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苑野 《四川畜牧兽医学院学报》2006,4(1):146-149
马尔克斯的《百年孤独》是一部具有深刻社会历史内涵的文学作品。它通过对人物形象的塑造。揭示了“孤独”这一拉美民族心理,反映了作者的民族观。从《百年孤独》中,可以看到它对魔幻现实主义文学的继承和发展。 相似文献
A flavivirus-associated disease of egg-laying ducks was observed in eastern China in 2010, and a novel mosquito-borne flavivirus, Tembusu virus (TMUV), was isolated (Cao et al., 2011). Following up on the earlier study, a virus similar to TMUV was isolated recently from ducklings and characterized. We report that (1) the recently isolated virus, TMUV ZJ-6, replicated in vertebrate cells (DF-1, BHK-21) as well as in mosquito cells (C6/36) and caused cytopathic effect (CPE) in the cell lines tested; (2) extracellular viral particles examined by electron microscopy were approximately 45 nm in diameter and enveloped; (3) the full-length genome of the virus was determined, showing that the TMUV ZJ-6 is more closely related to the Ntaya group of viruses than other members of the Flaviviridae based on the data of phylogenetic analyses. Most importantly, the disease of ducklings was reproducible after administration of plaque-purified virus by intracerebral (i.c.), subcutaneous (s.c.) or intranasal (i.n.) inoculation. This is the first report that TMUV infects not only egg-laying ducks but also 3-21 days-old ducklings. The findings extend our understanding of how the virus spreads and causes disease. 相似文献
进入2006年以来,由于玉米价格持续走高,致使饲料生产成本提高。特别是近期小麦和玉米的倒挂价差越来越大,局部地区甚至达到160 ̄220元/t,使得部分饲料企业和养殖场开始在生产中用小麦替代玉米。当前,中原地区玉米质次价高,霉变严重,养殖户在当地要找到优质玉米很不容易,因此,多 相似文献
禽类熟肉制品具有丰富的蛋白质,微生物十分容易繁殖,而且肉制品中的脂肪在贮存中易氧化变质,因此禽类熟肉制品软包装技术关键是能使产品延长保质期,保证食品安全和质量.…… 相似文献
Peng D Ye S Wang Y Chen D Tao Y Huang L Liu Z Dai M Wang X Yuan Z 《Journal of agricultural and food chemistry》2012,60(1):44-51
Incorrect use of tylosin and tilmicosin could result in allergy and select resistance. To monitor the illegal use of these antibiotics in animals, a monoclonal-based indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ic-ELISA) has been established. Several haptens were synthesized and conjugated to carrier protein. Female Balb/c mice were inoculated with the four different conjugates to produce monoclonal antibodies according to the schemes of immunization. Aftercell fusion and culture several times, nine hybridoma cell lines were isolated. Only one, 3C4 that has isotype IgG2a, was selected for detailed study. The cross-reactivity of the monoclonal antibody 3C4 to tylosin and tilmicosin was 100% and 51% respectively. The standard curves based on the tylosin and tilmicosin matrix calibration ranged from 2.5 to 40 μg L(-1), with an IC(50) value of 6.1 μg L(-1) and 12.1 μg L(-1), respectively. The limits of detection of the ic-ELISA ranged from 5.1 μg kg(-1) to 13.8 μg kg(-1) in edible animal tissues. The recoveries were 74.1% to 120.7% with less than 18.6% of the coefficient of variation when tylosin and tilmicosin were spiked in various biological matrices with the concentrations of 25.0-200.0 μg kg(-1). Good correlations between the results of the ic-ELISA and high performance liquid chromatography were observed in the incurred tissues. These results suggest that the ic-ELISA is a sensitive, accurate and low-cost method that would be a useful tool for the screening of the residues of tylosin and tilmicosin in muscle, liver, milk, honey and eggs. 相似文献
对虾病原菌2—5B菌株16SrRNA基因片段的克隆和序列测定 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
用引物PL1-PL2PCR扩增对虾病原菌-坎普氏弧菌2-5B菌株16SrRNA基因-1223bp的片段,采用pUC19质粒构建dT载体法完成该片段的克隆。部分序列测定及分析结果表明,该菌株与GenBank中坎普氏弧菌标准株序列之间同源性为96.94%。 相似文献
The present experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary protein to carbohydrate ratios on growth and body composition of juvenile yellow catfish, Pelteobagrus fulvidraco . Nine diets were formulated to contain three protein levels (30%, 36% and 42%), each with three carbohydrate levels (24%, 30% and 36%). Each diet was randomly assigned to triplicate groups of 20 fish (initial mean body weight: 8.24±0.20 g) in indoor flow – through fibreglass tanks. The experiment continued for 8 weeks. Weight gain and specific growth rate were similar for the fish fed the 36% and 42% protein diets but higher than that fed the 30% protein diet. At the 36% protein level, carbohydrate contents varying from 24% to 36% ( P / E ratio of 24.0–28.2 mg protein kJ−1 ) had no significant effects on growth performance and feed utilization ( P >0.05). Protein efficiency ratio tended to increase with dietary carbohydrate level at the same protein level. Dietary treatments significantly influenced body composition ( P <0.05), but not the condition factor, viscerosomatic index, hepatosomatic index and intraperitoneal fat ratio ( P >0.05). Based on these observations, 36% protein and 24–36% carbohydrate with the P / E ratio of 24.0–28.2 mg protein kJ−1 seemed suitable for optimal growth and feed utilization, and carbohydrate could cause protein-sparing effect in diets for juvenile yellow catfish. 相似文献
淡水鲳对九种常用鱼药的敏感性试验 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文报告了敌百虫、孔雀石绿、硝酸亚汞、漂白粉、呋喃唑酮、生石灰和食盐等常用鱼药对淡水鲳的安金浓度依次为0.028ppm、0.0312ppm、0.0865ppm、0.699ppm、16.22 ppm、19.5 ppm、1040 ppm。淡水鲳分别在亚甲基蓝2.1 ppm,硫酸铜硫酸亚铁合剂(5∶2)5.6ppm药液中浸浴240小时,未见异常反应。 相似文献