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Abstract— Two Pugs and two Miniature Schnauzers with multiple pigmented epidermal nevi were investigated. The four dogs had pigmented cutaneous maculae and plaques. Histopathological evaluation showed papillated or digitated epidermal hyperplasia with hypermelanosis and giant keratohyalin granules in the stratum granulosum. Immunohistochemical staining revealed papillomavirus group-specific antigen in the skin specimens from all four dogs. Electron microscopic study of the specimens from two dogs revealed numerous round viral particles within the nuclei of the keratinocytes in the upper stratum granulosum. It was suspected that papillomavirus was the etiologic agent of the lesions, and that Pugs and Miniature Schnauzers might be predisposed to infection. These findings indicate this canine dermatosis resembles epidermodysplasia verruciformis (EV) of humans, a rare chronic disease caused by human papillomavirus. The potential for transformation of the lesions to squamous cell carcinoma is also suspected and discussed. Résumé— Deux Carlins et deux Schnauzers nains présentant de multiples naevi épidermiques pigmentés sont examinés. Les quatre chiens présentent des macules et des plaques pigmentées. Les lésions histopathologiques montrent une hyperplasie épidermique papillaire ou digitée avec une hypermélanose et la présence de grains de kératohyaline dans le stratum corneum. Les colorations immunohistochimiques révèlent des antigènes spécifiques du groupe des papillomas virus dans les biopsies des quatre chiens. L'étude ultrastructurale à partir des biopsies de deux chiens montrent de nombreuses particules virales rondes dans les noyaux des kératinocytes des couches supérieures du stratum granulosum. II a été suspecté que le papilloma virus était l'agent causal des lésions et que les Carlins et les Schnauzers nains pouvaient être prédisposés à cette infection. Ces éléments font que cette dermatose observée chez le chien ressemble à l'épidermodysplasie verruciforme de l'homme, une dermatose chronique rare causée par un papilloma virus humain. La potentialité de transformation des lésions en épithélioma spinocellulaire est aussi suspectée et discutée. [Nagata, M., Nanko, H., Moriyama, A., Washizu, T., Ishida, T. Pigmented plaques associated with papilloma virus infection in dogs: Is this epidermodysplasia verruciformis? (Plaques hyperpigmentées associées à une infection à papilloma virus chez le chien: est-ce épidermodysplasie verruciforme?). Resumen— Se investigó dos perros de raza Pug y dos de raza Schnauzer Miniatura con múltiples nevos epidérmicos pigmentados. Los cuatro perros presentaban máculas y placas cutáneas pigmentadas. El estudio histológico mostró hiperplasia epitelial con papilas y digitaciones, así como hipermelanosis y gránules de queratohialina gigantes en el estrato granuloso. Las tinciones immunohistoquimicas detectaron antígeno grupo-específico de papilomavirus en las muestras de los cuatro animales. Mediante estudios de microscopía electrónica en muestras de dos de los perros se observaron numerosas particulas virales redondas en el núcleo de los queratinocitos más superficiales del estrato granuloso. Se sospechó que Papilomavirus era el agente etiológico de estas lesiones y que los Pugs y los Schnauzer Miniatura podrian estar predispuestos a la infección. Estos hallazgos indican que esta dermatosis canina es parecida a la Epidermodisplasia Verruciforme (EV) de la especie humana, una enfermedad crónica rara causada por el Papilomavirus Humano. Se sospecha y discute la posible transformación de estas lesiones a carcinoma de células planas. [Nagata, M., Nanko, H., Moriyama, A., Washizu, T., Ishida, T. Pigmented plaques associated with papilloma virus infection in dogs: Is this epidermodysplasia verruciformis? (Placas pigmentadas asociadas con infección por papillomavirus en el perro: se trata de epidermodisplasia verruciforme?)  相似文献   
试验从发病鸡场分离获得4株鸡传染性法氏囊病病毒(infectious bursal disease virus,IBDV),分别为河北株(HB)、湖北株(HUB)、山东株(SD)、山西株(SX)。通过特异性引物扩增VP2基因并进行测序,序列分析结果显示,4株病毒中,HUB、SD和SX的七肽区为S-W-S-A-S-G-S(aa 326S-332S),其222(A)、256(I)、294(I)和299(S)位是传染性法氏囊病病毒超强毒株(vvIBDV)的4个特征性氨基酸,确定这3株病毒均为超强毒株;而HB株七肽区为S-W-S-A-R-G-S(aa 326S-332S),其222(P)、256(V)、294(L)和299(N)位氨基酸显示该毒株属于弱毒株。进化树分析结果显示,HUB、SD和SX 3株病毒与2011年中国分离的大部分IBDV毒株亲缘关系较近,同源性在96%以上,同时与经典毒株Cro-Po/00、超强毒株GX和UK661亲缘关系很近;而HB株与减毒疫苗株D78株和B87株的亲缘关系近。本试验结果表明,IBDV目前在中国流行呈混发型,但以超强毒株为主。  相似文献   

