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为了给内蒙古高原紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)测土施氮奠定科学基础,本研究采用“零散实验数据整合法”和“养分平衡-地力差减法”新应用公式,开展了该自然区域紫花苜蓿土壤氮素丰缺指标和推荐施氮量研究。结果表明:内蒙古高原生长第1年紫花苜蓿土壤碱解氮第1~6级丰缺指标为≥48,20~48,8~20,4~8,2~4和<2 mg·kg-1,土壤全氮第1~5级丰缺指标为≥1.4,0.8~1.4,0.4~0.8,0.2~0.4和<0.2 g·kg-1,土壤有机质第1~6级丰缺指标为≥17,10~17,6~10,3~6,2~3和<2 g·kg-1。当紫花苜蓿目标产量9~18 t·hm-2、氮肥利用率40%时,内蒙古高原紫花苜蓿第1~6级土壤推荐施氮量分别为0,68~135,135~270,203~405,270~540和338~675 kg·hm-2。  相似文献   
The increased recognition of the importance of soil is reflected in the UN Post‐2015 Development Agenda with sustainable development goals that directly and indirectly relate to soil quality and protection. Despite a lack of legally binding legislation for soil protection, the European Commission remains committed to the objective of soil protection. However, the achievement of a legally binding framework for soil protection relies on the implementation of a soil monitoring network (SMN) that can detect changes to soil quality over time. As beneficiaries do not pay for the provision of soil information, the options for soil monitoring are limited. The use of existing data sets should be considered first. Using Ireland as an example, this research explored the opportunities for a SMN for Ireland considering three existing national data sets. The options for a SMN are considered in terms of their spatial and stratified distribution, the parameters to be measured and an economic analysis of the options proposed. This research finds that for Ireland, either a 10 or a 16 km2 grid interval stratified by land use and drainage class offers the best potential in relation to the spatial distribution of existing data sets to reflect local data at a national level. With existing data, the stratified SIS data using the 16 km2 grid offers the best value for money, with baseline costs for analysis, excluding field costs, of between €706 481 and €2.8 million. Acknowledging the impossibility of measuring all parameters with ideal frequency, this study proposes a two‐tier system for optimized monitoring frequency. Parameters must anticipate future policy requirements. Finally, the implementation of a SMN must be accompanied by standardized methods, defined thresholds and action mandates to maintain soil quality within allowable limits.  相似文献   
石灰性土壤的电超滤(EUF)特性主要是浸提时因需控制电流而必须大大降低电压。在一定范围内,降压程度与土壤 CaCO_3%有密切关系。控流限额愈低,电压需成比例地下降,但土壤EUF-值减小不多。电流控制在一定值时,离子的解吸总量亦为定值。控流主要控制了各石灰性土壤解吸/溶解份额特大的 Ca+Mg 量近于定值,对于含量小的其他养分离子则并无多大影响,仍可区辨各土壤间的差别。通过冬小麦盆栽试验和有关化学测试法等方面的相关研究,表明采用国际通用的5g 土样和控电流方法测定 EUF-K 和-P 等有效养分,对于石灰性土壤也是可行的,但其EUF-(Ca+Mg)值则毫无植物营养有效性的意义。土壤 EUF 值只是一种指数,并非真正的解吸离子量。石灰性土壤 EUF-K 值因浸提时降压控流而略低,80℃时5min 内解吸的钾不一定是非交换性钾。由于 Ca-P 和 CaCO_3在高温高电压时浸出较多,故石灰性土壤 EUF-P 和-(Ca+Mg)的80℃值/20℃值之比,与酸性土壤或非石灰性土壤相比要大得多。  相似文献   
Soil pH declined from 5.9 to 5.0 in 8 years beneath plantations of Eucalyptus saligna (Sm.) in Hawaii. In stands of Albizia falcataria, (L.) Fosberg, the soil pH change was more dramatic, declining from 5.9 to 4.6. We measured several components of soil acidity beneath four mixtures of the two tree species to gain insight on the processes responsible for the decline in soil pH. These components were studied using an empirical method of comparing acid quantity, degree of neutralization (depletion of base cations), and acid strength. The decline in soil pH differed between species as a result of differences in the degree of neutralization of the soil exchange complex; the larger decrease in soil pH under Albizia was produced by greater acidification of the exchange complex. Empirical titration curves suggested that differences in acid strength moderated the divergence in soil pH beneath the species. Had the acids accumulating in the soil under Albizia been as strong as those in the Eucalyptus soil, the difference in soil pH would have been greater. Though the two species had contrasting effects on soil pH, the differences in degree of neutralization, responsible for the pH decline, were small compared with differences in the amount of cations stored in tree biomass. Continued supply of nutrient cations (from weathering or fertilization) will ultimately control both the extent of soil pH decline and the level of productivity sustained by the forest.  相似文献   
