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1999年在胶州市李格庄镇低洼盐碱地原淡水养鱼池塘改建中国对虾养殖池塘,在池塘边上打井提供养殖用水,井水盐度一般在10-12左右;虾苗在水泥池淡化7天使盐度降为15,经暂养后陆续分至养殖池,暂养成活率76.11%;养成阶段主要使用配合饵料,添加抗病药物;前期以添加水为主,养殖中后期少量换水,平均日换水量不超过5%,并定期使用水质净化剂。结果5个养殖池对虾平均亩产90.83kg。  相似文献   
植物源农药苦参碱对部分桑园害虫的毒力及田间防治效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蔡国祥  孙永军 《蚕业科学》2011,37(3):538-543
为了探讨从传统中草药苦参中提取的苦参碱用于桑树害虫防治的可行性,用2%苦参碱稀释药液对部分桑园害虫进行室内毒力测定和田间防治试验,并检测其对家蚕的安全性。结果表明,2%苦参碱对桑尺蠖、桑毛虫、棉大造桥虫、红腹灯蛾、白毛虫有较强的毒力,其LC50分别为23.55、28.73、28.52、30.71、25.61 mg/L,以1 500倍稀释药液对上述5种害虫室内处理24 h后的死亡率为92.18%~96.78%,并且具有较好的田间防治效果,24 h虫口退减率为89.81%~96.00%;对桑园微型害虫桑蓟马和朱砂叶螨也有较强的毒力和防治效果,1 500倍稀释药液室内处理24 h后的死亡率分别为95.52%、98.07%,田间防治24 h虫口退减率分别为90.61%、92.55%;对桑螟、野桑蚕的毒力较低,LC50分别为364.47和351.01 mg/L,1 500倍稀释药液对2种害虫室内处理24 h后的死亡率仅有3.13%和3.83%,田间防治24 h虫口减退率分别为18.06%、8.70%。用2%苦参碱的2 000倍、1 500倍、1 000倍稀释药液喷施桑树后,对家蚕的安全间隔期分别为4、8、32 h,安全间隔期后采摘桑叶喂蚕,对家蚕的生长发育和产茧量性状无不良影响。根据试验结果初步认为:苦参碱对桑园害虫防治具有选择性药效,如果桑园害虫的优势种群为桑尺蠖、棉大造桥虫、桑毛虫、红腹灯蛾、白毛虫、桑蓟马、朱砂叶螨,可以考虑采用苦参碱进行防治。  相似文献   
王勇  曾菊平 《江西植保》2013,(3):304-315
樟树是江西省省树,在全省范围推广种植多年,樟树虫害发生呈逐年上升趋势。据前期调查数据及文献资料,汇总统计江西樟树害虫179种,其中,重要害虫26种,占14.5%,次重要害虫23种,占12.8%,非重要害虫130种,占72.6%,包括重要食叶害虫樟叶蜂、泡桐叶甲、黄刺蛾、丽绿刺蛾、褐边绿刺蛾、樗蚕、龙眼裳卷蛾、樟巢丛螟等;重要刺吸性害虫六点始叶螨、樟脊网蝽、黑刺粉虱、樟木虱、樟白轮盾蚧、思茅壶蚧等;重要钻蛀性害虫家白蚁、黄翅大白蚁、黑翅土白蚁、吉安樟筒天牛等;重要地下害虫粉白金龟、黑绒金龟等。据危害方式、发生特点将其归为强生态适应性害虫、r类害虫、隐蔽性害虫与嗜食性害虫,由此有针对性地提出其IPM策略。  相似文献   
The dimpling bug, Campylomma austrina Malipatil, has been recognised since 2002 as a serious mango pest in the Northern Territory, Australia. To fully understand the damage the bug causes and its relationship with ants, field experiments were conducted in five mango orchards in the Darwin area from 2001 to 2003 along with laboratory rearing trials. The latter revealed that the dimpling bug sucked sap mainly from the ovary of the flowers. As the ovary ripened, each puncture resulted in a black pimple on the skin of the marble-sized fruit (<5 mm in diameter). All of the most heavily damaged marble-sized fruits (>10 pimples/fruitlet) dropped from the trees. A field survey and field experiments showed that marble-sized fruit damage levels on trees bearing abundant weaver ants, Oecophylla smaragdina Fabricius, were similar to those protected by chemical insecticides, however both suffered less damage than trees bearing fewer or no weaver ants or black ants, Iridomyrmex sp. We propose that the weaver ant is an efficient bio-control agent of the dimpling bug, and to limit the bug damage, high levels of weaver ant populations are required in mango orchards.  相似文献   
Epitrix tuberis and E. cucumeris are major pests of potatoes in North America. E. tuberis causes the most serious damage because the larval feeding can cause superficial serpentine tunnelling on the surface of tubers as well as deeper pits. This damage can make crops unmarketable. By contrast, E. cucumeris mainly damages the foliage, and yield losses can occur when the adults reach high densities. In 2004, potato tuber damage characteristic of E. tuberis was seen in Portugal. In 