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Classical biological control remains the only tool available for permanent ecological and economic management of invasive alien species that flourish through absence of their co‐evolved natural enemies. As such, this approach is recognized as a key tool for alien species management by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO) and the European Strategy on Invasive Alien Species (ESIAS). Successful classical biological control programmes abound around the world, despite disproportionate attention being given to occasional and predictable non‐target impacts. Despite more than 130 case histories in Europe against insect pests, no exotic classical biological control agent has been released in the EU against an alien invasive weed. This dearth has occurred in the face of increasing numbers of exotic invasive plants being imported and taking over National Parks, forests and amenity areas in this region, as well as a global increase in the use of classical biological control around the world. This paper reviews potential European weed targets for classical biological control from ecological and socioeconomic perspectives using the criteria of historical biological control success, taxonomic isolation from European native flora, likely availability of biological control agents, invasiveness outside Europe and value to primary industry and horticulture (potential for conflicts of interest). We also review why classical biological control of European exotic plants remains untested, considering problems of funding and public perception. Finally, we consider the regulatory framework that surrounds such biological control activities within constituent countries of the EU to suggest how this approach may be adopted in the future for managing invasive exotic weeds in Europe.  相似文献   
Frost Hardiness of Red Alder (Alnus rubra) Provenances in Britain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The phenology and frost hardiness of shoots of 15 provenancesof Alnus rubra growing in Scotland were measured over one autumn,winter and spring. Dates of budset (in September) and the onsetof rapid frost hardening (in October-November) occurred about2 days earlier for each degree latitude of origin northwards,except for an Idaho provenance. However, all provenances dehardenedat about the same time in March and burst their buds between8 and 14 April. Assuming that rapid frost hardening in the autumnwas triggered primarily by shortening daylengths, Alaskan provenancesof A. rubra seemed better adapted to British conditions thansouthern British Columbian provenances, which have been mostcommonly planted. However, even Alaskan provenances are proneto spring frost damage. Scottish A. glutinosa and Alaskan A.sinuata set buds and frost hardened 1–2 weeks before eventhe Alaskan A. rubra, and burst their buds 2–3 weeks laterin April-May. All three species were hardy to below –30°Cfrom December to mid-March.  相似文献   
Light Use Efficiency and Woody Biomass Production of Poplar and Willow   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stands of clonal Salix viminalis (in 1985) and Populus trichocarpa(in 1986) were grown for one growing season from cuttings incontainers, at 0.3 m spacing, supplied with trickle irrigationand nutrients. Woody biomass production (Bw) in the first yearwas analysed as the product of the proportion of dry matterpartitioned to wood ({macron}), the seasonal mean efficiencywith which intercepted light was used to produce dry matter({macron}), the mean fraction of incident light interceptedby the canopies (f{macron}), and the amount of incoming solarradiation over the season (A). Thus, Bw = {macron}f{macron}{macron}A. For Salix, Bw=10 t ha–1y–1, while for Populus, Bw= 5 t ha–1y–1, mainly because of differences in{macron} and f{macron}. The Populus partitioned more dry matterto roots (and correspondingly less to stems) and interceptedless light over the growing season. The Salix and Populus cloneshad surprisingly similar ({macron}) values, namely 1. 58 and1. 50 g MJ–1, respectively (based on total dry matterand total solar radiation), which are very like the {macron}values measured on C3 agricultural crops in Britain. Also, theSalix and Populus clones produced canopies with similar lightextinction coefficients and hence similar relationships betweenfractional interception and leaf area index.  相似文献   
The natural increase in frost hardiness of detached shoots ofPicea sltchensis during August to November was measured usinga programmable freezing chamber. Oregon, Queen Charlotte Islandsand Alaskan provenances were compared, and the effects on hardeningof long days, warm temperatures and frosts were determined.A computer model was constructed to mimic the observed patternsof autumn frost hardening, as functions of air minimum temperatures,daylengths and the occurrence of frosts. The model was used(a) to describe the pattern of autumn frost hardening at differentsites in northern Britain, using past meteorological records,and hence (b) to determine when frosts occurred that might havedamaged young trees. The model accurately predicted known instancesof autumn frost damage at Kirroughtree and Carnwath. The predicted probability of autumn frost damage on young treesof P. sitchensis in upland areas of Scotland was much lowerthan that previously predicted for spring frost damage. Theestimated return time for autumn frost damage to an Oregon provenanceat Eskdalemuir was 8.3 years, and the return time for a Q.C.I.provenance was longer than 10 years. Most damaging frosts occurredin October, but frosts like those on 13–15 October 1971,which followed warm weather and caused wide spread damage inScotland, have been quite rare. Alaskan provenances would rarelybe damaged by autumn frosts, nor would trees of Q.C.I. provenancegrowing in lowland areas of Scotland, or at Masset on the QueenCharlotte Islands.  相似文献   
