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We studied the effect of the soil physical properties on soybean nodulation and N2 fixation in the heavy soil of an upland field (UF) and an upland field converted from a paddy field (UCPF) in the Hachirougata polder, Japan. Seeds of the soybean cultivar Ryuho were sown in each field with or without inoculation of Bradyrhizobium japonicum A1017. The soybean plants were sampled at 35 (V3) and 65 (Rl) d after sowing (DAS), and then nodulation and the percentage of N derived from N2 fixation in the xylem sap were determined. The soil physical properties were different between UF and UCPF, especially the air permeability and soil water regime. Nodule growth was restricted in UCPF irrespective of rhizobial inoculation, though rhizobial infection was not inhibited by the unfavorable soil physical conditions. Soybean plant growth was closely related to the nodule mass and N2 fixation activity, and the inoculation of a superior rhizobium strain was effective only at 35 DAS. These results indicate that soybean nodulation and N2 fixation was considerably affected by the physical properties of heavy soil, and that it is important to maintain the N2 fixation activity and inoculate the soybean plants with a superior rhizobium strain at a later growth stage in order to increase soybean production in heavy soil fields.  相似文献   
Relationships between tree mortality and bark beetle infestation onAbies veitchii at the wave-regenerated forest in Mt. Asahi, Okuchichibu area were investigated. Most of the firs with green needles and newly developed current year’s shoots in the dieback zone were heavily infested by bark beetles before the death of the trees. After heavy infestation of beetles, about half of the infested firs died within the year, and the other half died in the next year. When the species composition of bark beetles and associated ophiostomatoid fungi were investigated in Mt. Asahi and also at a typical wave-regenerated forest in Mt. Shimagare, Yatsugatake area,Cryphalus montanus andC. piceae were dominant beetle species for Mt. Asahi and Mt. Shimagare, respectively.Ophiostoma subalpinum andO. europhioides were dominant fungal species at both wave-generated forests. BecauseO. subalpinum was detected more frequently from deeper areas of sapwood thanO. europhioides, it was suggested that the fungal species may accelerate the death of stressed firs in wave-regenerated forests. Contribution No. 169, Laboratory of Plant Parasitic Mycology, Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Tsukuba.  相似文献   
In pine forests damaged by pine wilt disease, in western Japan, the effect of protection regimes of pine trees on the stand dynamics were examined in the following four stands: (1) lightly damaged stand (age 30–40 years) with no procedure in operation for protecting pine trees; (2) severely damaged stand (age 30–40 years) with no procedure in place for protecting pine trees; (3) severely damaged stand (age 50 years) with a selective cutting of infected trees; (4) severely damaged stand (age 30–40 years) with a selective cutting of infected trees. All the stands had been abandoned before the pine wilt disease damage. The understory structure of the severely damaged stand with no protection procedure was similar to that of the lightly damaged stand. Frequent invasion by tree species and acceleration in the growth of understory trees occurred after the dieback in the selective cutting stand. These results suggest that a deficiency in the canopy layer caused by the dieback resulted in low disturbance intensity in the early stages after the dieback, but the selective cutting increased the intensity by the reduction in the understory as well as the canopy layer. The intensity of the disturbance in the selective cutting stands was larger in the younger stand because it had a higher density of selectively cut pine trees. The different stand structure of pine forests occurred after the dieback because the intensity of the disturbance varied as a result of the selective cutting operation and the stand age.  相似文献   
Species of the genus Syphacia are considered to have generally co-evolved with their rodent hosts. This study determined partial sequences of the CO1 gene from several species in the genus Syphacia and discuss the relationships between pinworms and their hosts. Syphacia montana, which parasitizes Microtinae, was closely related to S. frederici and S. obvelata, which parasitize Murinae. Although both S. obvelata and S. ohtaorum parasitize rodents in the genus Mus, these two species were not found to be closely related to each other. Syphacia frederici, S. emileromani and S. agraria are all pinworms of the Apodemus species, but genetic affiliation between these three species was not indicated. These facts suggest that the co-evolutionary relationship between species of the genus Syphacia and their host rodents may not so strict and host switching has probably occurred during the course of evolution.  相似文献   
A pleomorphic adenoma of the lacrimal gland in a dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 13-year-old female mongrel dog had a pleomorphic adenoma of the lacrimal gland in the right upper orbit. The tumor measured 3.8 x 3.0 x 3.3 cm, appeared white, round, and firm, and pressed the right globe and surrounding tissues. Histopathologically, the tumor had a thin connective tissue capsule and was composed of tubules with two cell types, some resembling luminal epithelial cells making up the tubular structures and the other of myoepithelial cells. Epithelial tubules were disposed in an adenomatous fashion and separated from each other by proliferating pleomorphic myoepithelial cells. Immunohistochemically, large numbers of the luminal epithelial cells revealed an immunopositive reaction against keratin/cytokeratin (AE1/AE3), and some epithelial cells reacted against cytokeratin 14. Spindle-shaped myoepithelial cells revealed an immunopositive reaction against cytokeratin 14, alpha-smooth muscle actin, and vimentin. A small number of myoepithelial cells reacted against desmin. S-100 protein immunopositivity was frequently found in luminal epithelial cells and rarely in the pleomorphic myoepithelial cells. Glial fibrillary acidic protein positivity was commonly found in myoepithelial cells, myxoid matrices, and intracystic materials, but not in luminal epithelial cells.  相似文献   
Pythium helicoides, P. aphanidermatum and P. myriotylum are important pathogens that cause root rot of several crops in hydroponic culture and in ebb-and-flow irrigation systems. These species belong to a group of Pythium species that can grow at temperatures higher than 40°C. We developed a method for baiting these high-temperature Pythium species and evaluated its practicality to monitor their presence in nutrient solutions. Seeds of cucumber, tomato, radish, hemp, perilla and millet and leaves of bent grass and rose were tested as baits in hydroponic systems. Hemp, perilla and radish seeds and bent grass and rose leaves were more effective than the other baits for Pythium zoospores, and bent grass leaves were the most effective. In a sensitivity test, bent grass leaf traps (BLTs) detected three Pythium species after only a 1 day exposure to suspensions of 40 zoospores per liter of water, and the frequency of detection increased with zoospore density and with baiting period. A temperature of 38°C was optimum for the selective reisolation of the high-temperature Pythium species from the BLTs. The BLT was also tested with inoculated and noninoculated miniature roses that shared a recirculating nutrient solution. The pathogen was detected in the nutrient solution 23 days before the disease spread to the noninoculated roses. In addition, P. helicoides was detected 30 days before the disease was evident in a commercial greenhouse. The baiting method described here will be useful for monitoring high-temperature Pythium species in recirculating hydroponic culture systems.  相似文献   
Understanding cancer pathogenesis requires knowledge of not only the specific contributory genetic mutations but also the cellular framework in which they arise and function. Here we explore the clonal evolution of a form of childhood precursor-B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia that is characterized by a chromosomal translocation generating a TEL-AML1 fusion gene. We identify a cell compartment in leukemic children that can propagate leukemia when transplanted in mice. By studying a monochorionic twin pair, one preleukemic and one with frank leukemia, we establish the lineal relationship between these "cancer-propagating" cells and the preleukemic cell in which the TEL-AML1 fusion first arises or has functional impact. Analysis of TEL-AML1-transduced cord blood cells suggests that TEL-AML1 functions as a first-hit mutation by endowing this preleukemic cell with altered self-renewal and survival properties.  相似文献   
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