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The structural features of bast fiber and core lignins in kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus), bark and wood lignin of paper mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) Vent × Broussonetia kazinoki Sieb.) and mulberry (Morus bombycis) were characterized by alkaline nitrobenzene oxidation, ozonation and methoxyl group determination. Bj?rkman lignins were isolated from bast fiber and core, and bark and wood fractions of the plant samples, and structural characteristics were investigated by 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectroscopies. Kenaf bast fiber gave very high molar ratio of syringaldehyde to vanillin (S/V) of alkaline nitrobenzene oxidation products, while methoxyl content was about the same as that of the core fraction. Results of 1H NMR and 13C NMR of Bj?rkman lignin suggested the presence of aliphatic fragments in lignins isolated from paper mulberry and mulberry bark, but not in kenaf bast fiber. The lower yield of alkaline nitrobenzene oxidation products from bast fiber and bark might be due to the higher content of condensed structure of lignin compared to core fraction. Total yield of erythronic (E) and threonic (T) acids of ozonation products and the molar ratio of erythronic acid to threonic acid (E/T) of the bast fibers and bark were lower than the corresponding core and wood fractions, suggesting that the contents of arylglycerol-β-aryl ether intermonomer linkages in the bast fiber and bark lignin were lower than those of the core and wood fractions. Methoxyl content of bark lignin was lower than the corresponding wood lignin. The methoxyl content of the extract-free kenaf bast fiber was similar to that of the core fraction, while the values of paper mulberry and mulberry bark were about one-half of the corresponding wood fractions, respectively. In bark lignins, the methoxyl contents of Klason lignin and Bj?rkman lignin from bark were lower than those of the extract-free barks. This result suggests that the purity of Klason lignin and Bj?rkman lignins of bark may be rather low.  相似文献   
【目的】研究两种通风模式下杭州地区规模化猪场舍内环境参数及其分布规律,筛选出适合本地区推广的通风模式。【方法】选取杭州地区具有代表性的横向通风和纵向通风两种通风模式下育肥舍为研究对象,开展了早、中、晚3个不同时间点,进风口、舍中央和排风口3个不同位置的热环境参数、有害气体浓度的监测,持续监测1周。分析不同时间点和舍内不同位置对热环境参数(温度、相对湿度、风速)以及有害气体(氨气(NH3)和硫化氢(H2S))浓度的影响,并对两种模式下的热环境参数及有害气体浓度进行比较分析;采用空气沉淀法收集舍内环境中的细菌,并对细菌进行培养及统计分析,比较两种模式下育肥舍中细菌数量差异。【结果】两种通风模式下育肥舍相对湿度均低于国家标准,位置和各时间点对相对湿度影响不大,其中纵向通风舍内的相对湿度显著高于横向通风模式(P<0.05)。两种通风模式舍内平均温度没有显著性差异(P>0.05),舍内中午温度显著高于早、晚(P<0.05),位置对纵向通风舍内温度影响较大。纵向通风舍内平均风速为(1.09±0.42)m/s,符合国家标准且极显著高于横向...  相似文献   
基于可见/近红外光谱技术,研究了鲜茧毛脚茧快速鉴别的方法。采用主成分分析法对毛脚茧和成熟茧进行定性分析,再对光谱数据采用最小二乘支持向量机方法建模鉴别,通过连续投影算法从400-1000 nm波段的鲜茧光谱数据中选取了12个特征波长。采用最小二乘支持向量机法基于400 nm,430 nm,487 nm,512 nm,604 nm,616 nm,732 nm,759 nm,784 nm,852 nm,985 nm,999 nm这12个特征波长建模,结果对毛脚茧的判别准确率达到100%。表明可见/近红外光谱可以用于毛脚茧的鉴别检测。  相似文献   
为厘清非农就业质量对山区农户土地转出稳定性的影响机制,基于2021年浙江省山区4县480户农户调查数据,采取OLS、Heckman两阶段以及2SLS等模型开展实证研究,同时采取Probit模型检验作用机制并结合案例加以佐证。结果表明:1)非农就业质量的改善激励山区农户提高土地转出的稳定性。2)非农就业质量显著影响老一代农户和“体制外”农户土地转出的稳定性,但是对新生代农户和“体制内”农户的影响不显著,同时,非农就业质量对土地转出稳定性的影响并不因为就业距离的远近而产生差异;3)非农就业质量影响土地转出稳定性的作用机制在于强化农户的城市融入意愿、弱化农户对地租的偏好以及弱化土地的社会保障功能。相关政策需要致力于提升山区农户的非农就业质量,提升和完善非农就业的稳定性、收入和保障制度。  相似文献   
为推动农林企业更好地享有数字化转型红利,提升农林企业创新效率并实现农林企业共同富裕的带动作用,以2009—2020年235个A股农林业上市公司面板数据为基础,使用双向固定效应模型,实证分析了数字化转型对农林企业创新效率的影响。研究表明:1)数字化转型与农林企业创新效率之间存在显著的倒U型影响,适度水平的数字化有利于创新效率提升,超过一定临界点后,数字化水平的提高负向影响创新效率;2)数字化转型通过倒U型曲线效应影响企业风险承担水平,进而影响了创新效率,促成了数字化转型与创新效率之间的倒U型关系;3)企业高管的学术经历负向调节农林企业数字化转型与创新效率之间的倒U型关系。基于上述结论,不仅企业和高管团队要发挥能动作用,而且政府要加快农业新型基础设施和标准体系建设、加强政策针对性、完善数字化转型公共服务平台,加快农业现代化助推农业强国建设的步伐。  相似文献   
