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使用AMMI模型对2010-2011年贵州省马铃薯区域试验结果中的产量及其农艺性状,包括株高、单株块茎数、单株主茎数、生育期、单株块茎重量进行了分析。分析结果表明,AMMI模型中的主成分轴能够解释产量、单株主茎数、单株块茎数、生育期、单株块茎质量等性状90.64%,90%,86%,82%,81%交互作用平方和,在参加贵州省马铃薯区试的11个品种中,W04-36,0402-2,米拉等品种稳定性、适应性与丰产性表现良好,W04-36可作为大面积推广种植品种,0402-7,宣薯2号,2005-1,盘薯1号,丽薯200202,威薯001号,B01-41-4产量表现一般,黑美人产量表现差。参加区试的5个试点中,通过对其鉴别力参数Di,进行计算可知,毕节和安顺地区Di值大,鉴别力高,对品种具有较强选择性,六盘水地区的鉴别力最低,对品种选择性弱,适合多品种种植。 相似文献
Bryan G. Hopkins Jason W. Ellsworth Amanda K. Shiffler Aaron G. Cook Thomas R. Bowen 《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(10):1422-1434
Monopotassium phosphate (MKP) is a potential option for fertigating phosphorus (P) in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) when petioles are low in P and high in nitrogen (N); which is a situation where using ammonium polyphosphate (APP) could potentially result in excessive N application. Fertilizer trials were conducted in 2004–2006 with 0 or 56 kg P2O5 ha?1 fertigated as either APP or MKP as a supplement to the pre-plant P (112 or 224 kg P2O5 ha?1) broadcast applied to all plots. Supplemental P fertigation increased petiole P concentration, US No. 1 yield, and total yield over the control not receiving any in-season P fertilizer regardless of source. In addition, MKP increased tuber specific gravity. These results support previous studies showing that fertigated P can be used to increase potato yields when petiole P concentrations are low and that MKP is a viable substitute for APP fertilizer when fertigation is necessary. 相似文献
马铃薯是生长期短、效益高的粮、菜兼用作物,其用途广,富含营养,食味佳,特别是做为冬季火锅材料深受人们的喜爱,在我国种植历史悠久。由于秋季种植马铃薯要求气候条件较高,很多地方都不能x种植,而福建省周宁县气候正好适宜秋种且产量表现良好。为了进一步发展和探讨外地新品种在周宁县秋植的情况,于2005年从福建省农科院引进金山系列11个品种进行秋植栽培观察,本文简述此次实验观察情况,供参考。 相似文献
Chemical composition(moisture,protein,starch,ash,fiber,fat),vitamins(vitamin C,vitamin B1,vitamin B2),total polyphenol content,antioxidant capacity,minerals,and amino acid of 14 potato cultivars in China were evaluated.The results indicated that all parameters varied significantly among different potato cultivars.The total starch,crude protein and fat content ranged between 57.42–67.83%,10.88–14.10% and 0.10–0.73% dry weight(DW),respectively.Moreover,the consumption of potato increased remarkably the dietary intake of vitamins,K,Mn and Cu.In addition,the chemical score of amino acid varied considerably between different cultivars,which ranged from 54(Neida 3 and Neida 41) to 71(Neida 34).Grey relational analysis(GRA) indicated that Neida 26 exhibited the most comprehensive nutritional values among potato cultivars,followed by Neida 42.Different potato flours had a significant effect on the quality parameters of potato steamed bread(PSB),Neida 26 and Neida 34 were more suitable for making PSB. 相似文献
介绍大化县高淀粉红薯产业发展现状,指出其中存在的问题,并提出相应的发展对策,以提高当地高淀粉红薯产业发展水平。 相似文献
2007年在凉山州海拔1600,1800,2100,2500m的4个地点,进行各5期大春马铃薯发育期的地理分期播种试验,以试验资料为基础,详细研究了影响凉山州大春马铃薯各生育阶段发育速度的主要因子及其关系,建立了从播种-出苗、播种-开花和播种-成熟天数的气候生态综合模型.结果表明:各发育阶段的天数与温度、播期呈现显著的负相关关系,随着温度升高和播期推迟,各发育阶段时间缩短,但温度影响系数在不同试验点不同,与海拔高度具有显著的抛物线特征,降水量对发育期的影响仅表现在播种-出苗阶段. 相似文献
近红外反射光谱法(NIRS)在甘薯品质育种上的应用 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
NIRS法是一种光物理化学仪器法,它不需称样,不需用化学试剂处理样品,普通操作者30秒内便可同时测得样品中一种或几种成分含量。在鉴定和筛选成批甘薯育种材料上显示出很大应用潜力。 相似文献
A two-step method was developed to evaluate potato resistance to black scurf caused by Rhizoctonia solani. Tuber piece inoculum was first conducted in the laboratory, which was also first reported in this study. After inoculation with pathogen discs and culture for 48 h, the necrotic spots on the inoculated potato pieces were generated and measured by the crossing method. Further evaluation was conducted through field experiments using a wheat bran inoculum method. The wheat bran inoculum was placed into the pit dispersedly and surrounded seed tubers. Each cultivar or line was subjected to five treatments of 0-, 2-, 3-, 4-, and 5-g soil inoculum. The results showed that 2–4 g of wheat bran inoculum was the optimum for identifying tuber black scurf resistance. The laboratory scores positively correlated with the incidence and severity of black scurf in the field. According to the results in the laboratory, relatively resistant cultivars could be selected for further estimation of tuber black scurf resistance in field experiments. It is a practical and effective screening method for rapid identification of resistant potato germplasm, which can reduce workload in the field, shorten time required for identification. 相似文献
几种新型马铃薯抑芽剂效果评价 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了减少人工合成抑芽剂的使用,开发安全低毒的新型马铃薯抑芽剂,以‘陇薯3号’马铃薯为材料,通过测定萘乙酸、肉桂醛、乙醛和乙烯利4种新型抑芽剂处理后贮藏期间块茎的发芽率、幼芽的生长和失重率,以评价4种抑芽剂的作用效果。结果表明,10 mmol/L萘乙酸,500 mg/kg肉桂醛,250 mg/kg乙醛和50 mg/kg乙烯利能有效控制马铃薯的发芽,其发芽率分别为对照的61%、65%、78%和79%。10 mmol/L萘乙酸和50 mg/kg乙烯利还能有效延缓马铃薯幼芽的生长。同时与对照相比各新型抑芽剂对马铃薯块茎贮藏期间失重率影响不大。可见4种新型抑芽剂在马铃薯抑芽和保鲜方面具有潜在的应用价值。 相似文献