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Recent advances in crayfish feeding have enabled the development of size grading studies from the start of first‐feeding. A 180‐day experiment aimed at intensive rearing of Pacifastacus leniusculus was carried out under controlled conditions, evaluating the effects of size grading at two different periods from the onset of exogenous feeding. Stage 2 juveniles were stocked in fibreglass tanks at a density of 100 m2, and fed a dry diet for salmonids combined with restricted amounts of Artemia cysts. Five groups were tested: no grading, grading at 60 days (large and small size) and grading at 100 days (large and small size). After 6 months, no significant differences were found in the survival among groups (mean: 73.06%). The highest final growth (pooled results from upper and lower classes: 17.39 mm carapace length, 1.43 g weight) was achieved by the crayfish sorted at 60 days, showing significant differences from the ungraded group. Smaller crayfish graded at 60 days grew significantly faster than smaller crayfish graded at 100 days. The food conversion ratio was lower in the graded groups (mean: 2.64), showing significant differences from the ungraded group (3.23). This study shows that size grading allows a better performance and an improved feeding efficiency.  相似文献   
There are no specifically formulated dry foods for tench (Tinca tinca L.), which forces farmers to use diets formulated for other fish species. This has major drawbacks, such as high mortality, slow growth, and body deformities. A 120 day experiment was performed with five-month-old juvenile tench (initial mean weight: 0.388 g; total length: 31.78 mm) to evaluate decapsulated Artemia cysts as a supplement to a dry diet for other fish species. Three treatments, differing in the daily supplement, were tested: 1,800 freshly hatched nauplii, 1,800 cysts, and 300 cysts per g of tench biomass. Final survival ranged between 95.3% and 97.9%. Juvenile tench that received the supplement of 1,800 decapsulated Artemia cysts had a specific growth rate (1.28), weight (1.83 g), and total length (52.30 mm) significantly higher than those with the same amount of nauplii. The lowest supplement (300 cysts/g of fish biomass) allowed significantly lower growth and higher condition coefficient (1.40) than the rest. Animals with body deformities (1.06%) were only recorded in the groups that received the lowest cyst supplement. Results showed Artemia cysts are a suitable dietary supplement for juvenile tench, being an advantageous alternative to live nauplii.  相似文献   
A major challenge to the widespread production of transgenic, knockout and knockdown zebrafish has been the absence of a simple and effective procedure for introducing macromolecules into the fertilized egg. None of the existing techniques for gene transfer in fish embryos has proven to be a major advance over cytoplasm microinjection, which is a technically demanding and time‐consuming procedure. This report addresses this need, considering that the development of protocols for lipid‐based transfection with fish embryos would considerably simplify gene transfer in this complex biological model. In this study, lipid‐based transfection with two different reporter vectors was carried out in zebrafish embryos at different developmental stages. The parameters tested included different plasmid/transfection reagent ratios as well as the influence of an added transfection enhancer reagent. When embryos were transfected in the blastula stage with a pEGFP‐N1 vector, more than 35% successfully incorporated the plasmid and expressed the fluorescent protein 24 h after transfection. The transfection enhancer did not show any significant effect in our experiments. This work presents an approach to implement this technique as a faster, cheaper and more practical alternative than microinjection.  相似文献   
