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我国并无专门针对荞麦的播种机,荞麦生产机械化水平极低。为此,设计了2BF-3大垄双行荞麦播种机,采用45~50 cm大垄距种植,一垄双行,行距8~10 cm,种肥分施;整机质量150 kg,配套动力≥8.9 k W,不需要动力输出。田间试验证实:大垄双行荞麦播种机播量精确且可调,播深一致且可调,排种均匀性变异系数、各行排种量一致性变异系数、总排量稳定性变异系数、种子破损率分别为28.1%、1.4%、0.5%、0.1%,均较大幅度小于标准值,机具的通过性满足农艺要求。  相似文献   
High temperature stress(HTS) on spring maize(Zea mays L.) during the filling stage is the key factor that limits the yield increase in the North China Plain(NCP).Subsoiling(SS) and ridge tillage(R) were introduced to enhance the ability of spring maize to resist HTS during the filling stage.The field experiments were conducted during the 2011 and 2012 maize growing seasons at Wuqiao County,Hebei Province,China.Compared with rotary tillage(RT),the net photosynthetic rate,stomatal conductance,transpiration rate,and chlorophyll relative content(SPAD) of maize leaves was increased by 40.0,42.6,12.8,and 29.7% under SS,and increased by 20.4,20.0,5.4,and 14.2% under R,repectively.However,the treatments reduce the intercellular CO 2 concentration under HTS.The SS and R treatments increased the relative water content(RWC) by 11.9 and 6.2%,and the water use efficiency(WUE) by 24.3 and 14.3%,respectively,compared with RT.The SS treatment increased the root length density and soil moisture in the 0-80 cm soil profile,whereas the R treatment increased the root length density and soil moisture in the 0-40 cm soil profile compared with the RT treatment.Compared with 2011,the number of days with temperatures 33°C was more 2 d and the mean day temperature was higher 0.9°C than that in 2012,whereas the plant yield decreased by 2.5,8.5 and 10.9%,the net photosynthetic rate reduced by 7.5,10.5 and 18.0%,the RWC reduced by 3.9,5.6 and 6.2%,and the WUE at leaf level reduced by 1.8,5.2 and 13.1% in the SS,R and RT treatments,respectively.Both the root length density and the soil moisture also decreased at different levels.The yield,photosynthetic rate,plant water status,root length density,and soil moisture under the SS and R treatments declined less than that under the RT treatment.The results indicated that SS and R can enhance the HTS resistance of spring maize during the filling stage,and led to higher yield by directly improving soil moisture and root growth and indirectly improving plant water status,photosynthesis and grain filling.The study can provide a theoretical basis for improving yield of maize by adjusting soil tillage in the NCP.  相似文献   
在推广全膜双垄沟播栽培技术的基础上,从增加效益入手,进行全膜双垄沟播马铃薯大垄面套种大豆的研究。结果表明,相对马铃薯单种,马铃薯套种大豆的活动积温利用率提高32.94%,水分生产率提高18.4%,土地利用率提高36%,主粮平均产量达6373.5kg/hm^2,较单种马铃薯增产9.6%,经济纯收入提高25.0%,效益十分明显。  相似文献   
砂姜黑土农田土壤障碍因子消减技术浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
砂姜黑土是黄淮海平原三大中低产土壤之一,研究砂姜黑土区农田土壤障碍因子消减技术,对于砂姜黑土改良和提升该区耕地粮食生产力具有重要意义。在分析砂姜黑土农业利用障碍因子的基础上,详细阐述了消减这些障碍因子的技术措施:适当控水;起垄种植;改进耕作,调控土壤水分状况,防止土壤发生旱涝危害;添加外来物质改性;科学合理施肥,推广测土配方技术;建立农田防护体系等。  相似文献   
小麦、玉米一体化垄作沟灌技术要素试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对小麦、玉米一体化垄作沟灌种植模式的垄宽、沟深、沟宽和田面坡度4个灌水技术要素进行正交试验,研究其水流推进规律及灌水质量评价指标,通过极差分析优化技术要素组合。结果表明,田面坡度和垄宽的影响最大,沟宽和沟深影响较小,较为合理的技术要素组合为垄宽70cm、沟宽40cm、沟深20cm和坡度2‰。  相似文献   
为协调冬小麦个-群体间关系,建立适宜的群体结构,充分发挥旱作条件下垄沟栽培优势,以小偃22为材料,采用二元二次旋转组合设计,通过2年田间试验研究了垄沟覆膜、垄下集中施肥模式下种植密度与施氮量对冬小麦个-群体间干物质累积及产量的影响。结果表明,个体干物质累积量随种植密度的增加呈降低趋势。2008~2009年群体干物质累积量随种植密度的增加而减小;2009~2010年群体干物质累积量随种植密度的增加而增加。花期单茎干物质累积量不受施氮量的影响;而成熟期个体干物质累积量随施氮量的增加而增加。冬小麦群体干物质累积量均随施氮量的增加而增加。冬小麦能够通过分蘖调节自身的群体结构,不能盲目的通过增加播种量增加小麦群体密度;适量的增施氮肥有利于个体与群体发育。本试验条件下,冬小麦品种小偃22在中等密度(112 kg/hm2)与较高施氮量(N 201~214 kg/hm2)配置时,个群体关系比较协调,个体发育健壮,群体干物质累积量和产量较高。  相似文献   
对0428号冬季台风“南玛都”的移动路径分析表明,台风“南玛都”在南海移动路径发生明显突变转向是一小概率事件,“南玛都”路径突变前的移动路径与500hpa副热带高压南侧的环流相平行,突变点与副热带高压西脊点相一致;高空槽东移与副热带高压东退是“南玛都”路径突变的重要原因,突变后的路径基本上与θse的高值区相一致。在高空低槽(500hpa)前部大范围深厚的西南气流和低层(地面层和850hpa)干冷空气的共同作用下,台风的强度有明显的减弱,且移动速度明显加快。  相似文献   
The various morphological, physico-chemical and mineralogical properties of soils derived from tephra and pyroclastic flow deposits of the Taal volcano were characterized and evaluated.

1. As compared with the pumiceous sandy soils of Mt. Pinatubo, soils of the Taal volcano showed generally a finer texture (silty clay to clay) with the exception of the base surge materials consisting of loam.

2. Parent ashes ranged from basaltic-andesite to basalt, as compared with andesitic to dacite for Mt. Pinatubo. Lithologic nature as well as the age of the tephra seemed to account for the advanced degree of weathering and resultant high clay content in the Taal soil.

3. Clay consisted predominantly of crystalline silicate mineral dominated by halloysite. Dominance of crystalline clay could be due to the ustic moisture conditions with a long dry period. In common with Mt. Pinatubo soils, soils of the flood plains were dominated by 2 : 1 clay minerals.

4. Based on the data on andic soil properties the soils studied could not be classified as Andisols. Basically, the typical andic soil properties did not develop under a ustic soil moisture regime which contributed to the clay mineral composition. Two of the pedons examined in this study were classified as Andic Eutropepts while on the pedons studied had been classified as Ustarent.  相似文献   
马铃薯高垄双行整薯覆膜栽培技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在平肥地与坡地条件下对不同垄形、株穴距、密度马铃薯生长发育和产量表现进行了研究。研究结果表明,植株田间配置方式对马铃薯生长发育没有显著影响,可选择便于农事操作的配置方式。坡地比平肥地更适宜较高的种植密度。整薯做种薯栽培是马铃薯高产的关键措施,在平肥地上可提高块茎产量16%以上,坡地上提高20%以上。  相似文献   
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