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Review of the measuring precision of the new Meibometer® MB550 through repeated measurements in dogs
Objective A meibometer is a device to measure the delivery rate of lipids on the eyelid margin. The aim of this study is to determine the measuring precision of the new Meibometer® MB550 (Courage-Khazaka electronic GmbH, 50829, Cologne, Germany), linked to a computer, by means of repeated measurements in dogs by different examiners. Procedure Two investigators measured the lipid rate on the eyelid margin in 10 healthy dogs for 10 days. One examiner measured the right eye (OD) and the other measured the left eye (OS) for 5 days. After 5 days, the eyes to be measured were switched between the examiners. The new device was able to record all measurement values as charts and curves in comparison to the previous Meibometer, which displayed only one value. Results Mean meibomium lipid level ± SD in the OD and OS of 10 dogs in 10 days was 211 ± 48 MU and 205 ± 41 MU (meibometer units), respectively. There was no significant difference between OD and OS, but a broad distribution of the values could be found. Gender did not influence the measurements. A significant difference was determined between the measurements in the first 5 days to those in the following 5 days. There was, therefore, also a significant difference in the measurements of the 2 examiners. Conclusion Meibometry is a minimally invasive lipid measuring method on the eyelid margin. Repeated measurement results obtained by two examiners, with the new device Meibometer MB550 linked to a computer, showed a wide range of values. The measuring precision of the new Meibometer MB550 is therefore questionable. 相似文献
旱地组合型微垄全膜不同覆盖时期对土壤水分及胡麻生长的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
春夏干旱是榆中县旱作区胡麻产量的主要限制因素。进一步减少旱地冬春季土壤水分的无效蒸发、提高土壤含水量,为胡麻前期生长创造良好的土壤条件是实现该区胡麻高产稳产的必须步骤。2011—2012年连续两年在地处甘肃省中部半干旱雨养农业区的榆中县石头沟旱作农业示范点进行了组合型微垄全膜覆盖不同覆膜时期对旱地胡麻生长影响的试验。本试验设组合型微垄全膜秋覆盖垄侧栽培、组合型微垄全膜播种前覆盖垄侧栽培和露地穴播三个处理,分别对其土壤水分、经济性状、生育期、产量结果进行分析。结果表明,旱地胡麻组合型微垄全膜秋覆盖垄侧栽培可明显减少冬春季土壤水分的无效蒸发,增加土壤水分含量,0~60 cm的土壤平均含水量,分别比旱地胡麻微垄全膜播种前覆盖垄侧栽培和旱地胡麻露地穴播栽培高31.9 g·kg-1和45.3 g·kg-1;胡麻的经济性状明显改善,株高分别比旱地胡麻微垄全膜播种前覆盖垄侧栽培和旱地胡麻露地穴播栽培高3.8 cm和14.7 cm、单株蒴果数分别增加8.5个和11.5个、蒴果粒数分别增加0.6个和1.65个、千粒重分别提高0.05 g和0.31g。旱地胡麻组合型微垄全膜秋季覆盖垄侧栽培比胡麻露地栽培增产1 471.2 kg·hm-2,增幅129.54%,比旱地胡麻微垄全膜播种前覆盖垄侧栽培增产378.22 kg·hm-2,增幅17.41%,增产效果十分明显。 相似文献
[目的]研究皖南地区揭膜与全程覆膜对烤烟农艺性状的影响。[方法]采用田间试验。试验品种为云烟87、云烟97、K326。试验地点为新田镇新田村、文昌镇福川村、寒亭镇通津村、养贤仁义村、泾县榔桥镇浙溪村,土壤类型分别为冲积沙壤土、冲积沙壤土、黄泥田、麻沙土、粉砂土。设栽后40 d揭膜培土和全程覆膜2个覆膜处理。[结果]覆膜方式对不同土壤类型烤烟农艺性状的影响存在差异,其中覆膜方式对新田烤烟茎围、有效叶数及养贤有效叶数的影响存在极显著差异;覆膜方式和品种互作效应对新田茎围、有效叶数、中部叶长、中部叶宽、上部叶长、寒亭上部叶长、上部叶宽、养贤中部叶长的影响存在极显著差异;覆膜方式对泾县、寒亭、文昌烤烟农艺性状的影响无显著差异。[结论]该研究可为确定烤烟大田生产行之有效的农事操作方式提供科学指导。 相似文献
