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Natural fruiting and sporulation of cone rusts were investigated in cones of Picea spp. and leaves of Prunus spp. in a botanical garden in northern Finland in 2007–2012. Thekopsora areolata was the most frequent cone rust in Picea abies cones, where it colonizes the host tissues and hinders normal seed development. Aecia of T. areolata were also common in cones of Picea engelmannii and occasionally in cones of P. glauca. Aecia of T. areolata sporulated in cones that were at least one year old. Chrysomyxa pirolata, another pathogenic cone rust, fruited and sporulated annually but infrequently in current‐year cones of P. abies. The spruce needle rust, Chrysomyxa ledi, fruited and sporulated commonly in current‐year cone scales of P. abies, P. omorika and P. glauca, while P. rubens, P. mariana and P. pungens appeared to be resistant during the study period. Chrysomyxa ledi did not affect seed development in infected cones. Uredinia of T. areolata frequently occurred on leaves of 41 Finnish and Russian cultivars, varieties or subspecies of Prunus padus L. ssp. badus and ssp. borealis and Pr. virginiana both in the botanical garden and in the field, while 13 exotic Prunus spp. lacked rust fruitbodies. All the Pr. padus cultivars were highly susceptible to T. areolata, thus, spreading the rust efficiently to surroundings. This is the first report of aecia of T. areolata in cones of P. engelmannii and P. glauca, and those of C. ledi in cones of P. omorika and P. glauca. Molecular identification confirmed the presence of T. areolata and C. pirolata on all hosts, and all samples of C. ledi belonged to the C. ledi‐rhododendri complex.  相似文献   
Coarse woody debris pools and their decay class dynamics were studied in three areas of unmanaged boreal forest in northern Finland, and in the Murmansk and Arkhangelsk provinces in northwestern Russia. The study areas had varying climatic and edaphic conditions, and disturbance histories. Living and dead trees (diameter at 1.3 m height ≥10 cm) were measured in five late-successional Picea abies-dominated stands in each of the three areas. Wood density and time since death were determined from randomly sampled dead P. abies, and their decay class dynamics were modeled using stage-based matrix models.  相似文献   
The fact that the intraspecific genetic differentiation in neutral genetic markers and genes coding for adaptive traits are not typically correlated has caused a great deal of conceptual and practical trouble in delimitation of conservation units. Although the importance of combining information on adaptive genetic divergence with information on historical and recent gene flow in the delimitation of conservation units has been recognized, integrated empirical studies to this end are still rare. We explored the evidence for the specific conservation status of two freshwater three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) populations on the Adriatic side of the Balkan Peninsula by comparing their phenotypic and genetic characteristics to those of other representative European populations. Apart from focusing on the neutral genetic divergence in mitochondrial DNA sequences and microsatellite markers, we also compared the patterns of morphological differentiation (i.e. bony armour development) resulting from adaptation to freshwater environments. The Balkanic populations formed two distinct groups with regard to neutral genetic variation and had the least developed bony armour of all the examined populations. All morphometric analyses identified the two Balkanic populations as phenotypically – and hence most likely also ecologically – clearly distinct from other European three-spined stickleback populations. These results suggest that the two Balkanic populations (River Neretva and River Zeta) fulfil the most stringent criteria (i.e. lack of genetic and ecological exchangeability) to be classified as conservation units distinct from other European three-spined stickleback populations.  相似文献   
