‐apical region of the roots. Re‐supply of Fe after two weeks partially reversed the tendency of the roots to acidify the nutrient solution and to reduce Fe(III)EDTA.  相似文献   
The aim of this work is to evaluate the capability of tomato plants to use different Fe sources, such as Fe citrate, Fe phytosiderophores, and Fe complexed by a water-extractable humic substances (Fe-WEHS) also in relation to physiological and molecular adaptations induced by these complexes at the root level. Tomato plants acquired higher amounts of Fe from Fe-WEHS than from the other two sources and this phenomenon occurred only when the treatment lasted 24 h. The higher acquisition of Fe from Fe-WEHS than other sources depended on a reductive mechanism and on rhizosphere acidification and appeared to be due neither to a higher apoplastic loading nor to a higher resistance of WEHS to microbial degradation. Supply of the different Fe complexes to deficient plants induced a transient upregulation of Fe(III)-chelate reductase (LeFRO1) and Fe transporter genes, LeIRT1 and LeIRT2. In Fe-WEHS-fed plants, where a quicker and higher upregulation of these genes was evident, a coordination in the expression of LeFRO1, LeIRT1, and LeIRT2 genes occurred already after 1 h treatment when the amount of Fe acquired by the plants from the three sources was similar. Iron from Fe-WEHS could be efficiently acquired in a mixture of natural Fe complexes possibly occurring in the rhizosphere. This phenomenon is due to an altered expression of Fe uptake-related genes and to the root capacity to create favorable conditions for the micronutrient uptake into the rhizosphere.  相似文献   
Conventional optical components rely on gradual phase shifts accumulated during light propagation to shape light beams. New degrees of freedom are attained by introducing abrupt phase changes over the scale of the wavelength. A two-dimensional array of optical resonators with spatially varying phase response and subwavelength separation can imprint such phase discontinuities on propagating light as it traverses the interface between two media. Anomalous reflection and refraction phenomena are observed in this regime in optically thin arrays of metallic antennas on silicon with a linear phase variation along the interface, which are in excellent agreement with generalized laws derived from Fermat's principle. Phase discontinuities provide great flexibility in the design of light beams, as illustrated by the generation of optical vortices through use of planar designer metallic interfaces.  相似文献   
Plants mainly rely on a mixture of Fe complexes with different organic ligands, like carboxylates and soluble fractions of water-extractable humic substances (WEHSs), to sustain the supply of this micronutrient. It has been demonstrated that the Fe-WEHS complex is more efficiently acquired by plant roots as it enhances functionality of the mechanisms involved in Fe acquisition at the root and leaf levels, allowing a faster recovery of the Fe-deficiency symptoms. The aim of this work is to verify whether this recovery involves also the allocation and accumulation of nutrients other than Fe to and within the leaf tissues. Iron-deficient plants treated with Fe-WEHS recovered more quickly the functionality both to uptake nitrate at the root level and to fixate CO2 in the leaves than those supplied with Fe-citrate. Concomitantly, Fe-WEHS-treated plants also accumulated other cationic nutrients faster and at a higher extent. Synchrotron 2D-scanning μ-X-ray fluorescence analyses of the leaves revealed that the recovery promotes a change in the allocation of these nutrients from the vascular system (K, Cu, and Zn) or trichomes (Ca and Mn) to the entire leaf blade. Fe-WEHS treatment efficiently promotes the recovery from Fe-deficiency-induced chlorosis with an enhanced allocation of other nutrients into the leaves and promoting their distribution into the entire leaf blade.  相似文献   
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