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热加工是一种传统的食品加工技术,热煮是其中的重要方式之一。鱼肉经过热煮处理会产生组织脆弱化、结构松散等问题,对其食用品质造成负面影响,因此提高鱼肉的耐煮性是开发水产系列加工产品的基础。文章总结了近几年关于热煮对鱼肉质构影响的研究进展,深入分析了热煮引起质构变化的作用机制,并结合变化原理分别从改善蛋白质热稳定性、提高肌肉持水性和提高肌肉凝胶特性3个方面阐述保持鱼肉质构的方法,提出将食品加工新技术与传统加工方法相结合以提高鱼肉耐煮性的研究方向,旨在为鱼肉热煮过程中的质构保持技术及食用品质控制提供参考。 相似文献
甜橙无核品系"春蜜"(暂定名)发现于"春橙1号"果园,为探明"春蜜"的遗传背景,以"春蜜"和其他41份甜橙种质为试材,开展了叶片形态标记和SCoT分子标记研究。结果表明,在供试甜橙种质群体中,变异系数最大的叶片数量性状是叶质量、翼叶长和翼叶宽。叶身形、叶尖形、叶柄长、叶形指数、叶缘和叶基形相互之间有极强的相关性,叶尖缺刻有无、叶质量、叶厚、翼叶长和翼叶宽相互之间有极强的相关性,是适合用于甜橙的叶片形态标记指标。42份种质采用优选的扩增条带清晰、多态性高的15条引物进行SCoT-PCR,共扩增出95条带,多态性条带有62条,多态性比率为65.26%。基于叶片形态标记的和ScoT分子标记的聚类结果均显示"春蜜"与"春橙1号"有最近的亲缘关系,结合"春蜜"的来源和选育过程,初步判定"春蜜"是"春橙1号"的无核优质芽变。 相似文献
AIM: To investigate the effects of mitochondrial ATP sensitive potassium (MitoKATP) channel opening on translocation of protein kinase C epsilon (PKCε) and the relationship between the translocation of PKCε and the production of reactive oxygen species. METHODS: The expression of PKCε in cultured adult rat ventricular myocytes was investigated with immunofluorescence and Western blotting techniques. RESULTS: (1) Diazoxide, a selective MitoKATP channel opener, caused a significant translocation to myofibrillar-like structures in cultured adult rat ventricular myocytes. (2) The N-2-mercaptopropionylglycine (MPG), a free radical scavenger, partly inhibited the translocation of PKCε caused by diazoxide. (3) Chelerythrine, a selective protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor, completely blocked the translocation of PKCε caused by diazoxide. CONCLUSION: Opening of MitoKATP channel might activate PKCε and make it translocation to myofibrillar-like structures. PKCε activation occurs downstream of MitoKATP channel, and might be caused by production of reactive oxygen species after opening of MitoKATP channel. 相似文献
1998年6-11月天津武清,蓟县,河北玉田等地出现一种以眼睑肿胀,流泪,瞎眼及喙端,眼,践爪结痂为特征的鸡传染病。病鸡主要为30-60日龄。经鼻感染30日龄鸡复制出了与自然病例相同的临床表现,并分离到接种菌。对分离菌的系统鉴定表明所分离的4株菌均为铜绿假单胞菌。 相似文献
Scientific method was necessary for road decision maker to select high cost effect ratio pavement structure scheme. According to the fact that many uncertain knowledge and information existed in the process of evaluating the expressway asphaltpavement structure schemes, an evaluation model of pavement structure schemes based on uncertainty measurement was put forward;This method implemented ordered division of assessment space,and could recognize and rank different schemes by comprehensive measurement matrix of multiple indexes. three typical design programs of expressway asphalt pavement structure were evaluated by that model.It is shown that the assessment can objectively reflect the comprehensive performance of asphalt pavement structure ,which provides a new method and way for evaluation of pavement structure schemes. 相似文献
秃杉种质资源迁地保存育苗技术研究 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
总结研究了13a来在地处亚热带在江苏省宁镇丘陵地区引种原产云贵高原、鄂西山地的珍稀树种秃杉获得在播种育苗与无性繁殖技术成果。该项 成果认为采用氧化剂消毒浸种侵芽,适时防治幼苗猝倒病,适度遮荫保湿,当年冬季防寒保苗等组装技术,可使每公斤种子产秃杉合格苗2.20万-5.60万株,1年生苗安全越冬;采用砻糠灰作基质,用KMnO4液浸条,在秋冬季扦插,生根率达41.3%-54.4%;用电子叶间隙喷雾,以珍珠岩作基质,或在日光温室内用塑料薄膜封闭保温,用KMnO4液浸条等技术,可使插条生根率达72.6%和76.1%。 相似文献