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In Poland's pine forests, mistletoe (Viscum album subsp. austriacum) abundance has increased over the past 20 years. This mistletoe infestation has decreased the growth and vigour of Scots pine trees. In this study, we surveyed the culturable fungi from healthy and diseased V. album subsp. austriacum leaves from two stands in Poland. In total, 63 distinct species were identified, 99.8% of which belonged to the phylum Ascomycota. The community compositions of fungi in mistletoe leaves were similar in healthy and diseased leaves as Alternaria alternata, Aureobasidium pullulans, Botryosphaeria visci, Fusarium paeoniae and Microsphaeropsis olivacea were consistently found in leaves of all symptom types. The most frequently isolated fungus from asymptomatic leaves was M. olivacea, followed by A. alternata, A. pullulans and Hypoxylon rubiginosum. In comparison, the most frequently isolated fungi from leaves with rusty-brown necrotic spots were (in decreasing order) M. olivacea, B. visci, F. paeoniae and A. alternata, while the most frequently isolated fungi from leaves with black or dark brown spots were M. olivacea, A. alternata, A. pullulans, Epicoccum layuense and F. paeoniae. This study was the first comprehensive report showing that certain fungal species may be pathogens of V. album subsp. austriacum in Poland. This study was also the first report of F. paeoniae, F. juglandicola, Diaporthe vacuae and Heterotruncatella spartii from V. album, and the first report of D. vacuae and H. spartii in Poland.  相似文献   


To evaluate cardiopulmonary and recovery characteristics of horses administered total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) with xylazine and ketamine combined with midazolam or propofol.

Study design

Randomized crossover study.


A group of eight adult horses, aged 7–22 years, weighing 493–740 kg.


Horses were administered xylazine (1 mg kg?1) intravenously (IV), and anesthesia was induced with ketamine (2.2 mg kg?1) IV. Anesthesia was maintained for 45 minutes via IV infusion of xylazine (0.016 mg kg?1 minute?1) and ketamine (0.03 mg kg?1 minute?1) combined with midazolam at 0.002 mg kg?1 minute?1 (MKX), propofol at 0.05 mg kg?1 minute?1 (PKXlow) or propofol at 0.1 mg kg?1 minute?1 (PKXhigh). Additional ketamine was administered if a horse moved spontaneously. Cardiopulmonary variables, blood gases, lactate concentration, packed cell volume and total solids were recorded before sedation (baseline), at 10, 20, 30 and 45 minutes during TIVA and 10 minutes after standing. Recovery variables and quantitative recovery scores were compared. Significance was set at p < 0.05.


Additional ketamine was required for 50% of MKX horses. Systolic arterial pressure was elevated in MKX at 20 minutes compared with baseline (p = 0.043), at 10 and 20 minutes compared with PKXhigh (p = 0.007, p = 0.024) and at 20 and 30 minutes compared with PKXlow (p = 0.009, p = 0.02). MKX horses (5/8) were hypertensive compared with PKXlow (1/8; p = 0.017). All horses became hypoxemic (PaO2 ≤80 mmHg; 10.7 kPa) during TIVA. Recovery variables did not differ among treatments.

