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Surface analysis of soil material by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The surface composition of particles present in the fine earth (< 2 mm) of 50 soil horizons differing in composition and pedogenetic origin (13 soil profiles) was analysed by X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) to assess the capability and limitations of this technique and to gain better knowledge of the soil samples. The surfaces were systematically enriched in carbon, sometimes up to 1000 times, indicating that the soil particle surfaces are coated with organic substances, even in horizons where the bulk organic content is less than 0.1 g kg?1. The distribution of carbon in the various oxidation states was 0.569 ± 0.008 C[0], 0.275 ± 0.004 C[+1], 0.089 ± 0.003 C[+2] and 0.066 ± 0.002 C[+3] for most horizons (mean ± standard error, 69 data). Only Andosol surface horizons systematically had surface organic matter in a more oxidized state. After correcting the results for the presence of organic coatings, we found that Si was generally depleted and Al enriched at the surface of soil particles, while Fe was either depleted or enriched depending on the sample considered. However, the coating of the coarser soil particles by the finer ones and their differential composition explained this observation and limits the interest of XPS for characterizing the surface enrichment of inorganic elements in crude soil samples. These limitations should be considered when interpreting XPS results in future work. Nevertheless, XPS can analyse the adsorbed organic matter and its functional composition of carbon without the need for any chemical or physical extraction that might alter the structure and composition of the organic molecules.  相似文献   
Genetic evaluation aims to identify genotypes with high empirical breeding values (EBVs) for selection as parents. In this study, 2157 potato genotypes were evaluated for tuber yield using 8 years of early‐stage trial data collected from a potato breeding programme. Using linear mixed models, spatial parameters to target greater control of localised spatial heterogeneity within trials were estimated and variance models to account for across‐trial genetic heterogeneity were tested. When spatial components improved model fit, correlations of errors were mostly small and negative for marketable tuber yield (MTY) and total tuber yield (TTY), suggesting the presence of interplot competition in some years. For the analysis of multi‐environment trials, a variance model with a simple correlation structure (with heterogeneous variances) was the most favourable variance structure fitted for TTY and PTY (per cent marketable yield). There was very little difference in model fit when comparing a factor analytic structure of order 2 (FA2) with either FA1 or simple correlation structures for MTY, indicating that simple variance models may be preferable for early‐stage genetic evaluation of potato yield.  相似文献   
Between 1995 and 1997, 278 grape downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) populations originating from European vineyards were characterised for their sensitivity to cymoxanil in a leaf-disc assay. The sensitivity profile revealed a wide distribution, with minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) ranging from 10 to more than 800 mg litre−1. EC50 values ranged from 1 to more than 800 mg litre−1 with an average of 125 mg litre−1. The sensitivity distribution was stable between 1995 and 1997. Surprisingly, populations from Portugal appeared significantly more sensitive than those from France or Italy, which could not be linked to differential cymoxanil usage in these countries. P viticola populations collected outside Europe and never exposed to cymoxanil appeared significantly more sensitive than exposed European populations, with an average EC50 value of 10 mg litre−1. The level of sensitivity of European P viticola populations was relatively unaffected by the number of cymoxanil applications made during a season or by the number of years of cymoxanil use. No link was found between the level of sensitivity in the leaf-disc assay and the level of performance of the cymoxanil mixtures used in the fields where the populations originated. Specific field trials conducted in Italy and Portugal have shown that the performance of cymoxanil-based mixtures remained good even on populations of the grape downy mildew fungus characterised as less sensitive in the leaf-disc assay. While there are no baseline sensitivity data for pre-commercialisation P viticola populations, the results of our study suggest that a shift in sensitivity (12.5-fold) may have occurred in some areas since introduction of cymoxanil on grapes nearly 20 years ago. Because cymoxanil is never used alone, it is difficult to determine whether or not practical resistance is occurring in European vineyards. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
