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A 6-month-old barrow presented with lethargy, inappetence and dysstasia. At necropsy, multiple coalescing hemorrhagic foci were detected in the margins of the spleen. Gram-positive bacilli were isolated from the spleen, kidney, muscle and liver. Comparative 16S rDNA gene sequencing analysis of the isolates (TO16177) revealed that they would be the same species of unpublished Arcanobacterium species strain HJ57-14E (accession no. gi 18873551) (99.7% similarity based on a comparison of 675 bp). Histologic examination of the splenic tissue sections revealed extensive necrosis and inflammation, and gram-positive bacilli were discernible. Multifocal necrosis was also detected in the liver. Immunohistochemically, the isolates were cross-reacted with polyclonal antibodies against Arcanobacterium pyogenes and Actinomyces naeslundii, and the reaction was strong for the latter. Similar reactions were found in the suppurative lesions of the tonsil, and occasionally in the spleen and lymph nodes. The present results indicate that the unpublished Arcanobacterium species induced multiple organ failure accompanied by acute hemorrhagic necrotizing splenitis in this growing-finishing pig.  相似文献   
Microcrystalline cellulose with minimal surface charge was prepared from softwood kraft pulp via hydrolysis by 4N hydrochloric acid instead of sulfuric acid. To this material, sulfate ester groups as surface charge were introduced by treating with 55% (w/w) sulfuric acid. A treatment at 60°C for 2h gave nearly the same level of surface charge as that of the H2SO4 -hydrolyzed microcrystal. The number of sulfate groups were controlled by changing the H2SO4 treatment conditions. Although the microscopic size and shape of the microcrystalline particles were the same irrespective of the preparation method, the introduction of surface charge drastically reduced the viscosity and removed its time dependence. These changes in viscosity behavior are considered to result from charge-induced dispersion of loose aggregates existing in the initial charge-free microcrystals prepared by HCl hydrolysis.Part of this report was presented at the 48th annual meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Shizuoka, April 1998  相似文献   
(+)-Catechin derivatives with different alkyl chain lengths were synthesized from (+)-catechin and various straight chain alkylaldehydes in the presence of methyl mercaptan, and their antibacterial activities against Gram-positive bacteria were evaluated. The antibacterial activity increased markedly with elongation of the alkyl chain lengths of the derivatives and reached a maximum at a chain of four to seven carbons. Subsequently, interaction of the (+)-catechin derivatives with a model membrane using liposome was investigated. The derivatives with a chain of three carbons or more were found to have very strong affinity for the membrane. The injury action of the derivatives against the membrane was examined with liposome in which calcein was enclosed as a fluorescent indicator. The leakage was observed in the derivatives with chain lengths of four carbons or more. Particularly the derivatives with chains longer than five carbons are considered to destroy the liposome membrane judging from the degree of the fluorescent leakage. These results implied that the lipophilicity and disrupting ability of the (+)-catechin derivatives to the liposome membrane participate in their antibacterial activity.  相似文献   
Trials over two years were conducted using 1389 sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L.) genotypes collected from all over the world to characterize the polyphenolic composition in sweetpotato leaves. Wide variation was observed in relation to their total and individual leaf polyphenolic constituents. In all genotypes studied, the total polyphenol contents of sweetpotato leaf ranged from 1.42 to 17.1 g/100 g dry weight. The six different polyphenolic compounds were identified and quantified by NMR, FABMS, and RPHPLC analysis procedures. This is the first report of polyphenolic compositions in sweetpotato leaves. The relative levels of polyphenolic acids in sweetpotato leaves were as follows: 3,5-di-O-caffeoylquinic acid > 4,5-di-O-caffeoylquinic acid > chlorogenic acid (3-O-caffeoylquinic acid) > 3,4-di-O-caffeoylquinic acid > 3,4,5-tri-O-caffeoylquinic acid > caffeic acid. The highest 3,4,5-tri-O-caffeoylquinic acid and 4,5-di-O-caffeoylquinic acid occurred at 221 and 1183.30 mg/100 g dry weight, respectively.  相似文献   
A characteristic gel-like substance has been noticed around weathered pumice grains in the pumice beds of Kanuma near Utsunomiya and of Kitakami, Iwate prefecture. This substance was first studied by SHIOIRI (6) in 1934, and reported as allophane according to its chemical composition, refractive index, and dye-adsorbing nature similar to the colloid of volcanic ash soils of the Onji-type. Recently, KUWANO and MATSUI (5) remarked that the colloidal film in the Kanuma and Imaichi pumice beds diffracted x-rays at about 8 and 33 Å, and they presumed that this substance might be an early transitional material from allophane to some crystalline clay minerals. KANNO (2) and KANNO et al. (3) examined this gel-like substance from Imaichi and Kitakami districts precisely by the x-ray diffraction, differential thermal, infrared spectroscopical, electron microscopical, and chemical methods, and they concluded that the substance was a mixture of poorly crystallized montmorillonite, allophane in various weathering stages, and free sesquioxide, although there was no positive evidence of montmorillonite. YOSHINAGA and AOMINE (7) noticed that the properties of imogolite designated by themselves bore a striking likeness to those of the gel-like substance reported by KANNO et al. (3), and they considered that both substances were essentially of the same kind irrespective of occurrence.  相似文献   
