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大豆室内耐冷筛选及其在田间的应用研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本试验把生长箱大豆耐低温萌发筛选与田间早春播研究相结合,验证耐低温发芽的可靠性。在实验室,萌发期表现抗冷的大豆,田间出昔期仍表现抗冷或较抗冷。实验表明,大豆出苗的生物学最低温度平均为7.1℃,所需有效积温136℃。地温的高低直接影响大豆早春出苗的多寡,两者呈密切的正相关。黄、青、黑豆中,以黑豆抵抗早春不良气候条件的能力最强。  相似文献   
现代化农业急需具有多方面知识的管理人才,实施农业MBA硕士学位教育,培养更多农业及其相关企业高级管理人才,必将促进农业产业化和农村经济发展。本就目前我国在这个领域存在问题进行分析,并提出尽快设立农业MBA硕士专业的对策和措施。  相似文献   
根据六六六泥团塞根有治螟效果的报导[黄山等,1956],为改进施药方法,我所于1957年进行土壤施药的盆栽药效測定,效果良好;1958年,田間防治試驗因处理时間太早(4月28日施药),效果不显;1960及1961年又进行田間試驗,因当年螟害輕微,防治效果也不够显著。据文献报导,六六六土壤施药,每亩用丙体六六六180克(折合数),对第一代二化螟防治效果良好,残效期达20—30天,并指出药剂系通过稻根内吸和沿叶鞘間上升的作用,杀死蛀入的蚁螟。昆明地区一般早栽田,栽秧后15—25天,正是螟卵盛孵期。1963年在昆明市郊区早栽田内,进行六六六土壤施药試驗,观察防治第一代三化螟的效果。試驗方法  相似文献   
A laboratory strain of Drosophila mercatorum has existed for 20 years without males and therefore without natural selection operating to maintain the genetic basis of female mating behavior. The females of this strain have recently experienced a genetic impairment of mating capacity. This observation exemplifies the mode of evolution of vestigial characters and supports Muller's theory that random mutation will tend to destroy the genetic basis of a character from which selection has been removed.  相似文献   
试验结果表明,在土壤有机质含量高达4.07%的单栋钢管大棚中,进行嫁接西瓜栽培时,与常规施肥量相比,在4个减肥处理中,以减量20%的处理增产优质效果最佳。  相似文献   
云南省6县退耕还林农户收益分析及增收对策的案例研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邵珍  文冰  王伟  娄玉娥 《林业调查规划》2007,32(4):131-134,138
采取抽样调查的方式,对云南省6个地(市)退耕农户进行调研,对农户的林业收入状况、在退耕地所经营的林业项目以及退耕面积与收益等3方面进行深入剖析,认为农户的林业收入有高型、中高型、中等型、偏低型以及低下型5种类型.对退耕还林发展林业过程中面临的主要问题和促进当地林业发展、增加农户收入的对策进行了探讨.  相似文献   
为建立稻茬迟播小麦树脂包膜缓释氮肥高效施肥模式与技术,以冬小麦品种扬麦23为材料,以43%树脂包膜缓释氮肥(PCU,含氮43%)和尿素(U,含氮46%)为氮肥,设置“一次性基施”(A)与“一基一追”(B)2种施肥模式,共形成100%树脂包膜缓释氮肥基施(A1)、80%树脂包膜缓释氮肥+20%尿素基施(A2)、60%树脂包膜缓释氮肥+40%尿素基施(A3)、80%树脂包膜缓释氮肥基施+20%尿素返青期追施(B1)、80%树脂包膜缓释氮肥基施+20%尿素拔节期追施(B2)、60%树脂包膜缓释氮肥基施+40%尿素返青期追施(B3)、60%树脂包膜缓释氮肥基施+40%尿素拔节期追施(B4)等7个施肥处理,分析了缓释氮肥与尿素配施对迟播小麦产量及其构成、茎蘖动态、干物质积累、叶面积指数、SPAD值、氮素利用效率等指标的影响。结果表明,一次性基施模式处理(A1~A3)的小麦产量显著低于常规施肥(CK,基肥∶分蘖肥∶拔节肥∶孕穗肥=5∶1∶2∶2);“一基一追”两次施肥模式处理(B1~B4)的产量显著高于CK,泰州与扬州两地分别平均增产5.77%和5.64%,其中B4处理产量最高,分别为8 796....  相似文献   
Biting midges of the genus Culicoides(order Diptera, family Ceratopogonidae) are potential biological vectors for the transmission of certain arboviruses among humans, livestock, and wild animals. This study collected a total of 405 Culicoides individuals from seven animal farms located in five counties in the border areas of Yunnan Province, China, and examined the Culicoides species composition and the major arboviruses carried by the Culicoides species. The collected Culicoides were classified into seven species with variable abundances: Culicoides arakawae(5.43%, 22/405), Culicoides homotomus(1.23%, 5/405), Culicoides obsoletus(19.75%, 80/405), Culicoides orientalis(17.28%, 70/405), Culicoides oxystoma(29.38%, 119/405), Culicoides peregrinus(5.68%, 23/405), and Culicoides nipponensis(21.23%, 86/405). Among the seven species, C. oxystoma and C. nipponensis were distributed in all the five counties with abundances of 13.33–44.87% and 10.00–46.83%, respectively, suggesting that these were the dominant species of Culicoides widespread on animal farms in the border areas. PCR was used to detect major arboviruses in the collected Culicoides specimens, including bluetongue virus(BTV), Japanese encephalitis virus, Dengue virus, Zika virus, African swine fever virus, and African horse sickness virus. Among the tested viruses, only BTV serotype 1 was tested positive in C. oxystoma specimens collected from a buffalo farm. Culicoides oxystoma was the dominant species on animal farms in the sampled areas, but it has not previously been documented as positive for BTV in China. The current results thus suggest that C. oxystoma could be an important vector for BTV transmission in these border areas, which, however, needs to be confirmed by further comprehensive experiments. Overall, the present study provides the first profile of Culicoides species on animal farms in the China, Vietnam, and Myanmar border areas, establishes the prevalence of arboviruses carried by these Culicoides species, and suggests the vector potential of C. oxystoma species for the transmission of BTV.  相似文献   
商洛市作为我国平菇栽培的重要产区之一,拥有超过50年的平菇人工栽培历史,商洛地区平菇产业不仅在农业经济方面取得显著成就,而且深受市场和消费者喜爱。本文系统总结了近年来商洛市平菇的栽培技术及病虫害防治策略。详细介绍了商洛市平菇目前主推的栽培的季节及品种选择、栽培配方、制袋、养菌管理、出菇管理、采收等内容,分析了平菇的常见病虫害,并提出了相应的防治措施。这项研究为商洛地区平菇产业的发展壮大提供了技术支持。  相似文献   
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