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In Brazil, most Eucalyptus stands have been planted on Cerrado (shrubby savanna) or on Cerrado converted into pasture. Case studies are needed to assess the effect of such land use changes on soil fertility and C sequestration. In this study, the influence of Cerrado land development (pasture and Eucalyptus plantations) on soil organic carbon (SOC) and nitrogen (SON) stocks were quantified in southern Brazil. Two contrasted silvicultural practices were also compared: 60 years of short‐rotation silviculture (EUCSR) versus 60 years of continuous growth (EUCHF). C and N soil concentrations and bulk densities were measured and modelled for each vegetation type, and SOC and SON stocks were calculated down to a depth of 1 m by a continuous function. Changes in SOC and SON stocks mainly occurred in the forest floor (no litter in pasture and up to 0.87 kg C m?2 and 0.01 kg N m?2 in EUCSR) and upper soil horizons. C and N stocks and their confidence intervals were greatly influenced by the methodology used to compute these layers. C/N ratio and 13C analysis showed that down to a depth of 30 cm, the Cerrado organic matter was replaced by organic matter from newly introduced vegetation by as much as 75–100% for pasture and about 50% for EUCHF, poorer in N for Eucalyptus stands (C/N larger than 18 for Eucalyptus stands). Under pasture, 0–30 cm SON stocks (0.25 kg N m?2) were between 10 and 20% greater than those of the Cerrado (0.21 kg N m?2), partly due to soil compaction (limit bulk density at soil surface from 1.23 for the Cerrado to 1.34 for pasture). Land development on the Cerrado increased SOC stocks in the 0–30 cm layer by between 15 and 25% (from 2.99 (Cerrado) to 3.86 (EUCSR) kg C m?2). When including litter layers, total 0–30 cm carbon stocks increased by 35% for EUCHF (4.50 kg C m?2) and 53% for EUCSR (5.08 kg C m?2), compared with the Cerrado (3.28 kg C m?2), independently of soil compaction.  相似文献   
  1. In 1949, Aldo Leopold formalized the concept of the ‘land ethic’, in what emerged as a foundational and transformational way of thinking about natural resource management, biodiversity conservation, and stewardship in terrestrial systems. Yet, the land ethic has inherent linkages to aquatic ecosystems; Leopold himself conducted research on rivers and lakes, and freshwater ecosystems figured widely in his writing.
  2. We reflect on the land ethic and other aspects of Leopold's scholarship to identify key messages that provide insight into the stewardship and management of freshwater ecosystems around the globe. We also frame what we call the ‘freshwater ethic’ around Leopold's legacy. Although Leopold could not have envisaged the stressors affecting modern aquatic ecosystems, his core principles remain salient. These apply not only to ecosystem protection, but also to the ethics of modern conservation economics, sustainability, and the protection of natural capital, in which lakes, rivers, and wetlands now figure prominently.
  3. We identify key ‘Aldo-inspired’ recommendations for protecting and restoring freshwater ecosystems in the Anthropocene that emanate directly from his writings (e.g. adopt an ecosystem approach, identify win–win–win scenarios, recognize the irreplaceability of wild waters, and strive for freshwater optimism).
  4. In an epoch where links between people and nature are becoming more explicit in environmental management, policy, and governance, we suggest that Aldo Leopold's work illustrates how inspirational, seminal thinkers have offered leadership in this domain. We contend that today there is still much that can be learned from Leopold, especially by the next generation of environmental practitioners, to ensure the effective stewardship of our aquatic ecosystems.
  5. We submit that the adoption of a freshwater ethic in parallel with Leopold's land ethic will enhance the stewardship of the world's increasingly threatened fresh waters by raising the profile of the plight of fresh waters and identifying enduring actions that, if embraced, will help conserve and restore biodiversity.
