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运用层次分析法评价木质藤本观赏植物资源   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
根据野生观赏植物资源开发利用的特点,用层次分析法建立综合评价模型,对福建省西北部地区野生观赏木质藤本进行综合评价,为合理开发利用该地区的观赏植物资源提供了科学依据.  相似文献   
AHeterorhabditis species, found in dead larvae ofOtiorrhynchus sulcatus, was tested for its efficacy as a biological control agent of this insect in glasshouse experiments. In a preliminary test all weevil larvae were killed in pots with primula, 88% in strawberry and 50% in cyclamen. In a second test with strawberry plants good results were obtained when the nematodes were applied about the hatching time of the weevil eggs. At a dosage of 100 nematodes per cm2 of soil area, 90–97% of the larvae were killed and 90% of the plants remained undamaged. A dosage of 50 nematodes per cm2 produced roughly the same level of larval mortality, but left 30% of the plants damaged. Both early and late application of nematodes protected the plants insufficiently, because too many larvae survived. In a third test with strawberry, cyclamen and primula, soil treatment with 50 and 100 nematodes per cm2 gave comparable results at both application times, i.e. one and three weeks after hatching of the weevil eggs. In strawberry 100% of the larvae were killed and all plants remained in good condition. Also in cyclamen nearly all larvae were killed and the plants remained in good condition, although the root systems had, less fine roots in comparison with control plants without insects. In primula 4–12% of the weevil larvae survived, whereas up to 20% of the plants died, indicating that soil structure, soil moisture, and condition of the plants have an important impact on the control results. A dosage of 25 nematodes per cm2 appeared to be too low in all cases. The results of these experiments open new perspectives for control of the black vine weevil in glasshouses.Samenvatting Een inheemse, nematode van het geslachtHeterorhabditis werd door middel van potproeven in kassen getoetst op zijn werkzaamheid als biologisch bestrijdingsmiddel tegen larven van de gegroefde lapsnuitkever,Otiorrhynchus sulcatus. In een oriënterende proef werden in potten met primula's alle keverlarven gedood, bij aardbeiplanten werden 88% gedood en bij cyclamen 50%. In een tweede proef met alleen aardbeiplanten werden goede resultaten verkregen als de aaltjes werden toegediend in de periode dat de kevereieren uitkwamen. Bij een dosering van 100 aaltjes per cm2 grondoppervlak werd 90–97% van de keverlarven gedood en bleef 90% van de planten onbeschadigd. Bij een dosering van 50 aaltjes per cm2 was de doding van de keverlarven weliswaar vrijwel hetzelfde, maar de schade aan de planten was te groot; 30% van de planten ging dood. Ook bij een eerder of later bestrijdingstijdstip was de schade aan de planten aanzienlijk en was de doding van de keverlarven onvoldoende. In een derde proef werd in zowel aardbei als in cyclamen vrijwel 100% van de keverlarven gedood bij een dosering van zowel 50 als 100 aaltjes per cm2 en op beide bestrijdingstijdstippen, te weten toen de keverlarven circa 1 en 3 weken oud waren. Alle aardbeiplanten en cyclamen bleven in goede staat, hoewel bij cyclamen het aantal fijne wortels minder was dan bij de controle planten zonder keverlarven. De resultaten met primula's waren in deze proef iets minder goed. Het percentage overlevende keverlarven variëerde van 4 tot 12, terwijl tot 20% van de planten dood ging. Een dosering van 25 aaltjes per cm2 was in alle gevallen te laag. De resultaten van deze proeven bieden gunstige perspectieven voor toepassing van dit aaltje bij de bestrijding van de gegroefde lapsnuitkever in kassen.  相似文献   