2008, damage was more widespread and severe. E. cucumeris and a lesser known species, E. similaris, were recorded in affected fields. E. similaris has since been found across Galicia, Spain. E. similaris is thought to be the most likely cause of the tuber damage in Portugal, but it is possible that E. cucumeris or an as yet undetected Epitrix species is causing the damage. In 2010, a pest risk assessment for the Euro‐Mediterranean area identified the movement of adults and pupae with seed or ware potatoes and associated soil as being the highest‐risk pathways for the spread of Epitrix. In 2012, EU emergency measures were agreed to reduce the risk of further introductions and the rate of spread of these pests.  相似文献   
本文通过对2013—2018年温州空港口岸截获的入境旅客植物及其产品情况进行分析,发现温州空港口岸有害生物检出种类呈增长态势。6年共查获管制的植物和植物产品7495批次,截获有害生物110种,其中检疫性有害生物13种,占比11.82%。有害生物种类以昆虫居多,共55种,占比50%;热带水果检出有害生物最多,8种热带水果中检出12种检疫性有害生物。旅客携带物的有害生物检出具有时间季节效应,疫情来源地以东南亚中国台湾、中国香港、越南和泰国等国家和地区为主等特点。根据截获温州空港口岸入境旅客携带植物及其产品检出有害生物特点,因地制宜对入境旅客携带物检验检疫提出相关应对策略。  相似文献   
Aphidoletes aphidimyza is one of the most important predators used in the augmentative biological control of aphids, key pests of many crops worldwide. Adult females are very efficient in locating aphid infestations over a relatively long range, up to 45 m, and deposit eggs near or within aphid colonies. The predatory larvae are aphid generalists preying on several agriculturally important aphid species. The successful use of this biocontrol agent in agricultural systems depends on several biotic and abiotic factors. Among biotic factors, aphid species, plant structure, interspecific competition and intraguild predation may significantly impact the predator´s population dynamics. Key abiotic conditions include day lengths (above a critical threshold to prevent diapause), availability of mating sites in the crop, temperature (above 15 °C to enable egg laying), air relative humidity (above 70%) and availability of pupation sites. Although several successes have been reported in open field crops with naturally occurring or released populations, commercial releases are primarily used in protected crops. Optimized emergence boxes combining provisioning of food sources for the adults, integration with the technological advances that occurred in the greenhouse environment lately, insights into the nutritional ecology in open field crops and exploration of the genetic variability are proposed as future directions to improve adoption and efficacy of A. aphidimyza in crop protection. © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
油茶是亚热带地区重要的木本油料作物,近年来随着种植面积的不断扩大和集约化经营,病虫害问题日益严重,对油茶的产量和品质造成不同程度的影响。本研究通过野外调查、文献查阅、种类鉴定等工作,整理了21种油茶主要害虫的形态特征、生物学习性、为害特点、防治措施等信息,并拍摄相应害虫及为害状的高清照片1 600张。采用Lucid智能诊断系统,构建Fact Sheet Fusion基础信息数据库,并针对多途径检索方式提取害虫"为害方式"、"为害部位"、"为害高峰期"、"形态特征"等4个1级特征组,以及10个2级特征和18个3级特征,共组成102个特征状态,构建了油茶害虫的快速诊断系统。在此基础上,转换得到基于Android系统的手机应用APP,为林农和森防一线工作者对油茶害虫快速识别和防治提供便捷服务,从而促进油茶产业持续健康发展。  相似文献   
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