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Rockwood  D.L.  Naidu  C.V.  Carter  D.R.  Rahmani  M.  Spriggs  T.A.  Lin  C.  Alker  G.R.  Isebrands  J.G.  Segrest  S.A. 《Agroforestry Systems》2004,61(1-3):51-63
Agroforestry Systems - Worldwide, fuelwood demands, soil and groundwater contamination, and agriculture's impact on nature are growing concerns. Fast growing trees in short rotation woody crop...  相似文献   
Summary The transition from primary to secondary stem tissues occurs as a continuum, and a precise anatomical definition of the transition does not exist. A definition was derived for Populus deltoides based on the birefringent properties of the fiber wall. This definition was quantitatively reproducible in the 9 plants tested, and the secondary transition was found to occur in the internode associated with the first mature leaf from the apex. The primary-secondary transition did not occur uniformly around the periphery. It was first observed in the vascular bundles opposite the incoming trace, and from there it progressed in a counter-clockwise direction. Within the transition internode, each vascular bundle and each tissue comprising the bundle differentiated in accord with the physiological age and the phyllotactic disposition of the developing leaf to which it led. Within any one vascular bundle, differentiation occurred first in the metaxylem vessels and associated fibers, followed closely by extension of fibers into the interfascicular regions and centripetal differentiation of the phloem fibers. The ontogenetic sequence of differentiation for each of the principal tissues of the secondary transition zone is described.The technical assistance of Mr. Gary Buchschacher with the ultramicrotomy and photomicrography is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   
Weekly morphological measurements of trees in permanent growth plots and periodic destructive sampling were used to monitor growth and development of two Populus clones with contrasting morphology and phenology during the establishment year in a short-rotation, intensive-culture system. Tristis (P. tristis Fisch. x P. balsamifera L.) grew rapidly for 48 days before setting bud in July. By contrast, Eugenei (P. x euramericana (Dode) Guinier) grew at a slower rate than Tristis, but maintained this rate for 75 days before setting bud in September. By early October, the total leaf area and dry weight of Eugenei exceeded that of Tristis by 39 and 11%, respectively. In addition, Eugenei had a greater harvest index than Tristis throughout most of the growing season because a larger proportion of photosynthate produced was directed to shoot growth; however, a high shoot/root ratio in Eugenei predisposed it to water stress. Differences in aboveground biomass between clones were largely attributable to clonal differences in seasonal leaf area development.  相似文献   
We evaluated several sampling schemes for estimating instantaneous whole-tree photosynthesis of 1-year-old Populus clones. Growth of two clones was simulated under varying weather conditions and leaf orientation scenarios providing photosynthetic data on a leaf-by-leaf basis throughout the growing season. Simple random sampling, stratified random sampling and a series of physiologically based sampling schemes were evaluated using either whole-leaf photosynthesis or photosynthetic rate (i.e., photosynthesis per unit leaf area) as the sampling attribute. Ratio and regression estimators with leaf area as an auxiliary variable were also studied. On the basis of their bias and accuracy in estimating instantaneous whole-tree photosynthesis (mg CO(2)), the physiologically based sampling schemes were superior for all combinations of clone type, weather condition and leaf orientation. Aspects of extending the sampling process to estimate daily and seasonal photosynthesis are also elaborated.  相似文献   
Clones of aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) were identified that differ in biomass production in response to O(3) exposure. (14)Carbon tracer studies were used to determine if the differences in biomass response were linked to shifts in carbon allocation and carbon partitioning patterns. Rooted cuttings from three aspen Clones (216, O(3) tolerant; 271, intermediate; and 259, O(3) sensitive) were exposed to either charcoal-filtered air (CF) or an episodic, two-times-ambient O(3) profile (2x) in open-top chambers. Either recently mature or mature leaves were exposed to a 30-min (14)C pulse and returned to the treatment chambers for a 48-h chase period before harvest. Allocation of (14)C to different plant parts, partitioning of (14)C into various chemical fractions, and the concentration of various chemical fractions in plant tissue were determined. The percent of (14)C retained in recently mature source leaves was not affected by O(3) treatment, but that retained in mature source leaves was greater in O(3)-treated plants than in CF-treated plants. Carbon allocation from source leaves was affected by leaf position, season, clone and O(3) exposure. Recently mature source leaves of CF-treated plants translocated about equal percentages of (14)C acropetally to growing shoots and basipetally to stem and roots early in the season. When shoot growth ceased (August 16), most (14)C from all source leaves was translocated basipetally to stem and roots. At no time did mature source leaves allocate more than 6% of (14)C translocated within the plant to the shoot above. Ozone effects