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Abstract. Usual residue-management options are to remove the residue, use it as mulch with or without undercutting or to incorporate it into the soil. While the role of surface mulch in evaporation has been widely studied, the information on the effect on evaporation of mulch with undercutting or residue incorporated into soil, particularly in relation to soil type and evaporativity (Eo) is lacking. We studied the effect of wheat straw used in various ways on the course of evaporation loss from soil columns with three soils at Ludhiana, India and one soil at Bushland, Texas, USA, under two Eo's Energy-limited evaporation rates under mulch (Eom) followed the soil-specific relation Eom/Eo= a e(bRes+cEo), where Res is residue rate t/ha and a, b and c are constants; Eo, is expressed in mm/d. In an effort to model the total evaporation (CE) during the energy-limited stage ‘U’ was obtained from appropriate CE versus time curves and (CE-U) was regressed over (t - ti)0.5 to obtain the slope ‘α’ (Ritchie 1972) for the soil-limited evaporation stage. The observed ‘U’ was independent of mulch rate and Eo but was strongly affected by soil type, Values of ‘α’ decreased with increase in mulch rate and decrease in Eo and coarseness of soil. The otherwise short lived benefit of evaporation reduction with mulch per se, which peaked after a few days was maintained when residue was mixed with soil at the stage when evaporation reduction reached a maximum; this benefit continued for several weeks. Cumulative evaporation values computed from ‘U’ and ‘α’ agreed closely with the observed values under straw mulch for loamy sand and clay loam soils and for ‘undercut’ and ‘residue mixed’ treatments on all soils regardless of Eo, and for all situations under small Eo. However, for sandy loam and silt loam soils under Eo of 10 mm/d, the modified square root of the time function of Jalota et al. (1988) gave a better fit. 相似文献
秸秆还田方式和氮肥类型对黄淮海平原夏玉米土壤呼吸的影响 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
