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免耕稻油轮作模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
稻油轮作是保障我国粮油安全的重要耕作制度.从农业节肥减药、生态高效、机械化轻简栽培等视角出发,提出了适合湖南地区的免耕稻油轮作模式,阐述了关键技术,分析其可行性,并对其可持续发展进行展望.  相似文献   

Different rates of K, Ca, and Mg were applied to bulklots of Decatur clay loam (pH 5.8) which had been collected from an area under natural vegetation. Nitrogen and P were each applied at the rate of 100 ppm. Soybean (Glycine max L.) and corn (Zea mays L.) were planted to pots in four replications of each treatment. Plants were grown for 6 weeks and subsequently all the pots were re‐planted to soybeans. This crop rotation was repeated until six crops had been harvested from each pot.

Potassium fertilization did not affect soybean growth but increased the dry matter of corn plants. Calcium application affected the growth of neither crop, but Mg addition to the soil reduced the growth of both crops. The composition of the plants generally reflected the available amounts of each nutrient. Additionally, Mg consistently decreased K in soybeans but increased Mn in the two crops. The inclusion of corn in rotation with soybeans resulted in the following effects on the succeeding soybean harvests: more tolerance to high Mg, greater reduction of plant Ca and Mg caused by K application, and lower levels of available K and Ma in soils and soybeans. However, the greater rate of depletion of soil K and Mn under corn rotation did not appear Co affect the dry matter yields of the following soybean plants relative to the plants under the continuous soybean cropping system.  相似文献   
Leguminous pre-crops are an important source of green manure in organic crop rotations for improving soil fertility and achieving high yields of cereals. We aimed to study the potential of various leguminous species, other than the traditionally cultivated red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), as green manure pre-crops for subsequent cereals. The use of different legume species enables to exploit advantages of specific legumes in organic cereal production. In order to test the legumes as pre-crops for cereals, we carried out trials located in the temperate climate zone of northeast Europe (58°44′59.41″ N, 26°24′54.02″ E). We sowed the following perennial legumes as pre-crops: red clover, alsike clover (Trifolium hybridum L.) and Washington lupine (Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl.), biennial white sweet clover (Melilotus albus Medik.) and annual Alexandria clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.), and crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.). Timothy (Phleum pratense L.) was used as a control. The leguminous pre-crops were followed by three spring cereals (barley, oat and spring wheat) and two winter cereals (rye and winter wheat). We tested the first-year after-effect (all cereals) and second-year after-effect (only barley and oat) of pre-crops on the grain yield of cereals. Perennial and biennial legume species produced the highest dry matter yield and contained the highest amount of nutrients, especially nitrogen, compared to annual species. All subsequent cereals produced significant extra yields after each leguminous pre-crop in the following two years, although the effect was smaller in the second year. The most suitable pre-crops for spring cereals were red and alsike clover followed by lupine, whereas the best pre-crops for winter cereals were sweet clover and annual clovers. Our results show the potential of various leguminous pre-crop species as valuable sources of green manure in organic crop rotation.  相似文献   
