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Organoclays were assayed as matrices in which to associate herbicides, with the aim of decreasing product losses that could give rise to water contamination from agricultural activities. Fenuron was selected as model of a very mobile and highly water-soluble herbicide. Two different organoclays of high (A-HDT) and low (H-C18) reversible fenuron sorption were selected. Herbicide-organoclay complexes were prepared from the two organoclays and with two different fenuron contents (20 and 40 g AI kg-1) and two different mixing times, so as to form a series of weak and strong complexes. The release of fenuron from those complexes into water and water/soil suspensions gave values of T50 (time to release 50% of the fenuron content) ranging from 0.3 min to 2400 h. The total fenuron released in these closed systems ranged from 48 to 80% of the fenuron in the complex. The organoclay type (high or low sorptivity) had the greatest influence on fenuron release, followed by the strong or weak complex, suggesting that herbicide-organoclay interactions are the main factors controlling release. Soil column leaching experiments showed fenuron-organoclay complexes to be effective in reducing the peak herbicide concentration in the leachate to a half (6 microns) or a quarter (3 microns) of that obtained from the free technical compound (12 microns). Herbicide lost through leaching was reduced from 78% for the free technical fenuron to 50-30%, depending on the organoclay used as carrier and the strength of the complex. Bioassay with ryegrass showed that the weak fenuron/H-C18 complex (40 g AI kg-1) gave the same herbicidal activity as technical fenuron. The potential suitability of low-sorptive organoclays for conferring slow-release properties on the fenuron complex has been demonstrated. 相似文献
耕作方式及秸秆还田对土壤性质、微生物碳源代谢及小麦产量的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以小麦品种济麦22为试验材料,采用裂区试验设计,耕作方式为主区,分别设常规翻耕(C)、深松(S)、旋耕(R)处理,副区为秸秆还田量,分别设秸秆全还田(P)和秸秆不还田(A)处理,采用Biolog Eco技术测定土壤微生物碳源代谢功能,并分析土壤基本理化性质和作物产量。结果显示:深松与秸秆还田均有利于土壤含水量和有机碳含量的提高,0~15 cm土层分别提高了9.78%和24.00%,15~30 cm土层分别提高了7.08%和15.81%;深松提高了15~30 cm土层的pH值6.67%,秸秆还田提高了0~15 cm土层的pH值4.32%。深松和秸秆还田均有利于代谢多样性(丰富度指数、香浓多样性指数)、碳源代谢强度的提高,0~15 cm土层分别提高了26.84%、3.84%和38.02%,15~30 cm土层分别提高了11.87%、 3.63%和14.74%。主成分分析表明常规翻耕秸秆不还田和旋耕耕作秸秆不还田碳源代谢功能相近,15~30 cm层次内常规翻耕秸秆全还田碳源代谢功能和深松耕作秸秆全还田处理相近。深松和秸秆还田平均提高了小麦产量5.82%,微生物碳源代谢功能与小麦产量具有极显著的相关性。 相似文献
De ABREU W. WASIELESKY JR 《Aquaculture Nutrition》2010,16(2):163-172
Farfantepenaeus paulensis juveniles (72 ± 24 mg), were reared in a suspended microbial flocs system and fed practical diets containing increasing amounts of crude protein (250, 300, 350, 400 and 450 g kg?1 CP). Development of microbial flocs was promoted by high aeration rates and fertilization with wheat bran and molasses. Flocs were composed of detritus in the form of flocculated matter colonized by heterotrophic bacteria, cocoid and filamentous cyanobacteria, flagellate and ciliate protozoa and rotifers. Proximate composition analysis of the suspended microbial floc showed CP levels of 304 g kg?1. After 45 days, mean shrimp survival were above 89%, with no significant differences between treatments. Shrimp fed diets with 350 g kg?1 or higher CP content achieved significant higher (P < 0.05) final weight (0.66–0.68 g), weight gain (0.58–0.61 g) and instantaneous growth rate (0.049–0.050), with feed conversion rates (2.17–2.30) significantly lower (P < 0.05). Results show that, when rearing is carried out in a suspended microbial flocs system, dietary CP levels can be kept at 350 g kg?1. Furthermore, results confirm that microbial‐based systems allow shrimp culture without compromising the surrounding environment and shows the possible reduction of production costs and fish meal dependence. 相似文献
《Journal Of Applied Aquaculture》2013,25(3-4):83-100
Abstract Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of microbial phytase in corn distiller's dried grain with solubles (DDGS) on apparent digestibility coefficients (ADCs) and growth performance of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. In experiment 1, DDGS was supplemented with phytase at 0,300,600,900, and 1200 FTU/kg diet. A total of 180 fish (129.1±9.3 g) were stocked into six 140-L tanks with 30 fish/tank. Fish were assigned randomly to a reference diet and each of the 5 diets containing DDGS. Yttrium oxide was used as an inert marker. Results showed that ADCs in DDGS supplemented with different dosages of phytase were: dry matter, 49.1-58.6%; crude fat, 78.9-88.9%; crude