were most apparent late in the season. Ozone decreased the percent (14)C translocated from mature source leaves to roots and increased the percent (14)C translocated to the lower stem. In contrast, allocation from recently mature leaves to roots increased. Partitioning of (14)C among chemical fractions was affected by O(3) more in source leaves than in sink tissue. In source leaves, more (14)C was incorporated into the sugar, organic acid and lipids + pigments fractions, and less (14)C was incorporated into starch and protein fractions in O(3)-treated plants than in CF-treated plants. In addition, there were O(3) treatment interactions between leaf position and clones for (14)C incorporation into different chemical fractions. When photosynthetic data were used to convert percent (14)C transported to the total amount of carbon transported on a mass basis, it was found that carbon transport was controlled more by photosynthesis in the source leaves than proportional changes in allocation to the sinks. Ozone decreased the total amount of carbon translocated to all sink tissue in the O(3)-sensitive Clone 259 because of decreases in photosynthesis in both recently mature and mature source leaves. In contrast, O(3) had no effect on carbon transport from recently mature leaves to lower shoots of either Clone 216 or 271, had no significant effect on transport to roots of Clone 216, and increased transport to roots of Clone 271. The O(3)-induced increase in transport to roots of Clone 271 was the result of a compensatory increase in upper leaf photosynthesis and a relatively greater shift in the percent of carbon allocated to roots. In contrast to those of Clone 271, recently mature leaves of Clone 216 maintained similar photosynthetic rates and allocation patterns in both the CF and O(3) treatments. We conclude that Clone 271 was more tolerant to O(3) exposure than Clone 216 or 259. Tolerance to chronic O(3) exposure was directly related to maintenance of high photosynthetic rates in recently mature leaves and retention of lower leaves.  相似文献   
Rooted cuttings from three aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) clones (216, 271 and 259, classified as high, intermediate and low in O(3) tolerance, respectively) were exposed to either diurnal O(3) profiles simulating those of Michigan's Lower Peninsula (episodic treatments), or diurnal square-wave O(3) treatments in open-top chambers in northern Michigan, USA. Ozone was dispensed in chambers ventilated with charcoal-filtered (CF) air. In addition, seedlings were compared to rooted cuttings in their response to episodic O(3) treatments. Early in the season, O(3) caused decreased photosynthetic rates in mature leaves of all clones, whereas only the photosynthetic rates of recently mature leaves of the O(3)-sensitive Clone 259 decreased in response to O(3) exposure. During midseason, O(3) caused decreased photosynthetic rates of both recently mature and mature leaves of the O(3)-sensitive Clone 259, but it had no effect on the photosynthetic rate of recently mature leaves of the O(3)-tolerant Clone 216. Late in the season, however, photosynthetic rates of both recently mature and mature leaves of Clone 216 were lower than those of the control plants maintained in CF air. Ozone decreased the photosynthetic rate of mature leaves of Clone 271, but it increased or had no effect on the photosynthetic rate of recently mature leaves. Photosynthetic response patterns of seedlings to O(3) treatment were similar to those of the clones, but total magnitude of the response was less, perhaps reflecting the diverse genotypes of the seedling population. Early leaf abscission was observed in all clones exposed to O(3); however, Clones 216 and 259 lost more leaf area than Clone 271. By late August, leaf area in the highest O(3) treatment had decreased relative to the controls by 26, 24 and 9% for Clones 216, 259 and 271, respectively. Ozone decreased whole-tree photosynthesis in all clones, and the decrease was consistently less in Clone 271 (23%) than in Clones 216 (56%) and 259 (56%), and was accompanied by declines in total biomass of 19, 28 and 47%, respectively. The relationship between biomass and whole-tree photosynthesis indicates that the negative impact of O(3) on biomass in the clones was determined largely by lower photosynthetic productivity of the foliage, rather than by potential changes in the carbon relations of other plant organs.  相似文献   
Diurnal and seasonal photosynthesis patterns were studied in poplar clones Populus tristis Fisch. x P. balsamfera L. cv. Tristis #1 (NC 5260) and Populus x euramericana (Dode) Guiner cv. Eugenei (NC 5326, Carolina poplar) during their first season in the field in a short rotation, intensive culture plantation. Photosynthetic rates were low in immature leaves; increased basipetally on the shoot and peaked in leaves that had recently reached full expansion; and thereafter declined in lower-crown leaves in both clones. Photosynthesis was associated with leaf age and stomatal conductance in immature leaves; adaxial photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) and leaf temperature in recently mature leaves; and leaf age and adaxial PPFD in lower-crown leaves. Diurnal photosynthesis patterns within trees were highly variable due to differential light interception among leaves. Results of clonal comparisons of photosynthetic rates were dependent on which leaves were pooled for comparison and how photosynthesis was expressed. Compared to Eugenei, Tristis produced smaller leaves which had higher unit-area photosynthesis rates. The more indeterminate Eugenei outgrew Tristis principally because it more fully utilized the growing season for leaf area production. Photosynthetic production integrated over the growing season was closely related to dry matter production in both clones.  相似文献   
