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Since the International Society of Veterinary Acupuncture (IVAS) was founded in 1974, acupuncture (AP) has received greater acceptance by veterinary professionals throughout the world. This article introduces some important animal diseases that respond well to AP therapy. These include resuscitation of small animals, treatment of anoestrous gilts and sows, bovine reproductive disease, canine vertebral problems and equine backpain, etc. Conventional medicine considers these to be difficult cases to treat. Veterinarians have become more aware of the benefits of AP especially for those diseases, thanks to the efforts of experienced practitioners and scientists, and the many published reports on veterinary AP that have introduced some good indications for AP therapy in veterinary practice. Possible mechanisms behind the effectiveness of AP are discussed. This article aims to introduce veterinarians to good indications for AP to initiate their interest in the practice of AP. Although this is a rapidly expanding field, a long march must begin with one step. We wish this article to be the shoes for such a march. For more information on veterinary AP, contact IVAS , P.O. Box 1478, Longmont, CO.. 80502, USA (http://www.ivas.org), or your national veterinary acupuncture society (http://www.komvet.at/ ivadkom/vapsocs.htm).  相似文献   
对N×特青示范田中试区与肥料试验田各处理小区稻株分析结果表明:抽穗后,亚种间杂交稻N×特青比常规稻特青干物质生产能力强,灌浆速度快;地上部各器官占植株干重比例,前者叶片比重大于茎,后者茎比重大于叶。亚种间杂交稻对肥料反应敏感,抽穗后,干物质累积,植株高度,每穗总粒数和粒重均随施肥量增加而增加,在高肥区有利于进一步提高产量,但增施氮肥后,灌浆速度明显滞后。  相似文献   
通过4a来对延平区马铃薯产业的调查研究,脱毒马铃薯品种的引进筛选,示范推广的实践,分析马铃薯产业现状,探讨存在的问题,提出发展对策,为进一步加快延平区的马铃薯产业发展提供依据。  相似文献   
饲料中含有的一些有害物质阻碍饲料营养物质在动物体内的消化吸收,影响动物的生长发育,使用不当还可能导致动物中毒和死亡。文章叙述了这些有害物质的结构,以及消除和降低这些物质的技术和方法。  相似文献   
Liu  Zhongxuan  Han  Junling  Liu  Zhihui  Zhang  Xingyao  Chen  Jie  Dong  Airong  Liu  Xuefeng 《植物病害和植物保护杂志》2019,126(5):485-488
Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - In May 2018, a bacterial tumor disease was observed on Populus koreana in Shuangyang county, Changchun city, Jilin Province. Based on physiological...  相似文献   
1,6-Hexamethylenediamine (HMDA) is utilized to synthesize copolyimides based on bisphenol-A dianhydride and 4,4-oxydianiline or 1,4-bis(4-aminophenoxy) benzene. The purpose of this study is to modify the processability of aromatic polyimides for textile processing and melt property requirements. Polyimides containing an aliphatic HMDA are synthesized via random and block copolymerizations. Variations in the aliphatic content produce a series of polyimides that have different thermal stability, mechanical properties, and processing characteristics. Based on the results, polyimides synthesized with 25 % HMDA have better mechanical properties compared to other contents of HMDA, and block copolyimides have better processability with higher melt index than random copolymers.  相似文献   
子宫内膜炎是一种常见的奶牛生殖系统疾病,是造成奶牛不孕的主要原因之一。它严重影响奶牛的繁殖力,给奶牛业造成严重的经济损失。清宫药为纯中药复方制剂,临床上用于治疗和预防奶牛子宫内膜炎,效果显著,为探讨其疗效机理,本试验利用加州兔对清宫药进行了药效学研究。结果显示:与模型组相比,清宫药对实验性急性家兔子宫内膜炎有较好的治疗作用(P﹤0.05)。  相似文献   
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