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The germ levels of 2,182 milk samples obtained from udder quarters with subclinical mastitis were compared to milk sampled from 2,061 udder quarters with physiological cell counts or conductivity values. Three cattle herds were involved in the test programme. No germ growth was established from 9.5 per cent of all samples taken from udder quarters with increased cell counts and conductivities and from 4.1 per cent of those samples taken from intact udder quarters. Samples taken from udder quarters with subclinical mastitis exhibited the following rises in bacteria, as compared to samples from intact quarters: staphylococci by 3.1 per cent, staphylocci in germ mixtures by 3.0 per cent, CAMP-positive streptococci by 2.2 per cent, alpha-haemolytic CAMP-negative streptococci by 0.8 per cent, anhaemolytic streptococci in germ mixtures by 0.4 per cent, beta-haemolytic streptococci by 0.5 per cent, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa by 1.4 per cent. Other germ species and mixtures exhibited declining trends along with growing subclinical affection of udder quarters. All findings so far obtained in the presence of subclinical mastitis are likely to suggest that 11.4 per cent of detected bacteria were of pathogenicity to udders. However, attempts to localise those 11.4 per cent were unsuccessful, since no significant difference could be calculated by comparison of intact with affected udder quarters. Reference is made in the discussion to primary and secondary germ levels of milk samples and their relevance to the problem and its elucidation.  相似文献   
The phenolic profile of strawberry fruits (Fragaria x ananassa Duch., Rosaceae) was investigated by high-performance liquid chromatography with photodiode array detection. A peak displaying retention time and UV spectral data identical to those of phloridzin (phloretin 2'-O-beta-d-glucoside), a dihydrochalcone glucoside so far considered characteristic of apples, was monitored. For further characterization, crude extracts of strawberries were purified on polyamide, and the target compound was isolated by preparative and analytical HPLC. Structure elucidation was performed on the basis of APCI- and ESI-MS in the negative ion mode as well as by 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy using authentic phloridzin for comparison. The d-configuration of the sugar moiety was established by HPLC analysis of the corresponding acyclic 1-deoxy-1-(N-acetyl-alpha-methylbenzylamino)alditol acetate. Apart from its chemotaxonomic relevance, this first report on the occurrence of phloridzin in strawberries is of particular interest for the authenticity control of strawberry products such as juices, jams, and fruit preparations since phloridzin has so far been used for the detection of fraudulent admixtures.  相似文献   
The aroma compounds of rocket salad (Eruca sativa) SPME headspace samples of fresh leaves were analyzed using GC, GC-MS, and olfactometry. More than 50 constituents of the Eruca headspace could be identified to be essential volatiles, responsible for the characteristic intense green; herbal; nutty and almond-like; Brassicaceae-like (direction of cabbage, broccoli, and mustard); and horseradish-like aroma of these salad leaves. As aroma impact compounds, especially isothiocyanates, and derivatives of butane, hexane, octane, and nonane were identified. 4-Methylthiobutyl isothiocyanate (14.2%), cis-3-hexen-1-ol (11.0%), cis-3-hexenyl butanoate (10.8%), 5-methylthiopentyl isothiocyanate (9.3%), cis-3-hexenyl 2-methylbutanoate (5.4%), and 5-methylthiopentanenitrile (5.0%) were found in concentrations higher than 5.0% (calculated as % peak area of GC analysis using a nonpolar column).  相似文献   
Accumulation of beta-carotene and trans-cis isomerization of ripening mango mesocarp were investigated as to concomitant ultrastructural changes. Proceeding postharvest ripening was shown by relevant starch degradation, tissue softening, and a rising sugar/acid ratio, resulting in a linear decrease (R (2) = 0.89) of a ripening index (RPI(KS)) with increasing ripening time. A modest accumulation of all-trans-beta-carotene and its cis isomers resulted in a slight pigmentation of the mango chromoplasts, because ambient temperatures of 18.2-19.5 degrees C provided suboptimal ripening conditions, affecting color development and beta-carotene biosynthesis. The ultrastructures of chromoplasts from mango mesocarp and carrot roots were comparatively studied by means of light and transmission electron microscopy. Irrespective of the ripening stage, mango chromoplasts showed numerous plastoglobuli varying in size and electron density. They comprised the main part of carotenoids, thus supporting the partial solubilization of the pigments in lipid droplets. However, because different pigment-carrying tubular membrane structures were also observed, mango chromoplasts were assigned to the globular and reticulotubular types, whereas the crystalline type was confirmed for carrot chromoplasts. The large portions of naturally occurring cis-beta-carotene in mango fruits contrasted with the predominance of the all-trans isomer characteristic of carrots, indicating that the nature of the structure where carotenoids are deposited and the physical state of the pigments are crucial for the stability of the all-trans configuration.  相似文献   
Whether rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations will cause forests to grow faster and store more carbon is an open question. Using free air CO2 release in combination with a canopy crane, we found an immediate and sustained enhancement of carbon flux through 35-meter-tall temperate forest trees when exposed to elevated CO2. However, there was no overall stimulation in stem growth and leaf litter production after 4 years. Photosynthetic capacity was not reduced, leaf chemistry changes were minor, and tree species differed in their responses. Although growing vigorously, these trees did not accrete more biomass carbon in stems in response to elevated CO2, thus challenging projections of growth responses derived from tests with smaller trees.  相似文献   
