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山洪对房屋的破坏随着生态环境的恶化而加剧,其损失又随人民生活水平的提高而增加。防患房屋遭受山洪破坏刻不容缓。本文客观地总结了山洪破坏房屋具有的区域性、多样性、毁灭性特征,通过分析房屋遭受山洪破坏的沉痼陋习,初步揭示了山洪惩罚人为性大失误的沉痛教训,进而提出防患山洪破坏房屋要非工程措施与工程措施相结合,运用社会、经济、法律的手段,加以减灾引导,加强建房管理,采取开撇水沟、挖水平槽、刨鱼鳞坑、砌护坡墙、打挡水桩等直接有效的工程措施,加速隐患补救,实现减灾目的。  相似文献   
利用远缘杂交创造核果类果树新种质的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以桃、杏、李、樱桃、杏梅等果树的 1 4个品种为亲本 ,3年来共进行了 80余个组合的远缘杂交试验 ,探讨了核果类果树远缘杂交的亲和性 ,并对远缘杂种幼胚进行了胚抢救。结果表明 ,铃铛花期授粉的坐果率显著高于初花期授粉 ;同一杂交组合 ,正反交坐果率差异显著 ,母本对远缘杂交亲和性影响很大 ,选择自交亲和或自然坐果率高的种或品种做母本容易克服远缘杂交的不亲和性 ;适宜场强的静电场、He -Ne激光处理及60 Coγ射线与He -Ne激光联合处理花粉 ,均能显著提高花粉离体萌芽率 ,用上述处理的花粉进行的远缘杂交坐果率也明显高于对照 ;60 Coγ射线单独处理则降低了花粉离体萌芽率 ,远缘杂交的坐果率也低于对照 ;对远缘杂种幼胚及时地进行胚抢救 ,并诱导形成多丛芽 ,是克服核果类果树远缘杂种不育性的有效方法。研究并筛选出了李、樱桃胚萌发与生长、多丛芽诱导与增殖以及生根培养等最佳培养基配方。目前已将欧洲甜樱桃×中国樱桃、大石早生李×泰安巴旦水杏及凯特杏×总统李等一批核果类果树远缘杂种定植于露地 ,其中欧洲甜樱桃与中国樱桃的种间杂种是国内外首次获得  相似文献   
本文概述了微卫星DNA进行亲子鉴定的基本原理与方法,将其用于亲子鉴定的优点以及研究进展,最后对未来的应用进行了展望。  相似文献   
A PCR-based method was developed for the identification and detection of Phytophthora capsici in pepper plants. Three PCR primers (CAPFW, CAPRV1 and CAPRV2) specific for P. capsiciwere designed based on the sequence of its internal transcribed spacer regions. CAPFW/CAPRV1 amplify a 452 bp product from P. capsici DNA whereas CAPFW/CAPRV2 a 595 bp fragment; neither set amplifies DNA from pepper or several fungi pathogenic to pepper. In conventional (single-round) PCR, the limit of detection was 5 pg DNA for both primer sets, whereas in nested PCR the detection limit for both was of 0.5 fg. However, when the dilution series of target DNA were spiked with plant DNA, amplification declined two-fold in both conventional and nested PCR. The CAPFW/CAPRV2 set in conventional PCR was used to detect P. capsici DNA in inoculated plants. Detection occurred as soon as 8h post-inoculation in stem samples from infected but still symptomless plants. The method was also tested to detect fungal DNA in infected soils.  相似文献   
Aphanomyces euteiches causes severe root rot of peas. Resistance is limited in commercial pea cultivars. Real-time fluorescent PCR assay specific for A. euteiches was used to study the relationship between disease severity and pathogen DNA content in infected peas. Five pea genotypes ranging in levels of resistance were inoculated with five isolates of A. euteiches. Plants were visually rated for disease development and the amount of pathogen DNA in roots was determined using the PCR assay. The susceptible genotypes Genie, DSP and Bolero tended to have significantly more disease and more pathogen DNA than the resistant genotypes 90-2079 and PI 180693. PI 180693 consistently had less disease, while 90-2079 had the lowest amount of pathogen DNA. The Spearman correlation between pathogen DNA quantity and disease development was positive and significant (P < 0.05) for three isolates, but was not significant for two other isolates. This suggests that the real-time PCR assay may have limited application as a selection tool for resistance in pea to A. euteiches. Its utility as a selection tool would be dependent on the correlation between disease development and pathogen DNA content for a given pathogen isolate. The accuracy and specificity of the real-time PCR assay suggests considerable application for the assay in the study of mechanisms of disease resistance and the study of microbial population dynamics in plants.  相似文献   