Conclusions and clinical relevance

PKXlow and PKXhigh had similar cardiopulmonary and recovery performance compared with MKX. PKX combinations provided superior quality of anesthesia to that of MKX. A combination of propofol, ketamine and xylazine administered as TIVA can be used in horses to provide anesthesia for short procedures. Supplemental oxygen is recommended.  相似文献   
Diatoms are dominant photosynthetic organisms in the world’s oceans and represent a major food source for zooplankton and benthic filter-feeders. However, their beneficial role in sustaining marine food webs has been challenged after the discovery that they produce secondary metabolites, such as polyunsaturated aldehydes (PUAs), which negatively affect the reproductive success of many invertebrates. Here, we report the effects of two common diatom PUAs, heptadienal and octadienal, which have never been tested before at the molecular level, using the sea urchin, Paracentrotus lividus, as a model organism. We show that both PUAs are able to induce teratogenesis (i.e., malformations), as already reported for decadienal, the better-studied PUA of this group. Moreover, post-recovery experiments show that embryos can recover after treatment with all three PUAs, indicating that negative effects depend both on PUA concentrations and the exposure time of the embryos to these metabolites. We also identify the time range during which PUAs exert the greatest effect on sea urchin embryogenesis. Finally, we report the expression levels of thirty one genes (having a key role in a broad range of functional responses, such as stress, development, differentiation, skeletogenesis and detoxification processes) in order to identify the common targets affected by PUAs and their correlation with morphological abnormalities. This study opens new perspectives for understanding how marine organisms afford protection from environmental toxicants through an integrated network of genes.  相似文献   
A pilot re‐circulating system was used for the cultivation of two Mediterranean calanoid copepods: Temora stylifera and Centropages typicus. The system automatically concentrated the naupliar and copepodite stages. Temora stylifera was fed the flagellate Rhodomonas baltica or Prorocentrum minimum, whereas C. typicus was fed with a mixture of R. baltica or P. minimum and Tetraselmis suecica. Both copepods also received Isochrysis galbana. After 21 days, the T. stylifera population increased 26‐fold, reaching a density of 38 000 individuals, mostly represented by nauplii (88%). The maximum density recorded was 380 ind. L?1, with a production of 370 nauplii L?1. On average, the egg hatching success for this copepod during the rearing period was 54%, with the highest viability in April and May (>75%). The C. typicus population increased more than 10‐fold after 7 weeks of rearing, reaching a density of 123 000 individuals, mainly represented by nauplii (>90%). The highest naupliar production was 100 ind. L?1, with a mean egg hatching success of 68%. This system may be useful to produce nauplii and copepodite stages to be used as live, alternative or complementary food for fish larvae or to provide a ready source of organisms for physiological and bioassay studies.  相似文献   
In this study, we analysed the effect of population density and food concentration on the fecundity of a Mediterranean strain of Acartia tonsa to maximize egg production. During 4‐day feeding experiments, egg hatching success and faecal pellet production were also followed. The algae Rhinomonas reticulata was supplied at different concentrations corresponding to 250, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000 and 3000 μg C L?1 day?1 at the following adult copepod density: 40, 80 and 160 ind. L?1. Our results show a positive relationship between algal concentration and egg production under all experimental conditions confirming that the quantity of food strongly limits A. tonsa fecundity. Maximum egg production (57 eggs per female) was reached at the lowest density and at the maximum food concentration. Percentage of egg hatching success was not dependent on the quantity of food used. At the same food concentration, an increase in population density from 40 to 80 ind. L?1 induced an increase in faecal pellet production per couple which did not correspond to an increase in egg production, suggesting that higher energetic costs were shifted to swimming activity. Productivity of the A. tonsa Mediterranean strain is mainly limited by the quantity of food rather than by crowding conditions.  相似文献   
Marine chemical ecology comprises the study of the production and interaction of bioactive molecules affecting organism behavior and function. Here we focus on bioactive compounds and interactions associated with phytoplankton, particularly bloom-forming diatoms, prymnesiophytes and dinoflagellates. Planktonic bioactive metabolites are structurally and functionally diverse and some may have multiple simultaneous functions including roles in chemical defense (antipredator, allelopathic and antibacterial compounds), and/or cell-to-cell signaling (e.g., polyunsaturated aldehydes (PUAs) of diatoms). Among inducible chemical defenses in response to grazing, there is high species-specific variability in the effects on grazers, ranging from severe physical incapacitation and/or death to no apparent physiological response, depending on predator susceptibility and detoxification capability. Most bioactive compounds are present in very low concentrations, in both the producing organism and the surrounding aqueous medium. Furthermore, bioactivity may be subject to synergistic interactions with other natural and anthropogenic environmental toxicants. Most, if not all phycotoxins are classic secondary metabolites, but many other bioactive metabolites are simple molecules derived from primary metabolism (e.g., PUAs in diatoms, dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) in prymnesiophytes). Producing cells do not seem to suffer physiological impact due to their synthesis. Functional genome sequence data and gene expression analysis will provide insights into regulatory and metabolic pathways in producer organisms, as well as identification of mechanisms of action in target organisms. Understanding chemical ecological responses to environmental triggers and chemically-mediated species interactions will help define crucial chemical and molecular processes that help maintain biodiversity and ecosystem functionality.  相似文献   
