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为了阐明昆明市重要水源区不同林分类型对土壤抗侵蚀性的影响,以昆明迤者小流域3种不同林分下土壤为研究对象,通过野外模拟和室内分析相结合的方法,分析3种不同林地土壤的抗侵蚀性能.结果表明:3种典型样地的土壤抗剪强度值差异显著,土壤抗剪强度大小为:云南松林地>针阔混交林地>桉树林地.3种不同林地土壤抗冲系数差异不显著,土壤抗蚀指数针阔混交林地最大(39%),桉树林地次之(37%),云南松林地最小(24%).桉树x云南松混交林在大雨强和长历时降雨条件下林下土壤抵抗崩解的效果更显著.用主成分分析法来分析3种不同林地土壤的抗侵蚀特性,得到3种不同林地的土壤抗侵蚀性的综合评价模型:Y=0.763Y1+0.236Y2,进而得出不同林地的土壤抗侵蚀性强弱排序为:针阔混交林地(0.150)>桉树林地(0.127)>云南松林地(-0.079),混交林防治水土流失的效果明显强于纯林.  相似文献   
晋西黄土区不同空间尺度径流影响因子的辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】研究不同空间尺度下晋西黄土区径流的主要影响因子,为当地生态建设和水土流失治理提供参考。【方法】通过对晋西黄土区坡面和小流域2个不同空间尺度下生态水文过程进行长期定位和半定位监测,应用SPSS统计分析软件和灰度关联方法分析了2个空间尺度下径流的主要影响因子。【结果】在坡面尺度,对径流影响最大的是降雨强度和郁闭度,权重分别为21.84%和21.81%;其次为雨前土壤含水量和降雨量;对坡面径流影响最小的因子为坡度,权重为16.39%。在小流域尺度,对径流影响最大的是降雨量和流域面积,权重均为18.11%;其次为形状系数、降雨强度和森林覆被率;沟道比降对径流的影响最小,其权重为14.05%。【结论】在本研究尺度范围内,随着研究空间尺度的增大,降雨量对径流的影响作用加大,降雨强度和植被对径流的影响作用变小,坡度和沟道比降对径流的影响均较小。  相似文献   
中小企业实行技术创新的根本目的和出发点就在于提高自身的技术创新能力,本文结合嘉兴羊毛衫产业集群的基本情况,对推动中小企业实现技术创新的几种模式,即网络环境下的合作创新虚拟企业模式、产业集群公共创新平台模式、产业集群企业合作创新模式进行了分析与论证。  相似文献   
为了解界首市泉河小流域农业面源污染现状和特征,制定相应的农业面源防控措施,对流域内农业面源污染情况进行了调查分析和评价。通过对该典型小流域内陶庙镇、王集镇、代桥镇、泉阳镇4个乡镇的11个行政村的农田污染源、养殖污染源及人居生活污染源进行实地走访,调查数据应用等标污染负荷法进行评价分析。结果表明,界首市泉河小流域内4个乡镇的农业面源污染排放源中,农田污染源的污染物总量和污染负荷率分别是17.44 t和4.68%;养殖污染物排放总量和污染源负荷分别是99.31 t和26.63%;生活源污染物的排放量和污染负荷率最大,分别达到256.19 t和68.69%;在COD、TN、TP 3个主要评价因子中,污染负荷率最高的是COD,达80.22%,TN污染负荷率为9.22%,TP的污染负荷率为10.56%;养殖业污染和人居生活污染源是界首市泉河小流域农业面源污染的主要来源,也是该小流域农业面源污染防控的重点。在治理该小流域农业面源污染时,应大力发展绿色、生态、循环农业,严格控制畜禽养殖污染,加大农村人居环境整治,强化政府在农业面源污染治理中的统筹引导作用等。  相似文献   
采用肠管运动实验的在体法和离体法证明鸡胆汁对家兔在体和离本肠管平滑肌的收缩强度均有极显著的抑制作用,其抑制率分别为39.91%和62.49%,但对两者的收缩频率则均无显著影响。另外,本文还观察了鸡胆汁对大鼠胆汁分泌量的影响,结果表明,鸡胆汁能显著地提高大白鼠的胆汁分泌量。  相似文献   
用4只装有瘤胃瘘管、十二肠瘘管和回肠瘘管的去势(公母各半)萨福克羊体重平均为(45.5±5.2)kg,在不同粗精比日粮条件下 ,研究瘤胃细菌、纤毛虫体蛋白质在小肠内的利用率。结果表明 :到达十二指肠的瘤胃细菌和纤毛虫的量 ,随日粮中精饲料水平的提高而显著减少(P<0.05)。与此相反 ,过瘤胃饲料蛋白质的量则显著增加(P<0.05)。小肠内的细菌利用率显著受日粮变化的影响 ,而纤毛虫利用率则不易受日粮影响且显著地高于细菌的利用率(P<0.05)。小肠内被吸收的细菌和纤毛虫对微生物氮的贡献率在全试验组中平均为50 %。  相似文献   
为了研究细胞因子对小尾寒羊胎盘成熟的影响 ,本实验采用液相竞争法和平衡法 ,对小尾寒羊空怀期 (n=5 )和妊娠期 (n=13)第 85天、10 5天、12 5天、14 0天和 15 0天 (足月 )时的血清白细胞介素 - 1β(IL - 1β)、白细胞介素 - 6 (IL - 6 )和肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)的含量分别进行检测。结果表明 ,IL - 1β和 IL - 6含量在 12 5天时与对照组间差异极显著 (P<0 .0 1) ,TNF含量在各时期与对照组差异均显著 (P<0 .0 1或 P<0 .0 5 )。随着妊娠过程的进展 ,三种细胞因子含量逐渐增加 ,12 5天时达到最高值 ,分别为 0 .390± 0 .196 ng/ ml,5 79.8± 15 2 .8pg/ ml和 2 .348± 0 .396 ng/ ml。而后逐渐下降 ,到足月前略有回升 ,但仍低于 12 5天时的最高值。由此看出小尾寒羊在妊娠期间 ,细胞因子与妊娠之间有着密切的关系 ,前者对于维持妊娠起到重要作用。由于 14 0天至足月3种细胞因子基本稳定 ,这表明胎盘于 14 0天左右达到成熟 ,IL- 1β和 IL- 6与启动分娩有关 ,而 TNF可能参与小尾寒羊分娩的启动。  相似文献   
A meta‐analysis was conducted to understand quantitative aspects of calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) absorption in adult dogs and cats. 34 studies in dogs and 14 studies in cats met the criteria for inclusion in the meta‐analysis. Intake and faecal excretion values of Ca and P were subjected to a modified Lucas test and subsequent regression analyses. According to the current scientific consensus, Ca true digestibility (absorption) should increase at low Ca intake and decrease at high Ca intake. If true, this should