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玉米转Bt基因自交系的抗玉米螟特性鉴定初报   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过田间接卵和室内PCR分子检测,对采用回交法育成的Mo17Bt、478Bt、综3Bt和87-1Bt等4个转Bt基因自交系的抗虫性以及Bt基因的存在,进行鉴定.结果表明,4个转基因自交系群体的抗虫性明显提高,虫孔隧道长度比阴性对照平均缩短49.70%,差异达显著水平,但抗虫性不如阳性对照;群体内,单株间抗虫性仍存在差异,有高抗到高感不同类型,其  相似文献   
白菜S位点糖蛋白基因的克隆与表达分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 以白菜自交不亲和系为材料,采用RT-PCR技术,用特异引物对SLG基因进行克隆,获得SLG基因cDNA序列长度为1 324 bp,命名为BcSLG。序列分析表明:所获得的白菜BcSLG基因cDNA序列包含一完整的编码框,编码432个氨基酸,含有12个保守的半胱氨酸残基和7个N-糖基化位点。序列比对和系统进化分析表明:BcSLG与其它植物的SLG基因氨基酸序列具有较高的同源性,与大白菜和甘蓝亲缘关系最近。荧光定量PCR分析表明:BcSLG基因在自交不亲和系的柱头中表达量最高,其次是花蕾,叶片中表达最低, 在自交亲和系的柱头、花蕾和叶片中相对表达较低。  相似文献   
大菱鲆红体病虹彩病毒(turbot reddish body iridovirus,TRBIV)是中国工厂化养殖大菱鲆的主要病毒性病原之一.本研究提取了该病毒DNA,依据其主要衣壳蛋白基因序列设计了PCR引物,优化了PCR反应参数,建立了TRBIV的PCR检测方法,测试了该方法的特异性和灵敏度,并应用该方法开展了TRBIV的流行情况调查及研究了大菱鲆的外观症状(红体)与TRBIV感染的关系.结果显示,本研究建立的TRBIV PCR检测方法可以从相当于100ng病鱼组织中或103数量级的病毒粒子中检出TRBIV,也可以在不杀死被测鱼的情况下,仅从鱼体中抽取少量血液即可在1天的时间内完成大量样品的TRBIV检测,但不能从健康大菱鲆脾组织和患淋巴囊肿牙鲆的囊肿组织中扩增出任何产物,说明该方法具有很高的灵敏性和特异性;在所调查的山东半岛5家大菱鲆养殖场的19尾大菱鲆中,7尾为TRBIV阳性或弱阳性;具有"红体"症状的大菱鲆应当划分为"病毒性红体病"、"细菌性红体病"和"非病原性红体症"3种不同的类型.本研究为TRBIV的流行情况和传播途径调查、疾病的快速诊断和控制提供了技术手段;调查结果显示TRBIV已遍布山东半岛沿海地区的大菱鲆主产区,在地域上相距较远的多个大菱鲆养殖场流行,今后需要密切关注该病毒的传播和流行.  相似文献   
甜菜DAMD-PCR体系的建立及优化   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为了建立甜菜DAMD扩增体系,以期利用DAMD引物应用于甜菜品种指纹图谱的构建及分子标记辅助育种。本实验利用单因素变量的方法对甜菜DAMD体系进行优化。同时选用12个甜菜品种,利用优化的体系对25条DAMD引物进行扩增。获得甜菜的最适DAMD体系:总体积为20μL,包含模板DNA 10~80 ng、0.75 U的DNA聚合酶、0.2μL的d NTPs(2.5 mmol/L each)以及2.0μL的引物(10μmol/L)。同时25条引物均扩增出了清晰条带,除了个别引物多态性较差外,其余引物多态性都非常的丰富,其中引物62H(-)就可以把实验中用到的12个甜菜品种全部区分开。由此可见,DAMD引物的扩增效率很高,并且扩增结果稳定,条带清晰,非常适合甜菜品种指纹图谱的构建及遗传多样性分析。  相似文献   
Mannheimia granulomatis PCR检测方法的建立   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mannheimia granulomatis是导致牛、羊呼吸道传染病的一种病原菌.为快速、准确诊断由该菌导致的疫病,从基因库中获得M.granulomdtis的基因序列,再从M.granulomatis的基因序列中获得与其他细菌包括溶血性曼氏杆菌和多杀性巴氏杆菌等不同的基因片段,设计引物,建立了特异性好、敏感性较高的M.granulomatis的PCR诊断方法.结果表明,其特异性为100%,最小检出量为5×104cfu/mL~5×103cfu/mL M.granulomatis或1/10个单个菌落.  相似文献   
为阐明IGF1基因在罗非鱼生长过程中的表达规律,为罗非鱼的分子选育等工作奠定了理论基础,本实验利用实时荧光定量PCR技术跟踪尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)在不同生长阶段(0、20、40、60、80、125、145、165、185、205天)肝脏和肌肉胰岛素样生长因子1(IGF1)基因表达的发育性变化。结果表明:实验鱼的体重增长过程可以分为快速生长期和平稳期。在快速生长期时,肝脏IGF1基因表达水平较高,平稳期时较低,肝脏中IGF1基因表达情况与体重增长趋势基本吻合。肌肉中IGF1基因mRNA含量要低得多,而且表达模式与肝脏IGF1基因不相同。研究结果提示:IGF1 mRNA的表达具有明显的时空变化和组织特异性。肝脏中IGF1基因的表达量变化与罗非鱼体重增长趋势一致。肌肉中IGF1表达模式与肝脏中不同,提示肌肉中IGF1的分泌和作用有其自身的特异性。  相似文献   
以大豆内源基因(Lectin)、筛选基因35S启动子(Cauliflower mosaic virus 5S,CaMV35S)、NOS终止子(Nopaline synthase,Nos)和外源基因(CP4 EPSPS)为检测对象,对大豆深加工产品的DNA提取方法、PCR扩增条件的退火温度、引物浓度进行探讨,得出不同DNA提取方法、退火温度、引物浓度对大豆加工产品PCR检测的影响,建立了大豆加工食品中转基因成分定性检测体系。检测结果表明,退火温度60℃、引物浓度0.4μM时所建立的定性PCR检测方法能有效检测出大豆加工产品中的转基因成分,而且方法简单、快速有效。  相似文献   
Nitrogen-fixing plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) from the genus Pseudomonas have received little attention so far. In the present study, a nitrogen-fixing phytohormone-producing bacterial isolate from kallar grass (strain K1) was identified as Pseudomonas sp. by rrs (16S ribosomal RNA gene) sequence analysis. rrs identity level was high with an uncharacterized marine bacterium (99%), Pseudomonas sp. PCP2 (98%), uncultured bacteria (98%), and Pseudomonas alcaligenes (97%). Partial nifH gene amplified from strain K1 showed 93% and 91% sequence similarities to those of Azotobacter chroococcum and Pseudomonas stutzeri, respectively. The effect of Pseudomonas strain K1 on rice varieties Super Basmati and Basmati 385 was compared with those of three non-Pseudomonas nitrogen-fixing PGPR (Azospirillum brasilense strain Wb3, Azospirillum lipoferum strain N4 and Zoogloea strain Ky1) used as