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A survey, covering some 140 fields, totalling 1540 acres, in Kent was conducted in 1961 on the effect of different methods of management on yields of perennial ryegrass and white clover seed. The main results were: (a) the majority of seed growers harvested seed from short-term leys and only a limited acreage of permanent pasture was used for producing seed. Yields of both ryegrass and clover seed were considerably higher on the younger leys; (b) the highest seed yields in 1961 were obtained from fields where sheep grazing was stopped on 24 May. However, a large number of growers continued sheep grazing well after this date: (c) mechanical defoliation, especially when used to supplement sheep grazing, proved an effective method for producing high yields of clover seed; (d) honey bees are important in increasing seed yields, particularly on recently sown leys; (e) combine harvesting from the swath was the most common method of harvesting and no instance of the use of tripods was reported. Seed yields from baling methods were generally low, but direct combining produced a high average yield of clover seed. From these results it was concluded that there was much scope for raising the general level of clover seed yields, especially by giving greater attention to details of management.  相似文献   
Changes in coffee economics are leading producers to reduce agrochemical use and increase the use of shade. Research is needed on how to balance the competition from shade trees with the provision of ecological services to the coffee. In 2000, long-term coffee experiments were established in Costa Rica and Nicaragua to compare coffee agroecosystem performance under full sun, legume and non-legume shade types, and intensive and moderate conventional and organic inputs. Coffee yield from intensive organic production was not significantly different from intensive conventional in Nicaragua, but in Costa Rica it was lower during three of the six harvests. Full sun coffee production over 6 years was greater than shaded coffee in Costa Rica (61.8 vs. 44.7 t ha?1, P = 0.0002). In Nicaragua, full sun coffee production over 5 years (32.1 t ha?1) was equal to coffee with shade that included Tabebuia rosea (Bertol.) DC., (27?C30 t ha?1) and both were more productive (P = 0.03) than coffee shaded with Inga laurina (Sw.) Willd. (21.6 t ha?1). Moderate input organic production was significantly lower than other managements under all shade types, except in the presence of Erythrina poepiggina (Walp.) O.F. Cook. Inga and Erythrina had greater basal area and nutrient recycling from prunings than other shade species. Intensive organic production increased soil pH and P, and had higher K compared to moderate conventional. Although legume shade trees potentially provide ecological services to associated coffee, this depends on management of the competition from those same trees.  相似文献   
The potential of allye cropping systems to sustain a high productivity with low external inputs and the reduction of maize/weed competition through weed suppression in different alley cropping and sole-cropped mulched systems was studied in Costa Rica at CATIE. Data were recorded eight years after establishment of the experiment. Plant residues ofErythrina poeppigiana trees (10 t/ha dry matter) planted at 6 by 3 m reduced weed biomass by 52%, whileGliricidia sepium trees (12 t/ha dry matter) planted at 6 by 0.5 m reduced weed biomass by 28%, in comparison to controls.Erythrina had a considerable impact on grass weeds, whileGliricidia reduced the incidence of some dicot weeds. Weed competition significantly reduced maize yield in all systems. Nevertheless weed suppression contributed to the higher maize grain yield underErythrina andGliricidia alley cropping of 3.8 t per hectare as opposed to the unmulched control yield of 2.0 t per hectare.  相似文献   

The goal of sustainable coffee production requires multiple functions from agroforestry systems. Many are difficult to quantify and data are lacking, hampering the choice of shade tree species and agronomic management. Process-based modelling may help quantify ecosystem services and disservices. We introduce and apply coffee agroforestry model CAF2021 (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5862195). The model allows for complex systems with up to three shade tree species. It simulates coffee yield, timber and fruit production by shade trees, soil loss in erosion, C-sequestration, N-fixation, -emission and -leaching. To calibrate the model, we used multivariate data from 32 different treatments applied in two long-term coffee agroforestry experiments in Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Without any further calibration, the model was then applied to agroforestry systems on 89 farms in Costa Rica and 79 in Guatemala where yields had been reported previously in farmer interviews. Despite wide variation in environmental and agronomic conditions, the model explained 36% of yield variation in Costa Rica but only 15% in Guatemala. Model analysis quantified trade-offs between yield and other ecosystem services as a function of fertilisation and shading.

