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On the basis of clinical and laboratory examinations, a ventricular septal defect or a variant of the tetralogy of Fallot was suspected in a 3-year-old filly with a history of poor growth rate and exercise intolerance. The filly was euthanatized and found to have a 3-chambered heart (cor triloculare biatriatum). The heart had 2 normally formed atria and a large common ventricle into which the right and left atrioventricular orifices opened and from which the aorta arose. There was a small separate chamber from which the pulmonary trunk originated. This chamber communicated with the common ventricle through a large oval opening along the dorsal border of the displaced, interventricular septum.  相似文献   
A short review on infection of the army by body lice and on the development of lice control in the World War I is given principally regarding the work of late professor Dr.Albrecht Hase, the first military entomologist in Germany. Based on historical documents (postal cards, sentences our of letters, anedotes, drawings) is described, how the soldiers have met with lice and their control.  相似文献   
Insects in childish play and education There is reported on nursery-rhymes on lady-bird and cockchafer, on using beetles or butterflies flattered by aband as play works, holding crickets, katylids, anf cicades in cages, hunting katylids and dragonflies, laters by means of spiderwebs in aring like bound willow twig, and other plays of children in whole the world. The childhood memoirs of some German poets on insects are stimulating to fight against noxious insects, in collecting insects and researching their life, and in hindering from shaking on death insects without reason. Such education is very need for understanding pest control and environment protection actions. Therefore it is an important task for applied entomology.  相似文献   
Summary There are in Burma threeMacrotermes species:M. gilvus malayanus (HAVILAND) probably =azarelii (WASMANN),M. annandalei (SILVESTRI), andM. serrulatus SNYDER with ssp.hopini ROONWAL & SEN — SARMA. The differences of the soldiers are demonstrated.M. serrulatus hopini is a destroyer of wood.
Resumé Il y a en Burma trois espèces deMacrotermes: M. gilvus malayanus (HAVILAND) probablement = azarelii (WASMANN),M. annandalei (SILVESTRI) etM. serrulatus SNYDER avec ssp.hopini ROONWAL & SEN — SARMA. Les differences des soldats sont montrés.M. serrulatus hopini déstruit le bois d'oeuvre.
Zusammenfassung Die Ethnoentomologie betrifft alle Formen der Insekt-Mensch-Beziehungen bei den sogenannten primitiven Gesellschaften wie z. B. bei den Hottentotten in Südafrika, bevor sie unter den Einfluß der Europäer gerieten.Peter Kolb war der erste, der dieses Volk 1705–1712 sorgfältig beobachtet und seine Sitten und Gebräuche mit Begeisterung beschrieben hat. Er hat dabei auch einige ethnoentomologische Berichte gegeben. Die Hottentotten verehren eine Gottesanbeterin (nichtMantis religiosa Linnaeus!), die in Afrikaans hottentot god genannt wird, wenn sie in ihren Kraal fliegr, ebenso den Menschen, auf den sie sich niederläßt, als einen Heiligen. Sie fragen sie auch, ob es regnen wird. Die Erzählung, daß die Gottesanbeterin (Mantis) in den Mythen der Buschmänner die Gestalt eines Menschen oder einer Antilope annehmen kann, basiert auf der falschen Annahme des Übersetzers, daß Kappen, der Name für das höchste Wesen im Glauben der Buschmänner mit Mantis übersetzt werden kann. Die Hottentotten verwenden die Erde der Termitenhügel einschließlich der Pilzgärten, Eier und jungen Termiten zur Herstellung ihrer Töpferwaren, wodurch sie eine schwarze Farbe erhalten. Ihre Toten bestatten sie in einem Termitenhügel oder in einer Erdhöhle, in die sie Termitenerde einschließlich der Termiten hineinwerfen, wodurch die Leichen rasch beseitigt werden. Termiten, Menschenläuse und Wanderheuschrecken, dazu auch wilder Honig vonApis nigra adansoni Latreille werden von den Hottentotten gegessen. Beim Suchen der Bienennester folgen sie dem Ruf des HoniganzeigersIndicator indicator (Sparrmann).
