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Water balance and leaching of plant nutrients, with special reference to N, were described for a 46-ha catchment consisting mainly of coniferous forest (one third of it clear-cut) during the period January 1982-August 1988. The atmospheric N load in this region is high compared with most other parts of Scandinavia. On average, annual N leaching amounted to 9.5 kg ha?1 in the form of NO3-N (83%), org-N (15%) and NH4-N (2%). The highest monthly rate of N transport observed was 3.9 kg ha?1. The NO3-N levels in groundwater in the 60-yr-old coniferous stand ranged from 0.5 to 3.1 mg L?1. The effect of clear-cutting on groundwater-NO3-N levels lasted 4 yr. The highest annual NO3-N transport from the clear-cut area observed was 18 kg ha?1. The groundwater in the spruce forest was very acidic (pH=4.3) in contrast to the stream water (pH=6.3). The relatively higher pH-value of the stream water was probably a result of chemical and biological processes occurring in the highly humified, periodically waterlogged peat soil (alder swamp) in the vicinity of the small stream.  相似文献   
Nanoantennas are key optical components for light harvesting; photodiodes convert light into a current of electrons for photodetection. We show that these two distinct, independent functions can be combined into the same structure. Photons coupled into a metallic nanoantenna excite resonant plasmons, which decay into energetic, "hot" electrons injected over a potential barrier at the nanoantenna-semiconductor interface, resulting in a photocurrent. This dual-function structure is a highly compact, wavelength-resonant, and polarization-specific light detector, with a spectral response extending to energies well below the semiconductor band edge.  相似文献   
Successful regeneration of conifer forests by planting is, in large parts of Europe, highly dependent on the effective suppression of damage caused by the pine weevil Hylobius abietis. We investigated the effectiveness of various combinations of control measures against pine weevil damage under boreal forest conditions in Sweden. In particular, we aimed to determine whether satisfactory regeneration could be obtained without the use of insecticides. The experimental study was established on ten new clear-cuts in each of three consecutive years. We studied the use of chemical and physical methods to protect seedlings directly, and investigated the influence of seedling type, age of clear-cut, and a number of soil factors as affected by preparation of the planting site, on the mortality and level of damage suffered by protected and unprotected seedlings. After two seasons, mortality due to pine weevil was 16% among unprotected seedlings, 6% for seedlings treated with the insecticides cypermethrin or imidacloprid, and less than 1% for those physically protected by a coating of Conniflex. However, the Conniflex, which consists of fine-grained sand embedded in a flexible acrylate matrix, was applied manually, and this may have enhanced its effectiveness compared to that achieved during large-scale, commercial application. Two types of containerized Norway spruce seedlings, which differed mainly in their stem diameter (average 2.6 mm and 3.5 mm), were used in the experiments. Among the unprotected seedlings, the narrower stemmed type was more frequently attacked (34% vs. 28%) and killed (19% vs. 12%) by pine weevil. Mortality caused by pine weevil among unprotected seedlings was higher on 1-year-old than on 2-year-old clear-cuts (20% vs. 12%). Soil preparation around unprotected seedlings had a substantial effect on the proportion attacked and killed by pine weevil as well as on the total mortality, with the highest level of feeding damage and mortality occurring on seedlings in undisturbed humus, and the lowest levels occurring on seedlings planted in pure mineral soil (26% vs. 7% for unprotected seedlings). This study demonstrates that acceptable levels of seedling survival can be achieved in regenerations of North European boreal forest without the use of insecticides. Mortality of unprotected seedlings can be reduced to acceptable levels if they are mostly planted in pure mineral soil. Damage can be further reduced by using seedlings with a somewhat larger stem diameter. Insecticides or a physical barrier of Conniflex alone appear to provide a sufficient level of protection.  相似文献   
Field emission of electrons from individually mounted carbon nanotubes has been found to be dramatically enhanced when the nanotube tips are opened by laser evaporation or oxidative etching. Emission currents of 0.1 to 1 microampere were readily obtained at room temperature with bias voltages of less than 80 volts. The emitting structures are concluded to be linear chains of carbon atoms, Cn, (n = 10 to 100), pulled out from the open edges of the graphene wall layers of the nanotube by the force of the electric field, in a process that resembles unraveling the sleeve of a sweater.  相似文献   

A plant's induced defense system can be triggered by the application of the plant hormone methyl jasmonate (MeJA), and recent research suggest that MeJA treatment may become a tool for protection of conifer seedlings against insect herbivory (e.g. by the pine weevil Hylobius abietis). A side-effect of MeJA application is temporarily reduced height growth. This has generally been considered as negative, but in forest tree nurseries this could instead be beneficial since it is commonly desired to stop the growth of nursery seedlings in late summer. Artificially longer dark periods (long nights/short days) are widely used in high-latitude nurseries to terminate height growth and induce freezing tolerance. However, long night treatment requires specialized nursery equipment and are labor intensive. Therefore alternatives are sought after. We compared long-night and MeJA treatments by following the growth of Norway spruce (Picea abies) seedlings throughout one season. The regulatory effect of MeJA on height growth was similar if not even better than that of long nights, i.e. it was terminated faster. However, MeJA treatment also reduced root growth and delayed the development of freezing tolerance. MeJA may therefore not replace long-night treatments, but it could facilitate a more flexible application of long nights by gaining a longer time interval during which this treatment can be used without risking the seedlings growing too large.

Replanting at appropriate times after harvesting a coniferous forest stand can help efforts to suppress seedling mortality caused by the pine weevil Hylobius abietis, but optimal times are uncertain. We hypothesized that planting in June rather than May in the third season after harvest would reduce feeding damage by the pine weevil and increase seedling survival rates in central Sweden, where new-generation weevils mainly fly away from their development sites in May/early June. An experimental test of the hypothesis in eight clear-cuts confirmed that planting in June instead of May reduced proportions of seedlings attacked by pine weevil, bark removal from seedlings’ stems, and proportions of seedlings killed by feeding damage. These differences between seedlings planted in May and June declined to some extent with time but still remained significant after two growing seasons. The total seedling mortality after two seasons did, however, not differ significantly between seedlings planted in May and June. Overall, 29% of all seedlings were killed by pine weevil, 4.0% by Hylastes bark beetles, and 2.3% by drought. The results indicate that replanting in spring during the third season after harvest can advantageously continue until mid-June with respect to damage and mortality.  相似文献   
We present a simple and intuitive picture, an electromagnetic analog of molecular orbital theory, that describes the plasmon response of complex nanostructures of arbitrary shape. Our model can be understood as the interaction or "hybridization" of elementary plasmons supported by nanostructures of elementary geometries. As an example, the approach is applied to the important case of a four-layer concentric nanoshell, where the hybridization of the plasmons of the inner and outer nanoshells determines the resonant frequencies of the multilayer nanostructure.  相似文献   
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