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Aqueous and ethanol extracts of Acacia pennata (bark), Catunaregam uliginosa (fruit), Diospyros lenceofolia (fruit), and Sapindus mukorossi (fruit) were evaluated as piscicides on the freshwater fish Danio dangila, Danio rerio, and Puntius shalynius, and the air-breathing Heteropneustes fossilis. Catunaregam uliginosa (fruit) possessed relatively higher piscicidal potency followed by Sapindus mukorossi (fruit), Acacia pennata (bark), and lastly Diospyros lanceofolia (fruit). Catunaregam uliginosa can thus be used for eradicating unwanted wild fishes in a short time span at low concentrations so that the health of aquatic environment is maintained.  相似文献   
利用热重分析仪对柴油机燃用0#柴油和乙醇柴油排放的颗粒进行热重及其动力学分析。研究表明,柴油中添加乙醇有助于降低柴油机的颗粒排放。通过颗粒的热重分析得出,颗粒氧化过程主要发生水分挥发、可溶性物质氧化和固体碳氧化3个过程,其中,固体碳约占颗粒总量的70%,可溶性有机物约占颗粒总量的25%。通过Coats-Redfern法对颗粒热重数据进行动力学计算分析,得出柴油机燃用0#柴油的颗粒的活化能为130.3 kJ/mol,燃用乙醇柴油的颗粒的热解活化能为122.9 kJ/mol,两拟合曲线的线性回归系数均大于0.99。为开发高效的颗粒催化剂及柴油机颗粒捕集器选择适当的可再生技术提供理论依据。  相似文献   
Recent research shows that most soils are more or less water repellent. Already subcritical water repellency may cause incomplete soil wetting and preferential flow. Both processes potentially reduce the residence time of water and solutes in the vadose zone, resulting in an enhanced risk of groundwater contamination. The objective of the present paper is, therefore, to evaluate the impact of reduced soil wettability on the soil water infiltration rate and to investigate the tendency towards preferential flow with the analysis of the immobile water content in the infiltration zone. In november 2002, a field experiment was done in a coniferous forest, 30 km N of Hannover, Germany. Soil hydrophobicity was quantified by measuring the contact angles. The hydraulic conductivity of the podsolic sandy soil was measured depth‐dependent with a double‐ring tension infiltrometer in three soil horizons. To quantify possible preferential‐flow effects, a LiBr‐Tracer was added to the infiltrating water to evaluate the mobile water‐content fraction after infiltration. Additionally, infiltration rates of water were compared with infiltration rates of ethanol which were determined after water infiltration at the same locations. Results show that the actual water repellency of field‐moist soil was mainly subcritical (contact angle <90°). Water infiltration rates were reduced due to subcritical repellency by a factor of 3–170 compared with ethanol infiltration rates (exclusion of wetting effects). This spatially variable infiltration behavior was not clearly reflected neither by the small‐scale contact‐angle measurements nor by the analysis of the average immobile soil water content in the infiltration zone. We conclude that this specific infiltration behavior of water caused by small‐scale wettability effects may temporarily reduce the local connectivity of water‐flow pathways.  相似文献   
Biomass ash is an important and potentially useful by-product of the bioenergy industry. As a “proof of concept” for using biomass fly ash as a foliar fertilizer, we tested (i) whether the nutrients in the ash were absorbed by hybrid aspen trees, (ii) whether the ash affected tree growth, and (iii) whether the ash was compatible with nitrogen foliar fertilizer. Four foliar treatments (water [control], ash suspended in water, nitrogen fertilizer solution, and ash suspended in nitrogen fertilizer solution) were evaluated. Several nutrients in the fly ash were absorbed by hybrid aspen both in the greenhouse and in the field; however, this absorption did not significantly affect tree growth in either setting. Nitrogen fertilization was associated with significantly higher tree growth in the greenhouse; inclusion of the fly ash with the nitrogen fertilizer solution did not significantly alter this growth response.  相似文献   
中国生物质燃料乙醇项目能量生产效率评估   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
为了对玉米和木薯乙醇的能量和可再生能量生产效率进行评估,该文统计了玉米和木薯乙醇生命周期能耗,并用市场价值量法按照主副产品的能耗进行了分配。计算出玉米和木薯燃料乙醇的净能量和净可再生能量。并计算了单产和化肥用量变化时的净能量和净可再生能量的变化。计算结果显示,玉米、木薯乙醇的净能量分别为1.472 MJ/L和2.417 MJ/L,净可再生能量分别为1.474 MJ/L和2.459 MJ/L。使用玉米、木薯生产燃料乙醇在能量生产和再生能量生产上都是可行的,木薯乙醇比玉米乙醇可行性更高,单产和化肥用量是提高能源利用和再生能源的关键因素,加强副产品的开发和使用有机肥代替化肥有利于提高系统的能效,提高系统的可再生性。  相似文献   
秸秆利用途径的分析比较   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
作为农业大国,中国的秸秆年产量在7 亿t 左右。以廉价的农业废弃物秸秆作为原料转变成能源是一项非常有价值的研究。文章从秸秆制备乙醇、甲烷-甲醇及气化、液化制备柴油几个方向进行讨论。用秸秆等废弃物制造能源引起了广泛的关注,不仅降低了成本,而且减轻了处理秸秆所造成的环境问题。通过对这些方向的原理、操作条件、设备、经济性等进行比较,进而得出秸秆转变能源途径中最有利的发展方向。结果表明,利用秸秆生产燃料乙醇,每t 秸秆产生的热量最多(18900 MJ),且产生的价值可观,纤维素乙醇的发展潜力最大。秸秆制乙醇的利用率以及经济效益较高,是一种较好的利用秸秆能源化的途径。  相似文献   
研究了金银花(Lonicera japonica)叶不同溶剂提取物对棘胸蛙(Rana spinosa)烂皮病治疗效果的影响。首先制备金银花叶的水提物与醇提物,分别用终浓度为16 mg/m L的水提物和醇提物浸浴患病蝌蚪,比较蝌蚪的存活量和平均体重。结果表明,金银花叶醇提物治疗组的蝌蚪存活数量远高于金银花叶水提物治疗组。说明金银花叶的醇提物对患病蝌蚪有较好的治疗效果。  相似文献   
以速生杨二步超低酸水解方法获得的水解液为原料,在28℃、100 r/min等发酵条件下,选择热带假丝酵母(C.2.637)和酿酒酵母(S.2.699)分别对第一步和第二步水解液进行了发酵制取燃料乙醇的研究,并考查了Ca(OH)2中和、过中和、活性炭吸附等预处理方法及菌种预适应驯化对乙醇转化率的影响。结果表明:热带假丝酵母能够更好地利用第一步水解液生成菌体,适合生产单细胞蛋白;菌种驯化后发酵速度和乙醇转化率均有提高,尤其是以酿酒酵母发酵第二步水解液,乙醇转化率由14.45%增至39.37%;Ca(OH)2过中和的方法处理后的水解液,乙醇转化率有所增加;以五碳糖为主同时含有六碳糖的速生杨第一步水解液,假丝酵母发酵产乙醇的效果好于酿酒酵母。  相似文献   
甜高粱在我国绿色能源中的地位   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:25  
甜高粱作为一种绿色能源,在生产燃料乙醇方面,是竞争力最强的作物。种植甜高粱具有生物量高,抗逆性强、适应性广,栽培历史悠久、优良品种选育居世界领先地位,粮糖双收,经济效益及综合利用率高等优势。  相似文献   
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