Pre-harvest application of glyphosate in barley at 1·44 and 0·72 kg ha?1 was compared with post-harvest application at 1·44 kg ha?1 at six sites in south-east Scotland, three sprayed in 1980 and three in 1981. Both levels of pre-harvest application gave consistent 95–99% control of A. repens compared with 0–76% control from post-harvest application. Yields of crops grown in 1981 were significantly increased after all the 1980 pre-harvest treatments and after one post-harvest treatment. No significant depressions in grain germination were recorded from the lower rate of pre-harvest application but one significant depression was recorded from the higher rate. Combine harvesting throughput at a given grain loss level was significantly improved by pre-harvest application and moisture content of grain at harvest was significantly reduced by up to 2·5%. Wheeling losses from pre-harvest spraying ranged from 1 to 5%. Crop yield increases in the year after spraying compensated for herbicide and application costs plus any yield losses through tractor wheelings.  相似文献   
CANNELL  M.G.R.; SHEPPARD  L.J. 《Forestry》1982,55(2):137-153
Changes in the natural level of frost hardiness of shoots offour provenances of Picea sitchensis were monitored over twogrowing seasons by detaching shoots from 7 to 10-year-old treesgrowing in a nursery in Scotland, and subjecting them to freezingtemperatures under conditions which simulated night frosts. Six seasonal phases of frost hardiness were identified (Fig.3).
  1. During each autumn, killing temperatures (the level of hardiness)decreased from –5°C to below –20°C, beginningseveral weeks after shoot elongation ceased. Alaskan provenanceshardened in September, apparently in response to shorteningday lengths alone, whereas an Oregon provenance did not hardenuntil November, after repeated frosts. Queen Charlotte Islandsprovenances were intermediate.
  2. From November to March allprovenances were hardy to below –20°C,which is adequateto prevent direct freezing injury at mostplantation sites.
  3. In March-April, several weeks before bud-burst, old shootsdehardenedto killing temperatures of about –10°Cin responseto warm temperatures, and southerly provenancesdid so beforenortherly ones.
  4. During bud-burst the newly-emergingshoots were hardy to only–3°C to –5°C untilthey were about 3.5 cmlong. All provenances burst bud at thesame time and were equallyfrost susceptible at this time.
  5. DuringMay-July the elongating shoots fluctuated in hardinessbetween–5°C and –10°C apparently in responsetofluctuating ambient temperatures.
  6. In August 1980 there wasa period of late summer dehardeningto killing temperaturesof about –3°C.
Seasonal changes in hardiness are discussed in relation to changesin shoot growth and environmental factors. The main opportunitiesfor selecting frost hardy genotypes seem to be in the rate ofautumn hardening, the time of pre-bud burst dehardening, andthe time of bud-burst.  相似文献   
Broad-leaved weeds in pasture, such as Carduus nutans, Onopordum spp. and Echium plantagineum are a major problem for graziers in southern Australia. Previous attempts to combat these weeds with a single technique have only resulted in short-term success. An approach to long-term control, combining biological control with different grazing and herbicide strategies, was evaluated in an integrated weed management (IWM) programme, in south-eastern Australia. This IWM study was one of the few that has focused on biological control agents. During the field trials, the impacts of grazing and herbicide treatments on the weed and biological control agents, as well as on pasture composition, were monitored. This paper concentrates on the part of the study that focuses on the role and importance of pasture composition as part of weed management. The main pasture components were monitored using botanal , a sampling technique for estimating species composition and pasture yield in the field. IWM is a long-term ecological approach and after 3 years, major trends were just becoming apparent. This study shows that pasture composition can be manipulated to increase productivity and sustainability. It demonstrates that broad-leaved weeds can be reduced when high level pasture background management and chemical control are combined.  相似文献   
