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Zhang L Zhou H Su Y Sun Z Zhang H Zhang L Zhang Y Ning Y Chen YG Meng A 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2004,306(5693):114-117
Nodal proteins, members of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGFbeta) superfamily, have been identified as key endogenous mesoderm inducers in vertebrates. Precise control of Nodal signaling is essential for normal development of embryos. Here, we report that zebrafish dapper2 (dpr2) is expressed in mesoderm precursors during early embryogenesis and is positively regulated by Nodal signals. In vivo functional studies in zebrafish suggest that Dpr2 suppresses mesoderm induction activities of Nodal signaling. Dpr2 is localized in late endosomes, binds to the TGFbeta receptors ALK5 and ALK4, and accelerates lysosomal degradation of these receptors. 相似文献
认识鄂尔多斯盆地陕北斜坡延安组砂体展布与隐蔽油藏分布是加快该区油气勘探与开发步伐面临的重要问题之一。以陕北斜坡宁条梁-乔沟湾地区延安组延91油组为例,利用岩芯、露头、测井、录井和分析化验资料,研究了斜坡带曲流河沉积微相展布与砂体分布规律,应用地质综合评价法,预测与评价了有利目标。结果表明,该区延91油组主要有曲流河河道、河漫滩和决口扇等3种沉积微相,发育多条主河道,呈北东-南西方向展布;砂体厚度4~20m,呈条带状分布,与沉积微相平面展布基本一致,在纵向上连续性好,而在横向上连续性相对较差,河道砂体孔隙较发育,渗透率较高;Ⅰ类目标2个,预测含油面积为22.91km2,地质储量为903×104t;Ⅱ类目标5个,预测含油面积为57.47km2,地质储量为2654×104t;Ⅲ类目标7个,预测含油面积为103.28km2,地质储量为3545×104t。砂体这种分布模式对预测隐蔽油藏分布有重要指导意义,下一步勘探重点应在曲流河河道砂体带上寻找隐蔽油藏。 相似文献
针对CAGD中散乱数据光顺拟合的一般模型的求解问题,采用罚函数方法处理几何约束。根据最优性条件,将反映曲面光顺性的泛函极小化问题,离散化为曲面参数域网格点上的九点差分格式。得到了关于拟合曲面在网格点上函数值的线性方程组,并证明了该线性方程组的系数矩阵对称正定的性质.保证了采用超松弛法求解线性方程组的收敛性。为了验证所提出方法的有效性,对空间散乱分布的14个数据点,当模型参数取不同值时。分别进行了拟合。试验结果表明,用超松弛法能够简单快速实现散乱数据点的光顺拟合。 相似文献
Fortunel NO Otu HH Ng HH Chen J Mu X Chevassut T Li X Joseph M Bailey C Hatzfeld JA Hatzfeld A Usta F Vega VB Long PM Libermann TA Lim B 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2003,302(5644):393; author reply 393
密集烘烤关键温度点不同湿度控制烤烟主要化学成分的动态变化 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
针对密集烘烤存在的干物质降解不充分和香气物质不足的问题,以‘K326’品种为材料,在湖南省浏阳市开展了密集烘烤关键温度点不同湿度控制烟叶化学成分动态变化研究。结果表明:(1)在密集烘烤过程中,42℃前淀粉含量迅速下降、总糖和还原糖含量及糖碱比迅速升高;42~47℃,淀粉含量缓慢下降、总糖和还原糖含量缓慢升高;在47℃后,淀粉、总糖、还原糖含量及糖碱比基本保持稳定,变化很小。(2)烟叶烟碱、总氮含量随烘烤进程略呈下降趋势,但变化较小;氮碱比变化不大。(3)在烟叶变黄期和定色期适当增加湿球温度,可使化学成分更加协调。 相似文献
Compared to bi-fuel engine,it uses completely CNG(Compressed nature gas) to replace diesel which can save more oil fuel than bi-fuel engine that reffited diesel engine into CNG engine. A 4102 diesel engine is refitted into CNG engine and a mechanical ignition timing system is designed by the method of gear and belt. The principles and the construction of the system is introduced and the characteristics of the design is analyzed. The system performed well and had good liability when run in a platform. Compared with the previous one, it kept higher dynamic character and emitted lower. It is a cheap one and can be use to reform the diesel engines. 相似文献