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ABSTRACT Container shipping lines are well aware of the growing importance of global production networks. While continuing to focus on improving the fundamentals, many shipping lines have developed a keen interest in other segments of the logistics and transportation market to offer integrated and worldwide services to global production networks. This paper aims to assess the overall level of freight integration in thirty‐four shipping lines, and provides an insight into the extent to which freight integration serves as a business model in liner shipping. The results point to a great variety and range of freight integration in the shipping business. Each carrier leverages its service portfolio to develop specific capabilities. There is clearly no single best strategy for the whole liner shipping industry to serve global production networks.  相似文献   
The sorption of phosphate on amorphous aluminium hydroxides was investigated using 27Al and 71P solid-state magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR) spectroscopy, following the effect of different exposures to soluble phosphate. The spectra obtained were compared with the spectrum of amorphous aluminium phosphate. Aluminium in the unreacted hydroxide had a 100% octahedral co-ordination. When dried at 200°C and exposed to soluble phosphate, very little (maximum 0.1%) amorphous aluminium hydroxide transformed to a tetrahedral co-ordination (A1 bound by oxygen bridges to four P atoms), even after 120d. The tetrahedral co-ordination exists in aluminium phosphate gel, although most of its A1 atoms exhibit an octahedral co-ordination. For the aluminium hydroxide dried at 200°C, no formation of aluminium phosphate in which aluminium is in octahedral co-ordination could be detected, not even when the aluminium hydroxide was exposed to a phosphate solution for 120 d. We concluded that the formation of aluminium phosphate is restricted to the surface of the hydroxide. Most of the phosphate which is bound to the aluminium oxide however may not have formed a ‘bulk solid’ aluminium phosphate, but is adsorbed on the internal and external surface of the oxide. The same amorphous aluminium hydroxide, dried at 70°C instead of 200°C, is converted much more rapidly to aluminium phosphate when exposed to soluble phosphate. We propose a P-induced weathering mechanism to describe P sorption on amorphous aluminium hydroxides at high P concentrations. In addition to NMR, phosphate adsorption experiments conducted on aluminium hydroxides dried at different temperatures produced evidence that the porosity of the aluminium hydroxide aggregated particles can also be a factor controlling the rate of phosphate uptake from solution, if the aggregate is stable (is not resuspended) in solution.  相似文献   
Both P and Al MAS NMR spectra of samples of excessively fertilized sandy soil provided information about the P and Al speciation. Peak deconvolution was used to interpret reliably and quantitatively the 31P NMR spectra recorded. Most of the P was found to be associated with Al. Part of the P exhibited a chemical shift that could be attributed to octocalcium phosphate, amorphous calcium phosphate or apatite. Apatite has, however, never been reported to occur in sandy soils of temperate climates. A dithionite extraction used to remove interfering Fe from the samples also removed most of the octahedral Al-P phase. After oxalate extraction more than 99% of the original P signal disappeared. About 7.5 to 11 % of the total oxalate extractable P of the excessively fertilized soil was present as a Ca-P phase, even though these soils are slightly acid to acid. The estimated size of the Ca-P phase roughly corresponds to the size of the labile P pool of these soils, as assessed in long-term batch desorption experiments. It still remains unclear whether the labile P pool should be attributed solely to such a Ca-P phase.  相似文献   
In tropical cropping systems with few external inputs, efficient management of mineral N derived from added organic residues is essential for the proper functioning of the system. We studied the dynamics of mineral nitrogen (N) in the top 100 cm of soil with a system of tensiometers and suction cups after applying 15N-labelled Leucaena leucocephala and Dactyladenia barteri residues to bare and cropped microplots installed in the respective alley cropping systems, and followed the fate of the N for two maize-cowpea rotations (1992 and 1993). Fifty days after applying the residues (DDA), 20% of the added residue N was found in the soil profile of the bare Leucaena treatment, and 5% under Dactyladenia, compared with 5% and 1%, respectively, where cropped. All values decreased to about 1% after 505 days. In the cropped soil, no mineral N derived from the residues was lost by leaching during the first 6 weeks. As the maize grew, the soil profile was gradually depleted of nitrate to near Zero in the Dactyladenia treatment, whereas during the cowpea season the amount of nitrate N increased to 36 kg N ha?1 for the Leucaena treatment, and 26 kg N ha?1 for the Dactyladenia treatment. The soil of the bare microplots contained substantially more nitrate N (98 and 47 kg N ha-1 during the first year on average, under Leucaena and Dactyladenia, respetively) than that of the cropped microplots, except during the 1993 cowpea season. Nitrate residing in the subsoil (80–100 cm) in the bare treatments was not readily leached to deeper soil. The risk of losses of native mineral N was greatest during the first 50 DAA and to a lesser extent during the cowpea seasons. Improved management of the hedgerows could increase the potential of the hedgerow trees to recycle mineral N.  相似文献   
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