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旨在制备抗猪细小病毒(PPV)非结构蛋白共有氨基酸的NS多肽多克隆抗体。根据GenBank(MK993540)公布的PPV基因组序列,克隆其非结构蛋白NS1、NS2共有基因序列(NS基因),并进行生物信息学分析。进而将NS基因克隆至原核表达载体pET-32a,构建重组质粒pET-32a-NS,转化至大肠埃希菌Rosetta(DE3)中进行诱导表达,利用镍柱亲和层析技术纯化表达的重组多肽,用重组多肽免疫Balb/c小鼠制备多克隆抗体。结果显示,PPV杨凌株NS基因长258bp,编码86个氨基酸的多肽,是具有亲水性的非跨膜NS多肽,具有大量的B细胞线性表位。NS多肽在37℃、0.8mol/L IPTG条件下,诱导6h有大量的可溶性表达。免疫印迹试验结果显示,该多肽具有较好的抗原性。用纯化NS多肽免疫小鼠后获得鼠抗NS多肽的血清抗体效价为1∶12800。用制备的NS多克隆抗体检测纯化的NS重组多肽及真核表达的NS1蛋白,均能检测出相应特异性条带,为进一步研究NS蛋白在PPV致病过程中的作用奠定了基础。 相似文献
Lydia J. Tong Whitney Ong Frances Hulst Gabrielle Tobias Kimberly Vinette Herrin Larry Vogelnest 《Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine》2018,27(4):53-60
Iridophores are iridescent cutaneous pigment cells found in reptiles, fish, and amphibians. Neoplasms of iridophores are rarely reported, and little is known about their behaviour, metastatic potential, and prognostic indicators. This paper reports details of the clinical course and pathological findings of metastatic iridophoroma in a veiled chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus) and red-barred dragon (Ctenophorus vadnappa). The veiled chameleon presented with a subcutaneous mass on the right lateral elbow and was diagnosed as an iridophoroma on fine needle aspiration. It was otherwise clinically normal. Within 35 days of excision, multiple secondary skin masses developed which were often non-pigmented and required microscopic examination to identify them as iridophoroma metastases. There were in total 54 days between the first detection of the primary mass and end stage, extensive cutaneous and visceral metastatic disease, and there had been no detectable primary mass during routine clinical examination 128 days prior to death. The red-barred dragon presented with a white sub-mandibular mass. While undergoing an excisional biopsy the animal expired, post-mortem examination revealed a cutaneous malignant iridophoroma with tumour cell clusters seen in pulmonary arterial vessels, suggesting that surgical handling of iridophoroma could precipitate the release of circulating tumour cell clusters. This is the first iridophoroma described in a red-barred dragon and the second report of a malignant iridophoroma in a veiled chameleon. Timely detection and careful excision of lizard iridophoroma may be an important factor in clinical outcome. 相似文献
偏重亚硫酸钠钝化生豆粕胰蛋白酶抑制因子的研究 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
试验用不同浓度的Na2S2O5处理生豆粕,进行适宜水平研究。结果表明,当生豆粕TIA和UA分别为29.72酶活单位和1.95△pH时,分别用0.3%、0.4%、0.5%和0.6%NaS2O5处理RSBM,TIA依次降低了51.8%、55.96%、59.83%和52.05%,均极显著地低于RSBM(P<0.01)。0.3%Na2S2O5对UA无影响,其它处理UA提高约0.06△pH。 相似文献
据有关部门资料,2000年时,全国县级以上种子公司有2700多家,委托代销公司约55000多家。《中华人民共和国种子法》(以下简称《种子法》)施行两年后,全国种子产业大分化、大联合的局面初显端倪。据有关资料,全国注册资金3000万元以上种子企业已超过60家,注册资金500万元以上的种子公司近万家,委托代销公司可能在10万家以上。 相似文献
西瓜未授粉子房的离体培养 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了探讨西瓜未授粉子房诱导率的影响因素,以‘早春红玉’、‘西农9号’和‘小绿皇’为供试材料进行西瓜未授粉子房的离体培养,研究供体植株的黑暗热激处理、基因型、不同取样时间、2,4-D浓度和不同激素浓度组合等因素对其芽点诱导率的影响。结果表明:西瓜未授粉子房离体培养以33℃的条件下黑暗热激4 d效果最佳;以开花前1 d的子房诱导率最高为17.2%;3个品种中仅‘早春红玉’获得了再生植株,且在激素组合为4.0 mg·L-12,4-D+2.0 mg·L-16-BA+0.5 mg·L-1NAA时芽点率最高为15.0%;根据再生植株的根尖染色体数目,初步鉴定再生植株中有单倍体植株,还有二倍体和四倍体植株。 相似文献
小豆EMS诱变叶形突变体筛选及农艺性状分析(英文) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
[目的]对EMS化学诱变小豆京农6号M3代材料进行筛选鉴定,以期获得有潜力、有价值的变异材料。[方法]利用浓度0.5%、0.9%、1.4%的EMS分别处理小豆京农6号12h和24h,对M3代叶形变异率、变异类型、农艺性状及产量构成因素进行分析。[结果]EMS诱变变异叶形突变体223份,占突变体群体总数的18.31%,类型丰富,产生了小密叶、肾形叶、剑叶、鸡爪叶、叶缺刻等叶形突变体。浓度0.9%EMS处理24h,其叶形变异类型最为丰富,且突变频率最高,其变异率分别为4.93%、10.31%、2.69%、8.07%、3.14%。当处理时间相同时,浓度0.9%EMS处理变异类型最丰富,同时表现出一定的高剂量抑制效应,总体表现为浓度0.9%浓度0.5%浓度1.4%;诱变时间不同时,处理时间越长,变异率越高,且变异类型也越丰富。综合叶形突变体农艺性状分析,各种突变类型总体表现为小叶肾叶叶缺刻小密叶剑叶鸡爪叶。这表明小叶、肾叶突变体具有株高降低、紧凑直立、多分枝、多荚、单株产量高、百粒重高等优良性状。[结论]该研究筛选的突变体可为小豆育种及遗传学研究提供有价值的材料。 相似文献