Fusarium is one of the most destructive fungal genera whose members cause many diseases on plants, animals, and humans. Moreover, many Fusarium species secrete mycotoxins (e.g. trichothecenes and fumonisins) that are toxic to humans and animals. Fusarium isolates from date palm trees showing disease symptoms, e.g. chlorosis, necrosis and whitening, were collected from seven regions across Saudi Arabia. After single-sporing, the fungal strains were morphologically characterized. To confirm the identity of morphologically characterized Fusarium strains, three nuclear loci, two partial genes of translation elongation factor 1 α (tef1α) and β-tubulin (tub2), and the rDNA-ITS region, were amplified and sequenced. Of the 70 Fusarium strains, 70 % were identified as F. proliferatum that were recovered from six regions across Saudi Arabia. Fusarium solani (13 %), as well as one strain each of the following species: F. brachygibbosum, F. oxysporum, and F. verticillioides were also recovered. In addition, five Fusarium-like strains were recognized as Sarocladium kiliense by DNA-based data. The preliminary in vitro pathogenicity results showed that F. proliferatum had the highest colonization abilities on date palm leaflets, followed by F. solani. Although F. oxysporum f. sp. albedinis is the most serious date palm pathogen, F. proliferatum and F. solani are becoming serious pathogens and efforts should be made to restrict and control them. In addition, the potential toxin risks of strains belonging to F. proliferatum should be evaluated.  相似文献   
Agricultural soils contain large amounts of nitrogen (N), but only a small fraction is readily available to plants. Despite several methods developed to estimate the bioavailability of N, there is no consensus on which extraction methods to use, and which N pools are critically important. In this study, we measured six soil N pools from 20 farms, which were part of a multi-year soil carbon sequestration on-farm experiment (Carbon action, 2019–2023). The aim was to quantify the N pools and to evaluate if farming practices that aim to build soil carbon pools, also build bioavailable N pools. We also aimed to test if the smaller and rapidly changing N pools could serve as an indicator for the slower change in soil organic matter. The measured N pools decreased in size, when moving from total N (7700 ± 1500 kg/ha) to slowly cycling (Illinois Soil Nitrogen Test ISNT-N: 1063 ± 220 kg/ha, autoclave citrate-extracted ACE protein N: 633 ± 440 kg/ha), water-soluble organic N (50 ± 17 kg/ha), potentially mineralizable N (33 ± 13 kg/ha) and finally readily plant available inorganic pools (nitrate and ammonium, total: 14 ± 8 kg/ha). In total, the measured pools covered only 18%–44% of total N, indicating a large unidentified N pool, which is either tightly bound to soil mineral fraction and not easily extractable or is bound to undecomposed plant residues and not hydrolysed by the methods. Of the large N pools (ISNT-N, ACE protein and unidentified residual N), clay, carbon (C) and C:Clay ratios explained most of the variability (R2 = .90–.93), leaving a minor part of the variation to the management effect. A pairwise comparison of carbon farming and control plots concluded that farming practices had a small (3%–5%) but statistically significant (p < .05) effect on soil total N and ISNT-N pools, and a moderate and significant effect (18%, p < .01) on potentially mineralizable N. The large variation in protein N, water-soluble organic N and inorganic N reduced statistical significance, although individual C sequestration practices had large effects (−30% to +50%). In conclusion, carbon sequestration practices can build both slowly cycling N pools (ISNT) and increase the mineralisation rate of these pools to release plant available forms, resulting in an additional benefit to agriculture through reduced fertilizer application needs.  相似文献   
Traditionally, locally calibrated soil tests were used for fertilizer and lime recommendations. Farmers and advisors are increasingly using new ‘universal’ soil tests without local calibration. The objective of this study was to compare five commercially available soil tests and to determine whether they would provide similar recommendations. In total, 24 fields in Western Finland were sampled for 4 years while being treated with fertilizers, lime and manure. The soil samples were analysed with Mehlich-3, ammonium acetate, H3A, hydrochloric acid and mild acetic acid (Spurway) extractants. In addition, Soil Health Tool (CO2 burst, water-soluble C and N) and tissue testing were conducted. The different tests extracted different orders of magnitude of nutrients (especially P and Mg), but the results from the different extractions were correlated. Mehlich-3 degree of phosphorus saturation (DPS) presented a threshold, below which soluble phosphorus was not detected. Similar thresholds were found for P, S and Mg. Mehlich-3 and ammonium acetate provided similar results for Ca, Mg and K and can be used interchangeably for liming recommendations. Mehlich-3 identified more fields with Zn, Cu, B and S deficiencies and less fields with Mn deficiencies compared with ammonium acetate + EDTA and tissue testing. The tests had strong correlation, but the determination of nutrient deficiencies needs local calibration of deficiency limits.  相似文献   
Ekroos  Johan  Tiainen  Juha  Seimola  Tuomas  Herzon  Irina 《Landscape Ecology》2019,34(2):389-402

