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不同浓度的镉离子(Cd2+)对小麦种子萌发的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
以温麦6号为材料,探讨了不同浓度的重金属镉(Cd2 )对小麦种子萌发及根、芽生长的影响。结果表明:Cd2 对小麦种子萌发有较大的抑制作用;Cd2 浓度低于5mg/L时,能在一定程度上刺激小麦种子的萌发,小麦种子的发芽率和根数也略有增加;当Cd2 浓度大于5mg/L时,对小麦种子的萌发表现出明显的抑制效应,随Cd2 浓度的增加,幼根和幼芽的长度逐渐变短,芽重和根重明显下降,活力指数显著降低。此外,高浓度的Cd2 (50mg/L)引起小麦幼根根尖变褐,呈现中毒反应。 相似文献
Vincenzo Alterio Emma Langella Giuseppina De Simone Simona Maria Monti 《Marine drugs》2015,13(4):1688-1697
The Carbon Concentration Mechanism (CCM) allows phytoplakton species to accumulate the dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) necessary for an efficient photosynthesis even under carbon dioxide limitation. In this mechanism of primary importance for diatoms, a key role is played by carbonic anhydrase (CA) enzymes which catalyze the reversible hydration of CO2, thus taking part in the acquisition of inorganic carbon for photosynthesis. A novel CA, named CDCA1, has been recently discovered in the marine diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii. CDCA1 is a cambialistic enzyme since it naturally uses Cd2+ as catalytic metal ion, but if necessary can spontaneously exchange Cd2+ to Zn2+. Here, the biochemical and structural features of CDCA1 enzyme will be presented together with its putative biotechnological applications for the detection of metal ions in seawaters. 相似文献
饲料中的镉污染问题越来越受到人们的关注。综述了我国饲料中镉的来源、镉污染状况、危害及其毒理作用,并简要阐述了预防饲料镉污染的措施。 相似文献
为研究镉胁迫下不同品种烟草积累和忍耐镉的差异及机制问题,以烟草品种‘RG17’、‘贵烟11号’、‘Xanthi’为试验材料,采用土培试验方法对不同品种烟草镉化学形态分布特征进行了研究。结果表明,烟草根、茎、叶镉的各形态含量随土壤镉浓度的增加而增加,根部FHAC分配比率最高,占绝对优势,茎FHAC降低,FNaCl增加,而叶片FNaCl分配比率最高,占绝对优势,且随着镉浓度的加大,根、茎、叶镉的各形态分配比率有接近的趋势。同样各形态分配比率因品种而异,根部‘Xanthi’FHAC分配比率最高,而FW、FNaCl分配比率低;叶内FNaCl分配比率‘Xanthi’高于其他品种,而FW分配比率低,随着镉浓度的增加,这种趋势更加明显。推断高积累型烟草根内镉形成难溶于水的磷酸盐有利于其对镉的积累,而与蛋白质络合,从细胞质转移到液泡可能是烟草耐性品种忍耐镉的主要机制之一。 相似文献
河北省白菜主要栽培品种吸收累积重金属镉的特征和质量安全性研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
采用土培试验研究了河北省20个白菜主要栽培品种吸收累积重金属Cd的特征和质量安全性。试验结果表明,在土壤加入同一Cd含量(1.0、5.0 mg/kg)的条件下,不同白菜品种地上部的Cd含量、吸Cd量和对Cd的富集系数均存在明显的差异(p<0.05) ,最高相差近3-4倍。按严格的蔬菜标准GB15201—94规定蔬菜中Cd最高允许限量标准0.05 mg/kg,种植白菜新北京三号、北京小杂60、太空三号和丰抗78在土壤Cd含量达到1.0 mg/kg时生产的白菜仍能符合食品安全标准。按GB2762—2005规定的叶菜类蔬菜中Cd最高允许限量标准,即使土壤Cd含量达到5.0 mg/kg时,种植的白菜新北京三号、北京小杂60和丰抗78仍是安全的。同一白菜品种的Cd富集系数是相对稳定,可以作为白菜安全生产时品种选择的重要指标。 相似文献
生物对重金属的累积与释放实验对研究生物修复、污染物生态毒性和环境风险评价有着十分重要的意义。通过对天津潮间带底栖生物泥螺进行室内镉累积与释放实验,研究了泥螺体和肝脏对镉的累积与释放特征。整个实验过程分为累积和释放两个阶段,实验样品经冷冻、干燥、研磨、混匀和称量后,采用原子吸收分光光度法进行测定。结果表明,泥螺对镉的累积周期为14 d,其身体和肝脏中镉的质量分数均呈现先升高后降低的趋势,在第7 d达到最大值,其中肝脏的累积能力要大于身体;泥螺对镉的释放周期为12 d,在第9 d趋于稳定。泥螺对镉的累积与释放不仅与其自身的生活习性有关,还与其栖息环境密切相关。在自然环境中,应当严格控制镉的人为输入,尤其是含镉工业废水的排放。 相似文献
Mercè Llugany Roser Tolrà Sandra Raquel Martín Charlotte Poschenrieder Juan Barceló 《植物养料与土壤学杂志》2013,176(6):851-858
