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In this study the estimation of reflectivity at 1730 MHz (l-band), measured with a microwave digital cordless telephony (DCT) patch antenna, is presented as an easy-to-handle and non-destructive new method to assess the relative water content (RWC) of poplar leaves and filter discs at different levels of dehydration. The accuracy of this new method has been contrasted with the R1300/R1450 index, determined by a portable near infrared (NIR) spectrometer. The close correlations found between RWC and the reflectivity at a frequency of 1730 MHz, both for filters and leaves, indicate that microwave determinations are rather independent of the physical properties of the material analysed. On the contrary, the differences found between poplar leaves and leaf filters in the relationships established between RWC and the R1300/R1450 index demonstrate a strong influence of the properties of the material in NIR reflectance measurements, specifically as they relate to changes in leaf thickness during dehydration. It should be noted that the amount of energy received by the leaf for the microwave technique (0.1 mW) was much lower than that received for the measuring of the R1300/R1450 index (2.5 W). Moreover, R-square coefficients were higher for microwaves than for the R1300/R1450 index. The use of a technologically simple, low cost and portable device, based on a microwave DCT patch antenna, could yield a solid support for the development of a commercial apparatus enabling the determination of plant water status under field conditions.  相似文献   


Scots pine populations in the SE “Sistema Ibérico” range suffered a severe defoliation in the S face of the crown in isolated trees of thinned stands. This process was detected at the end of the winter 2001–2002.  相似文献   
The causal factors and effects of forest declines are not well understood in temperate conifer forests. Most studies have focused on climatic and environmental stressors and have obviated the potential role of historical forest management as a predisposing factor of decline. Here, we assess if the recent silver fir (Abies alba) decline observed in the Spanish Pyrenees was predisposed by historical logging and incited by warming-induced drought stress. We analysed a dataset of environmental, structural, and historical variables at the tree and stand level including 32 sites with contrasting degrees of defoliation distributed over 5600 km2. We followed a dendroecological approach to reconstruct historical logging and to infer the effects of warming-induced drought stress on growth. The silver fir decline was more severe and widespread in western low-elevation mixed forests dominated by trees of small size and slow growth. These sites were subject to higher water deficits than eastern sites, where late-summer rainfall as the key climatic variable controlling silver fir growth was higher. Declining sites showed more frequent growth releases induced by historical logging than non-declining sites. Historical logging and warming-induced drought acted as long-term predisposing and short-term inciting factors of silver fir decline in the Pyrenees, respectively. We suggest that biomass increases caused by past intense logging affected the vulnerability of silver fir against late-summer water deficit. Future research in declining temperate conifer forests should consider the interacting role of predisposing historical management and inducing climatic stressors such as droughts.  相似文献   
Abies alba and Abies pinsapo are two closely related fir species that occur in the Iberian Peninsula under very different environmental conditions. Abies alba proliferates in the humid European mountains, including the Spanish Pyrenees. In contrast, A. pinsapo is a relict species that occurs in some restricted areas of the Mediterranean mountain ranges in Spain and Morocco, which experience intense summer drought periods. To cope with the high atmospheric evaporative demand during summer, A. pinsapo may either have a high resistance to xylem cavitation or develop a very efficient conducting system to reduce the soil-to-leaf water potential gradient. To investigate such hypotheses, we measured (i) the xylem vulnerability to cavitation for different populations, and (ii) several anatomical and hydraulic parameters indicating xylem sufficiency for -supplying water to the shoot in two contrasting populations of both species. Our results show that the resistance to cavitation was not different between species or populations. However, hydraulic conductivity (K(h)), specific hydraulic conductivity (K(s)), leaf-specific conductivity (LSC) and whole-shoot hydraulic conductance (K(shoot)) were higher in A. pinsapo, indicating a higher efficiency of water transport, which should contribute to maintaining its xylem tension below the threshold for rapidly increasing cavitation. The higher K(s) in A. pinsapo was largely a result of its wider tracheids, suggesting that this species may be much more vulnerable to freeze-thaw-induced cavitation than A. alba. This is consistent with the absence of A. pinsapo in northern mountain ranges with cooler winters. These physiological differences could partly explain the niche segregation and the geographical separation of these two firs.  相似文献   
  • ? Several techniques were used to investigate the threshold minimum temperature inducing severe frost damage during winter in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) needles and stems from southern provenances in the Iberian Peninsula.
  • ? Chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence, electrolyte leakage (EL), visual scoring (VS), and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) were compared.
  • ? Chl fluorescence, and in particular the maximum potential photosystem II (PSII) efficiency — estimated through the dark-acclimated FV/FM ratio-, was found to be a simple, non-destructive indicator of freezing tolerance in needles, as expected.
  • ? Moreover, the existence of a Chl-containing tissue, the cortical bark chlorenchyma, allowed us the use of Chl fluorescence as a new non-destructive indicator of frost damage in live tissues of Pinus sylvestris L. stems.
  • ? Freezing tolerance values of southern provenances are compared with those found by other authors in the northern distribution limit of the species.
  •   相似文献   