Anthropogenic conversion of primary forest to pasture for cattle production is still frequent in the Amazon Basin. Practices adopted by ranchers to restore productivity to degraded pasture have the potential to alter soil N availability and N gas losses from soils. We examined short-term (35 days) effects of tillage prior to pasture re-establishment on soil N availability, CO2, NO and N2O fluxes and microbial biomass C and N under degraded pasture at Nova Vida ranch, Rondônia, Brazilian Amazon. We collected soil samples and measured gas fluxes in tilled and control (non tilled pasture) 12 times at equally spaced intervals during October 2001 to quantify the effect of tillage. Maximum soil NH4+ and NO3 pools were 13.2 and 6.3 kg N ha−1 respectively after tillage compared to 0.24 and 6.3 kg N ha−1 in the control. Carbon dioxide flux ranged from 118 to 181 mg C–CO2 m2 h−1 in the control (non-tilled) and from 110 to 235 mg C–CO2 m2 h−1 when tilled. Microbial biomass C varied from 365 to 461 μg g−1 in the control and from 248 to 535 μg g−1 when tilled. The values for N2O fluxes ranged from 1.22 to 96.9 μg N m−2 h−1 in the tilled plots with a maximum 3 days after the second tilling. Variability in NO flux in the control and when tilled was consistent with previous measures of NO emissions from pasture at Nova Vida. When tilled, the NO/N2O ratio remained <1 after the first tilling suggesting that denitrification dominated N cycling. The effects of tilling on microbial parameters were less clear, except for a decrease in qCO2 and an increase in microbial biomass C/N immediately after tilling. Our results suggest that restoration of degraded pastures with tillage will lead to less C matter, at least initially. Further long-term research is needed.  相似文献   
Abomasums from 641 alpine wild ruminants representing five different species (Cervus elaphus, Capreolus capreolus, Rupicapra rupicapra, Capra ibex, Ovis musimon) and from 19 domestic sheep (Ovis aries) from alpine areas were examined in order to investigate the host-specificity of abomasal helminths. Nine out of 20 helminth species were found in at least five different host species. A discriminant analysis was able to significantly discriminate the hosts on the basis of their helminth community composition with the exception of O. musimon and O. aries. Based on the correlation between each variable represented by helminth species with the most explanatory discriminant axis, it was possible to classify helminths into specialists and generalists. Specialists are represented by the dominant species in a community of an host species or family while generalists appear in the communities of many different hosts as intermediate species. Due to the pathogenic potential of some of these generalist species (i.e. Haemonchus contortus, Trichostrongylus axei) and their ability to adapt easily to the conditions found in several different hosts, they appear to be the most important from a sanitary point of view.  相似文献   
采用固体交叉极化魔角自旋13C核磁共振(CPMAS13C-NMR)波谱技术对长期不同施肥处理下红壤性水稻土和太湖地区黄泥土本体土壤以及水稳性团聚体中颗粒有机质(POM)的化学结构特征进行了研究。结果表明,不同施肥处理下本体土壤和不同粒径水稳性团聚体中POM的结构组成相似,主要由烷氧C、烷基C和芳香C组成,其中以烷氧C含量最高。施肥改变了本体土壤POM中各类C原子的相对百分含量,有机肥以及化肥配施有机肥条件下烷氧C含量明显降低,芳香C和酚基C含量有不同程度的增加,表明POM的稳定性增强;单施化肥下烷氧C含量最高,而烷基C、芳香C和芳香度均最低,POM的稳定性减弱,不利于POM的积累。施肥改变了黄泥土不同粒径水稳性团聚体中POM各类C原子的相对百分含量,从而使得不同粒径中POM对其团聚体的稳定性作用发生变化;而红壤性水稻土不同粒径水稳性团聚体POM各类C原子的相对百分含量并未明显受到施肥措施的影响。  相似文献   
The molecular changes of organic matter in a cultivated soil after compost amendments was followed by off-line-pyrolysis-TMAH GC-MS. Thermochemolysis of soil and compost provided a detailed molecular characterization of soil organic matter (SOM) by releasing a large amount of different molecules mainly derived from plant biopolymers such as lignin, waxes and bio-polyesters. No significant differences were found before and after 1 year of cultivation in the pyrolytic products released by control soil, which were mainly fatty acids, oxidized forms of lignins, and minor amounts of microbial bio-products and biopolyesters derivatives. Conversely, significant qualitative and quantitative variations were found in the molecular characteristics of SOM between control and compost-amended soils after 1 year of cultivation. Increasing amounts and diversified components of fatty acids, n -alkanes and various biopolyesters derivatives such as hydroxy-alkanoic and alkandioic acids were found in the compost-amended soil. These results indicate that a significant amount of exogenous compost-derived organic molecules were incorporated into SOM after 1 year of cultivation. The organic structural indexes derived from these results indicated direct inputs of undecomposed lignin residues and hydrocarbon waxes from compost material. When compared with the control soil, small but significant amounts of plant biomarkers, such as cyclic di- and triterpenes derivatives, were found only in the compost-amended soil. These findings suggest that the molecular changes of SOM brought about by amendment with biomass residues can be followed by using thermochemolysis of bulk soil samples.  相似文献   