湖北省蔓生性豇豆种质资源鉴定和农艺性状评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对湖北省的154份蔓生性豇豆种质资源的熟期、嫩荚色、荚形、种子皮色、荚壁纤维、株高、荚长、荚宽、荚厚、单荚重等农艺性状进行了调查和分析,比较鉴定和评价了长豇豆种质资源的情况;筛选出了一些对豇豆遗传育种有益的种质资源材料.  相似文献   
扶桑绵粉蚧Phenacoccus solenopsis是近年来入侵我国的多食性害虫,挖掘本土天敌资源是开展生物防治该害虫的重要途径.为明确扶桑绵粉蚧对异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis的营养价值,以该瓢虫在春季的主要本土猎物豌豆修尾蚜Megoura japonica为参照食谱,以扶桑绵粉蚧以及与豌豆修尾蚜混合猎...  相似文献   
【目的】调查庐山野生藤本植物资源,为城市园林植物造景、藤本植物引种驯化及其开发利用提供参考依据。【方法】通过野外调查和查阅江西植物志、中国高等植物图鉴等文献资料,分析庐山野生藤本植物资源的特征和园林应用方式。【结果】庐山野生藤本植物累计有29科72属167种,其中木质藤本121种,占72.46%,草质藤本46种,占27.54%;属于常绿类型的30种,占17.96%,属于落叶类群的137种,占82.04%;攀援方式中缠绕类和卷曲类种类较多,分别占总种数的50.90%和28.14%,搭靠类和吸固类种类较少,分别占总数的11.38%和9.58%;庐山野生藤本植物有墙面绿化、廊架绿化等6种用途。【建议】对藤本植物生物多样性开展科学研究并通过立法严禁乱砍乱伐、迁地保护、提高保护区当地人们的法制意识等措施,加强对濒危野生藤本植物资源的保护,要有计划、按步骤进行引种驯化、栽培繁殖,培育适合庐山地区生长的观赏藤本新品种,把资源优势转化为商品优势应用到城市绿化中。  相似文献   
基于AHP法(层次分析法)构建藤蔓景观营造对森林小镇的影响、对人的影响、社会效益等3个项目层因子、7个因素层因子、22个指标层因子组成评价体系,利用九级标度法使其量化,通过求根法计算出评价体系中各指标的权重,对广西七坡森林小镇藤蔓景观期望度进行评价。结果表明:指标体系通过一致性检验,建立的判断矩阵合理可行;3个项目指标的比重大小依次为对人的影响>社会效益>对森林小镇的影响;7个因素层指标中,生态功能质量(0.7500)、心理感受质量(0.6667)、植物文化意蕴(0.5500)权重最高;在22个指标层因子中,净化空气功能综合权重最高(0.1937),植物种类多样性最低(0.0027)。  相似文献   
This study aimed to investigate the effects of replacing alfalfa hay (AH) with a mixture of cassava foliage silage and sweet potato vine silage (CSP) (1:1 on a dry matter (DM) basis) on ruminal and intestinal nutrient digestion in sheep. Four wethers were fed a control diet containing 35% of AH and two treatment diets containing 15% and 30% of the CSP as substitute for AH at 1.5 times the metabolizable energy required for maintenance. Replacing AH with the CSP silage did not affect DM intake, whereas it linearly increased (P < 0.05) the intake of ether extract and acid detergent insoluble nitrogen (ADIN). Increasing the CSP substitution linearly decreased (P < 0.05) ruminal DM and neutral detergent fiber (aNDFom) digestibility; however, it did not affect total tract aNDFom digestibility. The CSP substitution did not affect nitrogen (N) intake and duodenal total N flow, whereas it linearly increased duodenal ADIN flow (P < 0.01) and decreased ruminal ammonia‐N concentration (P < 0.01), and intestinal (P = 0.08) and total N digestibility (P < 0.01). These results indicate that replacing AH with the CSP reduced the ruminal N degradation as well as the digestion of ruminal aNDFom and intestinal N.  相似文献   
为了解野生藤本植物区系的特点,采用野外调查与资料查阅相结合的方法,对公园内的藤本植物进行调查和区系分析。结果表明:白云山地区野生藤本植物有32科77属183种(含种下分类群)。分别占白云山野生种子植物的21.77%、13.23%、15.63%。属水平上,本区以单种属和寡种属为主,分布类型以泛热带占优势(28.60%),其次是东亚分布(14.29%),热带亚洲分布也占据了一定的比例(11.70%);种水平上,种的分布类型以中国特有种为最多(59%),其次是东亚分布(16.40%)、热带亚洲分布(15.30%),其余类型为零星分布。按照区系分区标准,将中国特有种分为7个亚型,其中以华东-华中-华南分布最多(57种)。可见,白云山地区藤本植物种类丰富,地理成分复杂多样,拥有较多的特有植物。可以为本市的绿化提供材料。  相似文献   
针对甘薯分段收获技术需求,结合国内外甘薯收获技术及装备,提出一种甘薯秧蔓收获方式,并设计甘薯秧蔓收获机专用割台。该甘薯秧蔓收获割台主要由拨禾切割装置和防堵防缠输送装置组成,可以实现甘薯秧蔓的切—送—归集。首先,理论分析该割台的关键部件结构参数及传动配置关系,确定拨禾切割装置上仿垄型排列的割刀和弹齿的安装高度和安装密度,以及拨禾轮、割刀和弹齿的结构参数。其次,通过对拨禾切割装置、捡拾装置和螺旋输送装置进行运动学和力学分析,明确拨禾轮、捡拾器、螺旋输送绞龙转速和结构决定秧蔓切割效果和收获质量,并确定捡拾器和螺旋输送绞龙的关键结构参数,最后进行田间试验验证该机具的切—送—归集收获效果。结果表明:当整机前进速度为0.6 m/s,拨禾轮转速为46 r/min,捡拾器转速为43 r/min,割台损失率仅为1.3%,整机作业效率为0.45 hm2/h。割台搭配48 kW拖拉机在工作过程中运行稳定,割台在工作过程中无堵塞、无缠绕,满足甘薯秧蔓联合收获机的设计需求。  相似文献   
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