    Key message

    A multiphasic response to water deficit was found in Scots pine primary and secondary metabolism. First, an increase of terpenoids coincided with the stomatal closure. Second, an accumulation of proline, ABA, and shikimic acid was detected when photosynthesis was negligible.


    Drought-induced mortality is characterized by a major needle yellowing followed by severe defoliation and whole branch death. Before these external visual symptoms of drought stress take place, different alterations occur in plant metabolism.


    This study aims to detect changes in primary and secondary metabolism of Pinus sylvestris L. in response to a decrease in soil water availability.


    We analyzed needle water potential, photosynthetic characteristics, and concentrations of proline, terpenoids, shikimic acid, total polyphenols, and abscisic acid (ABA) in P. sylvestris through a 55-day soil water deficit period.


    Concentrations of most metabolites varied with the decrease in soil water availability, but changes in different compounds were triggered at different times, highlighting a multiphasic response. Increases in monoterpene and sesquiterpenoid content at moderate water deficit coincided with stomatal closure which preceded the accumulation of proline, ABA, and shikimic acid under severe water deficit when net photosynthesis was negligible.


    This work confirms that most of the secondary metabolites under investigation in Pinus sylvestris did not increase until a moderate to severe water deficit was experienced, when photosynthesis was limited by stomatal closure.
    –  • Carbon isotope composition (δ13C) is a complex trait involved in acclimation, adaptive processes and related to water use efficiency (WUE) and/or productivity.  相似文献   
    Quercus ilex L. subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp., a Mediterranean evergreen species growing in a continental Mediterranean climate, did not experience water stress and showed greater sensitivity to winter stress than to summer stress over a 12-month period. Net CO2 assimilation rates and photosystem II (PSII) efficiency decreased markedly during the cold months and recovered completely in spring. Lutein, neoxanthin and beta-carotene to chlorophyll (Chl) molar ratios all showed the same trend throughout the year, increasing from September to March. This increase was a result of increases in carotenoid concentrations, because Chl concentration per unit leaf area remained stable, and was higher at the end than at the beginning of the first growing season. Lutein-epoxide was a minor component of the total lutein pool. Thermal energy dissipation and non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) were associated with the de-epoxidated forms of the xanthophyll cycle pigments in the warm months. Photosynthetic rates decreased slightly at midday in summer. These changes were accompanied by decreases in maximum potential PSII efficiency (which recovered during the night), actual and intrinsic PSII efficiencies, photochemical quenching and increases in NPQ. Overall, our data indicate down-regulation of photosynthesis during the summer. The diurnal de-epoxidation of violaxanthin to antheraxanthin and zeaxanthin occurred throughout the year, except in January. Antioxidant enzymatic activity increased in the winter months, especially during the coldest months, highlighting its key role in photoprotection against photo-oxidation. Structural and functional modifications protected PSII from permanent damage and allowed 1-year-old leaves to photosynthesize at high rates when temperatures increased in spring.  相似文献   
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