Peter kolb's ethnoentomological records on the Hottentots in beginning of the 18th century
The ethnoentomology is concerned with all forms of insecthuman interactions in so called primitive societies like the Hottentots in Southern Africa before influencing by Europeans,Peter Kolb was the first man, who 1705–1712 observed this people carefully and described their manners and customs with enthusiasm. He has given also some ethnoentomological records. The hottentots worship a mantid-insect (notMantis religiosa Linnaeus!) named hottentot god in Africaans flying in the kraal, and the man, on whom such an insect set down as sacred. They ask the insect as an oracle for rain also. The narration, that the Mantis in the myths of Bushmen is able to take on human shape or the shape of antilopes is based on the false estimation of likeness of Kappen, the highest being (god) of the Bushmen, and the mantid-insect. Hottentots use the earth of termite mounds with fungus combs, eggs, and young termites for making black pottery. On death a Hottentot is put into a termite hill or in earth role filled with earth of a termite nest and living termites, a simple procedure and quite sanitary. Termites, lice, locusts, and honey ofApis nigra adansoni Latreille are eaten by Hottentots. They find the bees nests following the calling ofIndicator indicator (Sparrmann).

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The scarcity of usable nitrogen frequently limits plant growth. A tight metabolic association with rhizobial bacteria allows legumes to obtain nitrogen compounds by bacterial reduction of dinitrogen (N2) to ammonium (NH4+). We present here the annotated DNA sequence of the alpha-proteobacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti, the symbiont of alfalfa. The tripartite 6.7-megabase (Mb) genome comprises a 3.65-Mb chromosome, and 1.35-Mb pSymA and 1.68-Mb pSymB megaplasmids. Genome sequence analysis indicates that all three elements contribute, in varying degrees, to symbiosis and reveals how this genome may have emerged during evolution. The genome sequence will be useful in understanding the dynamics of interkingdom associations and of life in soil environments.  相似文献   
The single-crystal elastic moduli of the modified spinel structure (beta phase) of magnesium orthosilicate (Mg(2)SiO(4)) have been measured by Brillouin spectroscopy under ambient conditions. Single crystals with dimensions up to 500 micrometers were grown at 22 gigapascals and 2000 degrees C over a period of 1 hour. Growth of crystals larger than 100 micrometers was achieved only when the pressure was within 5 percent of the pressure of the phase boundary separating the beta- and gamma-phase stability fields. A comparison of the elastic properties of the modified spinel phase with those of the olivine phase suggests that the 400-kilometer seismic discontinuity in the earth's mantle can be described by a mantle with 40 percent olivine. These results confirm that the 400-kilometer discontinuity can be due to the transition from olivine to modified spinel. The amount of olivine that must be present is less than that in a pyrolite model, although the results do not exclude pyrolite as a possible mantle model.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Von den vier besprochenen Termitenarten werdenSyntermes aculeosus Emerson undCornitermes acignathus Silvestri zum ersten Mal aus Kolumbien gemeldet.Comatermes perfectus (Hagen) wird zum ersten Mal als Schädling an Kaffeepflanzen beschrieben, die auf frisch gerodeten Urwaldboden angepflanzt wurden. Der Schaden erstreckt sich auf den Wurzelhals 10–12 cm unter bis 5–7 cm über der Erdoberfläche. Dabei wird die Wurzel zum größten Teil vom Stamm getrennt, der allerdings sekundäre Seitenwurzel bildet.Amitermes foreli Wasmann baut große oberirdische Lehmnester auf der offenen Savanne, die an die Kompaßnester in Australien erinnern. Arbeiter und Soldaten vonS. aculeosus werden von den Indianern gegessen.C. acignathus wurde in einem verrotteten Baumstamm gefunden, scheint aber nicht schädlich zu werden.
Termites from Colombia observed by German O. Valenzuela and Fritz Schremmer
Comatermes perfectus (Hagen) (Kalotermitidae) is an important pest on living coffee plants in young plantations destroying the root collar.Amitermes foreli Wasmann (Termitidae, Termitinae) build large epigeous mud nests in the open savanna similar to the magnetic or compass nids in northern Australia. The workers and soldiers ofSyntermes aculeosus Emerson (Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae) are eaten by Indians in southern Colombia. This species andCornitermes acignathus Silvestri are the first records from Colombia.

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