result in a nonlinear relationship between the percentage of Ca excreted and dietary Ca intake. The present meta‐analysis showed a highly significant linear relationship (p < 0.0001) between Ca intake and Ca excretion suggesting a lack of systematic quantitative adaptation in true Ca digestibility. This finding suggests either that the time period covered by standard digestion trials is too short to induce adaptation mechanisms or that dogs and cats at maintenance will not efficiently alter quantitative Ca absorption percentage according to the amount ingested. If the latter is true, a dietary Ca supply differing greatly from the recommended dietary intake might impair the health of cats and dogs when fed long term. The data plots for P intake and faecal excretion were less uniform suggesting other factors not just dietary intake influence faecal P excretion. In adult cats, the dietary Ca:P ratio strongly influenced the true digestibility of P, whereas this effect was less marked in adult dogs. Faecal P excretion was significantly correlated to faecal Ca excretion in both species (p < 0.0001), and surprisingly, the level of P intake did not appear to be an important determinant of true digestibility of P.  相似文献   
豆粕是一种优质的植物性蛋白来源,含有丰富的氨基酸,但也含有胰蛋白酶抑制因子、抗原蛋白以及大豆凝集素等抗营养因子,容易引起犊牛消化功能紊乱,造成营养性腹泻,限制了其在犊牛上的使用量。微生物发酵可以改善豆粕的营养价值,使抗营养因子得到充分的降解,生成的小肽和有机酸有利于犊牛消化吸收和肠道健康,进而提高犊牛断奶日增重和免疫能力,降低犊牛的腹泻率和断奶应激。本文综述了豆粕经过发酵后带来营养价值的变化,并就发酵豆粕在犊牛上的应用进行概述,为其今后在犊牛中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   
Fusarium head blight (FHB), caused principally by Gibberella zeae (Fusarium graminearum), is a devastating disease of small grains such as wheat and barley worldwide. Grain infected with G. zeae may be contaminated with trichothecene mycotoxins such as deoxynivalenol (DON) and nivalenol (NIV). Strains of G. zeae that produce DON may also produce acetylated derivatives of DON: 3‐acetyl‐DON (3‐ADON) and 15‐acetyl‐DON (15‐ADON). Gradients (clines) of 3‐ADON genotypes in Canada have raised questions about the distribution of G. zeae trichothecene genotypes in wheat fields in the eastern USA. Tri3 and Tri12 genotypes were evaluated in 998 isolates of G. zeae collected from 39 winter wheat fields in New York (NY), Pennsylvania (PA), Maryland (MD), Virginia (VA), Kentucky (KY) and North Carolina (NC). Ninety‐two percent (919/998) of the isolates were 15‐ADON, 7% (69/998) were 3‐ADON, and 1% (10/998) was NIV. A phylogenetic analysis based on portions of three genes (PHO, RED and URA) from 23 isolates revealed two species of Fusarium (F. graminearum sensu stricto and one isolate of F. cerealis (synonym F. crookwellense)). An increasing trend of 3‐ADON genotypes was observed from NC (south) to NY (north). Punctuated episodes of atmospheric transport may favour a higher frequency of 3‐ADON genotypes in the northeastern USA, near Canada, compared with the mid‐Atlantic states. Discoveries of the NIV genotype in NY and NC indicate the need for more intensive sampling in the surrounding regions.  相似文献   
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