The role of vegetation in preventing shallow soil mass movement is now fairly well understood, particularly at the individual plant level. However, how soil is reinforced on a larger scale and the influence of changes in vegetation over time has rarely been investigated. Therefore we carried out a study on the temporal and spatial changes within stands of Cryptomeria japonica D. Don, growing in the Sichuan province of China, an area where shallow landslides are frequent.  相似文献   
Summary As hardly any data can be found on the water requirement and yield response to water of Aloe vera, an irrigation experiment on transplanted aloe poles was conducted on the Caribbean island of Aruba. Compared to non-irrigated treatments irrigation shows a positive influence on growth, number of developed leaves, raw gel figure and gel production per plant. The amount of irrigation water to apply can be best calculated based on crop coefficients (Kc) between 0.20 and 0.30. Treatment based on a Kc value higher than 0.30 did not further increase production. A lysimeter study conducted over a relatively short period revealed that the crop coefficient for Aloe vera varied between 0.25 and 0.40 which is characteristic of the so-called agave/pineapple group.  相似文献   
Resistance to QoI fungicides (strobilurins, famoxadone and fenamidone) in populations of Plasmopara viticola (Berk & Curt) Berlese & de Toni developed soon after their introduction in France and Italy. Current resistance management strategies include limitation of the number of applications, use of mixtures and alternation of fungicides with different modes of action. The selection pressure resulting from QoI fungicides applied alone or in mixtures with non-QoI fungicides was investigated in whole plant experiments under controlled conditions. QoI-resistant populations of P. viticola gradually reverted to full sensitivity following consecutive transfers to untreated plants, suggesting that resistant phenotypes were less competitive than sensitive ones. When cycled on QoI-treated plants, reduction in sensitivity was greater for the QoI fungicide which had greater intrinsic activity on P. viticola. Sensitivity decreased at each subsequent cycle, resulting in almost full resistance after four generations. Mixture experiments indicated that selection pressure was affected most by the dose of the QoI fungicide and the nature of the partner fungicide. Folpet delayed selection pressure most effectively when it was associated with famoxadone or azoxystrobin. Mancozeb was least effective at reducing the rate of selection compared with the QoI alone, and fosetyl-aluminium was intermediate. Higher rates of selection were recorded when the dose of the QoI fungicide, solo or in a mixture, was increased from 1 to 4 microg ml(-1). Increasing the dose of the non-QoI partner fungicide in the mixture from 10 to 30 microg ml(-1) resulted in reduced selection pressure. These results suggest that the choice of the fungicide partner and its dosage in the mixture can significantly affect the success of QoI resistance management strategies under practical conditions.  相似文献   

While pulses are staple food-legumes in Ethiopia, their productivity is low due to low soil fertility. Elite rhizobial strains that significantly increased shoot dry weight and nitrogen (N) contents of common beans and soybeans in greenhouse were selected for two-year field trials to evaluate their effect on yields of the pulses in the field. Each pulse had six treatments, namely four rhizobial inoculants, uninoculated control, and synthetic N fertilizer. In the drought-affected year 2015, inoculated pulses tolerated moisture stress better than non-inoculated controls. Inoculation was conducive to higher or equivalent yields compared to synthetic N fertilizer. At Halaba, bean inoculated with strain HAMBI3562 gave the highest grain yield (1500 ± 81 kg ha?1; mean±SE) while the control yielded only 653 ± 22 kg ha?1. At Boricha, HAMBI3570 gave a grain yield (640 ± 35 kg ha?1) comparable to synthetic N. When rainfall was optimal in 2016, inoculation with HAMBI3562 and HAMBI3570 gave grain yields (around 4300 kg ha?1) equivalent to synthetic N. With soybean, strain HAMBI3513 produced consistently higher or comparable biomass and grain yields compared to synthetic N. In conclusion, HAMBI3562 and HAMBI3570 for beans and HAMBI3513 for soybeans can serve as inoculants for areas having similar conditions as the test areas.  相似文献   