尚庄镇从 90年代起 ,通过多年的试验、示范 ,初步形成了大棚番茄接种粳稻栽培模式。采用大棚三膜覆盖栽培番茄 ,实现单产 75~ 90 t·hm- 2 ,且提早上市 30~ 35d,提高了番茄的商品率和产值。番茄收获后及时接种粳稻 ,改进粳稻栽培技术 ,使粳稻单产达 9.75t·hm- 2以上。实现纯收益 8.2 5× 1 0 4元· hm- 2。  相似文献   
荞麦粉对挂面品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择荞麦粉为辅料,以挂面的咀嚼度为指标,研究荞麦粉和食品添加剂对挂面品质的影响。在单因素研究的基础上,通过正交试验和二次旋转分析,建立数学回归方程,确定荞麦挂面的的最佳工艺和配方。结果表明,荞麦挂面的最优配方为荞麦粉质量分数19%,CMC-Na 0.3%,六偏磷酸钠0.08%,在此条件下质构仪得出的挂面咀嚼度值为196.518。  相似文献   
黄瓜气孔导度、水力导度的环境响应及其调控蒸腾效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以营养生长期温室黄瓜为研究对象,通过四元二次正交旋转组合设计,分析稳态流条件下土壤相对含水率、空气温度、空气湿度和光合有效辐射对气孔导度、土壤植物系统总水力导度的影响及其调控蒸腾效应。结果表明,4个环境因子对气孔导度、总水力导度均有正效应,对其影响最大的环境因子分别是空气湿度、空气温度;土壤相对含水率与光合有效辐射、空气温度与空气湿度对气孔导度和总水力导度存在明显的交互作用;空气湿度对气孔导度、总水力导度的单因子效应为开口向上的抛物线函数,其他环境因子的单因子效应皆趋近于线性递增函数;各因子的边际效应分析表明,空气湿度是气孔导度的主要调控途径,除光合有效辐射外,其他因子均可有效调控总水力导度。采用通径分析方法研究了环境因子、气孔导度、总水力导度调控蒸腾效应,结果表明,空气温度、光合有效辐射和气孔导度均主要通过增强总水力导度对蒸腾作用产生间接正效应,其次是对蒸腾作用的直接正效应;土壤相对含水率主要通过增强总水力导度和气孔导度对蒸腾作用产生间接正效应;空气湿度的直接影响为负效应,但其主要影响途径为通过增强总水力导度和气孔导度对蒸腾作用的正效应;气孔导度与总水力导度响应环境因子变化并相互作用,协同调控蒸腾作用。  相似文献   
玉米种衣剂配方数学模型筛选研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用二次回归旋转组合设计方法 ,对玉米种衣剂优化配方进行研究。通过利用计算机技术对试验数据进行处理和模拟寻优 ,建立了产量函数模型 ,筛选出产量≥ 975 0kg hm2 的最佳配方组合方案 ,并确定了置信域。  相似文献   
Studies quantifying winter annual cover crop effects on water quality are mostly limited to short-term studies at the plot scale. Long-term studies scaling-up water quality effects of cover crops to the watershed scale provide more integrated spatial responses from the landscape. The objective of this research was to quantify N loads from artificial subsurface drainage (tile drains) in a subbasin of the Walnut Creek, Iowa (Story county) watershed using the hybrid RZWQ-DSSAT model for a maize (Zea mays L.)-soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] and maize-maize-soybean rotations in all phases with and without a winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cover crop during a 25-year period from 1981 to 2005. Simulated cover crop dry matter (DM) and N uptake averaged 1854 and 36 kg ha−1 in the spring in the maize-soybean phase of the 2-year rotation and 1895 and 36 kg ha−1 in the soybean-maize phase during 1981-2005. In the 3-year rotation, cover crop DM and N uptake averaged 2047 and 44 kg ha−1 in the maize-maize-soybean phase, 2039 and 43 kg ha−1 in the soybean-maize-maize phase, and 1963 and 43 kg ha−1 in the maize-soybean-maize phase during the same period. Annual N loads to tile drains averaged 29 kg ha−1 in the maize-soybean phase and 25 kg ha−1 in the soybean-maize phase compared to 21 and 20 kg ha−1 in the same phases with a cover crop. In the 3-year rotation, annual N loads averaged 46, 43, and 45 kg ha−1 in each phase of the rotation without a cover crop and 37, 35, and 35 kg ha−1 with a cover crop. These results indicate using a winter annual cover crop can reduce annual N loads to tile drains 20-28% in the 2-year rotation and 19-22% in the 3-year rotation at the watershed subbasin scale over a 25-year period.  相似文献   
松嫩平原黑土区用养结合高产高效轮作制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在应用科学施肥、耕作配套技术的前提下,研究以用养结合、高产、高效为主要目标,通过玉米、大豆、小麦、甜菜、亚麻不同结构、不同前茬对比试验,研究松嫩平原黑土区用养结合高产高效轮作制。结果表明,玉米—大豆—(甜菜、亚麻)—大豆、玉米—大豆—小麦—甜菜两种轮作体系,既高产高效适合在该区大面积推广应用  相似文献   
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