single-strain inoculants. Pseudomonas sp. K1 was detected in the rhizosphere of inoculated plants by enrichment culture in nitrogen-free growth medium, which was followed by observation under the microscope as well as by PCR using a rrs-specific primer. For both rice varieties, an increase in shoot biomass and/or grain yield over that of noninoculated control plants was recorded in each inoculated treatment. The effect of Pseudomonas strain K1 on grain yield was comparable to those of A. brasilense Wb3 and Zoogloea sp. Ky1 for both rice varieties. These results show that nitrogen-fixing pseudomonads deserve attention as potential PGPR inoculants for rice.  相似文献   
Dried soil samples from many sources have been stored in archives world-wide over the years, but there has been little research on their value for studying microbial populations. Samples collected since 1843 from the Broadbalk field experiment on crop nutrition at Rothamsted have been used to document changes in the structure and composition of soils as agricultural practices evolve, also offering an invaluable record of environmental changes from the pre- to post-industrial era in the UK. To date, the microbial communities of these soils have not been studied, in part due to the well-documented drop in bacterial culturability in dried soils. However, modern molecular methods based on PCR amplification of DNA extracted directly from soil do not require bacterial cells to be viable or intact and may allow investigations into the legacy of bacteria that were present at the time of sample collection.

In a preliminary study, to establish if dried soils can provide a historical record of bacterial communities, samples from the Broadbalk soil archive dating back to 1868 were investigated and plots treated with either farmyard manure (FYM) or inorganic fertilizer (NPK) were compared. As anticipated, the processes of air-drying and milling greatly reduced bacterial viability whilst DNA yields declined less and may be preserved by desiccation. A higher proportion of culturable bacteria survived the archiving process in the FYM soil, possibly protected by the increased soil organic matter. The majority of surviving bacteria were firmicutes, whether collected in 2003 or in 1914, but a wide range of genera was detected in DNA extracted from the samples using PCR and DGGE of 16S rRNA genes. Analysis of DGGE band profiles indicated that the two plots maintained divergent populations. Sequence analysis of bands excised from DGGE gels, from a sample collected in 1914, revealed DNA from - and β-proteobacteria as well as firmicutes. PCR using primers specific for ammonia oxidizing bacteria showed similar band profiles across the two treatments in recently collected samples, however older samples from the NPK plot showed greater divergence. Primers specific for the genus Pseudomonas were designed and used in real-time quantitative PCR to indicate that archived soil collected in 1868 contained 10-fold less pseudomonad DNA than fresh soil, representing around 105 genomes g−1 soil. Prior to milling, dramatically less pseudomonad DNA was extracted from recently collected air-dried soil from the NPK compared to the FYM plot; otherwise, the two plots followed similar trends. Overall bacterial abundance, diversity and survival during the archiving process differed in the two soils, possibly due to differences in clay and soil organic matter content. Nevertheless, the results demonstrate that air-dried soils can protect microbial DNA for more than 150 years and offer an invaluable resource for future research.  相似文献   

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