We report on the first study to track the spatial behaviors of wild giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) using high‐resolution global positioning system (GPS) telemetry. Between 2008 and 2009, 4 pandas (2 male and 2 female) were tracked in Foping Reserve, China for an average of 305 days (± 54.8 SE). Panda home ranges were larger than those of previous very high frequency tracking studies, with a bimodal distribution of space‐use and distinct winter and summer centers of activity. Home range sizes were larger in winter than in summer, although there was considerable individual variability. All tracked pandas exhibited individualistic, unoriented and multiphasic movement paths, with a high level of tortuosity within seasonal core habitats and directed, linear, large‐scale movements between habitats. Pandas moved from low elevation winter habitats to high elevation (>2000 m) summer habitats in May, when temperatures averaged 17.5 °C (± 0.3 SE), and these large‐scale movements took <1 month to complete. The peak in panda mean elevation occurred in Jul, after which they began slow, large‐scale movements back to winter habitats that were completed in Nov. An adult female panda made 2 longdistance movements during the mating season. Pandas remain close to rivers and streams during winter, possibly reflecting the elevated water requirements to digest their high‐fiber food. Panda movement path tortuosity and first‐passage‐time as a function of spatial scale indicated a mean peak in habitat search effort and patch use of approximately 700 m. Despite a high degree of spatial overlap between panda home ranges, particularly in winter, we detected neither avoidance nor attraction behavior between conspecifics.  相似文献   
Seedlings (transplants) of 2+1 Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis(Bong.) Carr.) and 1 + 1 Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii(Mirb.) Franco) were grown in a nursery at the Bush Estate,Scotland. Batches were lifted and cold stored at 0.5°C inNovember, December and January. Changes in growth, shoot apicalmitotic index, root growth potential (RGP), carbohydrate content,bud dormancy and shoot frost hardiness were monitored throughoutthe winter by taking samples at intervals from the nursery andfrom cold storage. Frost hardening occurred during the later stages of bud development(as mitotic indices decreased); autumn hardening was arrestedwhen seedlings were put in cold store, and some dehardeningoccurred in cold storage, especially in spring. Bud dormancystarted, and was greatest, just after bud growth (mitotic activity)virtually ceased; chilling in cold store was almost as effectivein releasing dormancy as natural chilling. The concentrationof total nonstructural carbohydrates stayed more or less constantat 100–150mg g–1 from September to April in thenursery; in cold storage carbohydrates were depleted at 0.4–0.6mgg–1 d–1 (corresponding to respiration at 0.03–0.05mgCO2 g–1 h–1) until there was only 40–50mgg–1. Root growth potentials in the nursery increased in December,once the buds ceased growth, became dormant and had receivedsome chilling. Sitka spruce was ‘storable’ in November,before RGPs increased, but they then failed to achieve maximalfrost hardiness or ROP. Winter RGPs were high in Sitka spruceand were increased or maintained in cold storage, whereas RGPswere low in Douglas fir and decreased immediately after storage(except when stored in January). By the end of April, the RGPof cold stored Sitka spruce was much higher than that of directlifted plants. ROP changes in the nursery and in cold storagewere not consistently related to changes in seedling carbohydratecontents, shoot frost hardiness or bud dormancy. In practical terms, it was concluded that (1) the optimum dateto start lifting bare- rooted conifer transplants in the autumnis when their shoot apical mitotic indices have decreased tonear zero, and their RGPs have risen sharply; (2) high RGPsmay depend as much on the morphology of the roots (e.g. numberof undamaged root apices) as on the physiology of the shoots(e.g. carbohydrate status, dormancy and frost hardiness); and(3) in spring, transplants kept in cold storage since November,December or January are more frost hardy, slightly more dormant,and (in May) have higher RGPs than transplants lifted from thenursery.  相似文献   
Abstract. Three feeding trials, involving pre-pupal larvae of soldier fly, Hermetia illucens L., grown on poultry manure, were conducted to assess: (1) channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque), response to substitution of dried meal larvae for the fish meal component of the catfish diet and (2) if feeding 100% whole or chopped larvae to channel catfish or blue tilapia, Oreochromis aureus (Steindachner), will support normal growth comparable to those fed a commercial diet. Effects on fish quality were also evaluated. Replacement of 10% fish meal with 10% soldier fly larvae resulted in slower growth over a 15-week period for subadult channel catfish grown in cages (trial 1). However, the replacement did not reduce growth rate significantly when channel catfish were grown in culture tanks at a slower growth rate (trial 2). Feeding 100% larvae did not provide sufficient dry matter or protein intake for good growth for either species grown in tanks (trials 2 and 3). Chopping of the larvae improved weight gain and efficiency of the utilization.  相似文献   
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