protein, 80.0-91.9%; gross energy, 50.5-66.6%; minerals, -7.3-99.7%; and amino acids: 73.9 to 96.8%. In experiment 2, abasal diet containing 15% DDGS supplemented with lysine and methionine was used to determine if trace mineral supplemental levels in rainbow trout diets could be reduced if microbial phytase was supplemented. Six diets were made with trace mineral premix supplementation at 0.1, 0.08, 0.06, 0.04, 0.02, and 0%. Phytase was not supplemented in the basal diet, but supplemented at 500 FTU/kg diet in all other diets. Ten-week results showed that there were no significant differences in fish weight gain, feed conversion ratio, and survival (P < 0.05). There were no significant differences in fish body composition and apparent nutrient retention among fish fed all diets, except that fish fed a diet without trace mineral supplementation had the lowest zinc level and the highest manganese retention. Results indicated that phytase was effective in releasing most of minerals, and that trace mineral supplementation level could be reduced when phytase was used in rainbow trout diets. 相似文献
The soil community is an often ignored part of research which links plant biodiversity and ecosystem functioning despite their influence on numerous functions such as decomposition and nutrient cycling. Few consistent patterns have been detected that link plant and soil community composition. We used a removal experiment in a northern Canadian grassland to examine the effects of plant functional group identity on soil microbial community structure and function. Plant functional groups (graminoids, legumes and forbs) were removed independently from plots for five growing seasons (2003-2007) and in the fifth year effects on the soil microbial community were examined using substrate-induced respiration (SIR - a measure of metabolic diversity) and phospholipid fatty acid analysis (PLFA - a measure of microbial community composition). Removal treatments were also crossed with both a fertilizer treatment and a fungicide treatment to determine if effects of functional group identity on the soil community were context dependent. Plant functional group identity had almost no effect on the soil microbial community as measured by either SIR or PLFA. Likewise, soil properties including total carbon, pH, moisture and nutrients showed a limited response to plant removals in the fifth year after removals. We found a direct effect of fertilizer on the soil community, with fertilized plots having decreased metabolic diversity, with a decreased ability to metabolize amino acids and a phenolic acid, but there was no direct soil microbial response to fungicide. We show that in this northern Canadian grassland the soil microbial community is relatively insensitive to changes in plant functional group composition, and suggest that in northern ecosystems, where plant material is only slowly incorporated into the soil, five growing seasons may be insufficient to detect the impact of a changing plant community on the soil microbes. 相似文献
The polymeric (a) weak-stabilization (PWST), (b) floccelation (PFL), and (c) stabilization (PST) of ailophane with the anionic xanthan (GX) polysaccharide (He and Horikawa 1996a, b: Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 42, 603-612, 637-644) were investigated further with respect to the effect of 1-1, 2-1, and 1-2 electrolytes (MA). At pH 4.5, the PST was (i) high in 0.1 mM NaCl, MgCl2, ZnCl2, and PbCl2 solutions, whereas (ii) considerably low in 100 mM NaCl, 0.1 mM Na2SO4 and NaH2PO4 solutions, respectively. At pH 6.5 (i.e.p.), the flocculated ailophane showed (i) a very low PWST in 0.01 mM NaCl, MgCl2, and Na2SO4 solutions, and also (ii) a low PST in 0.01 mM MA except for NaH2PO4. In 0.01 mM PbCl2 and NaH2PO4 solutions, ailophane was well dispersed, respectively, and marked PFL and PST were observed with further addition of xanthan. The changes and decrease of PWST and PST were discussed in relation to the iocculation of ailophane due to the (a) effect of MA on the diffuse double layer of the particles, (b) specific adsorption of phosphate and lead ions on the surface, and (c) weakening of the repulsive force between anionic GX chains by MA. 相似文献
乙氧氟草醚、乙草胺和盖草能在苗圃中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了探讨乙氧氟草醚、乙草胺和盖草能在森林苗圃中的应用效果,进行马尾松Pinusmassoniana、火力楠Micheliamacclurei和乳源木莲Manglietiayuyuanensis苗圃化学除草正交试验。试验结果表明,乙氧氟草醚和乙草胺在苗圃播种后芽前期使用和苗期使用乙氧氟草醚、乙草胺和盖草能除草率达90%以上,持效期45~63d,同时对种子发芽出苗和苗木生长安全。采用20%乙氧氟草醚、90%乙草胺和10 8%盖草能,使用剂量为0 105mL·m-2进行化学除草,比人工除草减少除草用工59 1%~66 7%,降低除草成本46 8%~62 9%。表3参4 相似文献