为了研究黄淮海平原不同秸秆还田方式和施氮类型对夏玉米农田生态系统土壤呼吸的影响,于2010年6—10月,采用LI-COR-6400-09土壤气室连接红外线气体分析仪(IRGA)对玉米农田行间掩埋秸秆区的土壤呼吸作用进行了连续测定。结果表明,常规施肥下,玉米生育期内秸秆行间掩埋处理(ISFR)的平均土壤呼吸速率显著高于秸秆移除(NSFR)和秸秆覆盖(SFR)处理(P<0.05)。秸秆行间掩埋配合施用化学氮肥处理中,配施50.4 kg(N).hm 2处理(ISF3)的平均土壤呼吸速率为(178.85±46.60)mg(C).m 2.h 1,显著高于配施33.6 kg(N).hm 2处理(ISF2)的(124.11±23.18)mg(C).m 2.h 1(P<0.05)。秸秆行间掩埋配合施用鸡粪处理中,鸡粪施用量为33.6kg(N).hm 2(ISOM2)处理的平均土壤呼吸速率为(208.08±31.54)mg(C).m 2.h 1,施用16.8 kg(N).hm 2(ISOM1)和50.4 kg(N).hm 2(ISOM3)处理的为(135.07±21.97)mg(C).m 2.h 1、(171.43±43.31)mg(C).m 2.h 1,相比ISOM2处理,ISOM1和ISOM3处理的平均土壤呼吸速率降低了35.09%和17.61%。ISOM2处理玉米季CO2排放累积量为499.39 g(C).m 2,显著高于ISF2处理的297.86 g(C).m 2。秸秆行间掩埋配合施用化学氮肥对土壤呼吸速率的影响小于配合施用鸡粪的影响,配合施用16%总氮的鸡粪,即33.6 kg(N).hm 2时C/N比最适宜土壤微生物的代谢活动。 相似文献
基于稻草还田的氮肥优化管理研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
采用田间试验比较研究了在水稻秸秆还田环境下不同施氮模式对土壤N素供应、氮肥利用率及其对水稻生产力的影响。结果表明,稻草还田改善了土壤的供氮能力,不论在背景氮较低的砂性土壤上还是在背景氮较高的粘性土壤上,稻草还田配施减量氮肥(N1、N3处理全年施氮量180kg.hm-2,其中桃江主试验中N1处理早稻施氮80kg.hm-2,60%为基肥,40%为分蘖肥施用;晚稻施氮105kg.hm-2,50%为基肥,40%为分蘖肥,10%为穗肥施用;桃源氮替代试验中N1、N3处理早稻施氮81kg.hm-2,晚稻施氮99kg.hm-2,N1处理早、晚稻氮肥施用分配比例为基肥30%,分蘖肥30%,穗肥40%,N3处理早稻氮肥50%为基肥,50%为分蘖肥施用,晚稻氮肥50%为基肥,40%为分蘖肥,10%为穗肥施用)处理,相对于移走稻草 高量氮肥(N2处理其中桃江主试验早稻施氮量115kg.hm-2,晚稻施氮量为150kg.hm-2,分别以60%为基肥,40%为分蘖肥施用;桃源氮替代试验早稻施氮量为108kg.hm-2,50%为基肥,50%为分蘖肥施用,晚稻施氮量为132kg.hm-2,50%为基肥,40%为分蘖肥,10%为穗肥施用)处理之间稻田系统生产力无显著差异,但每年节约60~80kg纯氮化肥的投入,提高了其边际成本报酬率。分次施氮的效果表明,稻草还田下等量氮肥不同施氮模式(N1、N3)处理之间,水稻产量差异不显著,但水稻吸氮高峰集中在分蘖旗至孕穗期,N1模式减少了基肥施氮量,防止了因作物未能及时吸收导致的土壤速效氮的损失,而适当增加作物后期施氮量又能有效缓减作物后期生长大量吸氮的要求与微生物分解稻草固持矿质氮之间的矛盾,改善了土壤的供氮状况,其效果最优。因此,在全年稻草还田量为7500kg.hm-2的红壤稻田系统,根据投入氮肥的边际收益,全年适宜配施氮量为180kg.hm-2,且各时期施氮量优化比例为基肥30%、分蘖肥30%、穗肥40%。 相似文献
稻田不同供钾能力条件下秸秆还田替代钾肥效果 总被引:38,自引:1,他引:38
【目的】研究稻田不同土壤供钾能力条件下,秸秆还田配施钾肥对水稻产量、地上部钾素累积量以及钾肥利用率的影响,为秸秆还田水稻钾肥合理施用提供科学依据。【方法】2011-2012年在鄂中、江汉平原和鄂东地区的10个县(市)选择不同供钾水平田块布置水稻试验。根据湖北省第二次土壤普查制定的速效钾分级标准,本文将土壤速效钾含量>150 mg•kg-1的试验点如钟祥和宜城归为高钾供应能力土壤(1级水平),简称为高钾土壤,标记为High-K;土壤速效钾含量100-150 mg•kg-1的试验点如团风、仙桃、洪湖和枝江归为中钾供应能力土壤(2级水平),简称为中钾土壤,标记为Middle-K;土壤速效钾含量<100 mg•kg-1的试验点如麻城、广水、鄂州和蕲春归为低钾土壤,标记为Low-K。试验共设6个处理,分别为:(1)CK(-K);(2)+K;(3)+S;(4)S+1/3K;(5)S+2/3K;(6)S+K,其中K和S分别表示钾肥和还田秸秆,以此来考查当前推荐钾肥用量(K2O 75 kg•hm-2)对水稻的增产效果以及轮作模式下麦秆或油菜秸秆还田钾素对钾肥的替代作用。【结果】结果显示CK处理(-K),高钾、中钾和低钾土壤的稻谷产量分别为8 372、8 710和7 767 kg•hm-2,施钾和秸秆还田均可以不同程度地增加水稻产量和地上部钾素累积量。与CK相比,高钾、中钾和低钾土壤均以秸秆还田配施钾肥处理的增产效果最显著,增产量分别为633、1 098和814 kg•hm-2,增幅分别为7.7%、12.6%和12.5%;地上部钾素累积吸收增量分别为40.2、56.5和49.3 kg•hm-2,增幅分别为15.9%、21.3%和36.8%。在当前推荐钾肥用量条件下,秸秆还田会造成高钾土壤的钾肥吸收利用率下降,但可明显提高中钾和低钾土壤的钾肥吸收利用率;同时秸秆还田也会显著降低高钾土壤的钾肥农学利用率,但对中钾和低钾土壤的钾肥农学利用率没有明显影响。同钾肥利用率相比,钾素利用率均有所降低,但中钾土壤和低钾土壤的钾素利用率要显著高于高钾土壤的钾素利用率。通过对秸秆还田条件下钾肥用量与增产率、地上部钾素累积增幅的相关性分析得出高钾土壤和中钾土壤的推荐钾肥用量偏高。根据线性加平台肥效模型拟合得出,在秸秆还田条件下,高钾土壤田块(速效钾含量>150 mg•kg-1)适宜钾肥用量平均为38.2 kg•hm-2,比推荐用量减少49.1%;中钾土壤田块(速效钾含量100-150 mg•kg-1)适宜钾肥用量平均为60.0 kg•hm-2,比推荐用量减少20.0%;而低钾土壤田块(速效钾含量<100 mg•kg-1),增产效果显著,推荐钾肥用量不足。【结论】因此,短期秸秆还田条件下,高钾和中钾土壤田块,秸秆还田钾素可不同程度地替代部分化学钾肥施用;而低钾供应田块推荐用量略显不足,增施钾肥仍有较大的增产空间。 相似文献