Under normal systems of grassland management, most sown swards become invaded by weed grasses. This ingress is usually associated with a depletion in the size and number of the sown species. Selective herbicides can be used to combat this grass invasion and the results of two experiments are presented to show how low-dose dalapon in mid-July can be used for this purpose. When the sown grasses are too severely depleted, some method of introducing seed is required. A new one-pass technique is now being developed for establishing grass and clover seed into existing swards. After sowing, ways of increasing the clover content are being studied, based on the use of grass-suppressing herbicides in late winter. In one experiment several-fold increases in clover growth were recorded 5 months after applying carbetamide (2.8 kg/ha) and propyzamide (0.8 kg/ha).  相似文献   
Agroforestry Systems - Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) is a rapid, low cost and easily replicated approach to restore and improve degraded agricultural, forest and pasture lands. The...  相似文献   
The results are reported of the effects of fertilizer and grazing or cutting for hay over a period of 6 years on the composition of an Agrostis/Festuca permanent pasture on low-lying land at Beghroke Hill. Applications of N up to 264 units/ac each year associated with frequent defoliation every 21 days produced only small changes in sward composition; Agrostis spp. declined and Poa trivialis increased. Lolium perenne did not increase from a small initial presence. Records of animal performance and hay yield showed that the mean output from the experiment as a whole was 530 Ib liveweight gain/ac and 0·5 ton hay/ac.  相似文献   
Field experiments on the management of ryegrass/white-clover pastures for seed production were carried out from 1958 to 1961. Replicated trials with 1/6-acre plots compared continuous grazing, rotational grazing and cutting once at the silage stage of growth as methods of pasture management from April to June. An additional mechanical method, gang mowing, was introduced in 1960 and Hayter mowing was used in 1961. In 1958 to 1960 the treatments were studied with and without the application of 70 lb nitrogen per acre. Clover flower heads per square foot, clover seed and ryegrass seed yields were greatest under continuous grazing, although in some years comparable results were obtained from the mechanical defoliation treatments. There were substantial differences between potential and harvested clover seed yields, the latter ranging from 20% to 75% of the potential yield. The weight of ryegrass seed harvested was highest under continuous grazing and least under the cutting treatments. The nitrogenous fertilizer increased the production of herbage dry matter and of ryegrass seed, but greatly reduced clover seed yields. The results are discussed in relation to the influence of weather on the incidence of flowering and the influence of methods of defoliation on flower-bud emergence. It is concluded that mechanical methods of defoliation can produce yields similar to those obtained under continuous grazing, provided that cutting is carried out at the correct stage of growth.  相似文献   
Since farmers engage in a complex, dynamic process of learning-by-doing, evaluating economic incentives, and assessing risks in deciding whether to adopt agroforestry systems, a multi-pronged research approach is required for a complete analysis of adoption potential and to develop effective technological and institutional interventions. A case study is presented for using multiple approaches to analyse the potential for reforestation and improving livelihoods of small farmers through the adoption of agroforestry systems in the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve in Campeche, Mexico. Specifically, the results from a participatory research project are combined with revealed preference analysis of a household survey to analyse past adoption decisions and preferences, identify limitations, test and evaluate alternatives, and evaluate methods for risk reduction. The participatory research trials suggest that continuous intercropping and line cleaning are equally effective for tree growth, while continuous cropping during the first years offers the additional advantage of early returns to investments through crop production. Farmer participation in the research process, planning of production systems, and annual evaluations, assisted farmers and researchers in identifying limitations, testing and evaluating alternatives, and improving the viability and sustainability of systems. The revealed preference analysis provides insights as to which households are most likely to initially adopt agroforestry systems developed through the participatory research trials. In general, households that originated from the Yucatan Peninsula with more education, more experience both in age of the head of household and technical and project experience, higher incomes, and those that had cleared more forestland were more likely to have experimented with agroforestry systems in the past.  相似文献   
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