日本的金竹文化鲜明体现在古代战争、传统节日、文学等方面,具有历史悠久、内涵深刻、表现广泛等特点。近代以后金竹文化低迷,但仍然是日本竹文化中最具神圣文化内涵的部分。  相似文献   
A well‐characterized and systematically organized collection of genetic markers is crucial in the study of any crop species. It is the basis of map‐based gene cloning and crop improvements through marker‐assisted selections. Single‐strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) has been a robust way of discovering new polymorphisms in marker development without the requirement of sequencing. Here, we report the first approach of applying SSCP marker discovery methods in the genetic map construction and gene mapping of cotton species. A total of 80 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers were selected from a region on published cotton genetic maps around the T1 gene related to cotton trichome. Among the 80 RFLPs, 28 showed polymorphisms through SSCP, showing a polymorphic rate of approximately 35%, which is much higher than that of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers in the same region (7.8%). By integrating these newly generated SSCP markers, a detailed genetic map was reconstructed around this region using an F2 population derived from a cross between Gossypium arboreum and G. herboceum. The reconstructed region comprises 22 SSCP markers, eight SSR markers and the T1 gene, spanning 21.6 cM. The marker order of the new map agrees well with published reference RFLP maps. The above results suggest that SSCP method can be applied very efficiently and reliably to the marker development of cotton genomes. It will prove to be even more valuable and robust after the public release of cotton whole‐genome sequences.  相似文献   
为了研究不同经营模式对毛竹Phyllostachys heterocycla ‘Pubescens’笋用林叶片特征以及竹笋产量的影响,以不同经营模式(带状、层状、加客土和常规经营)的毛竹笋用林为研究对象,对毛竹叶片SPAD值(soil and plant analyzer development value,SPAD value)和叶面积指数(Leaf Aea Index,LAI)进行监测,并于次年春统计春笋产量。结果表明:不同经营模式下的毛竹叶片SPAD值随时间呈现先升高后下降的变化趋势,而LAI变化不明显;机械化带状经营模式中处理D_3(条带宽度1 m,保留条带内立竹和适当竹鞭)的SPAD值及LAI均高于常规经营,且其LAI显著高于(P<0.05)层状和加客土经营中的各处理。层状经营模式中处理C_2(去除竹林地0~25 cm土层的竹鞭)的SPAD值和LAI均较低于同时期的其他处理;机械化经营模式中的处理D_3和处理T_6(加客土6 cm)的春笋产量最高;毛竹SPAD值、LAI及春笋产量三者均呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),其中SPAD值与春笋产量呈极显著正相关(P<0.01)。  相似文献   
Visitors’ perceptions of traditional homestead windbreaks on the Ryukyu Archipelago were determined in this study by analyzing the user-generated comments (UGC) on Instagram. It was found that an overwhelming majority of tourists used phrases like “spiritual,” “greenery,” “nature,” and “healing” to describe their feelings while visiting the dense windbreaks, in comparison with local residents’ perceptions of “windbreak” and “firebreak” in their stories. By analyzing the Instagram UGC, useful information related to tourists’ assessments, perceptions of windbreaks, and disadvantages of trees with numerous mosquitoes, was obtained. Many tourists assessed dense tree lines as sacred and spiritual. Furthermore, many tourists preferred a comfortable tour by riding a bicycle and a micro kickboard without walking too much. This study demonstrated Instagram as an important source of tourists’ perceptions of landscape amenities, which can inform tourism management organizations (TMO). It is recommended that homestead windbreaks are promoted on the websites of TMO of isolated islands and remote areas, and as a popular destination that is part of local culture and alternative tourist attractions.  相似文献   
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