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There is an ongoing controversy on whether fish farming affects the quality of wild fish in fjords. In northern Norway, local people prefer not to eat saithe, Pollachius virens L., from areas in the vicinity of fish farms because they say the taste is inferior to saithe from other areas. To address this issue, saithe were collected in the vicinity of a salmon fish farm in a fjord in northern Norway and in two reference areas: one site 6 km away from the nearest fish farm in the same fjord, and the other in a fjord nearby with no fish farms. The objective of this study was to clarify whether the physiology or taste of saithe near fish farms differs from saithe in areas with no or limited influence from fish farms. The fish collected near farms were larger than those from control sites of the same age and had been eating pellets. Analysis of fatty acid composition of the fillet indicated that fish collected near the farms had fatty acid profiles that resembled that of pellets more than fish from reference sites. The results suggest that there were individual differences in the time spent near cages for saithe collected near the farm, and that saithe collected at the reference area in the same fjord had also been eating pellets, i.e. had visited at least one of the fish farms in the fjord. In a sensory test, the test panel found that saithe from the fjord without fish farms tasted better than saithe collected near the cages. The test panel found no clear differences in taste between saithe collected near the fish farm and saithe from the same fjord, but 6 km from the nearest fish farm.  相似文献   


The highest concentrations of environmental contaminants are generally found in marine sediments, and there is a need for knowledge concerning how and whether they affect sediment-dwelling organisms. This study aimed to assess sublethal effects in Arenicola marina exposed to two sediments from a contaminated fjord and two reference locations with different sediment characteristics.

Materials and methods

Duplicate contaminated sediments were used to investigate the robustness of current protocols for sediment testing. The two reference sediments, with different grain sizes and total organic carbon, were collected from the outer Oslofjord and the two contaminated sediments from Frierfjord. Polychaetes were exposed in quadruplicate sediment microcosms and sampled after 1, 2, 4 and 8?weeks of exposure. Oxidative stress resistance (total oxyradical scavenging capacity, TOSC) and components comprising the energy budget (cellular energy allocation, CEA) were determined for individual polychaetes.

Results and discussion

Arenicola maintained and increased body weights over the initial 4?weeks of exposure in all groups, except in one reference sediment (Elle). There were no differences between treatments in the scavenging capacity (TOSC). The most striking difference in how polychaetes partitioned energy resources was a difference in lipid and carbohydrate allocations for Arenicola held in the contaminated sediments over the initial weeks. Cellular respiration appeared to increase in polychaetes held in the Elle sediment and decreased for polychaetes held in the two Frierfjord sediments by weeks?4 and 8. In the overall CEA, this was offset by increased energy per weight stored in the Elle group, which resulted in an overall positive CEA for polychaetes held in that sediment, whereas polychaetes in the other treatments were close to neutral. Although CEA would thus indicate that Elle polychaetes had good health status, their body weight also decreased significantly over the experimental period compared to other treatments, indicating an overall negative effect.


This study has shown the importance of sediment characteristics when evaluating toxicity and how resource allocation can differ dramatically over a short time span in polychaetes held in similarly contaminated sediments. There were no clear effects of sediment contamination on CEA or TOSC in the polychaete A. marina. The findings are relevant for the design of both short- and long-term sediment studies.  相似文献   
Variability in the availability of suitable prey (mainly nauplii stages of Calanus spp.) in the early life stages of cod is likely a significant contributor to the fluctuations in the year‐class strength in the Arcto Norwegian cod stock. We have investigated the origin of the Lofoten shelf population of Calanus using a particle tracking model approach based on velocity fields simulated from 2002 to 2012. By performing backwards simulations of trajectories from particles released on the Lofoten shelf in early spring, we assessed the relative contribution of potential Calanus sources, such as the Lofoten Basin, the local overwintering on the continental shelf and the adjacent fjords. This analysis revealed significant interannual differences in advection patterns mainly driven by changes in wind conditions and variable strength of the Norwegian Coastal Current. Most of the particles advected into our study area originated on the shelf, and contrary to expectations, only a few originated from the Lofoten Basin where Calanus abundances tend to be high. These results suggest that contribution from the Lofoten Basin to the early spring shelf Calanus population may be overestimated and that contribution from more local sources, especially from adjacent fjords, may play a more important role than what has been previously anticipated. Our results highlight the necessity to improve quantification of shelf‐fjord exchange processes, as these may contribute more to the regulation of spring zooplankton stocks on the northern Norwegian shelf, and, as a result, may affect the survival of cod larvae in this area.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to quantify the release of the hydrophobic contaminant emamectin (EMA) from marine sediments in response to inputs of organic material (OM) and/or oil, in the presence or absence of two different bioturbating species. Specifically, it was designed to test whether oil would decrease the release of EMA and whether OM and/or the presence of bioturbating macrofauna would increase the release of EMA from sediment.