六月龄去势公猪表现昏睡、食欲不振、站立困难。尸检发现脾脏边缘呈多重出血灶。从脾脏、肾脏、肌肉和肝脏中分离出革兰氏阳性杆菌,对分离株(TO16177)的16S rDNA基因序列比较分析发现,其可能与未发表过的隐秘杆菌属HJ57-14E菌株(登记号:gi18873551)(比较675bp个碱基,相似性达99.7%)为同一个属。脾脏组织切片的组织学检查发现呈广泛性坏死和炎症,其中革兰氏阳性杆菌显而易见。肝脏中可见多病灶的坏死斑。免疫组织化学检测发现,分离株与抗化脓性隐秘杆菌属(Arcanobacterium pyogenes)和内氏放线菌(Actinomyces naeslundii)的多克隆抗体具有交叉反应,且与后者的交叉反应更强烈。相似的反应也见于扁桃体的化脓灶中分离株,偶尔也见于脾脏和淋巴结中的分离株。本研究结果表明,这种未公开发布的隐秘杆菌属的细菌会引起生长肥育猪多器官功能衰竭,而后继发急性出血性坏死性脾炎。  相似文献   
In the daily and final landfill cover barrier system, the hydraulic properties of compacted soil liners and the strength of soil can be adversely affected by desiccation cracking, resulting in the loss of effectiveness and integrity of the containment system as a barrier. Recently, there is an interest of using fiber additive to overcome the desiccation cracking problem. In this study, the desiccation crack test was conducted to investigate the effect of fiber additive on suppressing desiccation cracks in compacted Akaboku soils. Polypropylene (C3H6) fiber was used as an additive material for soil sample. The percentages of fiber used were varied as 0.0%, 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6%, 0.8%, 1.0% and 1.2% (by dry weight of samples). The soil specimens were compacted under the conditions of maximum dry density and optimum water content. The surficial cracking area was measured to determine the crack intensity factor (CIF) of the soil samples. The desiccation crack test results indicated that the percentage of volume change of the compacted soil specimen decreased with addition of fiber. The change in the soil surface area decreased with increasing in the fiber content (FC), and consequently, the volumetric shrinkage strain decreased. The CIF for the soil without fiber (FC?=?0.0%) were significantly higher than the soil with fiber additive. The CIF of soil at FC?=?0.0% decreased from 2.75% to 0.6% for the soil at FC?=?0.2%. It was also found that the maximum crack depth reaches almost 50% of the thickness of the soil without fiber additive. This study suggests the potential application of the fiber additives to soils as an available method to suppress desiccation cracks encountered in landfill cover barriers.  相似文献   
Phase-coherent matter-wave amplification was demonstrated using Bose- Einstein-condensed rubidium-87 atoms. A small seed matter wave was created with coherent optical Bragg diffraction. Amplification of this seed matter wave was achieved by using the initial condensate as a gain medium through the superradiance effect. The coherence properties of the amplified matter wave, studied with a matter-wave interferometer, were shown to be locked to those of the initial seed wave. The active matter-wave device demonstrated here has great potential in the fields of atom optics, atom lithography, and precision measurements.  相似文献   
Fermi liquid theory, the standard theory of metals, has been challenged by a number of observations of anomalous metallic behavior found in the vicinity of a quantum phase transition. The breakdown of the Fermi liquid is accomplished by fine-tuning the material to a quantum critical point by using a control parameter such as the magnetic field, pressure, or chemical composition. Our high-precision magnetization measurements of the ultrapure f-electron-based superconductor β-YbAlB(4) demonstrate a scaling of its free energy that is indicative of zero-field quantum criticality without tuning in a metal. The breakdown of Fermi liquid behavior takes place in a mixed-valence state, which is in sharp contrast with other known examples of quantum critical f-electron systems that are magnetic Kondo lattice systems with integral valence.  相似文献   
We examined morphological modifications among oribatid species in five microhabitats in mangrove forests in the Ryukyu Islands of Japan. A total of 89 oribatid species were recorded from canopy (leaves and branches), bark of flooded trunks (trunks of 0–50 cm high and knee roots), bark of other trunks higher than 50 cm, and littoral algae in mangrove forests, and the forest-floor soil in an adjacent bank forest. There were no significant differences in the body length, body width, and notogastral length among oribatid species from the five microhabitats. The mean sensillus length of the oribatid species from the forest-floor soil was about twice as long as that from the other microhabitats. Claw morphology was characterized by two attributes: number (monodactyly and tridactyly) and length. In the canopy and trunks, the proportion of tridactyl species was higher than that of monodactyl species. On the other hand, the proportion of tridactyl species in the forest-floor soil accounted for only about 20%, and that in the flooded trunks and littoral algae approximated to zero. The mean claw length was larger in the oribatid species from the flooded trunks and littoral algae than in both monodactyl and tridactyl species from every other microhabitat. Trydactyl species with short claws in the arboreal environments might have been selected by a compromise between grip and mobility for unpredictable environmental changes such as wind and rain. The dominance of monodactyl species with a longer claw in the littoral environments implies a consequence of selection for regular tidal flooding, which requires oribatids to grip tighter on the substrate. The modifications in claw morphology of oribatid mites in mangrove forest might be interpreted as adaptations to a difference in the predictability of the environmental conditions of microhabitats.  相似文献   
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