太湖地区稻麦二熟制下长期秸秆还田对土壤酶活性的影响 总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18
摘要:研究了长期秸秆还田情况下太湖水稻土中与C、N、P、S养分循环及微生物活动有关的荧光素二乙酸酯(FDA)水解酶、酸性磷酸酶、碱性磷酸酶、芳基硫酸酯酶、β-葡糖苷酶、脲酶和脱氢酶等7种酶的活性。结果表明:秸秆还田与无机肥处理都明显增强了所有酶的活性,与对照无肥区的差异达到了显著水平。酶活性对化肥或秸秆还田的敏感度为:β-葡糖苷酶〉脱氢酶、脲酶〉FDA水解酶、碱性磷酸酶〉芳基硫酸酯酶〉酸性磷酸酶。各处理间酶活性顺序为:NPKS2(NPK+稻秆4500kg/hm^2)〉NPKSI(NPK+稻秆2250kg/hm^2)〉NPK(N120kg/hm^2,P75kg/hm^2,K150kg/hm^2)〉CK。 相似文献
Yoshiaki Nakagawa Yoshihiro Soya Katsumi Nakai Nobuhiro Oikawa Keiichiro Nishimura Tamio Ueno Toshio Fujita Norio Kurihara 《Pest management science》1995,43(4):339-345
The ability to stimulate N-acetylglucosamine (GluNAc) incorporation in-vitro of a number of N-tert-butyl-N,N′-dibenzoylhydrazines having various substituents on both phenyl rings was measured in cultured integument excised from the rice stem borer (Chilo suppressalis Walker). The relationship between in-vitro and larvicidal potency was approximately linear. The substituent effects on variations in the potency were similar between in-vitro and larvicidal activities. An inhibitor of oxidative detoxication, piperonyl butoxide, had no synergistic effects on the in-vitro potency. The ability of some dibenzoylhydrazines to inhibit GluNAc incorporation at exposure periods longer than the optimum for stimulation was also measured in a similar cultured integument system. The relationship between the inhibitory and stimulatory potency indices was linear, indicating that the larvicidal activity of dibenzoylhydrazines is closely related to its ability to stimulate as well as to inhibit GluNAc incorporation into the larval cuticle. 相似文献
黄芪多糖对雏鸡外周血T淋巴细胞转化功能的影响 总被引:34,自引:3,他引:34
将108只1日龄伊莎系蛋用公雏均分为3组:一组为对照,其余2组在3日龄时,于背侧颈部皮下分别注射0.2、0.4mL黄芪多糖注射液(0.01g/mL)1次,再分别于7、21、35、49日龄时采用MTT比色法及微量全血培养3H-TdR掺入法检测外周血T淋巴细胞转化率的动态变化。结果表明,黄芪多糖对21、35日龄雏鸡T淋巴细胞转化功能有增强作用,且与剂量有相关性,而对7、49日龄雏鸡的作用不明显。MTT比色法与3H-TdR掺入法的检测结果无显著差异(P<0.05)。 相似文献
