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Factors involved in the establishment of Taraxacum officinale (dandelion) seedlings in grasslands and plant mortality in the first growing season were studied during 2008–2011. The study was conducted at 11 grassland sites that differed in the quantity of seed rain and the intensity of seedling predation by slugs. In April, of each study year, 10 plots open to the sedimentation of naturally dispersed seeds were established at each site, five plots of which were also sown with 250 T. officinale seeds each. The amount of natural seed rain, slug feeding activity and number of plants in each plot were then recorded at monthly intervals. Seed rain and seedling predation accounted for c. 50% of the variation in seedling establishment. Populations of established seedlings then declined through October, at which point they were at 25% of the original abundance on average. The percentage of plants that survived varied among sites and years. The temporal and spatial variation in T. officinale establishment and survival of young plants was enormous, even within a small area. Predation of seedlings by slugs can effectively prevent the establishment of T. officinale in grassland. This only occurred, however, at slug abundances not acceptable under conditions of public access.  相似文献   
本文选择了浙江3种不同杨梅品种,研究了桔小实蝇取食后的生长发育相关5种性状的差异,结果表明,幼虫历期以荸荠种最短,蛹历期和蛹重,水梅值最小;雄成虫东魁最重,并均与另2个杨梅品种差异达显著水平。而幼虫,幼虫-蛹,幼虫-成虫3种存活率,荸荠种最高,水梅最低,二者差异也达显著水平。显然桔小实蝇对不同杨梅品种喜好有所不同,其较为喜好荸荠种,较不喜好水梅。结合果实性状考查结果,不喜好的原因可能与水梅偏酸有关。但上述3品种上桔小实蝇生长发育性状与其嗜好寄主香蕉极为  相似文献   
目的 测不同温度及培养环境对离体绵羊痒螨生存能力的影响,进一步了解痒螨的传播机制,为制定防治瘁螨的有效措施提供理论基础。方法 置室内外自然温度和实验室恒温条件,以及5种相对湿度:50、60、70、80及90%RH,培养观察绵羊痒螨不同虫态(卵、幼虫、幼虫静止期、若虫、若虫静止期、雌虫、雄虫)的生存发育情况;同时观察痒螨在水、痂皮屑、羊毛、羊粪、土壤、皮组织等6种条件下的生存活力。结果 痒螨的最适生长发育温度及繁殖期在21℃-28℃范围内,随着温度的升高,痒螨存活时间缩短,绵羊痒螨对4℃低温有一定耐受力,但对35℃以上的高温耐受力较弱。在同一温度下,相对湿度越高,各虫态存活时间越长。结论 体外观察实验表明痒螨对外界环境有较强的适应能力,在缺乏营养的条件下仍能存活较长一段时间。  相似文献   
茶银尺蠖[Scopula subpunctaria (Herrich-Schaeffer)]是危害茶树的常见害虫之一。为了更好地在实验室内饲养此害虫,获得大量供试虫源,研究了补充不同营养对茶银尺蠖成虫寿命和产卵量的影响。结果表明,成虫补充10%蜂蜜水和10%糖水时,雌成虫平均单雌产卵量显著提高,分别为(152.5±16.83)粒和(177.5±19.01)粒;产卵期显著延长,分别为(17.8±1.08) d和(21.4±1.27) d。补充不同营养对雌成虫产卵期和产卵后期有显著影响,但对产卵前期影响不显著。补充10%糖水时,雌成虫的寿命最长,为(29.1±1.41) d,显著高于其他处理;而在10%蜂蜜水、水和对照处理下,雌成虫寿命分别为(23.8±1.15)、(14.4±0.48)、(6.3±0.37) d。补充10%糖水和10%蜂蜜水时,雄成虫的寿命分别为(21.3±0.93) d和(19.5±1.20) d,显著高于水和空白对照处理。在每个处理下,雌成虫的寿命均高于雄成虫。综上所述,10%糖水可作为成虫补充营养的最佳选择。  相似文献   
为研究浙江红花油茶高接换冠成活率影响因素,解决嫁接成活率低的问题,2013年6月从中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业研究所引进浙江红花油茶优树穗条,在青田县大垟山林场开展浙江红花油茶高接换冠试验,分析砧木林郁闭度、坡位、砧木生长势及接穗保存时间等因素对嫁接成活率的影响。结果表明,林分郁闭度在0.3~0.7之间,随着郁闭度增加嫁接平均成活率提高;郁闭度在0.7~0.9之间,随着郁闭度增加,嫁接成活率降低;当郁闭度为0.7时,嫁接成活率最高为88.8%。山腰的嫁接成活率高达86%,显著高于山顶和山脚。浙江红花油茶砧木生长势越强嫁接成活率越高。接穗于采集当天嫁接效果最好成活率达89.1%,接穗保存1、2、3、4、5、6天嫁接,成活率分别为85.2%、75.2%、51.6%、28.1%、12.2%、9.3%。偏相关分析表明,各因素对嫁接成活率影响由大到小依次为接穗保存时间(-0.97)、郁闭度(0.85)、生长势(0.81)、坡位(-0.65)。  相似文献   
通过对沙漠葳的引种驯化途径及不同基质对引种成活率和苗木生长的试验研究,结果表明:沙壤土既利于保苗,也对苗木生长有利,沙漠葳在当地具有较好的适应性,但受低温影响不能正常开花结实。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT:   As a possible factor leading to the low recruitment level of sea urchins in kelp forests, the inhibitory effect of 2,4-dibromophenol (DBP) and 2,4,6-tribromophenol (TBP) released from the large perennial brown algae Ecklonia kurome and Eisenia bicyclis on survival and metamorphosis of eight-armed larvae of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus nudus was examined. The percentage of larvae that underwent metamorphosis in filtered sea water after 1 h exposure