Materials and methods

Experimental sediments were spiked with EMA (5 μg kg?1 wet sediment). The different treatments were prepared by the addition of OM (310 g algae m?2) and/or an aliphatic oil (29.6 g oil m?2). In addition, two bioturbating species, Brissopsis lyrifera or Ennucula tenuis, were added in some aquaria, resulting in a total of 12 treatments with four replicates each. Water samples for analyses of silicate and EMA and sediment samples for analyses of total organic carbon (TOC) were taken at the start and end of the experimental exposure. In addition, oxygen was measured during the experimental period of 8 days. Fluxes were calculated and compared between treatments using generalised linear models (GLMs).

Results and discussion

The EMA release flux was significantly increased in treatments with added OM, possibly reflecting the presence of soluble complexes formed between EMA and dissolved OM. The presence of B. lyrifera caused a small, but statistically significant, increase in EMA release from sediment. This species would be expected to have a stronger effect on bioirrigation and particle mixing than E. tenuis, particularly when the population density of the latter species is low (as in the present experiment). There were no consistent effects of oil in this experiment, but the presence of oil decreased the EMA release flux when co-occurring with added OM and/or B. lyrifera. Increased retention of hydrophobic contaminants in the presence of oil is consistent with the existing literature on contaminant fate.


The results from this study highlight the need to consider both the infauna present in polluted areas and the level of organic enrichment of the sediment when modelling the environmental fate of hydrophobic contaminants. It also highlights that labile OM and refractory oil appear to differ in their effects on the remobilisation of hydrophobic organic contaminants, by reducing and increasing release, respectively.  相似文献   
Development of sediment quality criteria in Norway   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


A Norwegian system for classification of environmental quality of contaminated marine sediments has been in force since 1997 and was revised in 2007.  相似文献   
Effects of different incubation temperatures (2, 8, 14 and 20°C) and hepatocyte membrane fatty acid composition on the rate of internalization and lysosomal degradation of the ligand, mannosylated albumin, that is taken up by receptor-mediated endocytosis, were investigated in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum). The fish were kept at a water temperature ranging from 9 to 14°C and fed pelleted diets coated with either capelin oil (control), EPA/DHA-concentrate (rich in n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids) or soybean oil (rich in n-6 unsaturated fatty acids) for at least 3 months prior to sampling. The endocytic uptake mediated by the mannose receptor was very efficient at all temperatures studied. Lysosomal degradation, on the other hand, came to a halt below 8°C. The activation energies for uptake and degradation were 54.6 and 164.2 kJ/mol respectively. No negative effects of increased amounts of either n-3 or n-6 fatty acids were observed on the endocytic parameters studied. On the contrary, multivariate analysis indicated a positive relationship between high levels of n-6 fatty acids and low unsaturation index in the phosphatidylcholine (PC) fraction of the hepatocytes and the internalization rate of 2°C, meaning that the rate of receptor-mediated endocytosis may be affected by membrane fatty acid composition.  相似文献   
Decisions on biodiversity management and conservation are increasingly based on indicators. These imply, explicitly or implicitly, a number of criteria such as nativeness, rarity, endangeredness and (economic) value. We investigated to which degree such criteria matter to members of the general public and conducted a survey in eight sites across Europe (n = 2378). We explored the relationships between perceived desirability of a species’ population increase and six species-related attributes, including previous population change, rarity, vulnerability, harmfulness, value, attractiveness, and nativeness.For all three species types investigated, previous population change, followed by perceived harmfulness and value, had the strongest relationship with desirability of future increase. Perceived nativeness played only a minor role in informing a species’ desirability. A strong relationship between previous change and desirability of future increase could also be found in a number of additional species and six different habitat types, suggesting that previous change is a key criterion that the general public draws on to inform their attitudes towards biodiversity management.We compare the roles of such criteria for the general public to those used in the scientific and political discourse, and draw conclusions for the use of indicators in the conservation debate, arguing that biodiversity management that is strongly focused on nativeness might fall short of the interests of the citizenship, whereas other criteria, such as population trends, harmfulness and role and value of a species in the ecosystem strongly resonate with the views of the general public.  相似文献   
When spring frosts occur on recently planted forest sites, severe damage may occur to the seedlings. The aim of the present study was to test how different low levels of nutrient concentrations in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seedlings affected spring frost hardiness and time of bud break. Seedlings were grown in a greenhouse for one season and supplied with fertiliser containing 22, 43 and 72 mg N l–1, respectively. The treatments resulted in needle nitrogen concentrations ranging from 0.9 to 1.8% in autumn. After winter storage at 0 °C, bud break was recorded on seedlings growing in the greenhouse, outdoors and in growth chambers at 12 °C and at 17 °C. Freezing tests were performed on seedlings directly removed from winter storage and following one week growth in the greenhouse. Seedlings receiving fertiliser with 43 mg N l–1 had less freezing injury than the two other fertilisation treatments in the present study. The earliest bud break occurred in seedlings receiving 72 mg N l–1.  相似文献   
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