Vector efficiency of 44 clonal lines (clones) of Sitobion avenae belonging to 31 different genotypes (distinct patterns for five microsatellite loci) originating from Western France was evaluated by transmitting the isolate PAV4 of BYDV-PAV to barley seedlings. Variation in transmission rates from 3.7% to 92.5% was observed, with significant effects of the aphid clone, of the plant species on which clones were collected, and of the reproductive mode of the clones. When genotypes are considered instead of clones, a continuum in transmission rates was observed. A subset of S. avenae clones was tested for transmission of one (10 clones) and 13 (4 clones) other BYDV-PAV isolates, and a clear clone effect modulated by an isolate effect was observed. Crosses were made between clones with different vectoring phenotypes and their F1 progeny were tested for PAV4 transmission. The narrow sense heritability of the PAV transmission character was rather high in the F1 families (h2=0.5) and the segregation analyses suggested an oligo/polygenic determinism of this character. The possibility of generating new transmission variants by sexual reproduction and its consequences on transmission mechanism studies and on BYD epidemics are discussed.  相似文献   
Apple mosaic virus (ApMV, genus Ilarvirus) was detected in pears, a previously non-reported virus host. No symptoms were visible on the hosts leaves. Seventeen out of 22 randomly selected pear trees in Italy (Lombardy) and in three regions in the Czech Republic were ApMV-infected. All nine newly sequenced ApMV isolates from pears had a 15-nucleotide insertion in the capsid protein gene in identical position of that of apple isolates compared with isolates from hop and prunes. The insertion is the most prominent (but not essential) modification of the capsid protein gene, which results in a phylogenetic separation of ApMV isolates into three clusters. Sequence analysis data of an additional 15 isolates revealed a sequence correlation with kernelled fruit trees (apple and pear).  相似文献   
Phytophthora root rot, caused byPhytophthora cinnamomi Rands, is the most important disease of avocado (Persea americana Miller). In an attempt to identify root rot-resistant rootstocks that could ultimately be used under conditions in southern Florida, we screened open-pollinated progeny of avocado from the National Germplasm Repository in Miami. From 1996 to 1998, a total of 2,355 seedlings from 51 accessions were examined in potting mix artificially infested withP. cinnamomi. Most seedlings developed severe root rot, but tolerance was observed in some families (i.e., progeny of certain accessions). Although the most susceptible families developed mean disease ratings of up to 97% root necrosis, mean ratings for the most tolerant families were less than 60%. There was also a strong relationship between the racial background of the female parent and the tolerance of seedlings. Seedlings of the West Indian race and hybrids between it and the Guatemalan race were significantly more tolerant than those from other parents (P< 0.05). Individuals in several families developed < 50% root necrosis, the arbitrary standard of tolerance in this study. Twelve families accounted for 82% (188 of 229) of the tolerant seedlings, and only two of these did not have a West Indian or Guatemalan × West Indian pedigree. Broad-sense heritability for PRR tolerance was 0.45. This is the first report on the inheritance of PRR tolerance in avocado and on the influence of genotype and racial pedigree under controlled conditions.  相似文献   
在刚性面层下设置一道性能良好的保温层来防止基土冻结,可以从根本上解决冻胀破坏的问题。这种带保温层的刚性护面渠道称为保温型刚性护面渠道,根据热工原理,提出了保温型刚性护面渠道横断面设计在构造方面的要求,进一步推导出计算保温层厚度的有关公式,并给出算例,还指出了需要进一步研究和探讨的问题。  相似文献   
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