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Abstract. The effect of drought between summer 1995 and 1997 on stream and river nitrate concentrations was investigated using sites close to the long-running meteorological station in Oxford, UK. Nitrate concentrations in the River Windrush were relatively low during the drought, but after it had ended reached the highest level since records began in 1973. The low concentrations during the drought probably reflect a reduced contribution from agricultural runoff. High nitrate concentrations were found in a field drain at Wytham Environmental Change Network site during and after the drought, but discharge was greatly reduced. A woodland stream at Wytham had much lower nitrate concentrations than the field drain but these similarly increased during and after the drought. There was evidence that both a concentrating effect of low water volumes and enhanced soil nitrogen mineralization and nitrification rates were causing concentrations to rise. The effects of mineralization and nitrification were more important in woodland than agricultural land. Nitrate load over the course of a year was determined largely by discharge, but steeper gradients for the relationship between cumulative load and cumulative discharge were seen during and after the drought than before, reflecting the higher concentrations.  相似文献   


The Resource Dispersion Hypothesis (RDH) proposes a mechanism for the passive formation of social groups where resources are dispersed, even in the absence of any benefits of group living per se. Despite supportive modelling, it lacks empirical testing. The RDH predicts that, rather than Territory Size (TS) increasing monotonically with Group Size (GS) to account for increasing metabolic needs, TS is constrained by the dispersion of resource patches, whereas GS is independently limited by their richness. We conducted multiple-year tests of these predictions using data from the long-term study of badgers Meles meles in Wytham Woods, England. The study has long failed to identify direct benefits from group living and, consequently, alternative explanations for their large group sizes have been sought.  相似文献   
Transpiration of two heterogeneous broad-leaved woodlands in southern England was monitored by the sap flux technique throughout the 2006 growing season. Grimsbury Wood, which had a leaf area index (LAI) of 3.9, was dominated by oak (Quercus robur L.) and birch (Betula pubescens L.) and had a continuous hazel (Corylus avellana L.) understory. Wytham Woods, which had an LAI of 3.6, was dominated by ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) and sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) and had only a sparse understory. Annual canopy transpiration was 367 mm for Grimsbury Wood and 397 mm for Wytham Woods. These values were similar to those for beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) plantations in the same region, and differ from one another by less than the typical margin of uncertainty of the sap flux technique. Canopy conductance (g(c)), calculated for both woodlands by inverting the Penman-Monteith equation, was related to incoming solar radiation (R(G)) and the vapor pressure deficit (D). The response of g(c) to R(G) was similar for both forests. Both reference conductance (g(cref)), defined as g(c) at D=1 kPa, and stomatal sensitivity (-m), defined as the slope of the logarithmic response curve of g(c) to D, increased during the growing season at Wytham Woods but not at Grimsbury Wood. The -m/g(cref) ratio was significantly lower at Wytham Woods than at Grimsbury Wood and was insufficient to keep the difference between leaf and soil water potentials constant, according to a simple hydraulic model. This meant that annual water consumption of the two woodlands was similar despite different regulatory mechanisms and associated short-term variations in canopy transpiration. The -m/g(cref) ratio depended on the range of D under which the measurements were made. This was shown to be particularly important for studies conducted under low and narrow ranges of D.  相似文献   
Forest ecosystems have been widely fragmented by human land use, inducing significant microclimatic and biological changes at the forest edge. If we are to rigorously assess the ecological impacts of habitat fragmentation, there is a need to effectively quantify the amount of edge habitat within a landscape, and to allow this to be modelled for individual species and processes. Edge effect may extend only a few metres or as far as several kilometres, depending on the species or process in question. Therefore, rather than attempting to quantify the amount of edge habitat by using a fixed, case-specific distance to distinguish between edge and core, the area of habitat within continuously-varying distances from the forest edge is of greater utility. We quantified the degree of fragmentation of forests in England, where forests cover 10 % of the land area. We calculated the distance from within the forest patches to the nearest edge (forest vs. non-forest) and other landscape indices, such as mean patch size, edge density and distance to the nearest neighbour. Of the total forest area, 37 % was within 30 m and 74 % within 100 m of the nearest edge. This highlights that, in fragmented landscapes, the habitats close to the edge form a considerable proportion of the total habitat area. We then show how these edge estimates can be combined with ecological response functions, to allow us to generate biologically meaningful estimates of the impacts of fragmentation at a landscape scale.  相似文献   