The current Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union includes three greening measures, which are partly intended to benefit farmland biodiversity. However, the relative biodiversity effects of the greening measures, including joint effects of landscape context, are not well understood.


We studied the effects of increasing crop diversity, proportions of production grasslands and fallows, corresponding to CAP greening measures, on open farmland bird diversity, whilst controlling for the effects of distance to forests, field edge density and proportion of built-up areas.


We surveyed open farmland birds using territory mapping in Southern Finland. We modelled effects of greening measures and landscape structure on farmland birds (7642 territories) using generalised linear mixed models.


Increasing proportions of grasslands increased farmland bird species richness and diversity in open farmland, whereas increasing proportions of fallows increased bird diversity. Increasing crop diversity benefited individual species, but not species richness or diversity. Increasing field edge densities consistently increased the species richness of all farmland species, in-field nesters and non-crop nesters, as well as total farmland bird diversity. The relative effect of edge density was much stronger compared to the three greening measures.


Our results show that promoting fallows and grasslands, in particular grazed grasslands and various types of semi-natural grasslands, has the highest potential to benefit farmland bird diversity. Maintaining or increasing field edge densities, currently not supported, seems to be of even more benefit. In open farmland, with little or no field edges, fallows and grasslands are particularly beneficial.

Finnish N fertilizer application regulations for forage grasses are based on field experiments mainly conducted in the 1960–1970s with cultivars and management practices typical of the time. In order to update the yield response function of N, to make it better suited to current grassland farming, field experiments were conducted at two sites in 2015–2017 with two cultivars of timothy (Phleum pratense L.) and one of meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.). Dry matter (DM) yield, nutritive value and N balance were evaluated, with N application levels 0, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400 and 450 kg N ha−1 year−1. The grasses were harvested three times per season. The data indicate that the DM yield response was significantly stronger, and N was used more efficiently for DM production than earlier without compromising the nutritive value, especially during the first two years. The third harvest produced on average 23% of the annual yield, utilizing N efficiently. N application rates below 350 kg N ha−1 year−1 did not cause substantial overwintering losses or lodging. The data indicate that with changing climate and improved cultivars and management practices, there is a need to modify the rates and timing of N application. The results suggest that N application levels could be increased by at least 50 kg N ha−1 year−1 from the current maximum accepted rate (250 kg N ha−1 year−1) without too high NO3- or CP concentrations in feed, or too high N balance that indicates increasing risk of N leaching.  相似文献   
This study employs chemical fractionations of sedimentary metals and analyses of sediment arcellacean (thecamoebian) faunas to study the ecological effects of mining wastewaters in a boreal lake bay that receives metal-rich waters from a Cu mine. Sediment chemistry and arcellacean species compositions were analyzed from both surface sediment samples and a sediment profile to investigate spatial and temporal changes in mine water pollution and biota. Based on the results, geochemical gradients in the area are caused by dispersal and dilution of metal-rich, low-pH mine waters entering the lake; transport and focusing of fine grained metal precipitates and sulphate in the deep areas of the bay; increase in pH due to sulphate reduction and mobilization of redox-sensitive elements from deep water sites; and precipitation of the mobilized metals at shallower sites. Arcellacean species compositions change systematically with increasing distance from the source of pollution and species diversity as well as concentrations of tests in the samples increase as well. Fe:Mn ratio and adsorbed Al explained variation in surface sediment arcellaceans with statistical significance. Fe:Mn ratio is an indicator of the overall geochemical environment (Eh, pH), while the toxicity of Al in aquatic environments is well known. Changes in arcellacean species and geochemistry in the long core suggest that before the mine closure in 1983, mine waters differed in nature from the present acid drainage and metals such as Cu, Co, Zn and Ni may have affected arcellaceans at that time.  相似文献   
Forests are an important natural resource in Sweden. They are used for multiple purposes, for example, providing economic returns from timber harvest, conservation of biodiversity, provision of wild berries and mushrooms and recreational benefits. People’s perceptions of forests and forest use are currently under transformation due to drivers like globalization and urbanization. The aim of this study was to analyse in particular Swedish university student’s visions of future forests using a newly developed survey method based on mind mapping. An online survey with mind map technique was used to collect data from university students in Umeå, northern Sweden. The study focused on features of forests, products derived from forests and activities in forests. The results indicate that students regard ecological, social and economic aspects of forests as important for future forests and the use of them. In particular, the role of non-wood forest products, like berries and mushrooms, as well as recreational features of forests were central to many of the students. The multitude of different visions suggests that forest management decisions of today, directing the future of forests, need to consider the multiple use of forests to be able to satisfy forest preferences also of younger generations.  相似文献   
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