Two experiments were conducted on the effects of bronopol in the artificial incubation of crayfish eggs (Pacifastacus leniusculus) with the aim to search an alternative to formaldehyde. In the first experiment, 50, 250, 500 and 1000 ppm bronopol and 3000 ppm formaldehyde (control) in periodical administrations were tested on a density of 6.6 eggs cm?2. After 44 days of incubation, the highest survival was obtained with 1000 ppm bronopol (81.9% to stage 2 juvenile, with no significant difference from formaldehyde), whereas lower bronopol concentrations resulted in significantly lower survival. In the second experiment, 1000, 3000 and 5000 ppm bronopol and 3000 ppm formaldehyde (control) administered for 15 min every second day were tested on eggs at a density of 20 eggs cm?2. After 78 days of incubation, bronopol at 3000 ppm allowed for a stage 2 juvenile survival rate of 65.0% (with no significant difference from formaldehyde), whereas significantly lower survival was obtained with 1000 ppm or 5000 ppm. This study shows that bronopol may constitute an alternative to formaldehyde in the artificial incubation of crayfish eggs. A concentration of 3000 ppm administered for 15 min every second day may be adequate even on long incubations at high densities (at least 20 eggs cm?2, one complete layer).  相似文献   
The effects of soaking, cooking, and industrial dehydration treatments on soluble carbohydrates, including raffinose family oligosaccharides (RFOs), and also on total dietary fiber (TDF), insoluble dietary fiber (IDF), and soluble (SDF) dietary fiber fractions were studied in legumes (lentil and chickpea). Ciceritol and stachyose were the main alpha-galactosides for chickpea and lentil, respectively. The processing involved a drastic reduction of soluble carbohydrates of these legumes, 85% in the case of lentil and 57% in the case of chickpea. The processed legume flours presented low residual levels of alpha-galactosides, which are advisable for people with digestive problems. Processing of legumes involved changes in dietary fiber fractions. A general increase of IDF (27-36%) due to the increase of glucose and Klason lignin was observed. However, a different behavior of SDF was exhibited during thermal dehydration, this fraction increasing in the case of chickpea (32%) and decreasing in the case of lentil (27%). This is probably caused by the different structures and compositions of the cell wall networks of the legumes.  相似文献   
Winter conditions in the NW Mediterranean cause instability of the water column and non-geostrophic dynamics, such as vertical mixing and convection are significant. These events involve nutrient supply to the photic zone that can sustain high productivity. In this study, we aim to investigate the role of winter hydrodynamics on the spawning strategies of Sardina pilchardus and Micromesistius poutassou. Data were obtained on two oceanographic cruises (February 2017 and 2018) off the Catalan coast. The occurrence of S. pilchardus eggs very close to the coast indicated a clear preference of the species for spawning in coastal areas. Preflexion and postflexion larvae exhibited a slightly wider distribution showing a clear association with the cold, less saline and more productive coastal waters. Preflexion larvae of M. poutassou were found on the upper slope and over the shelf, being offshore limited by the shelf/slope front present all along the slope. The front would act as a barrier preventing their dispersion towards the open sea. M. poutassou larvae in advanced developmental stages were located close to the coast in the productive shelf waters, with instabilities of the front contributing to larval transport from offshore waters to the coast. The vertical distribution of both species showed high variability, not only related with the daily cycle or developmental stage, but also with the vertical structure of the water column. Overall, the results provide some clues on how the spawning strategies of both species may evolve under future scenarios of higher winter-stratification, because of the global warming.  相似文献   
In this study, we investigated the presence of Cryptosporidium in 171 faecal samples from reptiles commonly used as pet animals. These include lizards belonging to the genera Eublepharis, Pogona, Chlamydosaurus, Hemiteconyx, Teratoscincus, Tiliqua, Iguana, and Chamaeleo, snakes of the genera Lampropeltis, Elaphe, Python, Boa and Corallus, and tortoises belonging to the genera Testudo and Kinixys. Cryptosporidium oocysts were detected by immunofluorescence using a commercially available kit and cryptosporidial DNA by amplification of a polymorphic fragment of the 18S rDNA and the HSP70 locus.Cryptosporidium was detected in 38.6% and 25.1% of the samples analysed by immunofluorescence and PCR, respectively. Molecular characterisation of the isolates confirmed that C. serpentis and C. varanii (syn. C. saurophilum) are the main species involved in infection in pet reptiles but also showed the presence of C. parvum and C. muris, as well as other species or genotypes of this parasite including the Cryptosporidium mouse genotype and Cryptosporidium tortoise genotype previously described in reptiles. In addition, a Cryptosporidium sp. was isolated from a chameleon and a python.  相似文献   