Aims: To collect baseline data on the contact risk pathways and biosecurity practices of commercial poultry farms in New Zealand, investigate the relationship between the farm-level disease contact risks and biosecurity practices, and identify important poultry health concerns of producers.

Methods: A cross-sectional survey of all registered New Zealand commercial poultry operations was conducted in 2016 collecting information on farm demographics, biosecurity practices, and contact risk pathways. Survey responses were used to generate an unweighted subjective disease risk score based on eight risk criteria and a subjective biosecurity score based on the frequency with which producers reported implementing seven biosecurity measures. Producer opinions towards poultry health issues were also determined.

Results: Responses to the survey response were obtained from 120/414 (29.0%) producers, including 57/157 (36.3%) broiler, 33/169 (19.5%) layer, 24/55 (44%) breeder, and 6/32 (19%) other poultry production types. Median disease risk scores differed between production types (p?<?0.001) and were lowest for breeder enterprises. The greatest risk for layer and broiler enterprises was from the potential movement of employees between sheds, and for breeder enterprises was the on- and off-farm movement of goods and services. Median biosecurity scores also differed between production types (p?<?0.001), and were highest for breeder and broiler enterprises. Across all sectors there was no statistical correlation between biosecurity scores and disease risk scores. Producers showed a high level of concern over effectively managing biosecurity measures.