Abstract. In field and laboratory experiments the conditioner‘Agri-SC’has shown improvements in the structure of loamy sand soils in east Shropshire, UK. It resulted in statistically significant decreases in soil bulk density values and increases in soil porosity and aggregate stability. Further experiments are in progress on both loamy sand and silt loam soils.  相似文献   
海南半干旱地区芒果间作柱花草及作物效益初探   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
1998~2001年在海南东方干旱半干旱燥红土芒果与柱花草及作物间作示范区的实践表明,在芒果园间作扁豆、柱花草、番薯和花生可显著提高芒果挂果率,芒果收入比芒果单种分别增加97.79%、98.53%、54.41%和48.28%,果园综合收入比芒果单种分别增加108.55%、98.53%、97.98%和91.58%,同时,果园间作可显著提高果园土壤有机质、全氮、速效磷的含量和土壤pH值,间作扁豆使土壤有机质含量增加53.3%,间作柱花草使土壤全氮增加43.92%,速效磷增加78.16%,从而达到了以短养长、增加农民收入、提高土壤肥力和持续管理利用的目的。  相似文献   
南、北盘江流域(贵州部分)土地退化类型及机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对珠江上游南、北盘江流域(贵州部分)调查的基础上,分析了该流域土地退化成因,原生生态系统的脆弱性只是导致土地退化的一个方面。而人为活动才是土地退化的主要因素。根据土地退化的成因、结果,将珠江上游南、北盘江流域(贵州部分)土地退化划分为:土壤侵蚀、石漠化、土地贫瘠、土壤污染、土壤破坏五种类型,并提出了退化土地的管理及恢复措施。  相似文献   
履带式拖拉机和轮式拖拉机由于其走行机构的不同,其集材道土壤压实也存在差异,特别衡量土壤压实的两个重要指标——土壤硬度和孔隙度——两种机型不一致。通过对调查测定数据进行计算处理以及用灰色系统理论进行动态分析,结果表明:与轮式拖拉机相比,履带式拖拉机对苗木生长是有利的。  相似文献   
Abstract. Current tillage erosion models account for the influence of tillage direction in the magnitude of the soil (tillage) transport coefficient. It is argued here that this is counter-intuitive and causes significant problems in modelling tillage erosion in areas of complex terrain. This article examines whether a re-modelling of tillage erosion is possible that separates tillage direction (an interaction with the landform) from the soil transport coefficient (a measure of tillage intensity representing the combination of implement erosivity and soil erodibility). Experimental data for mouldboard ploughing upslope, downslope and cross-slope at Coombe Barton Farm, Devon are examined. Integration of data for all directions into a single relationship, which relates translocation in the direction of tillage to slope in the direction of tillage and translocation perpendicular to tillage to slope perpendicular to tillage, is not possible using previously published methods of analysis. However, when total translocation distance is regressed against the tangent of the slope at 45° to the tillage direction (bisecting the tillage direction and the direction of overturning) it is found that a single relationship can be used to describe tillage in all three directions. Therefore, this relationship is used to determine a single value of the soil transport coefficient ( k fTa) for constant soil and implement conditions but different tillage directions. This redefinition of tillage is important both for true estimation of tillage erosion severity, the adirectional coefficient being 40% larger than the directional coefficient, and for modelling of tillage erosion in complex terrain. These improvements are vital when tillage erosion simulation is used to direct soil conservation strategies.  相似文献   
土壤水热参数是研究土壤水热传输的基本物理参数。当前热脉冲探针法(HPP)可同步测定土壤水热参数,但该方法仅限于在点尺度下测定。与其具有相同理论基础的加热光纤法(SPHP-DTS),可将测定尺度增大至田间千米尺度,但其测定精度尚未得到有效验证。为了探知SPHP-DTS法的误差,本研究进行了SPHP-DTS法与HPP法测定土壤水热参数的对比试验。结果表明,以HPP为标准,加热光纤法测定热导率的精度RMSE为0.13 W?m-1?℃-1。SPHP-DTS法测定的热导率显著高于HPP法,主要原因在于加热光纤时产生的温度效应。通过热导率法测定土壤含水率时,在热导率测定误差的影响下,SPHP-DTS法的测定精度明显低于HPP法。SPHP-DTS法测定土壤水热参数的其他误差来源包括光纤与土壤之间多个界面的接触热阻、光纤的温度敏感性、噪音干扰以及温度梯度驱动下的水分迁移。本研究可为SPHP-DTS法提升土壤水热参数测定精度提供理论参考。  相似文献   
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