to one-half dilution of saturated dibromomethane solution (∼60 ppm) as a chemical inducer reached approximately 100% after 1 h, while that in filtered sea water containing 1 ppm TBP was reduced to 73%. This was further reduced to less than 40% in the presence of 10 and 20 ppm TBP after 2 h. In filtered sea water containing 1 and 10 ppm DBP, the proportion of metamorphosed larvae was reduced markedly to 43 and 5% after 2 h, respectively. All larvae exposed to 50 ppm TBP and to 20 and 50 ppm DBP died after 1 h. These findings suggest that DBP is more toxic than TBP for sea urchin larvae, strongly inhibiting their metamorphosis.  相似文献   
A series of laboratory experiments were conducted on the harpacticoid copepod, Euterpina acutifrons, to assess the influence of 10 different microalgal diets (four monoalgal and six mixed algal diets) on several parameters related to its productivity in culture. The four monoalgal diets were the Tahitian strain of Isochrysis sp. (T‐Iso), Pavlova salina (Pav), Tetraselmis chuii (Tet) and the diatom Chaetoceros muelleri (Chaet), the five binary diets were T‐Iso+Tet, Pav+Tet, T‐Iso+Pav, Tet+Chaet and Pav+Chaet, while the tri‐algal diet was T‐Iso+Tet+Pav. All diets were fed to copepods at 1500 μ gC L?1 and in the case of binary or trialgal diets, carbon concentration was divided equally between the two or three algae offered. Among monoalgal diets, the diatom Chaet was excellent for E. acutifrons. Out of the 10 diets tested, the binary diet Tet+Chaet, which contained the diatom Chaet, was the best for naupliar production of single pair E. acutifrons (19.5±1.7 nauplii female?1 day?1), significantly (P<0.05) higher than all other treatments except for the Chaet treatment (P>0.05). Similarly, in the group naupliar production trial (50 adult E. acutifrons per replicate), Tet+Chaet produced a significantly higher number of nauplii (405.8±18.6 nauplii day?1) than the other treatments (P<0.05). Tet+Chaet further supported the highest naupliar survival (82.0±2.8%) and copepodite survival (89.0±2.8%), while the mono‐algal diet Chaet produced the second highest naupliar (76.7±2.6%) and copepodite survival (83.5±2.6%). In contrast, Pav produced the lowest overall survival at the naupliar stage (30.0±2.9%), significantly lower than all other treatments (P<0.05). While development from newly hatched nauplii to copepodites was not significantly affected by diets, mean development time from nauplius to adult was significantly different among treatments. Mean development time from hatching (naupliar I stage; NI) to the adult stage was the fastest with Tet+Chaet and Chaet (6.8±0.0 days for both treatments), which was significantly faster than that of Pav, T‐Iso Pav+Tet and T‐Iso+Pav+Te treatment (P<0.05). E. acutifrons sex ratio was significantly affected by diets, and always skewed in favour of males. Feeding on Pav resulted in the lowest proportion of females (23.7±1.2%), significantly lower than for six of the other treatments (P<0.05). Adult females had longer average life expectancy than males for all treatments, and were the longest when fed Tet+Chaet (9.5±0.4 days), which was more than twice as long as the shortest lifespan recorded for the Pav treatment (4.2±0.6 days) (P<0.05). In summary, among 10 diets tested, the binary diet Tet+Chaet appeared to support the highest culture productivity of E. acutifrons while the diatom Chaet also performed well as a monoalgal diet.  相似文献   
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