Glutathione (GSH) and phenolics play an important role in plant defense against metal‐ion toxicity. The antioxidant activity and metal‐binding capacity of these compounds can account for the protective effects. In contrast to animal‐cell models, however, the possible interplay among these substances in stress defense of plants is poorly investigated. This study compares the influence of cadmium (Cd) on the profiles of both soluble phenolics and GSH in shoots of different Thlaspi and Noccaea species: two ecotypes of the nonhyperaccumulator T. arvense differing in Cd resistance (ecotype Aigues Vives, Cd‐sensitive, and ecotype Jena, Cd‐resistant) and two Cd‐tolerant Cd‐Zn hyperaccumulators N. praecox and N. caerulescens (formerly Thlaspi praecox and T. caerulescens). To reveal the possible influence of Cd‐induced sulfur (S) shortage on the stress response, plants receiving normal S concentrations (500 μM MgSO4) and plants treated with surplus S (500 μM MgSO4 + 500 μM K2SO4) were analyzed. Our working hypothesis was that species differences in tolerance to high tissue Cd concentrations should be reflected by differences in endogenous levels of GSH and phenolic compounds. The results reveal clear species‐dependent differences in both the constitutive patterns and the Cd‐ and S‐induced changes in shoot concentrations of GSH and phenolics. However, no simple relationship between these shoot concentrations and Cd accumulation and tolerance can be established. 相似文献
The effect of calcium (Ca) on cadmium (Cd) accumulation in plants was investigated using Gamblea innovans Sieb. & Zucc., a deciduous tree species that is an accumulator plant for Cd and zinc (Zn). Saplings of G. innovans were grown for 3 months and fed with solutions containing only Ca (+Ca), both Ca and Cd (Ca+Cd), or only Cd (+Cd). The Ca concentration in roots was higher in both treatments containing Cd alone (+Cd) and Ca+Cd compared to roots treated with Ca alone (+Ca). In addition, the Cd concentration in roots was higher in the Ca+Cd treatment than the Cd treatment. This showed that the presence of Ca2+ in the rhizosphere relates with Cd uptake into roots. The result that the transport of Cd from roots through stem to leaves was suppressed by Ca treatment indicates that the presence of Ca regulates Cd transport from the roots. A clear correlation between Cd and Zn concentrations in leaves suggests a possibility that the Cd treatment accelerates the transport of Zn into leaves via the same protein transporter in this species. 相似文献
The effect of 8-day-old exposure maize seedlings with cadmium (Cd) or zinc (Zn), separately, are described with special attention being given to ultrastructural changes as well as changes of the growth. These elements, frequent pollutants found in the soil, were added as 1 mM solutions to nutrient solution used for roots and shoots of maize seedlings, investigated 8 days after germination. The symptoms of heavy metal toxicity were clear showing that Cd inhibits root growth more strongly than the shoots and more effectively than zinc ions. The results of scanning electron microscopy revealed changes in the leaf surface, particularly in the guard cells of the stomata. The ultrastructural analyses of the parenchyma mesophyll cells showed extensive chloroplast disorganization, mainly affecting the thylakoid membranes and grana. 相似文献