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The shea tree, Vitellaria paradoxa Gaertner, is the source of a commercial seed fat known as shea butter. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of the tocopherol content of shea butters from different regions of Africa showed high variability between provenances and a significant effect of climate on alpha-tocopherol levels. The total tocopherol content (alpha, beta, gamma, and delta) in 102 shea butter samples from 11 countries ranged from 29 to 805 microg/g of shea butter, with a mean of 220 microg/g. alpha-Tocopherol, the principal form detected, averaged 64% of the total tocopherol content. Shea butters from Vitellaria populations situated in hot, dry climates had the highest levels of alpha-tocopherol (for example, a mean of 414 microg/g in samples from N'Djamena, Chad). The lowest concentrations of alpha-tocopherol were found in samples from cool highland areas, especially in northern Uganda (a mean of 29 microg/g).  相似文献   
A comparison was made between the genes in 29 new selections of wild emmer wheat resistant to yellow rust over wide geographic areas and the previously extensively studied selectionTriticum dicoccoides G-25. In 23 selections the resistance may be conferred by 1 dominant gene; these include 11 selections in which the gene is different from the dominant gene in sel. G-25 and two others in which the genes were closely linked or allelic to the gene in G-25, differing from sel. G-25 by race-specificity. Two dominant genes different from the gene in sel. G-25, seem to be present in one selection. In five selections the resistance may be conferred by one or two recessive genes, including three instances in which the recessive gene was associated with a dominat gene. Our findings show that at least 19 out of the 29 selections studied possess genes which are different from the gene inT. dicoccoides sel. G-25.Samenvatting In dit onderzoek werden 29 nieuwe resistente wilde-emmer selecties (Triticum dicoccoides) gekruist met de reeds uitvoerig bestudeerde resistente selectie G-25, om na te gaan of de resistentie van de nieuwe selecties wordt veroorzaakt door genen op dezelfde locus als het dominante gen in sel. G-25 of dat er andere loci bij zijn betrokken. De ouders, de F1-en F2-populaties van een bepaalade selectie werden in het kiemplantstadium getoetst met één Israëlisch gele-roest isolaat van fysio 2E0 of van fysio 2E18. In de uitsplitsende F2-populaties werden de niet-sporulerende planten als resistent beschouwd en de sporulerende als vatbaar.In de F2-populaties van 12 herkomsten werden geen vatbare planten gevonden, hetgeen er op duidt dat de resistentie wordt veroorzaakt door een gen op dezelfde locus als het gen in G-25 of door een gen dat neuw gekoppeld is aan het gen in G-25. Voor twee van deze herkomsten kan op basis van een fysio-specifieke interactie worden vastgesteld dat de resistentie berust op allelen die verschillen van het allel in sel. G-25. In 11 herkomsten werd een uitsplitsing voor twee dominante gene gevonden (RS=151), waarbij het tweede dominante gen uit de getoetste nieuwe selectie afkomstig is. De aanwezigheid van twee dominante genen verschillend van het gen in sel. G-25 werd gevonden in één herkomst (631). In de overige vijf selecties bleek de resistentie te worden veroorzaakt door één of twee recessieve genen waarnaast in drie gevallen ook nog een dominant gen werd gevonden.De resultaten tonen aan dat tenminste 19 van de 29 bestudeerde selecties resistentiegenen bezitten die verschillen van het gen inT. dicoccoides sel. G-25. Slechts in twee van deze selecties kan het gen allel zijn met het gen in sel. G-25.  相似文献   
Summary Twenty-four entries of wild emmer possessing temperature-sensitive genes for resistance to yellow rust were studied in the seedling stage, at two temperature-profiles, with 15 pathogenic races from 11 countries in South America, Africa, Asia and Europe. It was shown that the majority of the resistance genes in these wild emmer entries were race-specific. In most of these entries a more resistant reaction was displayed at the higher temperature-profile; however in three entries a shift in reaction towards resistance was observed with certain races but towards susceptibility with some of the other races, suggesting that two different kinds of temperature-sensitive genes were involved in each of these entries. The similarity of temperature-sensitive genes occurring in wild emmer and in cultivated wheat is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary Seven single-plant selections of wild emmer, with temperature-sensitive minor-effect genes for stripe rust resistance, were intercrossed in eight combinations. The resulting progenies were studied