Conclusions: The uptake of biosecurity measures in the commercial poultry farms surveyed was highly variable, with some having very low scores despite significant potential disease contact risks. This may be related to the low prevalence or absence of many important infectious poultry diseases in New Zealand leading farmers to believe there is a limited need to maintain good biosecurity as well as farmer uncertainty around the efficacy of different biosecurity measures. Further research is needed to understand barriers towards biosecurity adoption including evaluating the cost-effectiveness of biosecurity interventions.  相似文献   
葡萄霜霉病是为害天水地区葡萄的主要病害,为明确当前环境条件下天水地区田间霜霉病发生、霜霉病菌孢子囊数量时间动态及病害初始发生的关键因子,本研究采用捕孢法及病害定点调查,对葡萄生长期田间霜霉病菌孢子囊数量及霜霉病发生动态进行了观测,用农田小气候自动观测仪记录田间气象数据。结果表明,天水地区葡萄霜霉病菌孢子囊始见期一般为7月初左右,若条件适宜,7月下旬至8月下旬为扩散盛期,9月以后进入快速消退期;田间病害始发期为7月上中旬,条件适宜时8月中下旬进入盛发期。在田间检测到霜霉病菌孢子囊后7 d左右田间开始见到霜霉病斑,从病害始发期至盛发期田间病情扩展与霜霉菌孢子囊数量呈显著正相关;葡萄霜霉病的发生与温度、相对湿度、降水等气象因子密切相关,其中有效降水是影响葡萄霜霉病初始发生及蔓延流行的关键气象因子。  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the development of immune responses in calves experimentally and naturally infected with Mycobacterium paratuberculosis and to evaluate the potential for diagnostic tests to detect infected calves. DESIGN: Sequential testing of four treatment groups of calves over a 2 year period. PROCEDURE: Twenty-nine calves were allocated to four groups. Group D calves were orally dosed with M paratuberculosis, group N calves naturally exposed to M paratuberculosis, group V calves vaccinated for M paratuberculosis, and group C were control calves (not infected or vaccinated). Blood and faecal specimens were collected from each calf at monthly intervals to 18 months of age and then every 2 months until they were slaughtered between the ages of 21 and 29 months. Specimens were tested using absorbed EIA, IFN-gamma EIA and faecal culture. The infection status of the calves was confirmed by extensive histopathological examination and tissue culture. RESULTS: M paratuberculosis infection was confirmed in 10 calves, comprising six of eight orally dosed calves, three of five naturally exposed calves and one of nine vaccinated calves. The six artificially infected calves and one naturally infected calf were detected shedding M paratuberculosis in their faeces. Results with positive absorbed EIA were obtained from one artificially infected calf, one naturally infected calf and three vaccinated calves. All calves including controls had positive results on at least one occasion using the IFN-gamma EIA. In addition, seven calves had positive bovine tuberculosis results using the IFN-gamma EIA, even though bovine tuberculosis has been eradicated from Australia. CONCLUSION: Detection of M paratuberculosis infection in young cattle continues to be difficult using current tests.  相似文献   
平贝母菌核病的防治研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对平贝母菌核病的病原菌进行了分离、鉴定,摸清了发病规律;在防治方面筛选出了两种效果较好的药剂,并结合平贝母栽培技术提出了配套的综合治理技术措施。  相似文献   
为有效解决机构改革后基层防疫力量弱化问题,黑河市积极鼓励、推动社会力量参与动物防疫试点工作,建立政府购买兽医社会化服务体系,创新考核方式和取酬标准,择优录用在业务能力、人员规模、规范管理等方面综合素质强的畜牧兽医服务公司,承担辖区内禽流感等国家强制免疫病种免疫工作。实现了政府职能的进一步转化,提高了防疫员工资待遇和工作积极性,大幅提升了免疫质量和效率,生物安全措施得以全面落实。建议进一步加大支持力度,加快社会化服务体系的大规模推广。  相似文献   
Gangrenous syndrome/Degnala disease was recorded in a large number of buffaloes and cattle in Murshidabad district of West Bengal, India. Fusarium spp. had been isolated from the mouldy paddy straw which were fed to the animals. There was a reduction in the incidence of the disease following withdrawal of the mouldy paddy straw. Histopathological examination showed necrosis and loss of architectural details in the skin.  相似文献   


It has been shown that the prevalence of both clinical attachment loss (CAL) ≥1 mm and pocket probing depth (PPD) ≥4 mm is relatively high even in younger dogs, but also that only a minority of the dogs have such clinical signs of periodontal disease (PD) in more than a few teeth. Hence, a minority of dogs carry the major PD burden. These epidemiological features suggest that screening for PD in larger groups of dogs, allowing for rapid assessment of treatment planning, or for the selection of dogs with or without PD prior to be included in experimental trials, should be possible. CAL is the central variable in assessing PD extent and severity while PPD is the central variable used in treatment planning which make these two variables obvious in a screening protocol with the dual aim of disease identification and treatment planning. The main purpose of the present study in 98 laboratory Beagle dogs was to construct a fast, simple and accurate screening tool, which is highly sensitive for the identification of dogs with PD.


Examination of the maxillary P4, P3, P2, I1 and C would, in this population, result in the identification of 85.5% of all dogs and 96% of all teeth positive for CAL ≥1 mm, and 58.9% of all dogs and 82.1% of all teeth positive for PD ≥4 mm.Examination of tooth pairs, all C’s, maxillary I2, M2 and the mandibular P4 would, in this population result in identification of 92.9% of all dogs and 97.3% of all teeth positive for PD ≥4 mm, and 65.5% of all dogs and 83.2% of all teeth positive for CAL ≥1 mm. The results presented here only pertain to the present study population.


This screening protocol is suitable for examination of larger groups of laboratory Beagle dogs for PD and our findings indicate that diseased dogs are identified with a high degree of sensitivity. Before this screening can be used in clinical practice, it has to be validated in breeds other than Beagle dogs and in populations with larger age variation.  相似文献   
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