Field experiments were conducted for 6 years on a silty clay loam to study the effect of soil management on soil physical properties, root growth, nutrient uptake and yield of rainfed maize (Zea mays L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in a sequence. Treatments were: no-tillage (NT), NT+pine needle mulch at a rate of 10 t ha−1 (NT+M), conventional tillage (CT), CT+pine needle mulch at a rate of 10 t ha−1 (CT+M) and deep tillage (DT). The soil is classified as a Typic Hapludalf and has compact sub-surface layers. The NT treatment increased the bulk density of the surface layer but this problem was not observed in the no-tilled treatment having mulch at the surface (NT+M). The CT+M and NT+M treatments favourably moderated the hydro-theregime resulting in greater root growth, nutrient uptake and grain yields of maize and wheat. The DT treatment, imposed only once, at the beginning of the study, also enhanced root growth and grain yields. The yields were similar to the mulched treatments for maize and somewhat less than the mulched treatments for wheat. Mulched treatments generally showed significantly greater total uptake of N, P and K than corresponding unmulched ones. Since NT+M was comparable to CT for maize and superior for wheat, the latter is preferable since it does not require ellaborate tillage. 相似文献
利用生石灰调节土壤pH值,研究在不同土壤pH值条件,埋入地下的环保型麻地膜降解性能及其周围微生物的种类及数量的变化,结果表明,在弱碱性土壤中麻地膜降解速度快于弱酸性和中性条件下,且在碱性条件下微生物数量明显增多,尤其是放线菌的数量增加最为明显,放线菌的数量与麻地膜的降解呈显著正相关。 相似文献
钙素对叶用莴苣营养吸收和生长发育的影响 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
采用NFT 栽培, 研究了叶用莴苣钙素与主要无机成分间的相互关系, 以及对叶用莴苣生长发育的影响。结果表明, 缺钙胁迫引起叶绿素含量降低, 缘腐病发病率上升, 叶片干、鲜样质量降低。生长中后期, 特别是新生内叶易发生钙素营养失调症。营养液中钙浓度过高会降低钾、镁的吸收, 而对氮、磷吸收影响不大。提高营养液中NH4+ -N 比例会抑制钙吸收, 降低其有效性。 相似文献
In this review, it is demonstrated that zeolites have a potential to be used as crop protection agents. Similarly to kaolin, zeolites can be applied as particle films against pests and diseases. Their honeycomb framework, together with their carbon dioxide sorption capacity and their heat stress reduction capacity, makes them suitable as a leaf coating product. Furthermore, their water sorption capacity and their smaller particle sizes make them effective against fungal diseases and insect pests. Finally, these properties also ensure that zeolites can act as carriers of different active substances, which makes it possible to use zeolites for slow‐release applications. Based on the literature, a general overview is provided of the different basic properties of zeolites as promising products in crop protection. © 2015 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献
水作与地表覆盖旱作水稻的生长和水分利用效率 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
通过田间试验研究水作水稻和不同地表覆盖旱作水稻的生长和水分利用效率。结果表明 :水作稻田当季用水总量是旱作稻田的 3 5~ 3 7倍 ,旱作稻田灌溉水生产效率是水作稻田的 1 0 6~ 1 6 4倍 ,田间总水分利用效率也达到水作的 3倍左右。尽管地表覆盖有较好的保墒增温效果 ,但因水分胁迫使旱作水稻生育期较水作延长 4~ 1 0d ;旱作中的覆膜处理保墒增温效果最好 ,灌水量最低 ,其耕层土壤温度比其他旱作处理平均高 1℃ ,生育期延长时间最短。水作、覆膜、盖草和裸露处理的水稻产量分别为 95 74、 85 1 8、 84 81和 7833kg·hm-2 。覆膜处理虽在产量和水分利用效率上略高于盖草处理 ,但差异不显著 ,且覆膜处理存在成本高 ,污染土壤等缺陷。因此盖草不失为一项较好的替代水稻覆膜旱作的技术。 相似文献