for a possible additive gene action.The transgressive segregation towards resistance in F2 observed in all the combinations indicates that additive gene action for resistance indeed occurs in wild emmer. The common occurrence of this phenomenon in random combinations suggests further that several minor-effect genes are involved.Following selection of the most resistant plants in F2, a marked shift towards resistance was noted in F3, which demonstrates a positive response to selection. In some instances, additive resistance selected for (in F2) at the high temperature-profile was expressed (in F3) also at the low temperature-profile. This kind of resistance, when utilized in breeding programmes, promises therefore to be effective over a range of temperatures.  相似文献   
Two oil spills occurred in the Evrona Nature Reserve (southern Israel), in 1975 and 2014. This oil contamination induced highly persistent soil hydrophobicity. The objective of this study was to investigate the decrease in oil-induced soil hydrophobicity under different environmental conditions and to assess the relationship between the hydrophobicity and hydrocarbon content. A laboratory incubation experiment was conducted over 1.5 years to monitor the soil hydrophobicity and total hydrocarbon concentration under different environmental conditions. We hypothesized that the addition of water (20% or 50% saturation), nutrients, and biosurfactants can accelerate the reduction in hydrophobicity and decomposition of hydrocarbons. Water drop penetration time and molarity of ethanol droplet tests were used to assess soil hydrophobicity. In parallel, alkane composition and total petroleum hydrocarbons were evaluated to indicate oil attenuation. The addition of water, nutrients, and biosurfactants resulted in a concomitant reduction in hydrophobicity and hydrocarbon concentration of varying degrees, exhibiting enhanced degradation and hydrophobicity reduction observed in treatments to which nutrients and biosurfactants were added. At the end of the incubation, however, soil hydrophobicity in all treatments remained severe, even though total petroleum hydrocarbon removal was fairly high and reached 40%–80% in the treatments to which water with or without nutrients and/or surfactants was added.  相似文献   
Summary Twenty-six selections of wild emmer collected at different sites in Israel and three entries obtained from Turkey were studied for the possible presence of temperature-sensitive genes controlling reaction to Puccinia striiformis. In tests carried out in Israel with a local P. striiformis isolate at two temperature regimes, 16 selections showed a change in infection rating toward resistance at the higher temperature regime. In comparable tests performed in the United States with a Montana P. striiformis isolate of different virulence pattern-including 14 of the same selection—ten entries displayed a temperature-sensitive reaction. Although slightly different temperature regimes were used in Israel and the United States, the results obtained were in general agreement. The shift toward resistance observed in the seedling tests at the higher temperature-profile was also evident in the field in the mature plant stage with increasing spring temperatures.  相似文献   
Summary An extensive collection of wild emmer was screened for yellow rust resistance in a joint project by research institutes in Israel and The Netherlands. In inoculation experiments performed both in seedling stage and at maturity, the wild emmer accessions displayed a diversity of responses to yellow rust infection, ranging from immunity to complete susceptibility.SelectionTriticum dicoccoides var.aaronsohni G-25 was most promising proving highly resistant to all 21 races and field races used. Selection G-7, which was also very resistant in the trials, differed slightly from G-25 in infection types produced on inoculation with one of the isolates; this may be an indication that the genetic factors controlling resistance in these two selections are not identical.It is concluded that the diversified populations of wild emmer indigenous to Israel possess genes which confer high resistance to a very wide spectrum of yellow rust races, including all common races in Western Europe and the Middle East. As resistance factors can be transferred easily fromT. dicoccoides to durum and common wheat, this source may be utilized in producing varieties of cultivated wheat with improved yellow rust resistance.Joint contribution from the Volcani Institute of Agricultural Research, Bet Dagan, Israel, 1969 Series, No. 1594-E, and the Institute of Phytopathological Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands.  相似文献   
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