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In 1975 many tumours were observed in plants ofBegonia Schwabenland grown in Aalsmeer. Submersion of the roots ofNicotiana megalosiphon seedlings in a homogenate of tumorous tissue, induced tumours after two weeks. Short periods of submergence yielded results similar to those obtained after longer periods. Tumour homogenates lost their infectivity after ten min at 50°C. Aphids transmitted the infectious agent.Treatment with propylene oxide did not inhibit infectivity completely. Filtration through a 450 nm filter removed the infectious agent.Tobacco tumor virus or a viroid could not be isolated. Cultures ofCorynebacterium fascians, isolated from tumours ofN. megalosiphon were highly infectious and induced tumours in healthyN. megalosiphon andBegonia. Tumorous tissue homogenates ofPelargonium zonale, Dahlia sp.,Gladiolus sp., andLilium sp. also caused tumours inN. megalosiphon, from whichC. fascians was isolated. It was not possible to produce tumours inN. megalosiphon with homogenates from roses with symptoms of bud proliferation.Samenvatting In 1975 werden vele tumoren waargenomen inBegonia Schwabenland op Aalsmeerse bedrijven (Fig. 1). De infectiositeit van tumorweefsel kon goed en snel worden vastgesteld door de wortels van zaailingen vanNicotiana megalosiphon in een homogenaat van tumorweefsel te dompelen. Tumoren ontstonden na twee weken, de eindbeoordeling geschiedde na een maand (Fig. 2). Ook verschillende andereNicotiana spp.,Melilotus officinalis (Fig. 3) enPisum odoratum (Fig. 4) werden aangetast.Bij de infectiositeitstoets gaven zeer korte dompeltijden even goede resultaten als langere (Tabel 1). Infectieus sap verloor zijn infectievermogen na 10 min verhitting bij 50°C. Bladluizen brachten de smetstof over. Propyleenoxide verminderde de infectiositeit wel, doch onderdrukte deze niet totaal. Bij filtratie door een 450 nm filter bleef het infectieuse agens op het filter achter. Het tumor-inducerende agens was ook aanwezig in die delen van planten met tumoren welke gezond leken en het ging voor een gering deel over met zaad (Tabel 2).Uit tumoren konden wij geen tabakstumorvirus of een viroïde isoleren. Culturen vanCorynebacterium fascians, geïsoleerd uit tumoren vanN. megalosiphon bleken zeer infectieus en veroorzaakten tumoren inN. megalosiphon enBegonia. Homogenaten van tumorweefsel vanPelargonium zonale, dahlia (Fig. 5), gladiool (Fig. 6) enLilium Mid Century Hybrid Enchantment (Fig. 7) veroorzaakten ook tumoren opN. megalosiphon, waaruitC. fascians werd geïsoleerd. Met sap van kroeskopzieke rozen konden wijN. megalosiphon niet besmetten.  相似文献   
Based on the time that symptoms of blackleg become evident in the field and the various ways of inoculation, it is concluded that the spread of symptom expression is due to the depth at which the bacteria penetrate into the interior of the tubers. Moreover, it is demonstrated that it is not the closed lenticels which prevent penetration, but the absence of a waterfilm in the intercellular spaces of the tuber tissue.  相似文献   
The efficacy of an ethylenediamine dihydriodide containing salt mixture was evaluated with regard to the prevention of naturally occurring foot rot in pastured cattle. Ninety-six cattle were assigned to the treatment group and 96 were assigned to the control group. The groups were allowed consumption of salt-mineral mixtures, ad libitum, that were identical, except with respect to iodine concentration. The control group's mixture contained 0.0025% iodine and the treatment group's mixture contained 0.125% iodine (0.156% ethylenediamine dihydriodide). The incidence of foot rot was measured, as was the severity of the lesions and accompanying lameness. The incidence of foot rot in the control group (20.8%) was significantly (P less than 0.05) greater than the incidence in the treatment group (8.3%). The severity of foot rot was greater (P = 0.024) in the control calves vs the treatment calves. Total serum iodine concentrations were measured in the 2 groups on days 0, 46, and 130 of the experiment. The serum iodine values of the treatment group on day 46 (46 +/- 19.8 g/dl) and day 130 (23 +/- 12.3 g/dl) were significantly different (P less than 0.01) than the serum iodine concentrations of the control animals and the pretreatment values (day 0) of both groups. Production was measured via calf weaning weights. There were no detectable differences between the 205-day adjusted weaning weights of the calves in the control group vs the calves in the treatment group. Clinical signs of iodism were not observed in the cattle involved in this study.  相似文献   
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) ankylosis is characterized by difficulty or inability to open the mouth. The ankylosis may be articular ('true') or extra-articular ('false'). Clinical signs, radiographic studies, treatment and follow-up are presented in a retrospective study involving five cats and five dogs. The findings were compared with TMJ ankylosis in humans. CT imaging with three-dimensional reconstruction proved to be of great value in determining the extent of the abnormalities and helped with preoperative planning. Articular TMJ ankylosis occurred in six animals and extra-articular TMJ ankylosis was found in the other four cases. In three cats and in three dogs, the TMJ ankylosis was trauma related; the remaining patients were diagnosed with a tumour. Resection of ankylosing tissue in false ankylosis or gap arthroplasty in true ankylosis was successful in all of the trauma induced cases. In the two cats, with tumour related ankylosis, the ankylosis was caused by an osteoma and resection had a good prognosis, whereas the two dogs had to be euthanatized.  相似文献   
The advances in testing methodology and in our understanding of the normal nutritional physiology of cattle have given veterinarians valuable tools to assess the nutritional status of cattle. By taking a representative number of appropriate samples, it is now relatively easy and inexpensive to determine the nutritional status of an individual or a group of animals. Also, the effectiveness of supplementation programs can be measured over time as part of an overall preventive medicine program.  相似文献   
There is a growing body of literature showing that physical activity and nature have a positive effect on people's health and well-being. Additionally literature indicates that there may even be a synergic benefit from being physically active whilst simultaneously being directly exposed to nature. This insight is used in recovery programmes for work related stress and mental health care settings. However, as primary care is usually people's first point of contact with the health care system, the greatest benefits for people's health can probably be obtained in primary health care settings. The aim of the present study is therefore to investigate to what extent general practitioners advise patients on physical activity and whether they refer to the additional health benefits of physical activity in a natural environment.