以阜新地区为例,开展不同秸秆还田量对旱地土壤水肥和玉米生长与产量的影响研究。试验设计0 kg·hm-2,6 000 kg·hm-2,12 000 kg·hm-2,18 000 kg·hm-2、24 000 kg·hm-2共5个处理,3次重复,共15个小区,小区面积(4 m×15 m)为60 m2。研究结果表明,对照CK不施用秸秆处理,深耕加秸秆的方法,土壤含水量显著增加,除了对照之外,各个处理剂量之间的差异并不明显,且呈先上升而后下降趋势。说明秸秆在土壤中始终处于水分的非饱和状态,并不是秸秆剂量越大越好。各个层次土壤容重与对照相比变化较明显,其中10~20 cm深处土壤容重变化最大,各个处理土壤容重表现出随秸秆还田量增加土壤容重降低值减少的趋势,下降幅度为12 000 kg·hm-2>6 000 kg·hm-2>18 000 kg·hm-2。秸秆还田处理,提高了植物的叶绿素含量,促进了植物的光合效率,以12 000 kg·h
m-2处理较好。不同处理对玉米产量影响差异显著,达到了5%的显著水平,施入量在0~12 000 kg·hm-2之间,玉米产量呈上升趋势,超过18 000 kg·hm-2产量呈下降趋势,因此建议推广剂量为12 000 kg·hm-2。 相似文献
Abstract Quantitative characterization of crusts is necessary to evaluate the crusting susceptibility of soils, to reveal the soil properties affecting soil crust development and, thus, to predict the occurrence of crusting. For the quantification of the morphological characteristics of soil surface crusts, the authors applied an image analyzing method to quantify the state of pores, in terms of apparent porosity, using vertical thin sections of the surface crust formed under simulated rainfall. 相似文献
Yajie Hu 《Journal of plant nutrition》2017,40(4):492-505
Nitrogen (N) application plays an important role in rice production. Limited attention has already been paid to optimizing N fertilizer management strategy for higher grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of rice with crop residue incorporation. Field experiments were conducted with the objective to determine the response of several N application methods to rice production and to evaluate their NUE. Three N fertilizer application methods, i.e., local farmers' N fertilizer practice (FNP), modified farmers' N fertilizer practice (MNP), and increased the amount of N fertilizer practice (INP), were adopted with zero N application as control (CK). The results showed that, compared with that under FNP, grain yield was significantly higher under MFP, owing to signficantly enhanced total spikelets as a result of more panicles per unit area. Relative to FNP, MNP markedly increased nitrogen agronomic efficiency (AEN), nitrogen recovery efficiency (REN), nitrogen physiological efficiency (PEN) and nitrogen partial factor productivity (PFPN), but AEN, PEN and PFPN of INP were significantly lower. Further analysis showed that the number of tiller, leaf area index, aboveground biomass, SPAD value, plant N content and N uptake at the early vegetative stage were improved significantly under MNP compared to those under FNP, contributing to higher total aboveground biomass and total N uptake. 相似文献