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Recent requirements of the pesticide industry have become much severer, and pesticides (formulated products) are required to satisfy higher safety to both human beings and the environment, higher biological efficacy, lower price, and labor-saving. This review explains the outline of basic pesticide formulation technology, followed by recent advances in developing new formulations and application technologies. Labor-saving formulations and application technologies, environmental load reduction technologies, and user-friendly formulations and application technologies are elucidated.  相似文献   
为控制蘑菇种植过程中尖眼蕈蚊数量,利用线虫和尖眼蕈蚊数量变化的动态关系模型,应用分布估计算法对控制干涉次数和控制数量进行优化处理,将其与遗传算法结果进行比较.结果表明:该算法在控制次数略有增加情况下,可以取得较小目标函数值,并且算法稳定收敛,该结果可以作为一种理想的控制优化方案.分布估计算法可以用来处理此类动态关系模型的优化问题.  相似文献   
The increasing shortage in water resources is a key factor affecting sustainable socio-economic development in the arid region of Northwest China(ARNC). Water shortages also affect the stability of the region's oasis ecosystem. This paper summarizes the hydrological processes and water cycle of inland river basins in the ARNC, focusing on the following aspects: the spatial-temporal features of water resources(including air water vapor resources, runoff, and glacial meltwater) and their driving forces; the characteristics of streamflow composition in the inland river basins; the characteristics and main controlling factors of baseflow in the inland rivers; and anticipated future changes in hydrological processes and water resources. The results indicate that:(1) although the runoff in most inland rivers in the ARNC showed a significant increasing trend, both the glaciated area and glacial ice reserves have been reduced in the mountains;(2) snow melt and glacier melt are extremely important hydrological processes in the ARNC, especially in the Kunlun and Tianshan mountains;(3) baseflow in the inland rivers of the ARNC is the result of climate change and human activities, with the main driving factors being the reduction in forest area and the over-exploitation and utilization of groundwater in the river basins; and(4) the contradictions among water resources, ecology and economy will further increase in the future. The findings of this study might also help strengthen the ecological, economic and social sustainable development in the study region.  相似文献   
以大白菜卵圆型品种"锦抗1号"和直筒型品种"乡情80"为试材,在6个氮肥水平下,研究了叶片SPAD值与氮素营养诊断指标、施氮量的关系以及施氮量对产量的影响。结果表明:在大白菜莲座期和结球期,2个品种的叶片SPAD值与氮素营养诊断指标及施氮量有很好的相关性;2个生育期"锦抗1号"的临界SPAD值分别为40.45、42.45,"乡情80"的临界SPAD值分别为38.57、40.36;建立了基于叶片SPAD值的大白菜氮肥推荐施肥模型。综上所述,大白菜叶片SPAD值可以作为氮素营养诊断指标,并能推荐氮肥的施用。  相似文献   
根据有关资料记载,黑龙江地区在伪满洲国时期采取了低价收买和收缴土地以及粮食统制的农业政策,造成了黑龙江省的小麦种植面积大幅度下降、外国面粉大量进口、小麦加工业萎缩的局面。  相似文献   
李路 《计算机与农业》2011,(9):78-79,83
《农业科学叙词表》(以下简称《农表》)是我国第一部大型综合性农业科学检索语言。《农表》是以情报学、语言学、逻辑学、信息系统学以及标准化学为基本理论,从我国农业科技情报、图书、挡案工作现代化的实际情况和需要出发,遵照国际标准和国家标准,吸取和借鉴国内外叙词表编制经验,采用分类主题一体化编表新模式编制成的。软件农业科学叙词表按叙词表分类大纲查询,农业辞典的分类大纲的分类号,例如:60D禾谷类作物(S51);67Q天敌昆虫(S476);92A植物病毒(Q939.46),其他分类项参照分类大纲和分类类目。  相似文献   
集成现代物联网技术,探索出一套符合东莞市生猪质量安全监控需求的物联网技术应用模式,并展望了农产品追溯的发展趋势。  相似文献   
本研究采用文献计量学的关键词分析法,万方数据库中检索到的896篇与情报学研究生培养相关的学术论文进行关键词分析,分析出关键词频次和高频关键词的分布特征,并作关键词共词分析,探讨我国情报学研究培养领域的热点和存在的问题,对未来情报学研究生培养进行一个新角度的探索。  相似文献   
乐都山羊红细胞钾型的研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
采用火焰光度法对75只乐都山羊的红细胞钾型进行了调查研究。结果发现:①按红细胞钾浓度,乐都山羊有高钾和低钾两种表型,以高钾为优势表型(88%);②高钾型山羊的红细胞钾浓度在43.59 ̄81.30mmol/L之间,低钾型的在9.37 ̄21.21mmol/L之间;③K^h和K^L等位基因频率分别为0.9387和0.0619,基因杂合度为0.1161。  相似文献   
调整农、林、牧结构,合理利用水土资源是干旱、半干旱低山丘陵区农业走出低谷,摆脱困境的重要措施之一。本文通过对敖包流域水土资源评价,系统环境辨识与诊断,明确系统发展优势和存在问题,运用系统工程的理论和方法确立了系统优化方案,为流域水土资源合理利用提供了决策依据。  相似文献   
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