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Two chemical methods which are commonly used for rice grain freshness determination were investigated for their efficiencies.Method 1 is made of bromothymol blue indicator,and the principle is based on indicator’s color which is changed in according to pH of the stored rice grains.Method 2 is based on peroxidase activity which deteriorates during storage of rice grains.Both methods were used for determination of fresh-aged rice index of six Thai-rice cultivars,four from non-waxy rice cultivars (KDML 105,Chai Nat 1,Chai Nat 2 and Phitsanulok 2) and two from waxy rice cultivars (San-pah-tawng and RD6).Rice samples were kept in the forms of paddy and polished rice.Fresh-aged rice indices were determined using both methods every two weeks over the storage period of 24 weeks (six months).It was found that both methods were capable of detecting fresh-aged rice indices.The color of chemical solutions changed with regards to the age of rice grains and it could be detected spectrophotometrically.Rice grains which have been kept as paddy provided more consistent results.Method 1 is recommended for industrial application as it is simple,efficient and inexpensive.  相似文献   
华南地区短枝木麻黄种源试验   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
对华南地区短枝木麻黄种源 16个性状的两试点联合方差分析表明 :除 PBA和 PBL 外 ,其它性状在地点间有极显著差异 ,表明参试种源在两个地点分别进行种源筛选 ;除 1年生树高、2~ 3年生单株材积外 ,其它数量性状在种源间有显著或极显著差异 ;4年生的树高、胸径、单株材积、PBD、PBT、PBL在种源×地点 ( P× S)互作间有显著或极显著差异。方差分量比例计算结算表明 ,2~ 4年生时 ,除 4年生单株材积方差分量比例略有降低外 ,树高、胸径和单株材积的地点方差分量比例及 P× S互作的方差分量比例均随年龄的增加而增加 ;质量性状 SFA、SFS、PBD和 PBT,地点方差分量比例最大 ,而种源或加上 P× S互作的方差分量 <10 %。当不考虑 P× S互作效应时 ,种源数量性状和质量性状的遗传变异系数和广义遗传力均比考虑互作效应时相应性状的遗传变异系数和广义遗传力大。4年生树高、胸径、保存率、SFA和 SF S等 6个性状 ,按地点对参试种源进行评定结果为 :试验 E94 6中 ,优良种源为 180 86、18118、183 55、180 13、182 4 4、18119、182 88、183 4 8、180 15和 180 0 8;试验 E94 4中优良种源有 18154、183 55、1812 8、18143、18153、1812 7、1813 4、142 3 3和 182 88。这些种源均好于国内对照种源 ,分别占各自参试种源的  相似文献   
华南地区山地木麻黄种源试验与筛选   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
依据首次建立在华南地区的各含 2 8个种源的两片山地木麻黄种源试验数据 ,分析了 1~ 4a生树高、胸径、单株材积和保存率等 4个性状的方差分量、遗传变异系数和遗传力等遗传参数。结果表明树高、胸径、单株材积和保存率在地点间、种源间及种源×地点互作间均有显著或极显著差异。当不考虑种源×地点互作效应互作时 ,3~ 4a生性状种源广义遗传力 ,树高变幅为 11 0 0 %~ 13 80 % ,胸径为 3 32 %~ 5 5 5 % ,单株材积为 5 4 0 %~ 8 30 %。以用材林为培育目的 ,依据 4a生树高、胸径、单株材积和保存率计算的综合评定值大小 ,分别对两个试验的参试种源进行了排序和选优 ,以 2 5 %的入选率 ,每试验各有 7个种源入选。E96 8试验的优良种源为 1884 4、194 89、192 4 0、17877、194 91、194 90和 192 39;E96 6中优良种源为 192 38、1884 7、1885 3、17877、1895 0、1885 2和 1894 9。筛选后树高、胸径和单株材积可获得明显的遗传增益。参试种源树高、胸径、单株材积和保存率性状间均表现出极显著正相关。树高早期表型相关和遗传相关极其显著 ,可用于树高的早期预测。最后 ,预测了山地木麻黄优良种源在中国潜在适生范围  相似文献   
麻楝属树种种源苗期试验及其在我国发展潜力   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2000年从国内外引进麻楝属树种10个种源的种子,并在福建南部国有岩溪林场进行了苗期试验,观测了10天时种子发芽、6个月时苗高和地径生长情况。试验结果表明:从参加分析的8个种源苗生长指标比较看,来自缅甸的Ledagyi Leway种源20100最好,来自澳大利亚昆士兰Atherton种源20186、越南Hoa Binh种源20033、中国海南省尖峰岭种源20031和越南Son La种源20034次之,而种源20117,20118和20099较差。另外,马来西亚Ulu Tranan种源20124移苗后的保存率尽管较低,但其苗木的生长量较高,需要进一步引种测试。同时,依据国内外麻楝人工林生长和材性等资料,分析和讨论了麻楝在我国华南地区的发展潜力。  相似文献   