Development and application of functional markers in maize   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Summary Functional markers (FMs) are derived from polymorphic sites within genes causally involved in phenotypic trait variation (Andersen, J.R. & T. Lübberstedt, 2003. Trends Plant Sci 8: 554–560). FM development requires allele sequences of functionally characterized genes from which polymorphic, functional motifs affecting plant phenotype can be identified. In maize and other species with low levels of linkage disequilibrium, association studies have the potential to identify sequence motifs, such as a few nucleotides or insertions/deletions, affecting trait expression. In one of the pioneering studies, nine sequence motifs in the dwarf8 gene of maize were shown to be associated with variation for flowering time (Thornsberry, J.M., M.M. Goodman, J. Doebley, S. Kresovich, D. Nielsen & E.S. Buckler, 2001. Nat Genet 28: 286–289). Proof of sequence motif function can be obtained by comparing isogenic genotypes differing in single sequence motifs. At current, the most appropriate approach for this purpose in crops is targeting induced local lesions in genomes (TILLING) (McCallum, C.M., L. Comai, E.A. Greene & S. Henikoff, 2000. Nat Biotechnol 18: 455–457). In central Europe, maize is mainly grown as forage crop, with forage quality as major trait, which can be determined as proportion of digestible neutral detergent fiber (DNDF). Brown midrib gene knock out mutations have been shown to be beneficial for forage quality but disadvantageous for overall agronomic performance. Two brown midrib genes (bm1 and bm3) have been shown to be involved in monolignol biosynthesis. These two and additional lignin biosynthesis genes have been isolated based on sequence homology. Additional candidate genes putatively affecting forage quality have been identified by expression profiling using, e.g., isogenic bm lines. Furthermore, we identified an association between a polymorphism at the COMT locus and DNDF in a collection of European elite inbred lines.  相似文献   
Climate extremes are expected to increase in frequency and magnitude as a consequence of global warming, threatening the functioning, services and goods of forest ecosystems. Across Europe, the ecologically and economically important tree species Fagus sylvatica is expected to suffer particularly under such conditions. The regional introduction of provenances from drier and warmer climates is one option to adapt beech forest ecosystems to these adverse effects of climate change. Marginal populations from the drought-prone southern and north-eastern edges of the species’ distribution come into focus in search of suitable candidates for Central European deciduous forests. Here, we test three marginal provenances (Spain, Bulgaria and Poland) and three provenances from the centre of the distribution range (Germany) for their response to drought in two different soil types (sand, loam) in a full factorial common garden experiment in Landau, Germany. Drought impacted all growth parameters negatively (leaf damage +22 % (percentage points), height ?40 % and diameter increment ?41 %), and the sandy substrate exacerbated this effect. However, provenances differed in their response to drought and soil type. Evidence for a local adaptation to summer drought was detected, especially in terms of mortality rates. The Bulgarian and Spanish provenance showed a stable performance under drought conditions (BG ?27 % in diameter increment; ES ?32 %), compared to the Polish (?48 %) or the most sensitive German provenances (?57 %), yet for Bulgaria on a low level of total increment. This may indicate a trade-off between drought tolerance and growth. Therefore, a sole focus on drought-resistant marginal provenances seems to not be conducive, as they might be less adapted to other climatic factors, e.g. frost, as well. However, intermixed with local Central European provenances, these may act as functional insurance in future drought-prone forest stands.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Laborversuche zur Markierung von Nonnenraupen und Nonnenfaltern mit den Seltenen Erden Europium und Dysprosium behandelt, sowie Freilanduntersuchungen zum Studium der Ausbreitung mit Europium gekennzeichneter Nonnenfalter. Imagines, die mit Mengen von 1/Exemplar im Raupenstadium besprüht worden waren, erwiesen sich, ebenso wie im Vorjahr in derselben Weise behandelte Kiefernspinner, als deutlich markiert. Zur Kennzeichnung der Falter gelangten im Labor und im Freiland 10 Europium, im Labor auch 10 Dysprosium/Exemplar mittels Besprühung erfolgreich zur Anwendung. Die Ausbreitungsuntersuchungen ergaben einen Überflug markierter Falter auf eine Entfernung von 2 km.
Summary The present paper describes laboratory experiments in marking nun-caterpillars and nun-moths with the rare earths Europium and Dysprosium, as well as field studies on the spread of nun-moths marked with Europium. Nun-moths, sprayed with quantities of 1/individual in the caterpillar stage, proved distinctly marked, and so did pine spinners(Dendrolimus pini) treated the same way past year. Marking of moths succeeded in both laboratory and field by spraying with 10 Europium, in the laboratory also with 10 Dysprosium per individual. Spreading studies revealed marked moths overflying distances of 2 kilometres.

Résumé L'ouvrage présent traite d'essais en laboratoire sur le marquage de chenilles et de papillons de la Nonne(L. monacha) au moyen des terres rares Europium et Dysprosium, ainsi que de recherches au terrain sur l'expansion de papillons de cette espèce marqués d'Europium. Les images de la Nonne, ayant été aspérgées au stade larvaire d'une dose de 1 par individu, se sont avérées distinctement marquées, de même que les Bombyx du Pin traités de la même manière l'année passée. — Le marquage de papillons a été effectué avec succès au laboratoire et au terrain au moyen de 10 d'Europium — au laboratoire aussi de 10 de Dysprosium — par individu, appliqués par aspersion. Les recherches sur l'expansion ont révélé un survol de papillons marqués à une distance de 2 km.

Für weitgehende Unterstützung der entomologischen Untersuchungen sei den Herren Dr. W. Schedl, Förster C. Holzschuh und Förster F. Stradner der forstlichen Bundesversuchsanstalt, der physikalischen Auswertung Herrn Ing. D. Koch, Reaktorzentrum Seibersdorf, herzlich gedankt. Besonderer Dank sei auch der Landesforstinspektion Niederösterreich, der Bezirksforstinspektion Waidhofen/Thaya und der Forstverwaltung von Fischen-Ankern für großzügige Hilfe bei der Durchführung der Freilanduntersuchungen ausgesprochen.  相似文献   
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