Field margins have been widely advocated as a means of integrating agronomic and biodiversity objectives and are included in agri-environment schemes across Europe. However, information on the long-term development of field margin plant communities remains limited. We describe a long-term experiment on the effects of field margin management on biodiversity and weed species. Swards were established by natural regeneration or sowing a grass and wildflower seed mixture, and treatments manipulated the frequency and timing of mowing, application of herbicide and leaving of hay. Vegetation was monitored to evaluate the extent to which early conclusions remained valid after 13 years. Although early successional trends suggested that naturally regenerated swards would rapidly become dominated by pernicious perennial weeds, and that sown swards would exclude such species, neither was true in the longer term. Sown swards were eventually invaded by unsown perennials, but they remained distinct from naturally regenerated swards. Plant species richness declined throughout the experiment. Annuals were lost most rapidly from sown swards but, under natural regeneration, loss could be modified by mowing. Perennial species initially increased during natural regeneration before stabilising. In sown swards they declined under all treatments. Species richness in naturally regenerating swards was promoted initially by mowing twice annually. After 13 years, timing and frequency of mowing had no significant effect on species richness although it still influenced sward composition. Leaving cut hay lying produced species-poor swards. We conclude that the choice of establishment and management methods for arable field margins significantly affects the long-term conservation value of the swards.  相似文献   
The relationship among antioxidant activity, based on the electron-spin resonance determination of the reduction of Fremy's radical, vasodilation activity, and phenolic content was investigated in 16 red wines. The wines were selected to provide a range of origins, grape varieties, and vinification methods. Sensitive and selective HPLC methods were used for the analysis of the major phenolics in red wine: free and conjugated myricetin, quercetin, kaempferol, and isorhamnetin; (+)-catechin, (-)-epicatechin, gallic acid, p-coumaric acid, caffeic acid, caftaric acid, trans-resveratrol, cis-resveratrol, and trans-resveratrol glucoside. Total anthocyanins were measured using a colorimetric assay. The total phenolic content of the wines was determined according to the Folin-Ciocalteu colorimetric assay and also by the cumulative measurements obtained by HPLC. The 16 wines exhibited a wide range in the values of all parameters investigated. However, the total phenol contents, measured both by HPLC and colorimetrically, correlated very strongly with the antioxidant activity and vasodilation activity. In addition, the antioxidant activity was associated with gallic acid, total resveratrol, and total catechin. In contrast, only the total anthocyanins were correlated with vasodilation activity. The results demonstrate that the different phenolic profiles of wines can produce varying antioxidant and vasodilatant activities, which opens up the possibility that some red wines may provide enhanced health benefits for the consumer.  相似文献   
Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) is an invasive, non-nativespecies in Great Britain and its management in conservationareas is controversial. Climate change adds further uncertaintyto decision making. We investigated the role of management historyin determining present-day abundance and the effects of climaticvariability on growth, photosynthesis and phenology at WythamWoods, a UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) monitoring site.Relatively few sycamore trees were found in undisturbed ancient,semi-natural woodland and recent plantations, despite beingcommon in other areas of the site. Sycamore grew more slowlythan ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.), its principal competitor,but at a similar rate to pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.)in the period 1993–2005. There were fewer sycamore thanash seedlings, regardless of which species dominated the canopy.Growth of sycamore was slower in dry periods than wet ones andlower photosynthetic rates were measured in canopy leaves underdry compared with wet soil conditions. This study thereforesuggests that sycamore does not present a serious threat toundisturbed ancient woodland on the site and that it may eventuallydecline in areas of the site where it competes with ash, inthe absence of disturbance. It may also decline under climatechange if summer droughts become more frequent.  相似文献   
This review identifies the major trends in physical, chemical and biological data between 1993 and 2007 at the 12 terrestrial sites in the United Kingdom Environmental Change Network (ECN) and assesses the effectiveness of the programme.Temperature and precipitation increased and sulphur (S) deposition decreased across the network. There were also significant local trends in nitrogen (N) deposition. The decreasing S deposition was associated with increasing pH of rainfall and soils and there was widespread evidence of soil pH showing recovery from acidification.Warm-adapted butterfly species tended to increase at northern, upland sites, consistent with an effect of increasing temperatures. In contrast, carabid beetle species associated with cooler northern and upland areas showed declining populations. The increasing trend in precipitation may account for a decline in ruderal plant species in the lowlands, reversing an increase associated with drought in the early part of the time series.There was no general shift in the composition of plant communities which might reflect rising soil pH. This may reflect the slow dynamics of plant community processes or a distinction between pH trends at the surface and lower soil horizons.The ECN is effective in detecting trends in a range of different variables at contrasting sites. Its strength is the ability to monitor causes and consequences of environmental change in the same programme, improving the ability to attribute causes of change, which is essential to developing conservation policy and management in the 21st century.  相似文献   
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