A secondary analysis was performed on a random sample of 2784 video-taped patient consultations of 100 general practitioners in The Netherlands. Many characteristics of these consultations were known on the basis of earlier analyses: diagnosis, age and sex of patient and whether or not the issue of physical activity had been brought up by either patient or doctor. First, we investigated to what extent and with which health problems advice was given concerning physical activity. Second, from these consultations, a stratified sample of 100 consultations was observed in order to investigate whether an advice was given by the general practitioner concerning the additional benefits of nature. In 26% of all consultations advice on physical activity was given by the general practitioner. Physical activity was mentioned more often in cases of vague complaints than in cases with a clear cut diagnosis. As could have been expected, physical activity was mentioned relatively frequently in cases of musculoskeletal complaints and complaints of the nervous system. The additional benefits of physical activity in natural environments was not mentioned during any of the consultations.

In conclusion, general practitioners regularly give advice on physical activity. However, they fail to mention that physical activity in nature areas might have additional health benefits. Given the fact that medical treatment is increasingly evidence based, we think the evidence for the health benefits of physical activity in nature needs to be stronger. Results from such research could eventually find their way into the guidelines of the general practitioners.  相似文献   

The effects of opioids and naloxone on cyclical forestomach motility were determined in anaesthetized and conscious sheep. To assess central or peripheral opioid actions, differential routes of administration were used. Possible dynamic effects along the innervating vagovagal reflex arc were investigated electrophysiologically at the cervical level of the vagus nerve. Further, direct influences on the smooth muscle were evaluated in vitro on isolated longitudinal reticular strips. Additionally, the effects of some spasmogenic agents were studied for comparative purposes. In anaesthetized sheep, opioids depressed in an identical manner both the amplitude of spontaneous cyclical contractions and contractions evoked by electrical stimulation of the distal end of the cut cervical vagus. In conscious sheep, low doses of normorphine and loperamide inhibited frequency and amplitude centrally (20 micrograms/kg and 4 micrograms/kg via carotid artery respectively), whereas locally higher dose levels (200 micrograms/kg and 10 micrograms/kg via coeliac artery respectively) affected only the amplitude of cyclical contractions. Furthermore the opioid peptides Leu-, Met-enkephalin and [D-Ala2-Met5]-enkephalinamide preferentially depressed the amplitude of cyclical motility most efficiently if administrated via the coeliac artery. These results indicate the presence both of a central opioid action depressing frequency and amplitude and of a local opioid action depressing only the amplitude of cyclical reticulo-ruminal motility. Opioids did not alter the resting discharge of afferent tension units and similarly failed to modulate tone of reticular strips in vitro, suggesting that the opioids act locally on the intramural neuronal plexus, possibly by diminishing the output of excitatory transmitter. Whether substance P could play a role as a vagal excitatory transmitter besides the classically implicated acetylcholine has been discussed. The central opioid mechanism is probably not situated within the gastric centres but elsewhere in the brain. Naloxone (greater than or equal to 100 micrograms/kg, jugular vein) stimulated the frequency of cyclical ruminal motility only in well-defined experimental conditions, probably via a central mechanism.  相似文献   
One hundred fifty Se-deficient, pregnant, crossbred beef cows were assigned to 1 of 4 treatment groups: group A, Se-deficient control; group B, 1 Se bolus at 0 and 119 days; group C, 1 Se bolus at 0 days; and group D, 2 Se pellets at 0 days. The Se bolus is an osmotic pump designed to release 3 mg of Se/d into the reticulorumen. The Se pellets weight approximately 30 g and contain 10% elemental Se, which is liberated in the reticulorumen. The Se bolus is designed to provide Se supplementation for 120 days and the Se pellets provide supplementation for up to 18 months. Cattle were maintained on Se-deficient pasture or forages prepared from these pastures for the duration of the experiment. Blood samples were collected from cows prior to treatment (time 0) and at 28, 52, 119, and 220 days thereafter and analyzed for blood Se (BSe) concentration. Body weights were recorded at each sampling time. Blood Se concentration of cows from all supplemented groups were significantly (P less than 0.01) higher than control values at all sample dates after treatments began. By the end of the 220-day study, treatment group-B cattle had significantly (P less than 0.01) higher BSe concentrations than any other group. Body weights of treatment groups fluctuated throughout the study, but did not differ (P greater than 0.05) between groups. One cow and 6 calves born to cows during the experimental period died. Necropsy of 5 calves provided no evidence linking these deaths to treatments.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
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