Effects of mycorrhizal association on improving tolerance of host plant under stress environments have received attentions in recent years. In this paper, six isolates of AMF (arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus) were inoculated to Casuarina equisetifolia seedlings under glasshouse conditions to investigate the effects of AMF on growth and drought tolerance of host plants. All the six isolates which belong to Glomus showed high mycorrhizal colonization (88.5–96.0%) with C. equisetifolia seedlings. Seedlings were subjected to drought stress without watering for 7 days and survival of the seedlings inoculated with Glomus caledonium Gc90068, G. versiforme Gv9004 and G. caledonium Gc90036 increased by 36.6, 23.3 and 16.6%, respectively compared with uninoculated seedlings. Limited influence of AMF on seedling height growth was found, but the effects of AMF on total biomass increment were very significant; the increment ranged from 25.7 to 118.9% compared with uninoculated treatment, and it was noted that AMF exerted more influences on root biomass than shoot biomass. Based on the changes in physiological and biochemical parameters among different treatments caused by drought stress, it was concluded that AM (arbuscular mycorrhizal) associations improve the drought tolerance of C. equisetifolia seedlings by means of some physiological and biochemical responses, such as lowering permeability of plasma membrane and MDA (malondialdehyde) contents, enhancing concentrations of P nutrition, soluble sugar, soluble protein and activities of POX (Peroxidase) of C. equisetifolia seedlings.  相似文献   
[目的]研究山地木麻黄种源间抗风性、生长及形质性状的遗传变异规律,为山地木麻黄的良种选育和种质资源的合理开发利用提供科学依据。[方法]以27个山地木麻黄种源为试验材料,于造林后2、5、7 a时测定山地木麻黄种源的树高、胸径、单株材积和保存率等数量性状,并于造林后7 a时调查主干分叉习性(AP)、主干通直度(SFS)、侧枝密度(DPB)、侧枝直径(TPB)、绿色小枝长度(LDB)、侧枝分枝角(APB)、侧枝长度(LPB)等形质性状以及抗风性(RES),通过方差分析、相关性分析及遗传参数估算揭示其遗传变异规律。应用坐标综合评定法对山地木麻黄种源进行综合评定。[结果]表明:造林后2、5、7 a时,27个山地木麻黄种源间保存率和抗风性差异显著(P0.05);对造林后7 a时保存率较高的18个种源进一步分析显示,上述3个年份各种源间树高、胸径和单株材积等生长性状均存在极显著差异(P0.01);7 a时,TPB、APB、LDB、AP和SFS等形质性状在种源间亦存在显著或极显著差异;生长性状的种源遗传力明显高于形质性状,二者分别受中度或中度偏下和低度遗传控制;随着林龄的增长,树高的遗传变异系数变化不大,而胸径和单株材积的遗传变异系数呈先增加后降低的趋势,树高、胸径、单株材积的遗传变异系数分别为11.89%~12.30%、11.67%~13.67%、30.20%~38.11%;7 a时,形质性状的遗传变异系数为3.84×10~(-5)%~5.56%。性状间相关分析表明:树高作为山地木麻黄早期选择性状较适宜。[结论]依据坐标综合评定法,筛选出17877、19489和19490等3个优良种源,可在生产上大面积推广。  相似文献   
The prevalence of antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii was investigated by commercial latex agglutination test kit (Toxocheck-MT 'Eiken') in captive felids maintained at zoos and a wildlife breeding center in different geographic regions of Thailand. Sera from a total of 136 captive felids of 12 species was obtained between 2002 and 2004. The overall seroprevalence of T. gondii was found in 21 of 136 (15.4%) felids. The titers varied from 1:64 (eight samples) to 1:8192 (one sample). The seroprevalence in different geographic regions were from 0% in the northern area to 23% in the southern area. This study suggested a widespread exposure of captive felids to T. gondii in Thailand and this is the first report of serologic analysis for T. gondii in captive felids in Southeast Asia.  相似文献   
接种菌根菌的木麻黄种源/家系苗的变异研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
在苗圃和温室中分别研究了菌根菌接种对23个短枝木麻黄种源和10个山地木麻黄家系生长的影响,并筛选出优良菌根菌—木麻黄基因型组合体。试验表明,苗圃中接种菌根菌对短枝木麻黄种源苗高和地径的改善程度不同,效果与种源有密切关系,筛选出了一些优良"菌根菌—木麻黄种源"组合体,23个种源中18357种源的接种效果最好,其次为18143,18122和18121种源;在温室中,参试家系所有性状在接种处理间、家系间、家系×菌种互作间均有极显著差异。接种菌根菌明显改善了木麻黄苗对磷(P)的吸收量,幼苗枝叶的P吸收量都为相应对照值的1 3~2 7倍,且菌根菌 家系组合体对土壤中P的吸收能力不同,有利于P吸收的组合有C9216 家系7和家系8、E4100 家系6、7和8。用苗高、地径、地上生物量和P吸收量等因素对30个参试菌根菌 家系组合进行综合评价,选出13个优良组合:C9216 家系8、E4100 家系6、C9216 家系3、C9216 家系7、E4100 家系8、E4100 家系1、E4100 家系5、E9216 家系7、C9216 家系5、E4100 家系4、E4100 家系2、C9216 家系6和C9216 家系10,这些组合均好于未接种处理的家系3的综合评价值,其中家系5、6、7、8对2种菌根菌组合效果都比较理想,而家系3、1、2、10只与2种菌根菌中的一种构成良好的组合。试验证明外生菌根菌接种在木麻  相似文献   
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