Over the years, a series of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) clones differing in O3 sensitivity have been identified from OTC studies. Three clones (216 and 271[(O3 tolerant] and 259 [O3 sensitive]) have been characterized for O3 sensitivity by growth and biomass responses, foliar symptoms, gas exchange, chlorophyll content, epicuticular wax characteristics, and antioxidant production. In this study we compared the responses of these same clones exposed to O3 under field conditions along a natural O3 gradient and in a Free-Air CO2 and O3 Enrichment (FACE) facility. In addition, we examined how elevated CO2 affected O3 symptom development. Visible O3 symptoms were consistently seen (5 out of 6 years) at two of the three sites along the O3 gradient and where daily one-hour maximum concentrations were in the range of 96 to 125 ppb. Clonal differences in O3 sensitivity were consistent with our OTC rankings. Elevated CO2 (200 ppm over ambient and applied during daylight hours during the growing season) reduced visible foliar symptoms for all three clones from 31 to 96% as determined by symptom development in elevated O3 versus elevated O3 + CO2 treatments. Degradation of the epicuticular wax surface of all three clones was found at the two elevated O3 gradient sites. This degradation was quantified by a coefficient of occlusion which was a measure of stomatal occlusion by epicuticular waxes. Statistically significant increases in stomatal occlusion compared to controls were found for all three clones and for all treatments including elevated CO2, elevated O3, and elevated CO2 + O3. Our results provide additional evidence that current ambient O3 levels in the Great Lakes region are causing adverse effects on trembling aspen. Whether or not elevated CO2 in the future will alleviate some of these adverse effects, as occurred with visible symptoms but not with epicuticular wax degradation, is unknown.  相似文献   
The physical properties and morphology of kraft paper handsheets obtained from tension wood of intensively managed, 5-year-old trees of Populus Tristis No. 1 were compared to those produced from isolated normal wood of the same stems. Pulp yields of tension wood (TW) and normal wood (NW) were 60 and 53% respectively. Over a beating range of 0–45 minutes, strength properties of TW paper were in all cases noticeably inferior to those obtained from NW. During paper formation, the TW or gelatinous fibers resisted collapse, even upon extended refining, and produced thick, porous sheets of poorly bonded elements. It was concluded that the differential behavior of NW and TW pulps was in several respects analogous to those displayed by earlywood and latewood pulps, respectively, of softwood species as well as thin-vs. thick-walled hardwood fibers. Consequently, it appears that the inferior strength of TW paper is primarily a function of fiber morphology, and the difference in hemicellulose content between NW and TW (viz., lower pentosan content of TW) often cited in the literature as a potential major factor here probably contributes little if any significant effect on ultimate interfiber bonding and paper quality.The experimental phase of this investigation was carried out by K. W. Robinson in partial fulfillment of the requirements of The Institute of Paper Chemistry for the M.S. degree from Lawrence University, Appleton, Wisconsin.  相似文献   
Root morphology, biomass, and (14)C distribution were studied in two 2-year-old Populus trichocarpa x P. deltoides hybrids, which originated from hardwood cuttings, to determine the pattern of root distribution in a plantation and to refine methods for root recovery. The trees were labeled with (14)CO(2) and harvested after a 72-hour chase period. Roots attached to each labeled tree were analyzed for morphological traits at the time of harvest. Detached roots from within a 1-m(3) volume of soil surrounding each tree were separated from the soil and sorted on the basis of rooting depth and root diameter. Lateral roots > 2 mm in diameter had a largely horizontal orientation at their point of origin from the cutting and extended horizontally up to 4 m from the cutting. This resulted in considerable overlap of root systems in the plantation. Results from (14)C labeling indicated that 24 +/- 4% (+/- SD) of the carbon exported from branches-labeled within two weeks after branch budset-was translocated to the root system. Dilution of the root (14)C label indicated that from 0 (> 5 mm diameter roots) to 75% (< 2 mm diameter roots) of the roots recovered from within the 1-m(3) volume of soil surrounding a harvested tree originated from other trees. Total root biomass was 6 +/- 1 Mg ha(-1) for both hybrids. Sixty percent of the root biomass was recovered directly from excavation, 16% from coarse-sieving excavated soil, and 24% from re-sorting sieved soil. The study indicated that root growth of hybrid poplars may be rapid and extensive and that detailed sorting of soil subsamples substantially improves the recovery of fine roots < 2 mm in diameter.  相似文献   
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