A humic acid (HA) isolated from a volcanic soil was separated in three fractions of decreasing molecular size (I, II and III) by preparative high performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC). The molecular content of the bulk soil HA and its size fractions was characterized by pyrolysis-GC-MS (thermochemolysis with tetramethylammonium hydroxide) and NMR spectroscopy. All soil humic materials were used to evaluate their effects on the enzymatic activities involved in glycolytic and respiratory processes of Zea mays (L.) seedlings. The elementary analyses and NMR spectra of the humic fractions indicated that the content of polar carbons (mainly carbohydrates) increased with decreasing molecular size of separated fractions. The products evolved by on-line thermochemolysis showed that the smallest size fraction (Fraction III) with the least rigid molecular conformation among the humic samples had the lowest content of lignin moieties and the largest amount of other non-lignin aromatic compounds. The bulk HA and the three humic fractions affected the enzyme activities related to glycolysis and tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA) in different ways depending on molecular size, molecular characteristics and concentrations. The overall effectiveness of the four fractions in promoting the metabolic pathways was in the order: III>HA>II>I. The largest effect of Fraction III, either alone or incorporated into the bulk HA, was attributed to a flexible conformational structure that promoted a more efficient diffusion of bioactive humic components to maize cells. A better knowledge of the relationship between molecular structure of soil humic matter and plant activity may be of practical interest in increasing carbon fixation in plants and redirect atmospheric CO2 into bio-fuel resources.  相似文献   
The adsorption of three s-triazines (atrazine, terbutylazine, and simazine) on three different humic acids (HAs), before and after acidic hydrolysis, was studied at four diverse pH values from 3 to 4.5. The Freundlich sorption affinity (K(f)) and intensity (1/n) of s-triazines were related to the chemical and structural composition of HA and used in a multivariate statistical analysis. At low pH, the sorption values for s-triazines were not directly justified by the content of carboxyl groups in original HA, while only an increase of phenolic carbons in hydrolyzed HA supported the increased s-triazine adsorption. The structural composition of both s-triazines and humic samples explained 86% of the significance in multivariate analyses, whereas the role of pH remained hidden in only 14% of the statistical significance. Adsorption of s-triazines was mainly related to carbon content, hydrophobicity, and aromaticity of HA, thereby implying a predominant binding role of weak dispersive forces. Steric properties explained the larger adsorption affinity of atrazine and terbutylazine with respect to simazine. The occurrence of charge-transfer interactions between atrazine and mainly hydrolyzed HA was further suggested by the increased number of free radicals detected in atrazine-HA complexes at different pH values. Charge-transfer interactions were postulated to occur when HA conformations became progressively controlled by aromatic components. This work indicates that humic matter rich in hydrophobic and aromatic constituents is more likely to adsorb s-triazines and reduce their environmental mobility.  相似文献   
We considered whether ecological restoration using high diversity of native tree species serves to restore nitrogen dynamics in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. We measured δ15N and N content in green foliage and soil; vegetation N:P ratio; and soil N mineralization in a preserved natural forest and restored forests of ages 21 and 52 years. Green foliage δ15N values, N content, N:P ratio, inorganic N and net mineralization and nitrification rates were all higher, the older the forest. Our findings indicate that the recuperation of N cycling has not been achieved yet in the restored forests even after 52 years, but show that they are following a trajectory of development that is characterized by their N cycling intensity becoming similar to a natural mature forest of the same original forest formation. This study demonstrated that some young restored forests are more limited by N compared to mature natural forests. We document that the recuperation of N cycling in tropical forests can be achieved through ecological restoration actions.  相似文献   
The availability of labile organic C for microbial metabolic processes could be an important factor regulating N2O emissions from tropical soils. We explored the effects of labile C on the emissions of N2O from a forest soil in the State of Rondônia in the southwestern quadrant of the Brazilian Amazon. We measured emissions of N2O from a forest soil after amendments with solutions containing glucose, water only or NO3. Addition of glucose to the forest soil resulted in very large increases in N2O emissions whereas the water only and NO3 additions did not. These results suggest a strong C limitation on N2O production in this forest soil in the southwestern Amazon.  相似文献   
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