Cymoxanil has been used for over 30 years to control grape downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) in European vineyards, prevalently in mixture with other fungicides active on this disease. In the 1990’s cases of P. viticola resistant to cymoxanil were detected using a leaf disc assay. In this study, we establish that the presence of only 1 % of resistant isolates in a P. viticola population will allow the detection of cymoxanil resistance in the leaf disc assay. A poor correlation (R?=?0.194) was observed between the leaf disc assay and a whole- plant test for 38 P. viticola field populations collected in 2004. Over 60 % of these populations were characterized as fully sensitive in a whole-plant assay compared to 10 % in the leaf disc assay. Five P. viticola field isolates resistant to cymoxanil reverted to full sensitivity after six to nine transfers to untreated vines, indicating that cymoxanil resistance in P. viticola is unstable. Two European P. viticola populations sensitive to cymoxanil became resistant when transferred 12–14 times on vines treated with cymoxanil. In contrast, two populations originating from the USA and three monozoospore isolates from France retained full sensitivity to the fungicide after 13 cycles on cymoxanil-treated plants. Whole-plant experiments were conducted in the laboratory to compare the efficiency of spray programs to delay the development of cymoxanil resistance. Whereas the continuous use of cymoxanil alone quickly selected for resistance, the mixture of cymoxanil and folpet applied either continuously or in strict or block alternation effectively prevented the development of resistance over 10 generations of the fungus. These results demonstrate that resistance to cymoxanil in P. viticola can be managed with appropriate spray programs.  相似文献   
Breeding for resistance to soil-borne powdery scab in potato is an important component of the integrated management of this disease. Different genetic variance models within a mixed model framework were applied to data from long-term potato breeding trials, for the genetic evaluation of breeding lines. The multi-environment trial (MET) data came from 12 growing seasons (“years”, synonymous with environments) of New Zealand field trials screening for resistance to powdery scab on potato tubers. Pedigree information on a total of 1,031 genotypes was available. Additive components of the genetic effects were important with narrow-sense heritability estimates (and 95 % confidence intervals) from single-year analyses ranging from 0.26 (0.20, 0.44) to 0.57 (0.53, 0.85). Spatial components estimated from the residual plot effects were not important for most years and even when they were significant, estimates were small. In MET analyses, different variance structures for the genetic effects were tested; a homogeneous correlation model (CORH) gave a better fit to the data than a factor analytic FAk model of order (k), 1 and 2. The year-to-year genetic correlation estimate from CORH was 0.81 and compared with a range of 0.59–0.95 estimated from the FA1 model. There was no strong evidence of non-additive genetic effects with zero or boundary estimates for most years. Models which included the pedigree provided a better fit to the data than models that did not include this relationship information. There was no evidence for genetic improvement in resistance for powdery scab on tubers in the breeding population studied. This suggests that selection pressure for resistance in the past has been weak and greater consideration should be given to selecting parents on empirical breeding values to genetically improve breeding populations for resistance to powdery scab.  相似文献   
Indigenous crops also known as orphan crops are key contributors to food security, which is becoming increasingly vulnerable with the current trend of population growth and climate change. They have the major advantage that they fit well into the general socio-economic and ecological context of developing world agriculture. However, most indigenous crops did not benefit from the Green Revolution, which dramatically increased the yield of major crops such as wheat and rice. Here, we describe the Tef Improvement Project, which employs both conventional- and molecular-breeding techniques to improve tef—an orphan crop important to the food security in the Horn of Africa, a region of the world with recurring devastating famines. We have established an efficient pipeline to bring improved tef lines from the laboratory to the farmers of Ethiopia. Of critical importance to the long-term success of this project is the cooperation among participants in Ethiopia and Switzerland, including donors, policy makers, research institutions, and farmers. Together, European and African scientists have developed a pipeline using breeding and genomic tools to improve the orphan crop tef and bring new cultivars to the farmers in Ethiopia. We highlight a new variety, Tesfa, developed in this pipeline and possessing a novel and desirable combination of traits. Tesfa’s recent approval for release illustrates the success of the project and marks a milestone as it is the first variety (of many in the pipeline) to be released.  相似文献   
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