Marine sponges commonly host a repertoire of bacterial-associated organisms, which significantly contribute to their health and survival by producing several anti-predatory molecules. Many of these compounds are produced by sponge-associated bacteria and represent an incredible source of novel bioactive metabolites with biotechnological relevance. Although most investigations are focused on tropical and temperate species, to date, few studies have described the composition of microbiota hosted by Antarctic sponges and the secondary metabolites that they produce. The investigation was conducted on four sponges collected from two different sites in the framework of the XXXIV Italian National Antarctic Research Program (PNRA) in November–December 2018. Collected species were characterized as Mycale (Oxymycale) acerata, Haliclona (Rhizoniera) dancoi, Hemigellius pilosus and Microxina sarai by morphological analysis of spicules and amplification of four molecular markers. Metataxonomic analysis of these four Antarctic sponges revealed a considerable abundance of Amplicon Sequence Variants (ASVs) belonging to the phyla Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria and Verrucomicrobia. In particular, M. (Oxymycale) acerata, displayed several genera of great interest, such as Endozoicomonas, Rubritalea, Ulvibacter, Fulvivirga and Colwellia. On the other hand, the sponges H. pilosus and H. (Rhizoniera) dancoi hosted bacteria belonging to the genera Pseudhongella, Roseobacter and Bdellovibrio, whereas M. sarai was the sole species showing some strains affiliated to the genus Polaribacter. Considering that most of the bacteria identified in the present study are known to produce valuable secondary metabolites, the four Antarctic sponges could be proposed as potential tools for the discovery of novel pharmacologically active compounds.  相似文献   
Sponges are known to produce a series of compounds with bioactivities useful for human health. This study was conducted on four sponges collected in the framework of the XXXIV Italian National Antarctic Research Program (PNRA) in November-December 2018, i.e., Mycale (Oxymycale) acerata, Haliclona (Rhizoniera) dancoi, Hemimycale topsenti, and Hemigellius pilosus. Sponge extracts were fractioned and tested against hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2), lung carcinoma (A549), and melanoma cells (A2058), in order to screen for antiproliferative or cytotoxic activity. Two different chemical classes of compounds, belonging to mycalols and suberitenones, were identified in the active fractions. Mycalols were the most active compounds, and their mechanism of action was also investigated at the gene and protein levels in HepG2 cells. Of the differentially expressed genes, ULK1 and GALNT5 were the most down-regulated genes, while MAPK8 was one of the most up-regulated genes. These genes were previously associated with ferroptosis, a programmed cell death triggered by iron-dependent lipid peroxidation, confirmed at the protein level by the down-regulation of GPX4, a key regulator of ferroptosis, and the up-regulation of NCOA4, involved in iron homeostasis. These data suggest, for the first time, that mycalols act by triggering ferroptosis in HepG2 cells.  相似文献   
The anti-proliferative effects of diatoms, described for the first time in copepods, have also been demonstrated in benthic invertebrates such as polychaetes, sea urchins and tunicates. In these organisms PUAs (polyunsaturated aldehydes) induce the disruption of gametogenesis, gamete functionality, fertilization, embryonic mitosis, and larval fitness and competence. These inhibitory effects are due to the PUAs, produced by diatoms in response to physical damage as occurs during copepod grazing. The cell targets of these compounds remain largely unknown. Here we identify some of the genes targeted by the diatom PUA 2-trans-4-trans-decadienal (DD) using the tunicate Ciona intestinalis. The tools, techniques and genomic resources available for Ciona, as well as the suitability of Ciona embryos for medium-to high-throughput strategies, are key to their employment as model organisms in different fields, including the investigation of toxic agents that could interfere with developmental processes. We demonstrate that DD can induce developmental aberrations in Ciona larvae in a dose-dependent manner. Moreover, through a preliminary analysis, DD is shown to affect the expression level of genes involved in stress response and developmental processes.  相似文献   
Microbiota plays a prominent role in periodontal disease, but the canine oral microbiota and how dental chews may affect these populations have been poorly studied. We aimed to determine the differences in oral microbiota of adult dogs consuming dental chews compared with control dogs consuming only a diet. Twelve adult female beagle dogs (mean age = 5.31 ± 1.08 yr) were used in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square design consisting of 28-d periods. Treatments (n = 12/group) included: diet only (CT); diet + Bones & Chews Dental Treats (BC; Chewy, Inc., Dania Beach, FL); diet + Dr. Lyon’s Grain-Free Dental Treats (DL; Dr. Lyon’s, LLC, Dania Beach, FL); and diet + Greenies Dental Treats (GR; Mars Petcare US, Franklin, TN). Each day, one chew was provided 4 h after mealtime. On day 27, breath samples were analyzed for total volatile sulfur compound concentrations using a Halimeter. On day 0 of each period, teeth were cleaned by a veterinary dentist blinded to treatments. Teeth were scored for plaque, calculus, and gingivitis by the same veterinary dentist on day 28 of each period. After scoring, salivary (SAL), subgingival (SUB), and supragingival (SUP) samples were collected for microbiota analysis using Illumina MiSeq. All data were analyzed using SAS (version 9.4) using the Mixed Models procedure, with P < 0.05 considered significant. All dogs consuming chews had lower calculus coverage and thickness, pocket depth and bleeding, plaque thickness, and halitosis compared with CT. In all sites of collection, CT dogs had a higher relative abundance of one or more potentially pathogenic bacteria (Porphyromonas, Anaerovorax, Desulfomicrobium, Tannerella, and Treponema) and lower relative abundance of one or more genera associated with oral health (Neisseria, Corynebacterium, Capnocytophaga, Actinomyces, Lautropia, Bergeyella, and Moraxella) than those fed chews. DL reduced Porphyromonas in SUP and SUB samples. DL and GR reduced Treponema in SUP samples. DL increased Corynebacterium in all sites of collection. BC increased Corynebacterium in SAL samples. DL and GR increased Neisseria in SAL samples. DL increased Actinomyces in the SUB sample. GR increased Actinomyces in SAL samples. Our results suggest that the dental chews tested in this study may aid in reducing periodontal disease risk in dogs by beneficially shifting the microbiota inhabiting plaque and saliva of a dog’s oral cavity. These shifts occurred over a short period of time and were correlated with improved oral health scores.  相似文献   
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