The potato leafroll virus (PLRV) P0 protein (P0PL) is a suppressor of RNA silencing. In this study, we showed that P0 protein from an Argentinian isolate of PLRV (P0PL-Ar) has an additional activity not described for other PLRV or P0 proteins from poleroviruses. Besides reporting that P0PL-Ar displays both local and systemic silencing suppressor activity, we demonstrated, for the first time, that P0PL-Ar impedes accumulation of dsRNA-derived siRNAs. We also showed that P0PL-Ar interacts with Solanum tuberosum SKP1 orthologue (StSKP1) and triggers destabilization of ARGONAUTE 1 (AGO1) and that these actions are mediated by the F-box-like domain. A mutant in the GW/WG motif within the P0PL-Ar F-box-like motif lost the suppression activity, the interaction with StSKP1 and abolished AGO1 decay. Interestingly, a mutant in the L76/P77 residues within the P0PL-Ar F-box-like motif, which lost the suppression activity and the interaction with StSKP1, retained the capacity to enable AGO1 decay. Thus, unlike other P0 proteins of previously characterized poleroviruses, P0PL-Ar seems to have a dual activity, according to the findings of this study. This protein would act at both an upstream and a downstream step of the RNA silencing pathway: upstream of Dicer-like enzyme (DCL)-mediated primary siRNA production and downstream at the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) complex level. Our results contribute to the understanding of the different ways PLRV P0 proteins function as silencing suppressors.  相似文献   
A 120-day experiment was performed with 4-month-old juvenile tench [initial mean weight: 0.31 g; total length (TL): 32 mm] to evaluate live Artemia nauplii as supplement to a dry diet for salmonids. All groups received the dry diet. Five treatments, differing in the amount of supplemented Artemia, were tested: without supplement, 450, 900, and 1,800 nauplii g−1 initial fish biomass, and nauplii in excess. Groups that received Artemia supplement had significantly higher survival (between 89.4 and 98.7%) compared to those that received dry diet alone (49.2%), while among them there was no significant difference. Juvenile tench fed the dry diet supplemented with Artemia in excess had a specific growth rate (1.98), weight (3.40 g), and TL (63.90 mm) significantly higher than those in the rest of the treatments. The latter three features were not significantly different under limited co-feeding (450, 900, and 1,800 nauplii g−1 biomass) averaging 1.26 specific growth rate, 1.40 g weight, and 48.50 mm TL. Tench fed the dry diet alone grew significantly less than the rest. Thus, the drawbacks of feeding juvenile tench with dry foods originally formulated for other fish species can be overcome by providing a supplement of Artemia nauplii.  相似文献   
Changes in bioactive carbohydrates, functional, and microstructural characteristics that occurred in chickpea under soaking, cooking, and industrial dehydration processing were evaluated. Raw chickpea exhibited important levels of raffinose family of oligosaccharides (RFOs), resistant starch (RS) and total dietary fibre (TDF), being insoluble dietary fibre (IDF) the main fraction (94%). The dehydration process increased RFOs (43%), RS (47%) and soluble dietary fiber (SDF) (59%) levels significantly. In addition, a noticeable increase in both fibre fractions was observed, being higher in soluble fibre in (SDF) (59%). The minimum nitrogen solubility of raw flours was at pH 4, and a high degree of protein insolubilization (80%) was observed in dehydrated flours. The raw and processed flours exhibited low oil-holding capacities (1.10 mg/ml), and did not show any change by thermal processing, whereas water-holding capacities rose to 5.50 mg/ml of sample. Cooking and industrial dehydration process reduced emulsifying activity and foaming capacity of chickpea flour. The microstructural observations were consistent with the chemical results. Thus, the significant occurrence of these bioactive carbohydrate compounds along with the interesting functional properties of the dehydrated flours could be considered useful as functional ingredients for food formulation.  相似文献   
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